Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1515 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1443

C1515 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1443

0"I'm not talking about that." Baker was the first to break her worries. He waved at her and turned to go. "Good luck."    


Ding Yiyi didn't walk home until she couldn't see him anymore. Ye Nianmo was standing in front of another mansion, watching over it.    


Seeing her, he gathered her around him and pointed at the villa next door. "Do you think the first floor will be a pool, the second a bookhouse and a yoga room?"    


As he spoke, he planned the design of the house, intending to buy and expand the villa next door.    


Ding Yiyi thought about Baker's disappointed expression as she left and reluctantly smiled at him. "It's quite good, you still need to plant a lot of violet plants."    


Ye Nianmo was keenly aware of the change in her mood. He lifted her chin with his index finger and raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"    


She smiled and hit his hand away, then sighed, "I just saw Chief Baker, he seems to be very depressed."    


"He is also a legendary figure." Ye Nianmo held her hand and walked towards home. "When he was young, he helped my parents in Africa."    


It was the first time that Ding Yiyi heard him talk about these things, so she was also curious. As soon as she entered the house, she impatiently asked, "What exactly happened?" Can you tell me something? "    


"When my dad was young, he disappeared for a long time because he had to deal with something. Afterwards, my mom personally went to Africa, and at that time, Uncle Baker chased after my dad together with me as an elite cop that arrested my dad." Ye Nianmo said slowly while picking out coffee beans from the open kitchen.    


Ding Yiyi was wandering behind him. "Teacher Xia is really brave."    


"It was her man who forced her to be brave." The sound of a good coffee machine turning on made Ye Nianmo's mocking laugh even weaker. If he was given a choice, Xu Haorann would be more important in his heart. After all, in those difficult years, Xu Haorann accompanied him and his mother.    


The two of them returned to the living room. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Nianmo signaled for her to pick it up while he went to get a cup.    


As soon as Ding Yiyi picked up the phone, her relaxed expression tensed up when she heard the person's voice. The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have guessed who the person was from the voice. Xia Yihan said in a soft voice, "Yiyi?"    


"Mom?" Ding Yiyi stammered as she blurted out what she was thinking. Her face turned red because of the words she shouted.    


Xia Yihan obviously hadn't expected her to accept her previous identity so enthusiastically. She was stunned for a moment before happily answering, "Good child."    


"Hello, hello." Ding Yiyi grabbed the phone, not knowing what to do. Her mind was blank, like an ant on a hot pan.    


Sensing her shyness and urgency, Xia Yihan took the initiative to say, "It's like this. Our sect will be going abroad the day after tomorrow. We want to take advantage of this opportunity to visit you. We'll only leave after watching you."    


"Alright! "Welcome!" Ding Yiyi did not even mull over what she had said, but when she heard that she was coming home, she immediately nodded and said.    


Xia Yihan's laughter came from the other end of the phone. "Good child, see you tomorrow."    


After hanging up the phone, Ding Yiyi turned around and saw Ye Nianmo smiling behind her. She felt a little embarrassed and said, "Teacher Xia said she will come tomorrow."    


"Good performance." Ye Nianmo said meaningfully. He didn't know if he meant the incident where she called her mom or what she said.    


On one hand, she admired Xia Yihan, and on the other hand, she didn't even know where her and her identity lay. Thinking about her not-so-smiling father-in-law, she was even more eager to turn into a gold medal butler and take care of the two of them properly.    


She spent the whole afternoon researching the menu, and even Ye Nianmo couldn't shake her. Even Ye Nianmo couldn't stand it anymore, so he kept her in his arms at 4 PM to buy food. He actually took her out for a walk.    


When they arrived at the supermarket, there were not many customers at 4 pm. The two of them strolled around. Ding Yiyi was standing in the steak cabinet, carefully choosing two steaks. She couldn't wait to see the bar code again.    


Ye Nianmo stood by her side, occasionally helping her make a decision when she needed advice. The rest of the time, he would stand beside her and watch her compare and compare.    


At that moment, he saw Baker, who was not far away. Other than him, there were two other people, who looked like they were wearing plain clothes, strolling around them.    


"I'll go over there for a while." He even pointed to the steak on the left of her hand. "This is good."    


Ding Yiyi put the steak he was pointing to into the cart and watched him disappear around the corner.    


"Uncle Baker." Ye Nianmo shouted to the man who was trying to hide in the crowd, his eyes scanning the people who were squatting in different places.    


Baker waved at him and walked out from behind a fat woman, "What a coincidence."    


"Uncle Baker, I don't think you know how to do such meaningless things." Wu Tie said.    


Baker put away the cola that he had been playing with, "Can you even compare to that Qiu Bai's parents?" He looked at the child in the shopping cart, who was laughing heartily, and continued, "Not long ago, they almost committed suicide by drinking pesticides in front of the police station. They were too desperate."    


