Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1903 Wealthy Marriage 1830

C1903 Wealthy Marriage 1830

0"You mean that email was from the person we were looking for?" Dongqing had known from the time she had worked for that man that he wasn't a bad person.    


The colonel handed him a piece of paper with an account number written on it, "The Ministry of Science and Technology has tracked down the source of this email. I hope you can run away. You're the most suitable candidate."    


"I …" Dong Qing was hesitant. He was still worried about Ding Yiyi, and didn't want to leave as soon as possible.    


"Is there a problem?"    


"No, I'll go right away."    


Even without him, the father and son duo should have been able to successfully save Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi and the other three were brought back to that room. Besides covering their faces, the masked men changed into ordinary shirts and jeans, lifted their masks and drank beer.    


This time, the few of them stood in front of the camera for a few minutes. Then, one of them closed the camera and said, "It's about time."    


Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat. What did they mean by 'almost time'? These people definitely weren't here just to get them to stand and take the video. They had to do something else, but what were they planning to do?    


As she neared the door, she saw one of the men cleaning his pistol. These people might have been trying to make an example out of everyone, which was why they were continuously shooting videos. It might be to lay the groundwork for the rest of the shooting.    


Knowing their purpose, Ding Yiyi felt a sense of anxiety from the passage of precious time. She was in a daze as the man who escorted them pushed her unhappily, causing her to stagger forward.    


The ring slipped out of his hand and fell onto the ground. The masked man walked over and picked it up. He looked at the names engraved on the inner circle of the ring. It was obviously a man and a woman.    


"Is that the name of your lover?"    


For the first time, Ding Yiyi heard him speak. Unlike the deep voice in the cake shop, this voice was obviously very young. It should be in his twenties.    


"Yes, it's my husband's name and mine." Ding Yiyi didn't know what he wanted to do, so she could only be cautious as she replied. She glanced at the man next to her. After all, they were men. If there was anything she could do, she could resist it.    


The two men understood the meaning in her eyes and took a few steps towards her.    


The masked man seemed to be very surprised. After returning the ring to Ding Yiyi, he silently escorted her to the basement and locked her up before leaving in a hurry.    


Not long after, the three of them heard some noise coming from the rooftop. Those people must be arguing. Their voices were especially loud, and they could still hear the words "can't" and "got it wrong".    


At night, there was a sound at the door. Everyone woke up in surprise. The woman who had been alone was muttering, "God bless, God bless."    


Two men came in and pointed at Ding Yiyi to get him up. The two men wanted to help Ding Yiyi, but they were afraid of the guns in their hands.    


Ding Yiyi forced herself to remain calm as she followed the two of them out. The man in front did not say a word, so she did not say anything. The three of them walked into the living room.    


It looked like an ordinary apartment, and there were some photos in the living room. The man thought she was walking too slowly and gave her a push.    


Just as he was about to walk out the door, the man suddenly covered Ding Yiyi's mouth. "Don't struggle, don't make a sound."    


Ding Yiyi was shocked at first, but managed to suppress the exclamation she was about to let out. She nodded in fear.    


The man at the front opened the door first and walked out. Not long after, he turned back and nodded at the man beside Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi was escorted to the door of a car. The man who had followed her earlier got in and sat in the driver's seat.    


The car drove silently in the night. Ding Yiyi didn't know where they were going, so after hesitating for a while, she asked, "Where are we going?"    


The man glanced at her in the rearview mirror.    


Ding Yiyi recognized the young voice from before. As the night grew darker, she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.    


She estimated that it should have been half an hour before the car stopped at the side of the road. The man then turned on the headlights of the car, "Stay here, someone will drive past here in the morning, so you can ask them to take you back to Los Angeles."    


"You're letting me go?" Ding Yiyi was confused. Why did he suddenly let her go?    


"Don't think about betraying us to the police, or we won't let you go."    


"What about the others?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


The man didn't answer. He got out of the car, walked around to the front seat, pulled the man off the road, and drove away.    


Ding Yiyi was sure that the other party had thrown her down. There were no streetlights around the highway, and it was a vast meadow on all four sides.    


She was safe, but those people in the room might not be able to escape successfully. If her guess was right, the only reason she could be saved was because they found out about her sexual orientation, but since those people took her out of the house so casually, they didn't care if she brought the police here. There was a possibility, they were going to make a move at night, but it didn't matter if the police knew where she was.    


The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. It took her nearly an hour to realize that a car was heading this way. She quickly ran to the middle of the road and waved her hands.    


He used his memory to find the house that was locked up. Before, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now, it seemed that those people might be residents of that house. Furthermore, there were neighbors nearby. How bold!    


