Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C847 Wealthy Marriage 776

C847 Wealthy Marriage 776

0With a sigh, Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan down and pressed her forehead against Xia Yihan's. Sure enough, she found Xia Yihan's forehead to be astonishingly hot.    


"Just now in the corridor, Xia Yihan wasn't blushing because she saw Lulu. Instead, she was burning up." I'll go find some medicine for you. " Ye Zimo got off the bed.    


"Zhuoxuan disappeared!" Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo's hand and said hastily. Ye Zimo turned to Xia Yihan and said meaningfully, "The most dangerous place is always the safest."    


Xia Yihan was told by Ye Zimo to rest on the bed. She dreamt of Hai Zhixuan and Lin Ling in the middle of the night. Xia Yihan suddenly woke up. The sea was calm and a little hot, so Xia Yihan kicked off her blanket uncomfortably.    


Annoyed, Xia Yihan got up and quietly walked along the familiar corridor to the stairs leading to the bottom of the boat. A man slept soundly at the bottom of the stairs. Xia Yihan walked quietly to the stairs.    


After removing the flour that was pressing against the door, Xia Yihan took out the hammer in her hand and used her pointed end to slowly find the gap between the door and door. The sound of clothes scraping against Sissel came from the crack of the door, and the door creaked. Xia Yihan was startled and slowly opened the door.    


A dozen pairs of frightened eyes looked at Xia Yihan from behind the door. Xia Yihan looked at everything in surprise. There were more than ten children huddled together in the huge room. Although the room was fully furnished, it couldn't erase the fact that it was a cage!    


"Aunt Xia." Hai Zhuoxuan walked out from the pile of children. The other children looked at Xia Yihan in fear.    


"Children, did they bully you?" This was Xia Yihan's greatest concern. The children shook their heads. Xia Yihan let out a breath of relief. She silently promised the poor children, "Auntie will definitely save you."    


After running back to her room, she opened the door and was pushed against it by Ye Zimo. Xia Yihan excitedly said, "I know what the goods are now, there are more than ten children!"    


Ye Zimo calmly replied. She reached out her hand to touch Xia Yihan's forehead and her frown deepened. She pulled Xia Yihan to lie down on the bed.    


After lying down for a few seconds, Xia Yihan got up and said, "What should we do? We must think of a way to save them!"    


Seeing that Ye Zimo didn't seem to care too much, Xia Yihan's heart sank. She probed, "You will also save these children, right?"    


Ye Zimo took the medicine and put it in Xia Yihan's hand. She said unhappily, "Now is not the time."    


"They are children, so we must save them as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only will the parents be anxious, it will also greatly affect the child's body and mind."    


Ye Zimo was silent. Xia Yihan looked anxiously at Ye Zimo, waiting for her reply.    


"Now is not the time." Facing Xia Yihan's pleading eyes, Ye Zimo said indifferently. Xia Yihan pulled the blanket over her head and didn't even look at Ye Zimo.    


The bed shook slightly, and when she heard the door open, Xia Yihan stuck her head out and angrily threw the pillow out. "You don't want to save me, but save yourself!"    


As the boat drove on, Xia Yihan secretly felt like going to see the child. She saw Bo Bo sunning himself on the deck. Did you find the little monkey? " Xia Yihan asked even though she knew the answer.    


Bo Bo seemed to be in a good mood. He nodded: "It's all sea. If there's nothing to eat, run back into the cage yourself."    


Xia Yihan bit her lips as she looked at the staircase. The crew there were still wandering around, unable to break through under these guards.    


Xia Yihan subconsciously wiped the sweat off her forehead and said, "Why is the weather getting hotter?"    


Bo Bo was silent for a while before agreeing and said, "It's indeed strange." At noon, when the entire deck was burning hot, the crew continued to cool the deck with water.    


Xia Yihan lay prone on the floor, wearing a bathing suit as she rubbed the floor with a trace of cool air. When the door opened, Ye Zimo walked in and was momentarily stunned when she saw Xia Yihan.    


"What are you doing here?" Xia Yihan turned her head away from Ye Zimo.    


"Follow me." Ye Zimo extended her hand towards Xia Yihan.    


"Pah!" As he shouted, Xia Yi brushed Ye Zimo's hand away and stood up on his own. He felt a slight dizziness and nausea from the heat.    


After taking a few steps back, Ye Zimo carried Xia Yihan directly towards the captain's quarters on Ye Zimo's shoulder. "Plop!" Xia Yihan choked on a mouthful of water when she hit the bottom.    


Fresh water!    


In the captain's quarters, the captain was at the helm while Ye Zimo sat on the sofa. The buttons on her shirt had been ripped off, revealing her muscular body.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how to explain as she watched the captain's back. Ye Zimo found it funny. She lowered her head and kissed the corner of Xia Yihan's lips, rolling away the water droplets at the corner of her mouth.    


"Ah!" Xia Yihan cried out as she looked at the other man in the captain's room with a flushed face. What should she do? Would the captain suspect Ye Zimo's identity? After all, she was being monitored here. What would she do if she suspected?    


Xia Yihan's heart was in turmoil. Ye Zimo looked at him and coughed lightly. The captain turned around and a familiar voice came from the foreigner's face. Zhang Fengyi looked at Xia Yihan, who was frightened, and said with a smile, "Madam."    


