Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1830 Wealthy Marriage 1757

C1830 Wealthy Marriage 1757



He raised his head in confusion. He didn't know why Soong Mengjie wanted to laugh, but when he saw her smile, his mood also improved for no reason. "What's wrong?"    


"You have rice grains on your face." Soong Mengjie stood up and leaned over to him, extending her hand to touch his cheek. "Here."    


Ye Bo grabbed her wrist and gently kissed the space between her fingers, "Thank you."    


Her face turned red, and she abruptly shrunk back and randomly asked, "Where did you go to learn all this?"    


Ye Bo thought about it seriously for a while, then replied even more seriously, "Together with colleagues."    


"So, how do you and your colleagues know each other?" Soong Mengjie was extremely surprised.    


Ye Bo nodded seriously, "I did not do well in this aspect. You will suffer."    


"You big idiot!"    


Soong Mengjie threw herself into his arms. "You're a big idiot. How could you ask such a thing? If you feel wronged, why would you ask me?"    


Ye Bo embraced her and nodded, "Ok."    


It was unknown who started it, but the curry rice that was half-way to the end was thrown to the side. The door was shut tight, and the sound of panting could be heard along with a low voice.    


The clothes on the floor were thrown messily, and the bed sheets were messy to the extreme. One could see how intense the process was, and even the air was filled with imprints that would make people blush and feel their heartbeats.    


Ye Bo patted Soong Mengjie's back gently. She liked to be treated like this after she did it.    


"It's almost time to return home." Soong Mengjie nestled into his arms, her voice heavy.    


"Mm, it's about time." Ye Bo answered.    


Are you ready to go? Soong Mengjie's heart tightened and her limbs couldn't help but move.    


The people at the top immediately noticed her strangeness. "What's wrong?"    


"It's nothing. I'm really tired, so I'm going to sleep first."    


Lili had been out of sorts for days, and even the students had sensed it, and she felt guilty about it.    


When she went to get the books from Ye Bo's house that day, she placed the visa that was issued by the school on the table in the study room. He will definitely understand if he sees it.    


But four days had passed, and he hadn't mentioned it, not once, and her heart grew colder and colder every day, and her restless heart was eager to find a way out, and she became irritable and irritable, and every little thing made her lose control.    


That day, the two of them finally got together and agreed to go to the supermarket to buy groceries. She knew he was busy, and she knew that she had been making a ruckus to make him worry. That was why he had made it a point to spend the night with her.    


There weren't that many people in the supermarket. While the two were picking something in the seafood area, a woman walked over and greeted them, "Director Ye."    


Soong Mengjie stood beside Ye Bo, listening to him change her, "Little Shuang" is really kind.    


The woman asked about the transfer of recent jobs, Ye Bo answered carefully on the side.    


Although they were discussing their work, Soong Mengjie felt that she was excluded from it.    


She didn't know anything about fracturing methods, cooking oil, or storing oil, so she could only stand there like a fool.    


The woman's laughter was the last line of defense she could bear. "You guys take your time. I'll wait for you in the car."    


With that, she walked towards the gate, ignoring Ye Bo, who called out to her from behind.    


It's just garbage, Soong Mengjie. As she walked, she spat at herself. Her heart felt as if it had been crushed, and the pain made her want to die.    


"Mengjie!" Ye Bo caught up to her in the parking lot, "What happened?"    


She opened her hand, which was about to reach out to him, but the clear sound caused both of them to be stunned.    


"Don't touch me," she said, biting her lower lip. "Go find your little pair!"    


Ye Bo frowned, "We are discussing business matters because I will be leaving here soon. There are a lot of things that need to be arranged."    


This undoubtedly gave Soong Mengjie a huge blow. That's right, he was about to transfer his Uruk soon, but she had no choice but to lose her temper with him here!    


"How would I know? She's so beautiful, so refined, you two get along every day. Have you not thought that she might like you?"    


"Enough!" Ye Bo reprimanded him, "Calm down. Do you know what you're saying?"    


Soong Mengjie took a step back. She hated herself for talking so much, but she just couldn't control herself. Only the more ruthless words he spoke, the more it would prevent her from collapsing.    


"Of course I know what I'm talking about! I've had enough! I hate you! "Let's part ways!"    


Right after she finished speaking, she felt the aura of the man in front of her change, instantly becoming cold and harsh.    


Ye Bo let go of his tie clip and walked over with a dangerous aura. He looked down at her condescendingly, "Say it again. Say it again when you said you were going to break up."    


Soong Mengjie's heart trembled violently. Her mind was blank, but it did not prevent her from saying something against her will.    


"I said break up!"    


Seeing the look of disbelief in her opponent's eyes, she took a step back and dashed towards the entrance of the parking lot. There was a taxi at the intersection, so she immediately got on it.    


