Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C254 Favorite Marriage of Rich Families 187

C254 Favorite Marriage of Rich Families 187

0Xia Yihan had always told herself that she couldn't be too greedy. She already had such a loving father, so she shouldn't think about getting her own father's approval.    


But it was really strange. Maybe blood was thicker than water, but in his dreams, he would still chase after his father and call out for his father.    


In her dreams, she would become a tiny little girl, as if she had just learned that a person should have a father. The other kids would ask her, "Xia Yihan, do you have a father?"    


"Yes, of course I have a father. My father is a very powerful person."    


"Haha, you aren't lying to us right? "How come we haven't seen your father before?"    


She felt wronged and anxious. In the midst of all the mocking laughter, she would go looking for her father. He searched for many places and finally found his father, but no matter how she shouted, he ignored her.    


Ever since she knew who her father was, this sort of dream became more and more frequent.    


She didn't want Ye Zimo to know that she had been dreaming. She didn't want him to worry about her, so she didn't say anything.    


She had suddenly received a call from her father that day. She really wanted to hear him sincerely call out, "Darling daughter."    


Because of this hope, her voice trembled slightly, but she did her best to restrain herself, not wanting to show too much emotion.    


"President Zhong!" "Hello!" She said the most distant and polite salutation, but only she knew in her heart how painful it was to use the three words President Zhong to call her father. The dull pain seemed to have suddenly become incomparable depressed.    


President Zhong? Damn it!    


Ye Zimo's nerves instantly tensed up!    


His gaze stopped on the phone in Xia Yihan's hand. He almost couldn't control himself and snatched it away, warning him not to call Xia Yihan.    


His hand clenched into a fist. Xia Yihan's attention was entirely on the phone, so she didn't notice the change in Ye Zimo's expression.    


His hands were shaking, but he took a deep breath and said to himself: You can't mess around. You have to be calm.    


He might not have called to tell her the whole truth.    


If the purpose of his call was to tell Xia Yihan that Soong Wanting was pregnant, he could still tell her some other way even if he stole her phone now.    


He could call again, he could arrange for people to secretly leak information to her through the company, and he could even send people to bring Xia Yihan out just like last time.    


With President Zhong's strength and power, it was easy for him to tell Xia Yihan about one thing.    


In the end, he chose to take away Soong Wanting. In fact, it wasn't hard to guess, he was thinking that he should either not do it or do it thoroughly at once. He wanted Xia Yihan to be completely disappointed in him, to break all ties with them, and there was no room for recovery.    


As he thought of this, his nerves gradually relaxed, and he quickly calmed down. However, he still maintained a state of silence as he listened.    


Even if he wasn't going to tell Xia Yihan about those things, the phone call today was unusual. It was impossible for him to be so kind-hearted as to think of his daughter and ask about her.    


Most likely, he still wanted to use this form of warning to let Xia Yihan know that he could pass the news to her at any time.    


He wanted Ye Zimo to lower her head and let him settle the matter of his investigation.    


What kind of person is Zhong Yuquan? He's always been quick to react, always taking things into consideration and always being careful when doing things.    


"Yihan, Daddy wants to see you. A friend came to see me and gave me two mink coats. I look good in color and the style is suitable for you to wear. I want to deliver them to you tonight. To tell you the truth, when I first learned that I had a daughter like you, there was a long struggle in my heart. I was always worried that you were bad for my reputation, but then I got weirder and weirder and found that I was beginning to miss you. It seemed that his biological father and daughter were his biological father and daughter. It was impossible for him to not care about them. Now that I have thought it through, I should treat you well. I'm going to see you tonight at Ye Zimo's, and Dad hopes you won't refuse. " There was a kind of fatherly love in Zhong Yuquan's voice, and Xia Yihan couldn't tell for a moment if it was true or not, after all, only through the voice, and she couldn't see his expression, so it was hard to tell.    


"I …" Xia Yihan paused for a moment, and then realized that her nose was slightly sore when she said the word 'I'.    


She closed her eyes and calmed herself for a moment before she spoke again.    


"Thank you! I don't need it. You should leave it to your lover and Sister Yunchang. Zimo bought them for me a few days ago, so I don't need them. " Xia Yihan was afraid that it would hurt her father's heart so she quickly added, "I know what you're thinking, but it's not good for you to be around me too much. I don't want to cause you any trouble. So I don't want it, but I'm happy and touched. "    


Ye Zimo's brows creased unconsciously. He knew that the old fox wouldn't be calling so easily. It seemed like he was here to use his daughter as a weapon.    