Xia Yihan initially thought that she was alone, but she found that there were always familiar people by her side. She suddenly giggled foolishly. In order to hide her emotions, she took out a book from the bookshelf beside her.    


The book was old and the pages were yellow. Xia Yihan read it carefully, but even when Ye Zimo came to her back, she did not notice that the book was crumpled by the wet sea breeze, written in English and had a pattern drawn by hand.    


"So that's how it is!" Xia Yihan abruptly closed the book and looked up. Ye Zimo was caught off guard and was knocked back a few steps with a groan.    


Xia Yihan held her head and crouched down in pain. She gritted her teeth and said, "I know why the weather is so hot now."    


"So you took a bath with fresh water when the water was scarce?" Bo Bo raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan's face was slightly flushed. The captain beside her suddenly spoke up, "It's okay, we can still wash the vegetables with the water."    


The scene was silent. Everyone silently put down the knife and fork in their hands. Cough cough, so we are currently in a special magnetic field. The special magnetic field has caused the weather here to become extremely extreme, and the current hot weather is also the same? "    


Lulu asked from the side. Xia Yihan nodded. "The book says that there is a dolphin port 500 meters ahead. Capture the leading dolphins there and use them to lead the way. Only then will we be able to get out of here!"    


"What you're saying is nonsense." Bo Bo said in disdain. Ye Zimo looked out the window and said indifferently, "Whether it's nonsense or not, we'll know now."    


The originally hot air suddenly began to cool down. White flying cotton wool floated outside the window. Xia Yihan asked with a shaky voice, "Is that snow?"    


"I think so." Lulu sneezed incredulously as she watched the snowflakes drifting in and out of the window that had been so hot a few minutes ago.    


"To Port Dolphin." Ye Zimo, who was standing at the side, added, " "Jason, even if you want to, the captain has to say the word." Bo Bo squinted at Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo was full of vigor. She sat in the distance and looked coldly at Bo Bo. Bo Bo was speechless and turned his head disdainfully. In the captain's quarters, Xia Yihan let out a heavy sneeze.    


Ye Zimo walked up to Xia Yihan and covered her ears to warm her ears. Xia Yihan pulled her hands away and said angrily, "Don't think I won't get angry that way."    


Looking at Xia Yihan's pouting and angry appearance, Ye Zimo couldn't help but curl her lips. Suddenly, the ship began to shake as Zhang Fengyi yelled, "The ship seems to have hit a rock!"    


"Children!" Ye Zimo pressed down on Xia Yihan's shoulder to comfort her. Zhang Fengyi had already taken the initiative to give the helmsman to Ye Zimo: "I'll go take a look."    


After Zhang Fengyi left, Xia Yihan was so anxious that the room was filled with people. Ye Zimo said lightly, "Don't worry, these children are very important to them. So no matter what, they will protect these kids."    


Ye Zimo's indifferent tone made Xia Yihan angry. She turned her head away and did not speak to Ye Zimo. Weird, there shouldn't be any reefs in this area! " Zhang Fengyi walked in and shook his head. "The bottom of the ship isn't damaged, but we don't know why we can't move it."    



"Let a man go in and see the hull." Ye Zimo instructed indifferently. Zhang Fengyi said awkwardly, "Currently, our oxygen mask only has enough capacity for one adult female to go into the water."    


"Lulu." Ye Zimo pointed out their names rudely. Zhang Fengyi smiled bitterly and said, "The weather is too cold. Just now, she didn't notice the vibration of the ship and crashed into the pole. She's still unconscious."    


"Then find a petite man." Ye Zimo continued, Xia Yihan spoke up from the side, "Actually, you can consider me."    


Ye Zimo turned a deaf ear and said to Zhang Fengyi, "Or, what method do you use to wake that woman up?"    


"Actually, I can go." Xia Yihan continued to speak. Ye Zimo glared at Xia Yihan in warning silence.    


"I'm afraid these are all difficult." Zhang Fengyi said concisely. Ye Zimo had already started to take off her coat. "I'll go."    


"If you must do this, I will secretly follow you after you enter the water." Xia Yihan shouted from behind Ye Zimo.    


"How dare you!" Ye Zimo suddenly turned her head to stare at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan's heart was slightly afraid as she said confidently, "See if I dare or not."    


Standing beside her in the shadows, Xia Yihan raised her head to look at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo stared unblinkingly at Xia Yihan before sighing, "Strange, stay here. I'll come back and help you do what you want."    


Xia Yihan's eyes lit up, then she shook her head. "I already said, the oxygen mask is only enough for females. If you are going to take a risk, I'm sorry, but I can't do it."    


Zhang Fengyi instantly felt Ye Zimo's gaze on him. He shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile. I'll go quickly, I'll bring the camera with me, you'll know whatever it is. "    


Ye Zimo reluctantly agreed to Xia Yihan's suggestion. Xia Yihan, fully dressed, wanted to go into the water, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed. Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan's head and kissed it deeply.    


"Captain, what are you doing at the door?" Bo Bo's voice came from not far away, while Xia Yihan pushed Ye Zimo away in panic.    


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