Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1826 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1753

C1826 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1753

0She paused for a moment and waited for her breath to calm before she continued, "I was just thinking whether your father has been impatiently waiting all this time, so he urged me to hurry over."    


"Mom, don't say that." Xia Yihan covered her mouth, trying her best to stop herself from crying.    


Fu Fengyi looked at her lovingly. "Silly child, why are you crying. When you were young, you suffered a lot at Ye Family.    


She moved her body as if she wanted to raise her hand, but she gave up in the end, "There will be more and more of these kinds of things in the future. I have to start paving the way for my departure slowly now.    


Ye Zimo gently held her hand, her voice tinged with a hint of sobs. "Alright."    


"All of you can leave. Let all of your grandsons come in and let me take a look."    


Xia Yihan walked out and nodded at everyone. Everyone silently walked into the room.    


Hai Ziyu, Ye Chuqing, Hai Zhuoxuan, Ye Nianmo, Ding Yiyi.    


"Grandma, I'll get Shuimo to accompany you tomorrow." Ding Yiyi said.    


Fu Fengyi shook her head. "Forget it. I don't want the child to see me like this. She's still young. I don't want her to know that she's going to die. I hope she'll be happy."    


"Shuimo has been talking about wanting to see you." Ye Nianmo said on the side, "You're her favorite elder."    


As expected, Fu Fengyi's eyes lit up as she gathered her spirit and stopped arguing.    


Since the old man wanted to rest, everyone stayed for a while before leaving one by one. Fu Fengyi left Ye Zimo, Ye Nianmo, and Hai Zhuoxuan behind.    


Ding Yiyi and Hai Ziyu walked into the garden together. A servant came in hastily, "Sister Xiaoxiao, the irrigation system in the garden is broken. However, the person who fixed it hasn't arrived yet. Even though we signed the contract, it's always dragging things out."    


Hai Ziyu thought for a moment. "Tell them that if we don't implement the plan within two days, we won't have any cooperation with them. As for the rest of the payment, we will also go and collect them."    


The servant nodded and left. Ding Yiyi praised, "If Siwen Bing knew that you took over the job of a butler in order to wait for his return, I wonder what he would have thought."    


"I just want to keep traces of his real existence. If he comes back one day and finds out that his position has been replaced, he might leave again. Hai Ziyu said softly, "And I'm also afraid to wait for a day like this. If I wake up one day and find that I can't remember what happened between us, what will I do?"    


At this moment, Ding Yiyi knew she was weak. Waiting for someone who she didn't know would come back would be painful, not to mention the fact that she had no relationship with Hai Ziyu at all.    


Not a lover, not even a master and servant.    


"Miss, this is the madame's recent list of nutritious dishes. Dr Duan has seen it. Please take a look." Another servant came over.    


Hai Ziyu no longer had a dispirited expression as before. She took the list and looked at it attentively. She started to draw out the unsatisfactory parts of it.    


Ding Yiyi left quietly. She knew that Hai Ziyu, who used to be beautiful, but was timid and unsociable, was gone. Even if she left alone in the future, she would not lose her way.    


Ever since Fu Fengyi had gotten sick, everyone in the Ye Family had been tensing up, carefully afraid that something might happen. On this day, an unexpected guest arrived.    


When the servant came to inform her that Ao Xue had come to see Fu Fengyi, Hai Ziyu was also surprised.    


There was a secret between her and Ao Xue that she could never speak of. This secret allowed the two of them to get closer to each other, and also allowed Hai Ziyu to discover that she was unable to break free from her shackles.    


For example, her aunt was also present at this time. Logically speaking, she didn't want Ao Xue to come in, to protect her aunt's heart. However, she had no choice but to do so.    


"Even if I die, I cannot reveal that secret." "Let her in."    


"Is Grandma okay?" Ao Xue asked nervously as soon as she entered the door.    


Hai Ziyu didn't know how she found out that her grandma was sick, but all the adults in the family weren't there today. Only she, her aunt, and her uncle were there.    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Shuimo, who were accompanying Fu Fengyi, were also stunned when they saw her.    


"Sofia, come and show it to auntie." Ao Xue's eyes lit up when she saw Ye Shuimo.    


Ye Shuimo looked at her mother. She only walked over to Ao Xue when she received her mother's approval. This scene stung Ao Xue.    


Did her child have to act based on other people's expressions? And she also needed to see someone else's face before she could touch the child.    


"What are you doing here?" Ye Nianmo just happened to come down from upstairs. When he saw Ao Xue, his expression tensed up and subconsciously pulled Ding Yiyi behind him.    


Ao Xue felt a pang in her heart, but she said naturally, "I heard that Grandmother is sick. Mingyao couldn't come over, so I came to take a look."    


Fu Fengyi knew that Ao Xue had come, so she asked the servant to take her in.    


Half an hour later, Ao Xue walked out of Fu Fengyi's room and bade her farewell.    


After exiting the Ye Family gate, there was already a black car waiting there. The driver said, "The old lady said that it's not good to take a taxi here, so she will take you back."    


"Thank you." Ao Xue happily accepted.    


