Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1856 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1783

C1856 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1783

0When Ye Miao heard the name, he remembered that a girl came over with an invitation and invited him to a birthday party. Of course, he refused. Who would attend such a boring banquet? But now, he decided to go back on his word.    


"Is it at the Fengxiang Villa? It's very far away, and I've already received an invitation. Let's go together. "    


"Then it's a deal." Ding Yiyi turned around and returned to the desk. She looked at the shop's page for a long time without reacting. She didn't even notice that a customer had contacted her.    


After the mouse was taken away, Ye Miao turned off Wang Wang and asked, "Mom, did something happen today?"    


"What happened? Nothing happened." She hurried to her feet and pushed back the chair, so hard that it bounced off the screen at the back and bounced back.    


"Painful pain!" She crouched down and held her calf.    


Ye Miao squatted in front of her. Although he was expressionless, he was able to see through everything, "Liar, quickly tell me what happened."    


She stayed silent for a while. "Did your father come to the Tongshi City?"    


Sure enough, it was his dad. Ye Miao nodded, "Yes." She panicked: "He didn't come to find you because of me. As long as you don't want to see him I won't let him find you."    


As expected of her son, Ding Yiyi gave him a big thumbs up.    


Ye Miao said faintly, "But Mom, if he finds you, you have to wake up to it."    


On the night of the birthday party, Ye Miao and Ding Yiyi went together. When they arrived, they found out that Xue Zhaolin had a strong family background. All three rows of villas had the same type of architecture.    


Since it was a birthday party for the children, it was arranged in a cute way, with no alcohol and only a few low-grade but very nice cocktails.    


"Is that Miss Ding?" A man walked up to the two of them. "The boss said that he has some matters to take care of, so you can wait for him in the parlour."    


After saying that, he pointed to a transparent flower room and said, "Please be at ease. No one will disturb me inside."    


Ding Yiyi handed over the present she had given Xue Jingjing. "Alright. It's just a small token of her appreciation."    


The butler accepted it and left.    


"Miao." A girl with a ponytail and dressed very charmingly ran over, followed by a bunch of girls.    


These girls were jealous. They never thought that Xue Jingjing would bring the president of the Student Union here. It was really infuriating.    


Xue Jingjing was both happy and proud. Girls at this stage of the school liked to compete and think nonsense, and always felt that they were different from each other. Seeing all the famous people in the school coming to attend their own birthday banquet, she became even more pleased with herself.    


"Miao, let's go over there together. We're all there." She reached out and took his arm, her hand touching his sleeve.    


Ye Miao stood on the spot and pursed his lips, "I'll go later."    


When Xue Jingjing heard him answer her, she became happy again and left hand in hand with the other girls.    


After the group left, Ye Miao frowned and rolled up the sleeves that he just touched with an unfriendly face.    


"You, it seems like other than Shuimo touching you, you wouldn't react too violently." Ding Yiyi sighed and said, "Although this isn't a big problem, you have to remember that you can't let a girl's heart be hurt because of this. It's not a gentleman's way of doing things."    


He thought about it seriously, "Noted, then I'll go over."    


Ding Yiyi originally wanted to put down the gift and meet with Xue Jingjing once more before leaving. However, seeing that the little girl's full attention was on Ye Miao, she probably put some jewelry designer aside.    


She slowly walked to the back garden and heard a sound of dispute. One of the voices seemed to be Xue Zhaolin's voice.    


She didn't hear what the other person said clearly because she didn't dare to listen seriously. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard Xue Zhaolin also say that he was going to leave.    


Although she didn't want to eavesdrop, they would feel awkward if they met now. She stood there and waited for Xue Zhaolin to leave first.    


Xue Zhaolin had already disappeared behind the glass door. Just as she was about to leave, she met Lin Meicheng, who was also walking in the same direction.    


"It's you?" Lin Meicheng was surprised for a moment before quickly recovering her gentle demeanor, "Hello, Miss Ding. I didn't expect that Mister Xue would invite you over. It seems that you are very important to him."    


Ding Yiyi knew that she was teasing him, so she said, "It's not a problem, isn't Miss Lin also part of the invitation list?"    


"Don't underestimate me for always calling him Mr. Xue. Actually, we already knew each other when we were studying abroad." Lin Meicheng suddenly thought of something. "Right, then he must have told you that he was very afraid of the elevator."    


"Afraid of the elevator?" Ding Yiyi thought back to the few times she had met Xue Zhaolin. The other person didn't take the elevator, but took the stairs instead.    


Lin Meicheng looked at her watch. "It looks like you don't know. He has the fear of elevator space and he can't stay in the elevator. I thought he would tell you."    


"We're just friends." Ding Yiyi said seriously. Recalling that she had interviewed Ye Nianmo before, her unique mood became delicate.    


"Miss Lin, I've seen your interviews. Have you interviewed the CEO of Ye Group before?"    


"You said Nianmo." Lin Meicheng asked, "You also like watching the economic channel. I'm already old friends with him."    


She called him so intimately. Ding Yiyi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Although she felt that she must have overreacted, she couldn't suppress that feeling.    


