Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1022 Wealthy Marriage 950

C1022 Wealthy Marriage 950

0Ding Yiyi opened the interface. It was a BBS forum. It took her a while to understand that the newspapers from yesterday had all been bought out overnight.    


"Who could it be?" she whispered as the doorbell rang downstairs. She went downstairs to open the door and was surprised to see someone outside. "Chu Qing."    


"Sister Yiyi." Ye Chuqing's face was haggard and her delicate makeup couldn't hide the traces of green under her eyes. Ding Yiyi hurriedly opened the door to let her in, but was surprised to see her dragging a suitcase.    


"I'm leaving." Ye Chuqing went straight to the point.    


"Go where!" Ding Yiyi looked at her anxiously, knowing the reason why she wanted to leave. "Is it because of Zhuoxuan and me?"    


Ye Chuqing shook her head and chuckled. "For my own sake, I've wasted so much time that I've forgotten what dreams are like. I want to go to France and pursue my dreams of roasting."    


Ding Yiyi's eyes turned sour. She pinched her thigh with her hand, reminding herself not to cry. She opened her mouth and choked with emotions, "Have you said goodbye to Zhuoxuan?"    


Ye Chuqing was taken aback. She shook her head slightly and said slowly, "No, I'll catch the plane." After saying so, she looked at her watch and dragged her luggage out. After taking a few steps, she stopped and looked around with a blank expression. Then she looked out the window at the fallen leaves on the tree trunk and suddenly burst into tears.    


Ding Yiyi hugged her with a pained heart as she wailed, "Loving someone is too painful, I don't want to love them anymore!"    


Ding Yiyi didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only pat her back gently. Time passed by slowly. The crying sounds in her arms gradually became smaller, until they became a faint whimper.    


"Thank you, Sister Yiyi. I wish you happiness." Ye Chuqing lowered her head and backed out of her embrace. With bloodshot eyes, she turned around and dragged her luggage with her as she ran out.    


Ding Yiyi stood where she was, listening to the car start up and then slowly walked away. She suddenly had an impulse to go and keep her here.    


She ran frantically out the door, only to be stopped by a bodyguard. "Miss Yiyi, you'd better stay in your room right now."    


"Out of the way!" she shouted, and the bodyguard raised his hand to stop her. Ding Yiyi took a deep breath and said slowly, "I'm not going out. I'm just going to your employer, Mr Hai."    


The bodyguard looked at each other, and after a moment of hesitation, he finally made way. Ding Yiyi ran all the way to Hai Zhuoxuan's villa. The door was not closed, and a cleaner was cleaning the door.    


She ran up to the second floor in a flash. The second floor was filled with the sounds of the piano, which could be heard from time to time.    


Seeing Ding Yiyi, Hai Zhuoxuan did not stop playing. He only tilted his head slightly and said, "This is my favorite tune."    


"Chu Qing is leaving." Just as he finished speaking, the smooth sound of the piano became a bit disorderly and paused. Hai Zhuoxuan hid the shock in his eyes. His slender fingers continued to move on the keyboard, and then melodiously removed the sound.    


Ding Yiyi walked over and placed her hand on the keyboard. The piano made a loud noise and she said angrily, "She said she will never come back! "If we miss it this time, we really miss it."    


Hai Zhuoxuan's back was straight as he pressed on the keyboard in his original position. Only when a pair of gentle hands covered his shoulders did he retract his hands.    


"Zhuoxuan, go. Listen to my heart." Ding Yiyi looked at him and said softly.    


Her words were like a pebble thrown into a calm lake. His heart suddenly became so flustered that he couldn't control himself, as if he had lost something important. He stood up in panic, knocked over the chair, and staggered awkwardly forward.    


At the airport, Ye Chuqing hugged her mother and refused to let her go. She whispered, "Mom, I finally know that you're right. He won't be mine after all."    


"Silly child." Xia Yihan held back her tears and gently patted her back. Her tears were on the verge of bursting out, so she quickly let them go and secretly wiped them away.    


Ye Zimo asked in a low voice, "Have you brought your passport, money, and other supplies?"    


Ye Chuqing nodded with tears in her eyes. She did not miss the worry that flashed in her father's eyes. She did not want to cry anymore. She carried her suitcase and walked forward resolutely.    


"Wait a minute!" A faint voice came from behind the crowd. Ye Chuqing turned around and was obviously happy when she saw who had arrived, "Yixuan!"    


Lee Yixuan walked in front of her and leaned over to look at her. He frowned, "I cried so much that I used my makeup. Chanel's new mascara can't use any makeup, I'll buy it for you."    


Ye Chuqing turned tears into smiles. "Alright, send it to me by mail. Take care!"    


Lee Yixuan looked at her leisurely, "It's better to use cash. Anyway, we live closer together." As soon as he finished, he took out his passport and plane ticket from his back and waved them in front of the stunned Ye Chuqing.    


"What are you doing?" Ye Chuqing looked at him in disbelief. Lee Yixuan took her luggage and walked forward with big strides. "If I can't make it in time, you can just wait and treat me!"    