Ye Nianmo had his hands in his pockets, but his expression was unmoved. "I won't let Uncle Xu down. I won't stop what he's about to do, and I won't support him either."    


"I can't beat him, even if I'm already the bureau chief. I'm not even a fart in front of him." Baker laughed self-deprecatingly, "That couple is too pitiful. I just want to drag it out for one day, so I'll do it for one day if I can do it for one day."    


Behind the two of them, the can in Ding Yiyi's hand fell to the ground. She hastily bent down to pick it up. When she raised her head again, it was already exposed to their sight.    


"The old men," she said, her heart throbbing with pain as she remembered the old faces. "Are they all right?"    


Baker looked at her meaningfully, "What do you think? They ran for a year and a half and got nothing. They recently found out that the man had come out again and was clearly going to be fine. "    


"I'm sorry." Ding Yiyi put the can back in its place, bowed her head to him, and left. The more she stayed here, the more guilty she felt.    


Ye Nianmo looked at him and said in a dissatisfied voice, "You shouldn't have forced her to this state. Her extermination by justice in the past doesn't mean she has to make the same choice now. Could it be that she's a bad person now that she's made such a decision? "    


"Mother will be home tomorrow. You can take the opportunity to go to Italy the day after tomorrow." He looked at him with a very serious expression. "Only this once."    


Ding Yiyi had already run out of sight. He chased after her with large strides. At the corner, a figure jumped into his arms.    


Ding Yiyi didn't run far, but rather stayed around the corner. After hearing his words, she became even more moved.    


"Thank you." She held him in her arms as she spoke in a muffled voice.    


The next morning, Ding Yiyi put on her gloves and before she could clean the doorbell, several women stood in front of her, "Hello, we were entrusted by Mr Ye to do housekeeping."    


Ding Yiyi let them in. Only after seeing everyone starting to clean up after training did she relax a little.    


The doorbell rang again. This time, it was a flower girl holding a big bouquet of flowers. After collecting the flowers, she took a deep sniff of the fragrant scent before taking out the card from the bouquet.    


There was only one sentence on the card: "When."    


tou full, thenyoufool.    


Time passed quickly and quickly, and soon it was already afternoon. There were still two hours until Xia Yihan arrived home, but at that moment, the doorbell rang.    


Ye Nianmo rang the doorbell twice, but no one answered. He wondered if she didn't hear it again and decided to change it to a louder ring.    



He entered the code and opened the door. The darkness in the room made him nervous. The lights were not turned on in the living room and all the curtains were drawn. He couldn't find anyone in the room except for the smell of baked potatoes.    


When he entered the door, a figure came out from behind him. He quickly dodged and reached out with his other hand, preparing to capture the opponent.    


When he turned around and saw the person, a hint of surprise flashed across his face. He immediately grabbed him for a hug, but even so, when he hugged the figure, he still took a few steps back due to the momentum.    


Ding Yiyi put her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes as she looked at him with a smile. "Did I catch you?"    


"Are you referring to the heart or the person?" Ye Nianmo wrapped his arm around her slender waist and followed her movements.    


They retreated to the sofa, and then both of them lay down on it slowly. The dim living room provided the best place for them to get to know each other. Everything was done under a thin layer of gauze.    


Ding Yiyi meticulously described his appearance and appearance, and said softly, "I can feel the warmth of your skin on my palm, as well as the texture of your skin. I held you and felt that it was very real. At this moment, I am certain that your body is mine, but I can't see your heart. "    


Her hand was still on his chest. Not far away, the faint smell of potatoes wafted from the kitchen. However, no one wanted to eat the delicious mashed potatoes right now.    


Ye Nianmo grabbed her finger and kissed on the tip of her finger, "Then, use your body to let you feel the warmth of my heart."    


The ambiguous atmosphere was like a catalyst. They only needed a little bit of fire to burn each other down and fall into a deeper and happier sea.    


At this moment, the bell rang. Ding Yiyi pushed Ye Nianmo off the sofa as if she received a hot potato.    


"Oh my god, what am I doing?" Her face was flushed red, and the doorbell rang like a charm. She quickly buttoned up her underwear and adjusted her dress, which was already wrinkled.    


Ye Nianmo was pushed onto the carpet and his back almost bumped into the tea table. However, he found it interesting when he saw her flustered and wanted to open the door. He called out to her, "Wait a moment."    


Ding Yiyi was about to open the door when she heard his words. She stopped and looked at him, but her expression remained anxious. "What's wrong?"    


He walked up to her and pointed at her chest with a smile on his face. "Are you going to open the door like this?"    


She looked down and saw that all the buttons on the top of the dress were crooked. The top was buttoned down to the bottom, and one could faintly see the white and purple undergarments underneath.    


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