Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1755 Wealthy Marriage 1682

C1755 Wealthy Marriage 1682

0Ding Yiyi had just walked out of the washroom when she heard these words. She didn't know what to think as she hid behind a pillar and listened in on their conversation.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the bathroom and thought that Ding Yiyi had been gone for a long time. "Everyone has to pay the price for their choice."    


"Yeah." Ao Xue suddenly choked with sobs. "I paid a huge price to be with you, but I failed."    


She sobbed, "When I get married, will we still be friends? Normal friends are fine. "    


"Snowy, I've found you." Yan Mingyao hurriedly walked over. Perhaps there were too many people, and his forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat.    


Ao Xue quickly used her fingers to wipe away her tears, stood up with her head lowered and walked quickly to Yan Mingyao's side.    


As if he didn't notice her tears, he just said to Ye Nianmo, "What a coincidence."    


"Hm, what a coincidence."    


"You must have come here with Mrs. Ding. You guys are really close." Yan Mingyao put his arm around Ao Xue's shoulders and said, "Then we'll be leaving first."    


Ye Nianmo frowned. He and Yan Mingyao grew up together when they were young, but now the other party's smirk didn't make him like it.    


Ding Yiyi kept recalling Ao Xue's words. "I've wasted my youth and all my passion just to wait for you." No matter what she did, she had invested too much in Ye Nianmo. On the other hand, did she love him that much?    


"What are you standing here for?"    


"Nothing." She hurriedly recovered her wits and looked up at the man half a head taller than her. "Let's go, didn't we agree to buy a sofa?"    


Because of this small incident, the two of them didn't walk around for too long. They bought a sofa and some pretty dishes before returning home.    


After replacing the furniture, there was indeed a refreshing feeling. It was not in vain for the two of them to squeeze around in the sea of people.    


"We'll be back in a while with Shuimo."    


"Come back and live? Time flies. " Ding Yiyi lamented that in a short period of time, Ye Miao had left to pursue his dream and Ao Xue was going to get married.    


Ding Yiyi stayed at home for the whole night. Early in the morning, she was woken up by Xia Yihan's phone call. She hurriedly returned to Ye Family, while Ye Nianmo went to work.    


At home, Xia Yihan held the list in her hand, "After all, you and Ao Xue are blood-related sisters, and both of you are Big Brother Xu's daughters. That's why I prepared some gifts for her. What do you think?"    


Ding Yiyi felt a warm feeling in her heart. Actually, Xia Yihan didn't need to support her. She wanted to do something that she couldn't interfere in. By doing so, she was understanding her own feelings.    


"Mom, I'll listen to you." She laughs    


Xia Yihan nodded. "Although that child has done many wrong things in the past, but after the marriage, she was truly selfish towards Nianmo. In the future, this matter can be considered as over."    


Ding Yiyi thought to herself, it's not like that. She was married full of love for Ye Nianmo, but she couldn't say it. She couldn't break this rare peace.    


She looked at the list on the table. Ye Family had given Ao Xue and Yan Mingyao their wedding present: a shop located in the center of the city. Xia Yihan, on the other hand, had given two other people a luxurious car in her own name.    


Ding Yiyi and Xia Yihan thought this as they looked up to see Hai Ziyu wearing a white dress. The wedding dress was short and just covered her calf, so it was very suitable for her.    




"Ziyu, it's so beautiful. What are you wearing?"    


Hai Ziyu turned around a few times, "Auntie Ao Xue wanted me to be her bridesmaid, so I agreed."    


"Ziyu." Ding Yiyi pulled her over and said earnestly, "I know you have grown up and have your own judgment. But if possible, it's best to keep your distance from Ao Xue."    


Hai Ziyu pulled her, "Aunt, I know what you said, but sometimes I wonder if we were wrong about her. Maybe she isn't as bad as we imagined?"    


Ding Yiyi was at a loss for words. She wanted to tell the person in front of her that she felt that a person who wasn't that bad actually carried a life on his back.    


No matter what, that woman definitely wasn't someone who was wrong, but what was the point in saying all of this?    


"It's not like that. Ziyu, promise me, don't get too close to her. No matter what she says or does for you, you have to stay awake."    


"Alright." Hai Ziyu understood her painstaking efforts, so she didn't say anything.    


After a few words with her aunt, she returned to her room and stood on the balcony in a daze. Women always wear wedding gowns. The only difference is, some women wear wedding gowns willingly. Would she wear one for a person?    


The ornamental bracelet slipped from her delicate wrist and fell on the lawn below. She had to go downstairs to pick it up.    


Siwen Bing stopped and looked down at the bracelet made of small white flowers. Just as he bent down to pick it up, a pair of white hands reached over at the same time.    


The two of them touched their fingers and raised their heads at the same time. Both of them could see their own shadows in each other's eyes.    


His gaze slipped from her eyes and landed on the area below her neck. There was astonishment and amazement in his expression.    


Hai Ziyu had never thought that she would meet him under such circumstances. These days, whenever she saw him, she would immediately take a detour.    


He picked up the bracelet and handed it to her. She grabbed it, her fingers grabbing the palm of his hand.    


"Thank you." She grabbed it and immediately turned and ran into the room.    


