Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C887 Wealthy Marriage 816

C887 Wealthy Marriage 816

0Xia Yihan saw Ye Nianmo crawling dangerously out of the flower bed. When he landed, he smiled at her and disappeared through the French window.    


Inside the French window, Hai Zhuoxuan was sitting on the bed hugging his knees as he looked at Ye Nianmo in shock and asked, "How did you get in?"    


Ye Nianmo put his injured hand on Hai Zhuoxuan's shoulder, raised his head and said, "My hand is injured, I can't copy notes, so I need your help."    


Hai Zhuoxuan lowered his head and looked at Hai Zhixuan's photo. He whispered, "No, you don't need my help right now. I can't help anyone."    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows and took away the picture in Hai Zhuoxuan's hand. Hai Zhuoxuan was furious and pushed Ye Nianmo away. He reached for the picture and said, "Give it back to me, don't force me to hit you!"    


Ye Nianmo shook the photo in his hand. His calm face showed a rare trace of cunning. He looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and said, "You can give it a try."    


Just as he finished his sentence, Hai Zhuoxuan had already hit Ye Nianmo's cheek. Ye Nianmo fell onto the ground unsteadily and quickly got up. He stretched out his injured arm to hit Hai Zhuoxuan, but when Hai Zhuoxuan saw Ye Nianmo's bandaged hand stop, Ye Nianmo kicked him with his leg in the next second.    


"Ye Nianmo!" "You!" Hai Zhuoxuan grimaced in pain as he got up and rushed to fight with Ye Nianmo. The sound of fighting and banging continuously rang out in the room. The nanny on the balcony asked worriedly, "Should I take the key to open the door? What if I get hurt?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head as tears flowed uncontrollably out of her eyes again. She choked and said, "Nianmo just wanted to find a way to let Zhuoxuan vent."    


The housemaid put her ear close to her ear and asked doubtfully, "There doesn't seem to be any more sounds. What are you doing, Madam Xia!?" What if I fall down! "    


The nanny hurriedly tried to stop Xia Yihan, but Xia Yihan put her plate on the balcony next door, grabbed onto the balcony and jumped over, waving at the nanny to signal her to be quiet.    


The room was silent. Xia Yihan stuck her head out through the glass window and looked at the situation inside the room. Inside the room, Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan were lying side by side, gasping for breath.    


Ye Nianmo put the photo beside Hai Zhuoxuan, looked at the ceiling and said softly, "Mommy said, there are some people living in their hearts and they won't disappear forever. As long as we think about him, he will be by our side."    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at the photo blankly. No one knew what he was thinking, but a "dong dong dong" sound came from the window. Xia Yihan knocked on the window, walked in with her back bent and placed the milk and cake in front of Hai Zhuoxuan.    


"Are you tired? "Drink some milk to replenish your energy." Xia Yihan said gently.    


Hai Zhuoxuan picked up the cake in a daze. His tears fell without warning and dripped into the milk. He choked with sobs and stuffed the cake into his mouth. Hai Zhuoxuan started to cry loudly:    


"Daddy! I missed you so much! "    


It was unknown how much time had passed before Ye Zimo opened the door with her key and lifted up the three men, whose eyes were all as red as rabbits. The nanny quickly brought Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan to the dining room for dinner. Ye Zimo walked in front of Xia Yihan and looked down at Xia Yihan's swollen eyes.    


"Enough crying?" Ye Zimo asked.    


Xia Yihan nodded and Ye Zimo extended her hand in front of Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan grabbed onto it and collapsed again the moment she got up. Xia Yihan cried again in pain. "My feet seem to have gone numb."    


Ye Zimo sighed. She squatted down and gently massaged Xia Yihan with her hands. Neither of them noticed that Hai Zhuoxuan was standing at the door looking at Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo. Watching the interaction between the two, Hai Zhuoxuan felt very uncomfortable. Previously, his dad's mother was like them, but he would never be able to see the scene of his father and mother together again.    


Hai Zhuoxuan dejectedly thought until Ye Nianmo called him from downstairs, then hastily ran downstairs. After a while, Xia Yihan walked down with Ye Zimo's support. The sight of their support stung Hai Zhuoxuan's eyes. Hai Zhuoxuan turned around and buried his head in the food, refusing to raise his head again.    


Ye Zimo brought Xia Yihan in front of the two children and patted Ye Nianmo's and Hai Zhuoxuan's heads. Hai Zhuoxuan was frightened by the sudden warm touch and raised his head to look at Ye Zimo in shock.    


Lili's expression was always more serious. She looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and said, "Zhuoxuan will be an adult in the family from now on. Can you take good care of your mother?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded forcefully and buried his face in the bowl again. Tears that were as big as beans fell onto the rice. Ye Zimo sighed and left with Xia Yihan.    


After returning to the Ye Family, Xia Yihan was forced by Ye Zimo to take a bath, and was forced to sleep on the bed. In the middle of the night, Xia Yihan, who had been unable to sleep soundly, was awakened by the thunder outside the window.    


Ye Zimo was sitting alone in front of her desk in the dim floor lamp, her back facing Xia Yihan. The pungent smell of cigarette smoke made Xia Yihan frown. She stretched out her head and saw that the ashtray on the table was filled with cigarette butts.    


Ye Zimo, who was originally sitting down, stubbed out her cigarette in the ashtray and sighed. She put her hand on her eyes without moving for a long time.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo quietly crying by herself in the darkness. She knew that Ye Zimo didn't want anyone to disturb her now. For this man, remembering his friends in the dark was already the best memorial. From tomorrow onwards, this man would become Ye Zimo again.    


