Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1412 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1340

C1412 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1340

0Ding Yiyi shook her head, her eyes full of resistance and helplessness. As she watched him get closer and closer, her heart gradually turned cold. No one would come to save her anymore.    


Icy cold liquid flowed down the corner of her mouth. No matter how reluctant she was, she had poured in a lot of it. Not long later, she felt her limbs weakening.    


Xiao Wen hummed in a very good mood as he put on a mask for her. "This is the start of my beautiful life."    


He supported Ding Yiyi, who was already exhausted, on her way to the airport. As expected, no one recognized him when they arrived there. All they saw was the meticulous care a man who loved his girlfriend dearly enough to take care of his ailing girlfriend.    


Ding Yiyi struggled with all her might. In everyone's eyes, it was as though she was acting coquettishly. Finally, her action attracted the attention of two staff members.    


"Sir, do you need any help?" The staff looked at the men and women in front of them for a while.    


With an apologetic look on his face, he said, "I'm sorry, I hope it won't bring trouble to everyone. My girlfriend is a patient with myasthenia gravis, and I wanted to take her abroad for treatment, but she refused to go even if she was afraid of wasting money."    


The staff member felt very sympathetic towards them. "I wish you all good luck. If you persevere, you will see hope."    


Ding Yiyi listened to the staff member's footsteps as they got further and further away, and she also became more and more desperate. Not long later, the boarding notification sounded. She looked at the scenery outside the glass door for the last time.    


At night, he landed and carried her to the taxi, "To the airport."    


The car quickly started and he took out a bottle of water to feed Ding Yiyi. "Endure it any longer. You'll be able to have a good rest after you get on the plane."    


The driver looked behind him and suddenly felt that Ding Yiyi looked a little familiar, "Did I see you on TV before? You seem to be Ye Group's wife?"    


"Haha, big bro, you must be joking. If it really is President of Ye Group's wife, then why would she follow me?" In the darkness, Xiao Qian's face was hidden but his tone was relaxed. Both of his hands were on Ding Yiyi's arms.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the driver in horror. She really hoped that the driver would notice this, but he just laughed and didn't say anything else.    


When they arrived at the airport, Xiao Wen repeated the same trick. It was only until they were on the plane that she started to panic.    


She looked at him with tears in her eyes, pleading. She didn't know if she would be imprisoned in Australia, but she knew it wasn't the life he wanted.    


Seeing that she was crying, Xiao Wen's heart ached as he kissed away her tears. He softly said, "Are you bored? Then can I tell you a story?"    


He then continued, "There used to be a pair of brother and sister, sister fell in love with a domineering CEO, and then my sister committed suicide. My brother moved my sister's body into a sewer and spilled the man's photo on top of my sister's body, so that my sister could be with the man she loved even after death."    


Ding Yiyi sobbed. She felt that the little boy in front of her was the embodiment of a devil. Her heart was wailing in agony as she pleaded for someone to save her.    


"Need help?" The flight attendant smiled at the two of them. Her gaze lingered even longer on the handsome man. She was slightly envious of that woman for having such a handsome boyfriend.    


Xiao Qian shook his head, "My girlfriend is not feeling well. She might have some weird behavior later. I hope you can forgive her."    


The air stewardess looked at Ding Yiyi who was crying before smiling at Xiao Qian and walking away.    


Ding Yiyi looked out of the window in despair as she heard Xiao Wen's laughter resounding in her ears. "It's Yi Yi.    


The huge plane slowly moved forward on the runway. After leaving the ground, its speed started to increase.    


A couple of children were laughing and playing in the cabin, parents were stopping their children from being born, and not far away, a couple was reading a book together, occasionally the girl's hair would fall onto the boy's shoulders and he would gently shake it.    


Sitting in front of a couple was a serious woman with an aquiline nose, so she looked fierce. She was working on a large passage of text with a pen, the tip of her nose brushing against the white paper.    


The man beside her took off his eyepatch and glanced at her in dissatisfaction. He looked haggard and haggard. It seemed that he had already worked a whole night and was rushing over to catch a plane. Therefore, he was extremely discontented.    


Seeing that the woman did not show any signs of restraining herself, he coldly snorted and stopped the air stewardess who was about to walk down the aisle. "Give me a cup of water."    


"Alright." The flight attendant replied politely. A man beside her also called out to her. The man looked nervous as he said, "My wife is pregnant, but she has been wanting to vomit ever since. Please bring a bag over."    


The air stewardess smiled and nodded. She glanced at the pregnant woman's stomach and inadvertently looked at the TV bag beside her. She sneered in her heart, "How dare you bring this fake bag out."    


Everything on the plane was so harmonious that it happened countless times a day. No one would notice that the crying girl in the corner had been abducted. They would only think that it was her acting temper and sympathize with the boy she was with.    