Tears blurred her eyes, but she still couldn't help but turn her head. She saw a lonely figure standing at the intersection of the parking lot.    


He chased her out. Was he trying to keep her? Or did he want to say, "I agree to break up?"    


From that day on, she turned off her cell phone and gave him a reason to give up. In her heart, she hoped that he would come and find her. After all, she was still in school.    


However, three days later, he did not return. He was no longer in the vast sea of people.    


He had been so sad when Qiu Bai had died, but even after a few years, he still couldn't forget that person.    


How was she going to compete for a portion of love from a dead man? How was she going to make his gaze linger on her for a moment longer?    



Without any certainty, she was humble in love. Hai Zhuoxuan didn't like her, Ye Nianmo didn't love her, so she gave so much, but finally got an apologetic look.    


But this time, she clearly had the ability to protect herself well, telling herself not to indulge in her feelings anymore, and that it would be fine to just orient the relationship between them to comfort each other. Then, even if one day he left, her heart wouldn't be in so much pain.    


However, at this point, she realized that she really couldn't do it. Perhaps the feelings she had for Ye Bo had already surpassed the ones she had given to Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Nianmo.    


Sometimes she even wondered if that was love or a desire for happiness.    


"Teacher Song?" Sally came over. "You look bad."    


"I'm fine. I might not be able to rest well." Soong Mengjie forced a smile at her and stood up. "I still have one more lesson. I'm almost done."    


Sally stood in front of her. "Why don't you change shifts with me? I'll go to this class. Help me with tomorrow's class."    


"No need." Soong Mengjie wanted to refuse, but the other's attitude was irrefutable. "Mengjie, the children will be worried if you go to see them like this."    


This sentence caused Soong Mengjie to be stunned. Was her discomfort already so obvious? Even the children could see it.    


Sally patted her shoulder. "Go back and rest. You've already done very well."    


She nodded and walked out of the school like a ghost after handing in her work with Sally. She didn't know where she could go, so she randomly walked to Ye Bo's apartment.    


She easily found the spare key on the carpet in front of the apartment building. It had been four days since that day.    


Opening the door, the key in his hand fell to the ground, accompanied by the sound of his heart breaking.    


The room was empty. The sofa, the TV, the dining table, everything was empty.    


She ran like a madman into the kitchen, empty, into the study, empty, into the bedroom.    


There was no sign of life in the bedroom, only the mattress in a corner, the curtains drawn, and the dim interior.    


She fell to her knees, crying her heart out. In the end, he left with the message of parting.    


He had broken up, there was no relationship between them, he had left so quickly that he hadn't even given her a message.    


His heart ached, cold like a dead man's heart that could not beat. How could he be so heartless?    


I love you, I really love you, I've given my all to love you!    


Her heart roared as she remembered that she could call his company.    


Yes, maybe the company knew where he was so she could find him, apologize to him, tell him she didn't want to be separated, and — She loved him!    


"President Assistant Ye?" The secretary who answered the phone said, "Director Ye has already handed in everything. As for the plane ticket, he didn't ask anyone in the company to book it, so I'm not sure if he left already."    


"Hello? Is anyone else listening? " The secretary called out a few times, but when no one answered, he hung up.    


Soong Mengjie held the phone in a daze. Her soul felt cleansed, and she wished she could die at this moment.    


He had gone, taken away her love, taken away a parting, and she had taken what she deserved and could not blame anyone else.    


She sat alone in the dim room, wondering when it was outside the window, until the phone rang.    


The phone rang several times, but she didn't pick it up. However, the other party seemed to be persevering, ringing again and again, so she had to pick it up.    


"Teacher Song." Aker sounded anxious, "Where are you?"    


Soong Mengjie took a deep breath and cried for too long. Her voice turned hoarse as she asked, "Teacher is outside. Is something the matter?"    


Aker was relieved, "Teacher, can you come back now?"    


"I'm sorry, Teacher has matters to attend to today. If you have any questions, please look for Teacher Sally. I'm sorry." Soong Mengjie said in a low, exhausted voice. She didn't want to bother with anything today.    


Aker interrupted her, "That won't do, teacher. I don't know what Sai Wan ate that made him vomit all the time, and he even rolled his eyes. Oh right, he's still screaming about the stomachache. The teachers are not here, so I can only look for you!"    


Keep rolling his eyes? You're still vomiting? Could it be food poisoning? Soong Mengjie stood up abruptly. "I'll go back immediately."    


Half an hour later, Soong Mengjie opened the classroom door and asked, "Aker, where's Sevan?"    


"Teacher, I'm here!" The little boy, Cevan, waved at her, laughing merrily. Two of his front teeth were missing.    


The children took the initiative to line up in a row, holding hands and singing the song of Uruk. Aker led the way on the side.    


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