Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1421 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1349

C1421 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1349

0Ding Yiyi turned around and walked in the direction of the Chinese restaurant, blaming herself in her heart. Suddenly, a figure followed her.    


Edward was about one or two steps away from her. He looked at her gently, "I haven't finished speaking just now. This camera is really important to me, so thank you."    


"You're welcome." Ding Yiyi raised her head with a smile, her figure clear and crisp.    


It was already late in the night after they had finished their meal. Ding Yiyi, who had just finished cooking, suddenly said, "I've decided to leave tomorrow."    


"Tomorrow? Do you remember now? " Edward looked at her happily.    


She shook her head. "No, and I'm not going to tell them." She paused, her eyes filled with bitterness. "If I am destined to remember no one, then for them it will be even more harm and pain. Compared to all of them, it would be worse."    


"If you can't remember in a lifetime, are you planning to never see them again?" Edward said.    


She bit her lips and looked out the window, her expression filled with grief. "I don't know how long my life will last."    


Edward simply put out the fire and sat beside her. After a long while, he opened his mouth, "Are you willing to stay in England for a period of time?"    


Seeing that she wanted to say something, he continued, "I'm staying in the UK for a period of time, so I need someone to take care of my daily needs. I like China and I like Chinese food more. Would you like to stay as my personal chef?"    


Ding Yiyi stared blankly and subconsciously said, "But the food I made was very bad."    


"Just right for me." Edward smiled gently.    


He started the car and asked politely, "So where do you want to go now?"    


"Supermarket," Ding Yiyi laughed. "It's impossible for a chef to cook without food."    


One week later    


The morning room was very quiet. The sound of pens writing on paper was the most beautiful music of the morning.    


"Since I thought of something today, I will record it down first. I don't know if I will forget everything tomorrow, or an hour, or even the next second."    


There was a light sound coming from outside the door. She leaned to listen and knew that Edward had locked her up in the dark room for the whole day again. He was not used to the light at the moment.    


She smiled and continued writing with her pen. "Today I thought of our wedding day, when the weather was very good and the sea very blue, and you were very handsome, and I remember that our wedding ring was lost, and it was finally opened as a candy, although it was nice to use candy as a wedding ring, and I don't know where the ring was thrown. Perhaps this suggests that we have no future."    


She stopped the pen in her hand, stood up and was about to close it, then sat back down after thinking about it, then continued writing, "I burned our house with my own hands the other day, but Xiao Wen came and rescued me. He had an accident while flying."    


She stopped what she was doing, closed her notebook, and walked out the door.    


Edward was sitting by the window, taking in the fresh morning breeze and the gentle sunlight as he looked at the photos.    


She quietly went to the kitchen and stirred the cut corn into a pot before scooping it up with a spoon and tasting it.    


"Crack." A flash came on. She turned around and saw Edward smiling gently at her.    


Embarrassed, she pushed her hair back from her head and smiled. "You're still going to do that?"    


"Very beautiful." Edward said seriously.    


The two of them sat at the dining table. Edward tried not to say anything when he was eating, so Ding Yiyi usually didn't talk at the table. The room became quiet all of a sudden, only the sound of the fork hitting the bowl and chopsticks could be heard.    


At this moment, the doorbell rang. Ding Yiyi wanted to open it, but Edward had already stood up and said, "I'll go."    


Outside the door stood the old housekeeper whom Ding Yiyi had met at the airport.    


The butler was still wearing his medieval butler uniform. When he saw Ding Yiyi, he politely smiled at her before taking out a gilded invitation.    


"Young master, the family gathering invitation is here for you next week."    


Edward received the letter. His expression changed to one of elegance and gentleness from before. "Thank you."    


The butler looked at Ding Yiyi meaningfully. The man in front of him was part of an ancient noble family in England. If he was from a side branch, then forget it; he was from the main family, the only one in the whole family.    


"Young Master, I'll take my leave." The butler turned around and left.    


Edward went back to his room and frowned slightly after opening the invitation. Then, he went back to his table.    


After dinner, Ding Yiyi put the dishes into the dishwasher. Edward, who should have gone straight into the darkroom, walked up to her and said, "Can I take five minutes of your time?"    


"Of course." Ding Yiyi took off her apron and walked over to the sofa. "Is it because the food you've made recently doesn't suit your taste?"    


Edward smiled, "The food you cook is very delicious." He handed her the invitation. "Take a look."    


Ding Yiyi opened the invitation card and used her handwriting to write. The person's name was not only Edward, but he also indicated to her that he was invited. However, because he did not know her name, he handled it.    


"I can't make the decision for you without permission. I have to ask for your opinion. However, this matter was indeed my fault. I should apologize." Edward arrived with a serious expression.    


Ding Yiyi closed the invitation and said, "It doesn't matter. Since you invited me, I will go." She smiled and said in a lively manner, "I just want to go out for a walk."    