He had never even glanced at or cared about his daughter, who was born in the heat of the moment. He had even made her suffer in someone else's home for twenty years because of him, yet he had the nerve to use her!    


He really wasn't human!    


His silly woman, her heart was too soft and too kind. He really wanted to harden her heart so that these people only knew how to bully her and use her kindness to kill them all!    


President Zhong remained silent. After a long while, he sighed and asked Xia Yihan with a choked voice: "Daughter, why are you being so polite to me? I know Ye Zimo is nice to you. He has a lot of money, you won't lack a mink coat. But Daddy really just wants to make it up to you. Do you look down on this, or won't you forgive Dad? Would it be necessary for Father to beg you before you would accept a little of Father's kindness? "    


If Xia Yihan hadn't been able to tell whether her father's words were true or false just now, then when his voice, filled with helplessness, rang in her ears, she could no longer control her emotions.    


Tears rolled down his face and dripped down one by one.    


Whatever his father had done, she had never thought of not forgiving him. In her heart, she had always felt that he had given her life.    


If not for the fear of affecting his image and the harmony of his family, wouldn't she have openly called him father, just like Zhong Yunchang had said to her father in a naughty manner and act like a spoiled child?    


"Sigh!" Forget it! When you accept me, you can call me. Maybe Ye Zimo doesn't want you to recognize me as a father? After all, I don't get along with Lao Ye, and now that you're a member of Ye Family, I won't blame you. Saying that, Zhong Yuquan seemed to be planning to hang up.    


"No, no, no! No, I am willing to accept you. How could I not? Come in tonight, and I want to see you! However, you must come at a convenient time. If your lover is unwilling, you must not force him. I know it's enough for you to have me in your heart! " After Xia Yihan finished her sentence, she broke down in tears.    


"Good!" My daughter is still the best! Daddy will come and see you tonight! Don't cry either. Daddy's heart hurts when he hears it. "    


"I won't cry, I won't cry." As Xia Yihan spoke, her tears were still flowing.    


Ye Zimo understood Zhong Yuquan's intentions. She took out a tissue from her pocket and silently wiped the tears off Xia Yihan's face. Her actions were very gentle.    


After the two of them ended the call, Xia Yihan asked Ye Zimo with some uncertainty, "He said that he would come to see me tonight, would you be unhappy?"    


"Silly Girl, you can do whatever you want. I'll be happy if you're happy." Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan in her arms. He used to feel that such sweet nothings were too sour, but what others said sounded too insincere.    


However, his woman was the most pure and insecure woman in the world. He had to say these things frequently to make her feel at ease.    


He wasn't just saying this on the surface, he was thinking the same thing. As long as she was happy, he could do whatever she wanted.    


"Good of you, Mo. Why are you so good to me, I'm so lucky. "Now that I think about it, even I …" She wanted to say that even my dad was willing to recognize me, but before she said it, she remembered that she called him President Zhong.    


She was still afraid that it would affect him badly, so she swallowed the words that were on the tip of her tongue.    


"Tell me, should he be telling the truth this time?" Xia Yihan asked him. It was not because she didn't want to believe that he was sincere, but perhaps it was because the impression they made on her was too deep that she doubted his sincerity.    



Two words were written on her small face: Hope.    


She wanted an affirmative answer from him, so how could Ye Zimo not see through it?    


"Let's take it slowly. You'll feel at ease as time passes, alright?" he said softly, stroking her hair.    


He didn't want to lie to her and give her a false impression. Whether it was true or not shouldn't be said by him, so it was better to let her feel it herself.    


Xia Yihan no longer said anything. She gently leaned against Ye Zimo's chest, closing her eyes as she thought back to meeting her father that night. She was looking forward to it.    


He didn't bother her with her thoughts. He put his hand on her hair and gently stroked it. He was also thinking about how he would negotiate with that old fox tonight.    


When they were almost to the hotel, Xia Yihan suddenly thought of something. She looked up at Ye Zimo and said softly, "Tell me, why am I so silly? He said that he would come see me at night, but even I didn't know to call him here for dinner. I want to make two dishes for him to eat personally, what do you say? However, he must be used to eating delicacies, and I doubt that even he would like the dishes I make. "    


At this point, Xia Yihan's expression became slightly gloomy. Ye Zimo felt a pang in her heart when she saw this.    


The more Xia Yihan wanted her father to be happy like a child, the more he wanted to beat the old man up.    


"Who said he wouldn't like it? I'll like it! Let me think with you about what you can do for him. You can call him first and ask if he can come over to eat. If he can come over, then what do you want to cook? "    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Xia Yihan nodded repeatedly, thinking that she was really too stupid.    


