Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C899 Wealthy Marriage 828

C899 Wealthy Marriage 828

0Ding Yiyi widened her eyes in disbelief. This man had purposely used this kind of method to prove that she didn't do it on purpose! That was his first kiss!    


"Nianmo! Why are you here! " Hai Zhuoxuan went out and looked around before he found Ye Nianmo here.    


Hai Zhuoxuan gave a polite smile to Ding Yiyi, patted Ye Nianmo on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, the box is waiting for you to cut the cake."    


Ye Nianmo nodded. His drunk head was like a lump of paste. He glanced at Ding Yiyi, who was biting her lips. Ye Nianmo wanted to say something, turned his head around, and left without saying anything.    


Ding Yiyi opened her eyes wide as she watched Ye Nianmo leave. In her heart, she hated these fuerdai even more. He thought that with one or two smelly money, he could manipulate people as he pleased!    


"I should have slapped him!" Ding Yiyi kicked the vase beside the bathroom door angrily.    


"Argh!" The vase broke into pieces. The manager of the passing floor met Ding Yiyi's gaze, and a furious roar resounded through the entire corridor.    


"Ding Yiyi!"    


An hour later, Hai Zhuoxuan carried the drunk Ye Nianmo into the hotel room. Ye Nianmo's phone rang, but he couldn't reach it even after touching it for a while. Thus, Ye Nianmo blocked his ears in frustration.    


Hai Zhuoxuan put Ye Nianmo on the bed, took out his phone from Ye Nianmo's pocket and put it beside Ye Nianmo's ear.    


"Happy birthday, Nianmo!" Xia Yihan's voice sounded on the phone, her tone light.    


"Mommy, thank you. Are you enjoying yourself?" Ye Nianmo woke up halfway with Xia Yihan's voice.    


"Yeah, I saw a very big lizard in the forest today. I'll send you a photo later. Oh yeah, your dad is also beside you." There was a slight pause in her voice, as if Xia Yihan had let go of the phone and was talking to Ye Zimo.    


"It's only a birthday. A man shouldn't be stuck on such small matters." Hearing Ye Zimo's voice, Ye Nianmo smiled coldly and said: "Mom! It's just a birthday. "    


Ye Nianmo hung up after talking to Xia Yihan for a while. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at him coldly from the side. Ye Nianmo had been hurt by Ye Zimo and Xu Haorann, but his father had been shot to death by a villain for saving Xia Yihan. The more he thought about it, the more Hai Zhuoxuan's heart throbbed.    


Ye Nianmo was sleeping soundly. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Nianmo on the bed and pushed him again. After making sure that the other party would not wake up, he made a phone call. Not long later, a very fashionable looking woman in high heels walked in.    


Hai Zhuoxuan sized up this woman. She had long, supple, black hair that fell to her waist and a face with exquisite makeup that was just right for the occasion. The clothes that were extremely fitting completely highlighted her perfect figure.    


"Say, if everyone knew that Ao Xue, who is known as a talented young girl, actually took the initiative to come knocking on our door, wouldn't everyone be shocked?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan pushed his glasses, a trace of golden light flashed across his eyes as he quickly disappeared.    


"Thank you, Zhuoxuan. You've worked hard today. Remember to drink less when you get back." Ao Xue sweetly smiled at Hai Zhuoxuan.    


Hai Zhuoxuan sneered in his heart. This woman knew how to act better than him. Since childhood, she had pretended to be a good person and framed others at the same time. No one was better than her in acting like a pig and eating a tiger.    


Turning around and waving at Ao Xue, Hai Zhuoxuan closed the door for the two. Ye Nianmo, enjoy the present I brought for you.    


After Hai Zhuoxuan left, Ao Xue took off her disguise and looked at Ye Nianmo affectionately. She took out a worn-out Magic Cube from her bag and said softly, "Happy Birthday, Ye Nianmo."    


Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo nervously. She had been waiting for this day for so many years, the first time she met Ye Nianmo in an orphanage, the second time they met two years later, they grew up together. Ao Xue knew that she would only be living for Ye Nianmo for the rest of her life.    


Ao Xue's nails, which were drawn with exquisite patterns, lightly rubbed against Ye Nianmo's adam's apple. She leaned over and closely examined Ye Nianmo's handsome and resolute face, "I got your first kiss."    


Ao Xue said in a low voice as she lightly pressed her lips against Ye Nianmo's. Ye Nianmo's body felt a little hot. He didn't know that Hai Zhuoxuan had already drugged the liquor.    


Ye Nianmo opened his eyes with a flushed face. The woman in front of him was charming and a little familiar. She took the initiative to grab onto his neck while her body continued to seduce him.    


Ye Nianmo's eyes darkened. Since Ao Xue was the one who came to his door, there was nothing he could do. He turned around and pressed Ao Xue down on her. Ye Nianmo became passive and took the initiative.    


On the other side of the room, Lee Heetai had a bad stomach recently. He had worked too hard for the rest of his life and had to rest for the rest of his life.    


