Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1083 Married to a Rich Family 1011

C1083 Married to a Rich Family 1011

0Her body shivered in the cold wind, but she stubbornly raised her head and met his gaze, even though she was no longer in his eyes.    


Ye Nianmo stood there with his back straight. After a while, he said, "Let's go."    


The car sped along the road until it reached a small district. Ao Xue looked at the unfamiliar district with a hint of familiarity.    


As the car drove deeper and deeper, she gradually recalled that it was here that she knew Ye Nianmo was going to live with Ding Yiyi. That day, she turned black and didn't look like herself, so she wanted to use any means to tie Ye Nianmo to her.    


The car stopped. Ye Nianmo's gaze never stopped on her. He only said in a deep voice, "Let's go."    


She silently followed him out of the car and up the stairs, her memory suddenly returning to a few years ago, when they were still young, when they had just experienced love and became moths. They knew that there was fire ahead of them, but they still had to walk as if their lives depended on it.    


The two walked side by side in silence until they stopped in front of an apartment. Ye Nianmo opened the door silently. The room was already decorated. There were light blue walls, a white piano in one corner, and a studio next to the living room. The studio was filled with books and the equipment needed for painting.    


The balcony should have been filled with flowers, but they had been left untended for a long time, and they were all dead. There was not a single trace of life left, as if the entire room was filled with dust.    


Ao Xue stood there, her thoughts in a whirl. At that time, she was also standing here, listening to the conversation between the two people in the room and feeling heartbroken. She looked at the decorations in the room, and a sense of fear came over her.    


It was true that everything in the room seemed to be designed according to their preferences. The decoration was European and American in style, and a white piano was placed in a corner of the wall. On the piano, there was a huge abstract oil painting, as well as the swing on the balcony and the tatami.    


At that time, Ye Nianmo just stayed by her side and quietly listened to her, while she still felt sad for his calmness.    


"Come in." Ye Nianmo was the first to step into the room. There was a little bit of dust in the room, and there were even some spider webs on the oil paintings at the entrance. He tore off the spider webs and turned to look at her.    


"I had thought of staying with you, like my parents, until they grew old." Ao Xue's body shuddered, her expression filled with disbelief. She looked at him, only to discover that there was no emotion in his eyes. He was only recounting a fact.    


Ye Nianmo paused for a moment and continued, "I know it's very easy for you to feel insecure, so you have to work hard to become your safe haven." He paused, and was finally willing to turn around and look at her, "The first thing you encountered might not be the right thing to do."    


"No, it's not like that. At first, I thought it wasn't for me, which is why I became so radical. I always loved you, ah." She held his arm while crying, and with her other hand, she crazily took out a worn-out Magic Cube from her bag.    


"Do you still remember the first time we met? In welfare institution, you were the first person to ever speak to me in such a gentle manner. Two years later, we met again and we even played the Magic Cube together.    


She said incoherently in an attempt to convince him that their fate had been linked for more than ten years and that this was God's will. They were destined to be together.    


Ye Nianmo's gaze swept across the Magic Cube that had lost its color. He pulled down Ao Xue's hand, turned over her palm and put the key on her palm.    


"Let go, my heart is no longer with you, I love her."    


She looked into his eyes in fear. She saw that his tone had turned softer when he talked about Ding Yiyi, and the lines on his face were also very gentle. She understood. She often saw this expression on her father's face, and he would subconsciously reveal this expression and tone when he looked at Xia Yihan.    


Ye Nianmo didn't look at her again. He turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia. After a long while, Ao Xue finally came back to her senses. She staggered a few steps forward and tripped over the coffee table.    


The ceramic tea cup on the table shook onto the wool carpet and the cup was already filled with dust. She looked at the empty and quiet room and suddenly remembered her mother's voice and the recording from the Audio Recorder.    


She was the one who told him that Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo were going to be together. Everything was her. It was she who had turned herself into a venomous woman. It was she who had made her lose love and become a walking corpse.    


She could not bear the anger, and it seemed as if every speck of dust in the room was laughing at her, at her stupidity, at her exploitation.    


The door slammed shut and the key was left in the room. This was a room that would never be opened again, forever.    


Even though she could not participate in her daughter's engagement ceremony, she knew that the time for her to succeed was coming nearer and nearer. As long as Ao Xue succeeded in entering the Ye Family and married before her child was born, she would have half of her wealth from the Ye Group.    


These beliefs supported her, and they were her only consolation when she couldn't sleep all night. However, Xu Haorann had just called her and told her that the wedding had been cancelled. What was going on?    


She paced around the room irritably and called Ao Xue again. There was still no answer, so her expression was terrible. Suddenly, the sound of a car braking could be heard outside the door.    