She took out her cell phone and hesitated before dialing. She didn't know if her father had just called secretly, and if she called back, would it be inconvenient for him to pick up?    


After all, his identity was different from ordinary people. Whether it was at home or in the office, there should be inconvenience.    


"Don't think too much into it. If he really isn't that free, he wouldn't have contacted you on his own accord. It's okay, let's call him." Ye Zimo had guessed what she was thinking about. Since he had already said so, Xia Yihan didn't think much of it and directly called her.    


President Zhong's phone was on the desk in front of him. When his phone rang, he picked it up and saw that it was Xia Yihan.    


She probably didn't want him to go yet, did she? No, from his point of view, Xia Yihan looked forward to interacting with him as a father.    


He pressed the answer button and said calmly, "Yihan, this is father."    


Such a response made Xia Yihan feel extremely warm, and it also meant that it would be very convenient for him to talk to her at this time.    


"I want to invite you to my house to eat. I'll cook for you. I don't know if you have time, but if it's not convenient …"    


"It's convenient, my daughter cooked the dishes for me personally. Even if I don't have time, I still have to squeeze out some time. Besides, I really don't have any plans for tonight."    


"Well, what do you want to eat? I'll do it for you. " Xia Yihan's voice sounded a bit agitated. President Zhong was glad to see her welcome him like this.    


"Anything is fine. I will like anything you cook, silly child."    


As Zhong Yuquan said 'a silly child', Xia Yihan's eyes started to tear up. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control her emotions, so she hurriedly said goodbye and hung up the phone.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were red. Ye Zimo felt both love and hatred when she saw her expression.    


She had never received much love since she was a child. Perhaps she really needed it too much.    


Unfortunately, the only thing he could give her was love between a man and a woman. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make up for her lack of fatherly love.    


If Zhong Yuquan was a changeable person, how he wished Xia Yihan would always live in a world surrounded by love from everyone.    


"I heard that President Zhong likes to eat chili. He is neither a spicy nor a happy man. Can you cook spicy dishes?" "I won't do it, I'll teach you." Ye Zimo's attitude was extremely serious, and Xia Yihan's attention was entirely focused on the content of his words, so much so that she didn't notice the craftiness in his eyes at all.    


Ye Zimo really couldn't bear to see her acting this way for her father's sake. That old fellow would only know how to use her.    


He must have told her daughter that he liked everything she cooked.    


Old fox, since you like to eat, you should eat more tonight …    


"I really don't know how to do that. Teach me."    


"Okay, tonight we'll make a Sichuan fish, and another …" Ye Zimo said the names of dozens of Sichuan Cuisines in one go. Xia Yihan listened attentively and remembered every single one of them. In any case, she didn't know how to do it, so she was counting on him to teach her.    


"Mo, I only realized today that you are really meticulous, knowing everything. "Looks like I've found an all-round husband, it's so beautiful." As Xia Yihan listened to Ye Zimo talk about how to make a dish, her admiration for the dish became even more apparent.    


The sound of Security Officer opening the car door and getting off woke Xia Yihan up. She pushed Ye Zimo hard, but he acted like nothing had happened.    


Security Officer walked to Xia Yihan's side and opened the car door, saying, "Young Madame Ye, please!"    


After he finished speaking, he noticed that the two of them were still embracing each other. His face immediately flushed red as he whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He quickly closed the door again.    


Fortunately, she didn't see the sorry state in front of her. Even so, Xia Yihan wished there was a hole for her to crawl into.    


Ye Zimo said softly, but her actions did not stop. Only after knowing that his woman was just as emotional as him did he let go of her hand in satisfaction. An evil smile hung on the corner of his mouth, making Xia Yihan blush even more.    


Indeed, Security Officer did not dare to open the door, and the driver heard that there were no more movements behind them, so he did not dare to make any more movements.    


Ye Zimo quickly tidied Xia Yihan's dress and helped her straighten her hair before calmly getting off the car. She walked around the back of the car and personally opened the door for Xia Yihan.    


The Security Officer was also afraid that their Young Madame Ye would be embarrassed and did not dare to look at her. After they got out of the car, he went back to the car and waited outside according to their rules.    


"Mo, tell them to go have lunch as well. It's lunch time." Ye Zimo nodded and knocked on the driver's window, instructing him to go eat with Security Officer and the rest.    


Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan's waist. Before they could take a few steps, they saw Mo Xiaonong running towards them.    


"Sis!" Brother-in-law! " she cried sweetly.    


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