When she got out of the limousine, the driver followed her. "Please wait."    


She turned around. "What's the matter?"    


"The madame said that she hoped Miss Au Xue would remember her promise."    


"Please convey my meaning again. I won't forget it." Ao Xue nodded at him.    


The child ran around in the residential complex. Her back was accidentally hit and the driver quickly reached out to help her. Upstairs, a shadow flashed past.    


Ao Xue opened the door and was immediately overwhelmed by the heavy smell of smoke in the room, "Yan Mingyao, if you smoke, then please get out and smoke."    


"Who is that man?" Yan Mingyao was curled up on the sofa, looking at him maliciously. There were more than ten cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table.    


Ao Xue took off her shoes. "I don't need to report my whereabouts to you."    


Yan Mingyao was in extreme pain, "Ye Nianmo, that Dong Qing fellow, are you not enough? You still want to flirt with other men? "    


"I'm too lazy to talk to a smoker like you." Ao Xue rushed into the room and slammed the door shut.    


In the living room, Yan Mingyao held his head in pain. He didn't want to do this, but he didn't know when it started, and he started to doubt her more and more.    


A sense of crisis, a strong sense of crisis. Maybe she was flirting with other men out of sight.    



No, she wouldn't do that. Yan Mingyao, what kind of position do you put her in?    


Although she loved Ye Nianmo and had a relationship with that man called Dong Qing, but wasn't she married to him after all? This was a lifetime promise.    


He was sure that everything he saw just now was caused by overthinking. He walked to the door and knocked, "Xiao Xue, I was in the wrong. I apologize to you."    


The door was still closed, which was the usual way they got along after their marriage. He continued to curry favor with her, "I'm going to the restaurant, do you have anything you especially want to eat? Vietnamese or Indian? "    


The door opened and Ao Xue headed straight for it. "I'm not coming back to eat. You can eat by yourself."    


"Where are you going?" Yan Mingyao held her hand and said humbly, "I know it was my question just now. I apologize to you for that."    


Ao Xue refused to listen and looked at him coldly. "Are you done talking? And then I left. "    


"Are you going to see another man?" Ye Nianmo or Dong Qing? " Yan Mingyao asked coldly behind her.    


His chest was heaving violently, his fists were clenched tighter and tighter, and his nerves were taut. If the person in front of him were to nod, who knew what he would do.    


"Hehe, in your heart, I'm the one who does this kind of thing, right? As long as you go out, you'll find a man, right? If you want to think like that, I have no objections."    


Yan Mingyao's rational mind was broken. He pulled him over and pressed him against the wall. Then, he raised his hand high up, "What did you say?"    


Ao Xue's breathing paused for a moment, but she didn't dodge. She looked straight at the palm hanging in the air. "Why didn't you attack?"    


She sneered, "Didn't you slap me before? They all say that once there's one, there's two. Why don't you keep fighting? "    


Yan Mingyao's body stiffened. The other party's gaze caused him so much pain that he could not bear it anymore. He put his hand down dejectedly and said, "Sorry, this was not my intention."    


"I'm going out."    


As the sound of high heels faded away, Yan Mingyao painfully squatted on the ground. How long would it take for him to get married like this?    


The sound of the elevator closing drifted over. He abruptly stood up, opened the door and followed out.    


Ao Xue didn't know that someone was following her. She drove to the bank and showed her ID card and account book.    


The bank manager ushered her into the VIP room, checked her papers, and led her to the bank's locker.    


After handing her the password, the bank staff left. She entered the password and found a folder inside the cabinet. This was what Fu Fengyi wanted to give her.    


He dialed the number and said, "Madame, I've got it. Don't worry."    


Fu Fengyi hung up the phone and looked out the window. She didn't have much time left, but she had a lot of things to do and a lot of people and things to worry about.    


Giving her majority of the shares to Ye Shuimo was a decision she had made long ago.    


Ye Miao was not Ye Family, so he had to make sure that he wouldn't be able to get a large chunk of Ye Family. And Ye Nianmo is the majority shareholder, he loves Ding Yiyi so, may prefer Ye Miao.    


She wasn't worried about Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo, but what she was worried about was that if Ye Miao had ambitions and wanted to seize the Ye Group rights, then no one would help Ye Shuimo by then.    


Giving the shares to the man in Ye Family for safekeeping wasn't suitable. If he gave it to Ding Yiyi, he would be worried that she might side with her own son. In that case, Ye Shuimo's situation would still be very dire.    


Even though Ao Xue had done a lot of wrong when she was young, and she was still the same person who did all sorts of things, she could become a shield to protect Ye Shuimo.    


After all, she was his mother, so she definitely wouldn't screw over Ye Shuimo.    


"Grandmother." Ding Yiyi pushed the door open and entered, "Are you preparing to go back to the temple to recuperate?"    


Fu Fengyi nodded. "I'm getting old and I know that I don't have much time left. It's time for me to return to my original place."    


She looked at Ding Yiyi. "I asked you to accompany me this time because I hoped that even if I did leave, I would still be able to leave under your protection."    


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