Ao Xue got out of the car in a hurry. The moment she entered the door, Si Si shouted, "What happened? "Why are you suddenly not getting married anymore? Who decided it? What did Xia Yihan and the others say?"    


She threw out a series of questions. Seeing that Ao Xue was just standing at the door and glaring at her, her eyes were red and swollen, and her expression was filled with hatred.    


Si Si was intimidated by her expression and walked to her side, pretending to be calm. She patted her shoulder and tried her best to suppress her dissatisfaction. "Child, tell mom what's going on?"    


Ao Xue raised her red eyes to look at her. Her voice was so gentle, just like a mother to a daughter who had been wronged. But the person standing in front of her, her gentleness was scary.    


"Why did you lie to me that Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo were going to live together?" Ao Xue looked at her. She was looking forward to hearing the answer, but she was also afraid of hearing the answer.    


Si Si looked at her with a complicated expression. Her heart had long since turned away. How did she know, who told her? Seeing the caution in her eyes, Si Si immediately pulled her hand and comforted her, "Foolish child, what are you saying? How could mother harm you?    


Ao Xue looked at her hesitantly. Her head was now a mass of paste, and she didn't even know who to listen to. Si Si slowed down her tone. "Do you want to know why mother has always hated Ye Family?"    


She slowly opened her mouth to express her anger towards her Ye Family. How she and Ye Zimo's child had died at such a young age, and how she had been ruined by Ye Zimo and left for dead.    


"But you still love him, don't you?" Ao Xue suddenly asked as she gently caressed her belly.    


Si Si was silent. Did she love him? It had been so long that she no longer knew whether she loved him or hated him, or whether she loved him more, or hated him more.    


When she raised her head again, the confusion on her face had disappeared and was replaced with determination. She tightly held Ao Xue's hand, "Child, I am the one who wished for you to enter the Ye Family the most. I am already unfortunate enough, I hope you will be happy."    


Ao Xue glared at her, trying to find any traces of a lie on her body. She didn't want to be fooled by anyone anymore.    


She tightened her grip. She looked at the woman in front of her who was related to her by blood and hesitated, "Then what should I do now? Do I still have a chance to turn the situation around?"    


After listening to her words, Si Si also frowned. By now, Xu Haorann, Xia Yihan, and Ye Zimo already knew about Ao Xue's fake depression and being bullied. Fortunately, they didn't find any problems with the child, which meant that the child was their only bargaining chip.    


"You should apologize to everyone and build a good relationship with Ding Yiyi. As long as a child is here, Ye Family will not accept you. " Si Si said after a moment of silence.    


"Make a good relationship with Ding Yiyi!" "Impossible." Ao Xue gritted her teeth and hatred could be seen in her eyes. Ding Yiyi had ruined her life and wanted her to build a good relationship with her. This was worse than killing her.    


Si Si patiently persuaded him, "No matter what, she is still your little sister. You can make good use of this. As for the others, as long as you have children in your womb, they won't forgive you. Right now, you can only keep a low profile!"    


Ao Xue turned her head unwillingly, until she heard her mother's berating voice, "If you want to successfully enter the Ye Family, then listen to me. Otherwise, scram right now. I no longer have a daughter like you!"    


Her angry roar made Ao Xue unable to think. She waited until her mother was right, her heart was aching so much that it started to become numb, and entering Ye Family made her obsession become even deeper. She nodded.    


After sending Ao Xue off, Si Si revealed a trace of unease. Ding Yiyi was too difficult to manipulate, and even though she was her daughter, she didn't have much use for her. Ye Zimo, on the other hand, listened to everything Xia Yihan said, so even if Ao Xue really entered the Ye Family in the future, the Ye Family wouldn't do anything to Ding Yiyi.    


A name suddenly flashed through her mind, and a trace of a smile appeared on her lips. How could she have forgotten that there was another person, Ye Zimo's mother, Fu Fengyi?    


Fu Fengyi spent most of her time at Mount Putuo, and other than the new year when she went back to Dongjiang City to visit her son and grandson, everyone else was just a fool. On this day, she suddenly received an anonymous letter.    


He threw the letter into the trash can. After living for dozens of years, she had first thought of the purpose of the person who sent the letter. She then summoned the maid that served her, "Return to Dongjiang City and help me find out one thing."    



An uneasy feeling enveloped Ding Yiyi. She stood in front of the wooden door as the people around her rushed into the room. She could not see the expressions on their faces.    


The sound of the wedding march came from inside the door again. The two of them slowly walked towards her. Ao Xue held Ye Nianmo's arm and smiled until her eyebrows curved.    


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