Edward looked at the girl in front of him, who was thinking about Ye Zichen, and his serious expression couldn't help but loosen up.    


One week later    


In the evening, there was a short barking sound from the community, followed by the sound of a bicycle going over the asphalt.    


"I can't remember a lot of people now, and I'm gradually forgetting a lot of things, but I don't want to forget you. I don't know what to do. Today, I suddenly remembered that once in Shanghai, I dreamt that you were standing by my side at night. You told me that if I looked at you with my heart, I would know that I love you, but when I looked at you with my heart, I saw pain everywhere. "    


She stopped writing, closed the notebook, and put it in the cupboard. Then she got up and opened the door.    


Edward stood by the window and sipped his red wine. He was always like this. He would never urge Ding Yiyi to do what he wanted, giving her enough time to do what she wanted.    


"Are you ready?" she asked gently.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. Her skirt gently swayed with her movements. She was as beautiful as a fairy that fell into the world at night.    


At night, the castle, which covered an area of nearly a thousand meters, was bright as day. The well-dressed servants and attendants shuttled back and forth in an orderly manner.    


There were many luxury cars parked in the wide aisle next to the lawn. A woman dressed in bright and beautiful clothes gently held her arms as she proudly participated in the gathering of the upper class.    



In a room filled with books in the castle, a very old man stood at the window looking out, "Is Edward here?"    


"Master, the young master hasn't come yet, but he will." the butler said confidently.    


The old man's face was rosy, but his pair of jade eyes were sharp and fierce. "Because of that woman?"    


"Young master has a perfect relationship with any woman, but only that woman can stay in Young Master's house, and Young Master even asked for a Private Aircraft for her."    


The old man listened to the old man and nodded with great interest. Then, he sank into deep thought.    


At night, under the giant crystal ceiling, there was a long row of white dining tables. Men and women were sitting together, some talking about politics, some talking about golf, and many looking at the only Chinese woman, or the only woman who was brought to the family gathering by Edward.    


"Won't you introduce us?" The old man sitting on the highest seat spoke, and the entire audience simultaneously quieted down. Even the children obediently remained silent.    


Edward picked up a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth, "Friend."    


"What kind of friend can bring you here," the old man was somewhat dissatisfied, "As the only bloodline within the family, you have the obligation to inherit your mantle!"    


Ding Yiyi sat on the chair and looked at how everyone was used to it. She also thought that the reason Edward had a bad relationship with this old man was because of this matter.    


The old man turned to look at Ding Yiyi. "Hello, do you mind if I speak to you?"    


"It's my honor." Ding Yiyi was neither humble nor humble. Even she was surprised at her own indifference. Everything she did was as natural as moving clouds and flowing water. She didn't deliberately study.    


The old man was very satisfied. Such etiquette should be something that came from a large family. Although it couldn't match his grandson's bloodline, it was still better than having him be single for the rest of his life.    


"I think she looks familiar. I think I've seen her somewhere before." A young boy about seventeen or eighteen years old with freckles all over his face frowned at the table.    


Soon, people started to jeer at him, "You brat, those are the people that Edward has his eyes on. You even dare to hit on me?"    


It was because of these people that the solemn atmosphere between the two of them became a little better. The old man looked at Ding Yiyi and asked, "What's your name?"    


"My name is …" Ding Yiyi was a bit at a loss for words. She had been about to say something, but she stopped herself from doing so.    


Everyone looked curiously at this Chinese woman who had a serious expression on her face. They suddenly saw her put down the cup, hurriedly apologizing to everyone before leaving the table.    


Ding Yiyi walked quickly along the garden path. The scent of roses filled her nostrils, but she had no time to admire it. She only covered her mouth and wept silently.    


Someone lightly tugged at her arm, and she immediately let go and walked away with her shoulder to shoulder.    


"Do you need my help?" Edward had never seen her this upset before. It was as if he had heard the most terrible news and was trying his best to suppress his sadness.    


Ding Yiyi wrapped her arms around her trembling body, trembling like a sieve. Her lips were tightly sealed, as if she had made a great decision. "I can't remember my name anymore."    


After saying that, she almost collapsed. Her tears fell like a string of beads. Her lips that were lightly stained with her honey had already been bitten through, and blood began to pour out.    


Edward sighed. He held the stubborn woman in front of him and patted her back with one hand. He said softly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."    


In a room in the castle, an old man was holding a glass of red wine as he looked at the two of them embracing each other, "Call him for me later."    


Ding Yiyi cried for a long time, until she touched the mascara on her hand when she wiped her eyes. At this moment, Edward let go of her and turned around, "I'm going to drive, let's go home."    


"Edward," Ding Yiyi called out to him, "Thank you."    


He did not turn his head back, but only inclined his head slightly to the side, and then turned around to leave.    


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