The next day, the sky was dark. Xia Yihan, wearing a black gauze dress, looked out the window of the living room. A black Lincoln drove over next door, and Xia Yihan saw Lin Ling's side face flash, wanting to stand up and run out, but she only had time to see the taillights of the car.    


"Let's go." Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan's hand and walked out of the Ye Family. The butler held up an umbrella for Xia Yihan by the side.    


Ye Zimo knew that Xia Yihan was upset, so she shook her head at the butler who wanted to chase after her and got in the car. The carriage sped all the way to the mausoleum garden. Dark clouds were constantly rolling up in the sky. A cold rain fell on the scattered black-clothed people in the mausoleum garden.    


There weren't many people who came to Hai Zhixuan's funeral. Under Lin Ling's instructions, only some particularly familiar friends were present. Hai Zhuoxuan held Lin Ling's hand. When they saw that Ye Nianmo's shoelaces weren't tied properly after he got off the car, Ye Zimo personally squatted down to help tie Ye Nianmo's shoelaces while Xia Yihan helped the two of them with an umbrella.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Nianmo's family of three and the harmonious scene. He held Lin Ling's hand tightly. Lin Ling felt it and turned her head to look at Ye Zimo's family. Her eyes were filled with an unrelenting pain.    


The noise from the side attracted the attention of the crowd. "Don't bundle up, I'll leave by myself!" A man with a Cantonese accent and a skinny man were dragged to Hai Zhixuan's tombstone by Zhang Fengyi.    


Lin Ling's expression turned cold. She let go of Hai Zhuoxuan and walked up to the two men, slapping them. The two men were stunned for a moment before they were about to retaliate. Then, they were kicked to the ground by Zhang Fengyi.    


Ye Zimo walked forward and coldly looked at the two of them, saying, "Shut up, don't let them disturb the scene." Just as Ye Zimo finished her sentence, the two men's mouths were stuffed by Zhang Fengyi with a piece of cloth.    


Lin Ling held Hai Zhuoxuan's hand tightly as she watched Liu Tie's coffin gradually being covered by the soil. Xia Yihan sobbed and leaned on Ye Zimo. Half an hour later, the funeral ended, and few people surrounded Lin Ling to greet her.    


Hai Zhuoxuan walked up to the two men and looked at them coldly. He took off the cloth strip from the mouth of one of the men and asked, "You also shot, right?"    


The man with a Cantonese accent disdainfully said, "You little kid, go away. How about you let us go and I'll tell you?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan frowned and asked again with a cold tone, "Did you shoot?"    


The man with the Cantonese accent looked at his companion and said, "Actually, there really is a secret behind all this. How about this, just undo one of my hands. I'll tell you again, my hand is injured, so I won't be able to escape even if I untie it."    


Hai Zhuoxuan thought for a moment and walked up to the man. He loosened one of his hands, and the man's eyes flashed. He quietly reached into his back pocket and hid a knife. As long as he used this child as a hostage, he was not afraid that these people would not let them go.    


After Hai Zhuoxuan was kidnapped to Africa, Hai Zhixuan specially invited a Taekwondo teacher to teach him Taekwondo. Seeing that the man wanted to resist, Hai Zhuoxuan punched the man's wrist.    


The man wanted to snatch the knife. Hai Zhuoxuan held the knife and pressed it against the man's neck. The gradually seeping blood gave Hai Zhuoxuan the pleasure of revenge, and the knife moved closer to the meat. The thought of revenge for Hai Zhixuan lingered in Hai Zhuoxuan's mind.    


"Zhuoxuan!" Xia Yihan rushed over, threw the knife aside, and took Hai Zhuoxuan into her arms. Ye Zimo, who had rushed over, kicked two men aside and ordered Zhang Fengyi, "Take him to the police station after a beating."    


Xia Yihan did not dare to let Hai Zhuoxuan stay at home alone after what happened at the funeral. She told Lin Ling that she left Hai Zhuoxuan in the Ye Family.    


In the living room, Hai Zhuoxuan sat on the TV while the nanny carried Ye Chuqing. When Ye Chuqing saw Hai Zhuoxuan, she waved her chubby hands at him: "Hug!"    


The nanny put down Ye Chuqing with a smile. Ye Chuqing walked unsteadily towards Hai Zhuoxuan while waving her hands. When Hai Zhuoxuan was about to come into contact with him, Hai Zhuoxuan suddenly stood up and dodged Ye Chuqing's hand that wanted to grab his clothes.    


Ye Chuqing lost her balance and fell to the ground. She looked up at Hai Zhuoxuan pitifully and burst into tears.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing crying coldly. He felt a sense of joy in his heart. His dad was gone and he was still living in the house of the person who harmed his dad. Thinking about this, Hai Zhuoxuan hated Ye Chuqing even more.    



"Chu Qing?" Xia Yihan's voice came from the stairs. Xia Yihan hurriedly took over Ye Chuqing's arms from the nanny and coaxed her. Ye Chuqing laid on Xia Yihan's shoulder and looked timidly at Hai Zhuoxuan, who was standing beside her.    


Hai Zhuoxuan saw that Xia Yihan felt sorry for Ye Chuqing. He thought to himself, if Ye Chuqing depended on him so much, wouldn't Xia Yihan feel even worse if he bullied her?    


Thinking about this, Hai Zhuoxuan's cold expression turned into a familiar expression. He walked in front of Xia Yihan and said obediently, "Little Sister Chu Qing, I was careless just now, I apologize."    


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