In the room, Ye Chuqing was still sleeping, her reddened face was a delicate skin, and her small dimples were very cute. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing, but instead of her usual gentleness, her face was surprisingly hateful.    


Ever since he was young, he had been so good to Ye Chuqing, all for the sake of making her fall in love with him! He had succeeded. Ye Chuqing only had him in her eyes! Now was the time for him to take revenge.    


The sleeping Ye Chuqing suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Hai Zhuoxuan's finger. Hai Zhuoxuan's body stiffened for a split-second as a result of Ye Chuqing's habit since childhood. Feeling the soft touch of her focused fingers, Hai Zhuoxuan's heart unexpectedly jumped.    


The phone vibrated, jolting Hai Zhuoxuan away from Ye Chuqing's hand. He wiped his face, then picked up the phone and walked out of the room.    


"What, is it going well?" The voice of the woman on the phone was always sharp with a hint of ridicule, making Hai Zhuoxuan hate it.    


"You know Ao Xue?" Hai Zhuoxuan asked the woman on the phone. This woman was a tool he could use to take revenge on Ye Family.    


This woman was Si Si, who had been missing for more than ten years. Si Si smiled and said, "If you want revenge, you don't have to care about the details. As long as the result is good." Hai Zhuoxuan smiled in agreement. The two of them got together and discussed how to deal with Ye Family together.    


"This is really bad luck!" These houses that were about to be demolished were called slums in Dongjiang City, because the houses were really too old and too rotten. In order to create the so-called image of a city, Dongjiang City had also planned to push all the houses in this area.    


The bicycle was parked in front of a two-story house. The yard was cleaned up and there were a few chickens on it. Ding Yiyi sighed as she looked at the big word "dismantle" on the wall in front of the house.    


"Dad!" Didn't I tell you not to wait for me? I told you to sleep early. Ding Yiyi entered the room, first went to the memorial tablet in the living room to incense her mother before returning to her room.    


"Yiyi, you came back. It's fine. Dad won't be able to sleep anyways." A deep male voice rang out, and a petite man walked in with a bucket of water.    


Many of them were not from Ding Dacheng Sheng. Ding Yiyi looked very elegant and refined, with big apricot eyes, a perfect oval face, and cherry lips. Her whole face gave people a comfortable feeling.    


Ding Dacheng, on the other hand, was a skinny and shriveled guy with heavy eyes and an unhealthy face. Whenever someone said that, Ding Dacheng would just smile, while Ding Yiyi would always rush up to talk to him fiercely. Since young, the title of 'little chili' could be considered settled on Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Dacheng took a clean cloth and wiped it on the mat a few times. Then, he aimed the fan at the mat and blew. He used this to cool down and then took out a piece of watermelon from the other bucket and put it in Ding Yiyi's hand.    


"Is the refrigerator broken again?" Ding Yiyi asked casually.    


Ding Dacheng nodded and said, "Yeah, but it's fine, normally it's not that useful either."    


Ding Yiyi nodded and continued to read the word book while eating her watermelon. Ding Dacheng looked at his slim and graceful daughter and said apologetically:    


"Yiyi, I'm sorry, I'm just a normal delivery driver. You should have some pretty clothes at your age. Your mom will definitely blame me for not taking good care of you."    


Ding Yiyi turned around and grabbed Ding Dacheng's hand and said seriously: "Everyone's birth is not something that you can decide for yourself, but you can decide for yourself in the future. Ding Yiyi turned around and grabbed Ding Dacheng's hand and said seriously:" Everyone's birth is not something that you can decide for yourself, but you can choose for the future.    


Ding Dacheng was stunned for a moment, then took his hand away in embarrassment. He turned on the fan a little bit before leaving.    


In the hot June air, Ding Yiyi sighed and threw her pen on the table. No matter how she looked at the words, the man's face would always appear inappropriate tonight, gradually squeezing away the words.    


Unconsciously, Ding Yiyi touched her lips, but when she touched the softness, it was as though she was electrocuted.    



"Ah!" "AHH!" "Ahhh!" Just treat it as being bitten by a dog! For the first time, Ding Yiyi fell asleep before she finished reciting the English word.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi went out with a pair of panda eyes. Yesterday was the first time she couldn't sleep. "That bastard!" Ding Yiyi scolded Ye Nianmo for the hundredth time.    


Z University was the most famous university in Dongjiang City. It wasn't because their teachers were powerful, but because many officials in Dongjiang City and even in the central region had walked out from there to look at it.    


Those who wanted to join the government or did business in their families would choose to send their children here to study. After finishing the first grade, they would send their children abroad.    


Because of these reasons, Z University could be said to be a gathering place for the rich second generation. In addition, their score line was also high, so those who could enter the exam all needed to have very strong abilities.    


Ding Yiyi was still five minutes away from school when she got out of the car and pushed it along, passing cars she didn't know the name of.    


"A Mercedes-Benz stopped beside Ding Yiyi." Yi Yi! " Soong Mengjie got out of the car and walked shoulder to shoulder with Ding Yiyi.    


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