She didn't tell the owner of the car because she was afraid the driver would hurt her with a gun. She just used the phone to call the police.    


She quietly approached the house and found that it was brightly lit. The thick arms with tattoos on them passed by in a flash.    


It was a black man. Judging by his size, he should not be one of the three. Could he be a new accomplice?    


A loud crash was heard and she saw the black man raising his hand. Although part of it was blocked, it told her that there was internal strife.    


As she approached, she could hear the sounds coming from inside more clearly. The black man must be asking her to hand over something.    


"What are you guys going to do?"    


Ding Yiyi heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the voice of the man caught together with her. Fortunately, she was fine.    


These people didn't know if they were good or bad people, but now was the best time to rescue the three of them.    


She circled around and looked at the sprinkler system on the lawn.    


The atmosphere in the room was somewhat subtle. The black man asked the person beside him, "We are looking for a Chinese woman. She is the only one who is of value."    


When one of the two men heard this, his expression changed again, but he immediately lowered his head to hide his emotions. He didn't know if this group of people were good or bad, it would be better not to reveal the woman's situation.    


"I know where she is. These people took her away." The woman couldn't wait to point at the three masked men.    


The African man punched the masked man beside him. Suddenly, he heard the sound of spraying water.    



"Let's go take a look."    


A man walked out of the door, followed by a muffled groan. While everyone's attention was focused on the door, three masked men suddenly pounced on the other three hulks. The few of them were having a scuffle.    


The man who was the first to fall silent saw the woman who was waving at him from outside the window. They slowly made their way outside. When they got near the door, they decided to run.    


The black guy casually elbowed him and fished out his phone, "If you want to find someone, they aren't here. They took you away."    


Ding Yiyi was hiding by the window. When she saw the three of them running out, she hastily called for them to run to the side of the road. The kind owner was still waiting.    


When they left, a car stopped in front of the house. One of them got off the car and walked towards the house with big strides.    


Ye Nianmo took off the masks of the three people in front of him and walked towards the oldest man. "Where is that Asian woman?"    


"I don't know." The man turned his head and suddenly stood up with a knife in his hand.    


Ye Nianmo grabbed his arm, pulled him to the side, then kicked his ribs.    


The black man looked at the man in front of him with an inquisitive gaze.    


"You bastard." The man who had been kicked in the ribs was lying on the ground, screaming. He was shocked when he saw the pair of scissors poke into the floor in front of him.    


The black man did not expect the other party to be so vicious. He raised his hand to stop him, but was frightened by the other party's cold expression.    


He took a step back. "We only promised to help you find that woman, and if anything happens, we don't care, and of course we won't tell."    


"We let her go!" The young man at the side suddenly said, "Just go along this road. If no car passes, she would definitely be there."    


Ye Nianmo immediately stood up, "The money that should be paid to you is not little, you can even pay more. As for these few people."    


The black man snapped his wrists and walked towards the three with ill intentions. "Don't worry."    


When they returned to the hotel lobby, Ding Yiyi's legs went soft. Seeing that the lobby was filled with people talking to each other, a peaceful and friendly light flashed in everyone's eyes.    


She shook her head and explained that she was a guest of the hotel.    


Seeing that her clothes and expression were exhausted, the staff first gave her the room number to confirm before letting her go.    


Just as he reached the elevator door, the door opened and a slender silhouette rushed out.    




Ye Miao never expected Ding Yiyi to come back on her own. "Did you see Dad?"    


After listening to his simple description, Ding Yiyi realized that the people who broke in were Ye Nianmo's men.    


"I, I think I knocked out the person your father called!"    


Ye Miao waved his hand and picked up the phone, "Dad, there's no need to look for me. Mom is back by herself."    


Ding Yiyi took a shower and waited anxiously in the room. When she heard the door open, she stood up and shouted, "Nianmo." He was held tightly in someone's arms.    


Smelling the heavy smell of smoke from Ye Nianmo's body, her forehead was itchy due to his stubble. She wanted to push him away, but she couldn't. Instead, she hugged him even more tightly.    


Ye Miao shut the door for the two of them. After resolving this matter, he had another matter to settle.    


Finding Dong Qing's place wasn't difficult. He knew that she had a military background, so he specially went straight to the door to look for her. In turn, he avoided a lot of trouble.    


Unfortunately, his place was already empty. He sighed, "If that old man knew that the person ran away, he would definitely be angered to death."    


Although he said this, his handsome face did not show any signs of regret. As long as there was a person here, it would not be difficult to find him.    


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