The steward frowned, looking at the white wedding dress of the fleeing man, "Miss?"    


Unexpectedly, the moment he opened his mouth, the other party's speed increased.    


Hai Ziyu's mind was filled with ideas of how to avoid that person. Suddenly, her wrist was grabbed by the scorching heat.    


Siwen Bing released her, "What happened to you?"    


"What do you mean what's wrong?" Hai Ziyu abruptly took a step back.    


You're panicking so much, and you still say that there's no ghost? His eyes narrowed slightly behind his rimless glasses.    


Hai Ziyu didn't dare to meet him. The person she didn't want to see the most ever since the courier incident was Si Wenbin. When she thought of him, she couldn't help but feel that she wasn't worthy of him.    


The arm that was grabbed by him was so hot that she couldn't even think. She could only try to escape and ask, "What right do you have to capture me? What qualifications do you have to do so!"    


The mood of the person before him had clearly changed. Eyes lowered, he took a step back and spoke in a businesslike tone. I'm sorry, miss. "    



She ran away from him in a sorry state. When she returned to the room, she was already out of breath. When she walked to the balcony, Siwen Bing was no longer there.    


Preparing a congratulatory gift for Ao Xue had always troubled that Yi Yi. Meanwhile, Ye Nianmo was very calm. He told his secretary to prepare a gift slip at will.    


Looking at the list of gifts prepared by the secretary, they were all things that would not lose etiquette. They could not be wrong, but they were not new either.    


Near the wedding, one day, the designer came to deliver the wedding dress, Sofia for Ding Yiyi.    


"Is this Miss Au Xue's?" Madame Meng, who was passing by, asked if Ao Xue's wedding dress had been custom-made.    


Sofia opened the package and showed her the qipao inside. "No, it's Madam's."    


Madame Meng took a quick glance at him before she nodded and left.    


The day before the wedding, Ding Yiyi tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. However, she didn't dare to move recklessly, fearing that she would disturb the people sleeping beside her.    


Seeing Ye Nianmo stand up, she felt a little guilty, "Sorry, I woke you up."    


"Can't sleep?" He said, "Don't you want to go tomorrow?"    


She shook her head, not because she didn't want to, but because she felt that all of this wasn't real. The two sisters fell in love with the same man at the same time. Different endings, different lives, everyone would sigh endlessly.    


Ye Nianmo got it. He stood up and went to the small study room and took out a bottle of red wine. "Have a drink?"    


An hour later, Ding Yiyi was drunk and fast asleep.    


He picked up the phone and dialed a number. "It's me."    


He slept very comfortably. Birds were chirping outside the window and the warm cotton bed underneath him made him want to stay in bed.    


Ding Yiyi opened her eyes and blinked a few times. Then she closed her eyes, opened them abruptly and sat up.    


What is this place!    


A strange bed, a strange environment, a strange space … just where had she come from?    


"Madam, you're awake?" Sofia walked in happily.    


Ding Yiyi immediately thought of who did it. "What about him?"    


"Young master is in the fitness room" Sofia replied.    


When he arrived at the gym, Ye Nianmo was sitting on the sit-ups with his upper body bare.    


"You're awake?" He stopped, grabbed a clean towel from the side, and wiped his face.    


"Did you get me drunk and bring me here yesterday? "Where is this place?" Ding Yiyi looked around and was sure that she had never been here before.    


Ye Nianmo opened a bottle of mineral water and took a big gulp from it. "Ye Family Villa. After we got married, I bought a house here. This place has a lot of significance to me.    


She glanced at him coquettishly. "The wedding is about to start. Hurry up and change your clothes."    


"It doesn't matter whether I go or not." Although Ye Nianmo said that, he still walked into the bathroom.    


Ten minutes later, he walked out. Ding Yiyi stared at his huge body and immediately turned around. "Why are you not wearing any clothes?"    


"Where have you never seen it?" Ye Nianmo walked to the cabinet and took the spare bathrobe. The bathrobe fell on the floor and he couldn't put it on anymore.    


"Oh right, what are you wearing today?" he asked suddenly.    


Ding Yiyi thought for a moment. "You can wear whatever you want. Just wear the beige cheongsam."    


When the two of them arrived, Ding Yiyi noticed that he was wearing a tie the same color as hers. They drove to the wedding.    


It was unknown whether it was intentional or not, but the location of the wedding was similar to when Ding Yiyi was married. If it had to be said differently, it was the outdoor beach where the masked Superman was.    


Ding Yiyi vaguely remembered that the masked Superman had also appeared at home. Shuimo liked it very much. Who invited him here today?    


Ye Shuimo and the masked Superman were having a great time. Seeing Ding Yiyi, she pulled the masked Superman forward. "Mom, Superman!"    


"You've worked hard." Ding Yiyi smiled sincerely at the other party. After all, it must be tiring to make a scene with her child.    


The other person didn't say anything and only nodded at her, just in time to see a sea breeze blow by. The masked Superman's mask was lifted, revealing his sagging skin.    


Looks like he's quite old? Ding Yiyi thought. The crisp sound of the bell rang out, and everyone gathered together.    


The piano music was made of Alice in Wonderland, made of gauze and pink roses, and everyone was sitting on a bench waiting for the bride.    


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