Suddenly, the plane jolted up and down, and the sound of a child's wailing could be heard from the cabin.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, it is normal for the plane to encounter air currents. Please do not worry."    


After the children were soothed by their parents, the couple continued to look down at their books. The hook-nosed woman mumbled something as she put away the book in her hands and closed her eyes to rest.    


The man beside her breathed a sigh of relief and took the flight attendant's bag, only to discover that the woman who had acted in parallel had vomited.    


"How unlucky." Just as he finished his words, the plane shook violently again, as if it was in an earthquake. Even the flight attendant was knocked down this time.    


The plane was shaking violently, and no one knew what was happening. Everyone kept asking, "What happened? What happened?"    


The flight attendants had serious expressions. They wanted to comfort the passengers, but found that they could not smile. Suddenly, a voice came over the radio, "Please fasten your seat belts, remove the hard parts from your bodies, and bury your heads between your legs. Do not panic, sit in your seats."    


The sound of the radio was soon drowned out by the clamor of the crowd. Everyone was immersed in the fear of falling from the sky.    


He held Ding Yiyi in his arms and said, "Don't be afraid. We just took off not too long ago, so the speed is not fast. If something happens, we will still have a chance."    


Ding Yiyi could no longer hear what he said. The people around them were making a ruckus, and some of them walked directly to the seats in the corridor, even if the air stewardess told him to go back and get them ready.    


At this moment, the broadcast rang out again. "Please take out the life jacket, tear the package open, put it on through the head, fasten the belt, pull the red inflatable handle, and the life jacket will automatically inflate."    


His voice shook violently, and the man who had been walking along the aisle was sent flying. His head knocked against the dining car, and he immediately fainted.    


At this moment, no one had the energy to pay attention to him anymore. Everyone was crazily doing whatever they were doing to make the child cry. The couple were panicking and the woman's life jacket was unsatisfied. She looked at her boyfriend with a sad face.    


The man had already put on his life jacket, but seeing this, he could only shout with all his might, "Let the flight attendants come, let the flight attendants come!"    


His voice was quickly drowned out as the woman looked at him with grief and hatred. Even if he said that he would give her his life jacket, he didn't say anything!    


The hook-nosed woman had already fixed her life jacket. Seeing that the man beside her was still fiddling with it, she reached out her hand to grab it.    


"Thank you." The man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled at him weakly. Then the plane lurched again.    


Xiao Qian was helping Ding Yiyi to put on her life jacket. His forehead was covered in sweat, even his palms were wet.    


"I will definitely protect you. Don't be afraid. If anything happens to you, just let Ye Nianmo come and pick you up." He spoke quickly.    


Ding Yiyi pointed at him weakly. "Wear it yourself."    



Before he could do anything, the plane violently shook and fell down at an extremely fast speed.    


Ding Yiyi wanted to clearly see Xiao Wen, but her ears were filled with the screams of the entire car. Her head seemed to have hit something before she fainted.    


"The plane that flew to Australia in the early hours of yesterday morning fell into the sea not long after takeoff. There were 251 people on the plane, 126 dead, 34 survivors and 91 missing. The cause of the accident is currently under investigation. At the scene, we can see a large amount of wreckage on the sea."    


Ye Chuqing turned off the TV and glanced at the clock, a little worried. She wondered how the situation was going by the pond.    


"What's wrong?" Hai Zhuoxuan walked up to the sleeping Hai Ziyu and asked in a warm voice.    


The nanny at the side brought Hai Ziyu over to take care of her. Ye Chuqing then said, "It's nothing. I feel sorry for my sister-in-law. I don't know when she will recover."    


Hai Zhuoxuan pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead, "It's precisely because the future is too unpredictable that we have to cherish it more. I won't let you down."    


When Ye Chuqing heard this, she was moved and didn't refuse to press her lips against his.    


At the edge of the pond, the Daoist priest was in a state of agreement. The blazing flames that shot into the sky could even be seen from very far away.    


Xu Haorann stared blankly at the water, "Daddy is afraid that you will suffer down there, so if you think that's not enough, you can just tell Daddy your dreams."    


Ye Nianmo had been standing not far away. He knew that these were Xu Haorann's Legacies, ways to express his guilt.    


There was a newspaper where he stood, and he turned the page, his eyes skimming over the largest page of the headline. The plane crashed.    


Vibrating and dim, Ding Yiyi let out an uncomfortable whimper. Her ears were buzzing like a bee. Her ears were ringing very hard. She could smell a very strange smell on the tip of her nose. It sounded a bit like a crushed car.    


When she opened her eyes, she saw the old and dirty yellow and black stained roof. As soon as she twitched the brush, she screamed out in pain. Only then did she notice that there were two pieces of wood on her left arm, tied up with a dirty cloth.    


So this was the source of the strange smell from before. She thought to herself that she might have been saved by a kind-hearted person when she was falling.    


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