"I'm very happy to chat with you today, but unfortunately, I have something that I have to do first." Anxiety could be seen in Lin Meicheng's eyes as she bid her farewell and hurried off.    


Ding Yiyi was still standing there. It was unknown how long she stood there until someone patted her shoulder. Only then did she jump up.    


"Sorry to scare you? I couldn't see you in the study, so I came down to look for you, but you didn't answer when I called you. " Xue Zhaolin's face was full of concern, "Are you alright?"    


She clutched her chest and nodded. "I'm sorry, I'm fine. It's just that I haven't been out for too long, I suddenly realized something."    


Xue Zhaolin burst into laughter and took the initiative to lead her inside by the wrist. "Then there are more people at the banquet now. Let's go to the study room and wait for a while."    


Ding Yiyi tried to struggle free from his grip, but the man let go of her hand. He looked calm as he turned around and said, "Just now, someone accidentally spilled a drink on the ground. Watch your step."    


"Director Xue." Someone stopped the two midway. This person was middle-aged and was very skinny. His eyes behind his glasses were like a monkey's.    


Xue Zhaolin had no choice but to stop and socialize with him, "Director Si."    


"Oh Director Xue, is this yours?" The leader's gaze was on Ding Yiyi.    


She was displeased as someone blocked her in front of her. Xue Zhaolin said lightly: "Friend."    


"Of course it's friends, Director Xue's friends are everywhere in the world." "The one at the hotel last time, the Ye Group has also been introduced. However, this is our territory, and the other side has no tricks to play." He took a step closer, "Since Director Xue wants to cooperate, of course, it's to find a more knowledgeable local company."    



What did he say, Ye Group? Ding Yiyi stared blankly and started to pay full attention to their conversation.    


Xue Zhaolin didn't like the man on the other side in the first place, but he didn't like it in the first place. He still didn't want to provoke hooligans.    


"Director Si, I only care about the ones with the greatest benefits. Sorry, I still have some things to do with my friends. Next time, let's have a drink."    


Ding Yiyi walked for a long time, but she could still feel that skinny man's malicious gaze on her.    


"Sorry to leave you alone at work." Xue Zhaolin apologized.    


She quickly said, "Nothing, work is important. Oh right, the Ye Group that he mentioned just now. "    


"The Ye Group is very famous in the Dongjiang City. There's a project being carried out here right now, so I want to cooperate with you." Xue Zhaolin explained.    


Ding Yiyi asked, "Then have you met him before?"    


"We just met not too long ago, but I don't think he's free right now and he doesn't want to bother with me." Xue Zhaolin smiled.    


"It's already very late. The child still has to go to school tomorrow, so we'll be going back first." Ding Yiyi suddenly said.    


He didn't force it. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed like an excuse. However, it might be true that she didn't like staying in a crowded place, or else she wouldn't have opened an online store.    


When Ding Yiyi left, she still heard Xue Zhaolin making a phone call. It seemed to be saying, "You'd better go quickly, who knows what that stupid woman will do."    


A man walked in with big strides through the night. The guard at the door did not even stop him. He took it for granted that a man with such an imposing aura would be able to make friends with someone of a higher class.    


Ye Nianmo heard the girls arguing and even mentioned Ye Miao. He stopped and looked at the girls.    


The other person should be a high school girl, but she seemed to be arguing because of a person called Ye Miao.    


Forget it, he wasn't going to school. He most likely had the same surname.    


Someone had been waiting for him, had led him to the study and left.    


Xue Zhaolin was reading a book and stood up when he saw him, "Director Ye."    


"What do you mean on the phone?" Ye Nianmo frowned.    


Xue Zhaolin sighed, "Actually, Meicheng and I knew each other when we were studying abroad. However, she is very strong and doesn't like to rely on men, so sometimes she doesn't care about the consequences.    


She was very well-connected, but sometimes she had to make a little sacrifice to get in touch. Recently, Ye Group and Lai Group are fighting over the plan right? She has asked the person who can decide the outcome of the matter. "    


There was no need to say anything else as it was already obvious at a glance. Ye Nianmo's veins were popping out, "Address."    


Xue Zhaolin gave him a piece of paper.    


Ye Nianmo turned around and was stopped.    


"I'm not the one who leaked information about the project." Xue Zhaolin said.    


Only when Ye Nianmo was out of sight did Xue Zhaolin turn around and return to the study room to sit down. Regardless of whether it was the Ye Group or who could obtain the final rights to the project, they would definitely come to the Xue Clan, who had the largest travel agent, and would only need to receive fishermen.    


Ding Yiyi's matter had been progressing much more smoothly. Thinking about how the other party was still in a daze, he sighed.    


Japanese box    


In the tatami room, Ye Meicheng was kneeling beside her. The man beside her was laughing loudly, and the table was a mess.    


"The situation is getting better and better. Little Mei, you also have Tongshi City. You have to come back to repay your debt to your hometown."    


"You're right. Nothing is as good as our place."    


The man was about to put his arm around her waist when Lin Meicheng stood up to find a waiter. "Two more bottles of sake."    


The door opened with a swoosh. Seeing who it was, Lin Meicheng jumped in fright, "Nianmo."    


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