Hearing the flustered footsteps behind him, Lee Yixuan gradually slowed down so that she could keep up with his pace. Ye Chuqing turned around and looked at her family for the last time. Her gaze slowly shifted to the entrance of the airport. All her unwillingness, sadness, and weakness vanished in the blink of an eye.    


Half an hour later, Hai Zhuoxuan appeared at the airport. He didn't rush to look around, but instead slowed down his pace, walked past the counter, past the waiting room, and then came to the gate. He knew that not long ago, his favorite person had stepped on this land, and then left.    


People came and went, some cried their goodbyes, some hugged affectionately. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at them, reached into his pocket to take out his cigarette, and then he took out his cigarette again.    


He didn't care much about it. He took out a cigarette and put it into his mouth. He felt the bitter taste of the nicotine on his tongue. He took out the cigarette and slightly opened his mouth: "Chuqing, I love you. I'm sorry."    


Ding Yiyi knew that Hai Zhuoxuan couldn't catch up with Ye Chuqing, so she could only secretly feel sorry for him. She looked at Hai Zhuoxuan, smiled and asked what he wanted to eat tonight, but ignored her and played the piano alone again and again.    


She couldn't understand. Since Hai Zhuoxuan didn't love her at all, then why did he confess to her? The Baby Cheng beneath her feet moved slightly. She rested her head on her feet and fell asleep again.    


"Looks like I really have to see a doctor." Ding Yiyi looked worriedly at Baby Cheng. She shifted her butt just in time to press down on the remote control as An Ran's expression on the television lifted her spirits. However, his next words surprised her.    


"That's right, Ding Yiyi and I are indeed close, but I hope that everyone can give us some privacy." Under the flashing lights, An Ran was happily facing the media.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the interview in astonishment. She found it unbelievable. Looking back at the date, it was already yesterday. She quickly picked up the phone, which rang and was immediately picked up. "Idiot, you finally remembered to call me?"    


"Brother An, I saw the news. What's going on?" Ding Yiyi hurriedly said.    


"It's fine. Turn off the TV and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, you'll find that everything is fine. I'll allow you to dream about me, hmm …"    


She heard gasps coming from the other end of the phone and hurriedly asked, "Brother An, what's wrong?"    


After a long while, An Ran finally replied, "Nothing, nothing. I just bumped into the corner of the table. Alright, goodbye."    


An Ran hung up the phone, held her stomach and winked, "Ye Nianmo, you're a kung fu practitioner, right? You called my Acupoint!"    


Ye Nianmo swept his gaze over him with an indifferent expression. An Ran purposely cried out in pain from the side, "Ah Ren, I felt a slight pain in my stomach. Come over here and check on me!"    


Xu Weiren swept a cold glance at Ye Nianmo. His eyebrows were knitted tightly. He pulled An Ran up and down, checking again and again until he saw that there was nothing wrong with Ye Nianmo.    


An Ran squinted as she looked at him with glee. He had purposely done that to hide his sympathy. It was all his fault for not wanting to receive the notice yesterday and purposely getting off work. He had let Xu Weiren find him easily and just ignored him today. However, Ye Nianmo's punch was too ruthless, didn't I just tease Ding Yiyi a little!    


"Ye Nianmo, let me tell you a piece of information. That day, a man drove a Bugatti to Ding Yiyi. It looks like he's not bad. She's very popular." An Ran's words were full of meaning.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at him and turned his head to look out of the window without saying a word. Ye Bo pushed open the door and entered the room. "Young Master, everything is ready."    


In front of An Ran's apartment, reporters who had learned of the news had surrounded the apartment's entrance so tightly that even water could not trickle through. Many fans were waiting there with their watches just to take a look at their idols.    



"It's out! It's out! " The crowd suddenly burst into commotion. An Ran, escorted by her bodyguard, walked out with difficulty. Beside her was a woman wearing a mask and a peaked cap.    


"An Ran!" I love you! " The fans screamed again and again as they tried to squeeze forward. Very soon, a few reporters were pushed outside by their crazy fans.    


An Ran gently looked at her fans. She gently put her arm around the waist of the woman with big sunglasses and lowered her head, making the fans even more excited.    


"There it is!" He suddenly called out in a low voice to the side, and the surrounding bodyguards immediately scattered and ran in the direction he pointed.    


There was a woman standing in a clearing not far away. She had a veil over her head, and her large sunglasses covered her delicate face, making it impossible to see her face. She was obviously surprised to see a bodyguard running towards her, so she immediately turned around and returned to the car.    


The bodyguard stepped forward to intercept! The woman increased her speed with all her might. No one dared to go forward, so they could only watch as the car moved further and further away.    


Xu Weiren immediately stood in front of An Ran and said to the reporters and fans, "Sorry, the situation is a little out of control right now, but An Ran will be holding a press conference in 15 minutes."    


The reporters looked at each other. However, since there was still a press conference, nobody bothered with them. Some of the crafty old guys had already dispersed, leaving some novice reporters and fans guarding the door.    


"How was it? Did you catch it?" An Ran pushed open the door and gulped down a glass of water.    


Ye Nianmo shook his head. Everyone had guessed correctly. The mastermind knew that the woman who came out with An Ran wasn't Ding Yiyi, so she wasn't surprised at all.    


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