Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1493 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1421

C1493 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1421

0She suddenly came to a realization and rushed back into the classroom. Not long later, she rushed out with a phone in her hand. "I saw a little video, but I didn't tell anyone else."    


Xu Haorann took it, and on the screen, there was indeed a white shadow flashing by. The department flower still looked very scared, "Xiao Tian has been having a fever and sick ever since she got back, and she has applied for leave for a few days already. We were wrong, we shouldn't have gone there."    


After Xu Haorann heard this, he comforted her a little and then left. He was extremely surprised, could it be that Ao Xue really came back?    


When he got home, Ye Nianmo's car was parked in front of the door. Ye Nianmo's nerves immediately tensed up and rushed into the house.    


Seeing his hurried expression, Ye Nianmo was a bit surprised. Even though he had disappeared for an unknown period of time, it was also because of her obvious panic just now. "Uncle Xu?"    


"Yeah, Nianmo." Xu Haorann's eyes scanned the floor above with feigned nonchalance. He did not hear any strange sounds, and Ye Nianmo did not seem to have any particular expression on his face. He was finally relieved.    


Ye Nianmo was a little curious, "What happened to Uncle Xu?"    


"Nothing, I thought there was a thief in the house." Xu Haorann smiled awkwardly and went to the kitchen to get some coffee.    


Ye Nianmo obviously didn't believe him. With Xu Haorann's self-restraint, he wouldn't show such a terrified expression just because he encountered a thief.    


After a while, Xu Haorann came back with a cup of coffee. He then handed it to Xu Haorann, "Yiyi, are you alright?"    


"It's pretty good," Ye Nianmo pulled out his chair. "I caught a cold these few days, so I didn't bring her here today. I'll bring her to visit you when she gets better tomorrow."    


Xu Haorann reacted a little too loudly, "No need, just take care of yourself if you're sick. This is the suburbs, the wind is too strong."    


Ye Nianmo took a sip of the coffee and realized that it was not yet cooked. He put the cup down without a sound and said gently: "Is it her?"    


Both of them knew who this "she" was, and Xu Haorann's heart skipped a beat. He was sure that he couldn't let Ye Nianmo know about it at the moment, "It's the same as before, but it's been a year and I've gotten used to it."    


Xu Haorann had been looking at his watch, looking absent-minded. Ye Nianmo was also worried about Ding Yiyi's cold. Both of them had their own thoughts.    


After sitting for a while, Ye Nianmo got up to leave. Xu Haorann didn't keep him and let him go after saying a few words. As soon as the others left, Ye Nianmo went upstairs immediately.    


The lock on the door showed no sign of having been touched. He took the key from the wall with a trembling hand. Several times, he couldn't insert it into the keyhole. By the time he opened the door, he was covered in sweat.    


Si Si didn't rush out like before. She just sat quietly on the sofa and said, "Dad, you've worked hard."    


It was obviously Si Si's face and her voice, but Xu Haorann's eyes were red. He missed Ao Xue so much that he didn't even have the time to take a last look at her. This was a pain that he couldn't erase.    


He staggered in front of her and said in a low voice, "I'll let you go. You can leave."    


The person sitting on the sofa shook his head and told him in the same low voice, "I'm already dead, it's useless for me to go anywhere in this world. Thank you, I feel that there are people in this world who really care about me, so I came to find you."    


Xu Haorann's tears rolled down his face. If letting her go just now was a deliberate attempt to test her, then now, he was more inclined to that absurd idea.    


"You … are Little Snow?" he asked in a quavering voice, the muscles of his face twitching nervously. He had no choice but to believe everything that was happening in front of him.    


The person on the sofa nodded, "I miss you very much."    


"Daddy didn't protect you well. Daddy let you down, but kid, why did you come back so late?"    


"That day, I was forced to the pond. Later on, I had no choice but to jump into the pond. I had to tell everyone that I loved him. I could love him in this way."    


Si Si spoke slowly with a mournful expression. It was impossible to fake that. She seemed to be reminiscing about something as she leaned her skinny body against the sofa and said lightly, "It's so cold down there. There's nothing."    


"Dad, I can't take it anymore. No one cares about me, I need your protection." She paused for a moment before her stiff head slowly turned around. Her voice was unclear. "You … will protect me, right?"    


At this moment, Ye Nianmo's voice came from downstairs. Xu Haorann was surprised and hastily made a silent gesture towards Si Si before hurrying downstairs.    


"Nianmo?" He had just come downstairs when he saw Ye Nianmo about to go upstairs. He hurriedly asked, "Did you forget to bring something?"    


Ye Nianmo nodded, "My mom knew I was coming, so she asked me to bring you the books that you were looking for last time."    


"Is that so?" Xu Haorann tried his best to show a happy look, "This book is out of print in the country, it's hard for your mom to find one. It should be an exclusive book."    


He took the book and flipped through a few pages. His expression finally began to look natural. "That's right, it's really this book. I haven't been able to find it for a long time. I'm so happy."    


Ye Nianmo glanced upstairs without batting an eyelid before taking his leave.    


When he got home, he rang the doorbell, but no one answered. He sighed and opened the door on his own.    


In the living room, Ding Yiyi was sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket like a lazy kitten with her laptop on her knees. She was reading something through her headphones, but she didn't notice that someone had entered the house.    


Only when her shoulder was heavily crushed did she bounce up like a frightened little bird and almost throw the laptop out of her arms.    


Ye Nianmo grabbed his laptop and sighed: "How can I leave you alone at home like this?"    


"But shouldn't home be the safest place?" Ding Yiyi put her laptop to the side and said seriously.    


That word "home" made Ye Nianmo feel really good. He reached out his hand to touch Ding Yiyi's forehead, only then was he able to relax after he saw that the temperature had returned to normal.    


The earphones on his laptop were ripped off due to what happened just now. Video was playing on the laptop as screams constantly echoed out from it.    


"What is this?" he asked, glancing around.    


Ding Yiyi simply moved the computer in front of him and pressed the "Return" button again. "There's been a lot of talk lately about finding supernatural things in a lotus pond in a park, and some students actually saw it. One of them is sick and still hasn't gone to school."    


"Nonsense." Ye Nianmo frowned, but when he shifted his gaze back onto the screen, his expression was also a bit surprised.    


A year ago, this was where Ao Xue had jumped down from. That night, many things had changed.    


"What's the matter with you?" Ding Yiyi noticed his sudden silence and moved her notebook away worriedly. She walked in front of him and raised her head to look at him. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"    


Suddenly, he hugged her. Then, he bent his body and buried his head deep within her neck. His arms tightly wrapped around her.    


Ding Yiyi was at a loss because of his sudden action. After getting along with him for a while, she saw his gentle side, his domineering side, his childish side, but she did not see his weak side.    


He was still holding her tightly, and just as she was at a loss for words, a deep, gentle voice came from the nape of her neck. "I'm sorry."    


He didn't say why he was apologizing, but she suddenly understood why. It was because he hadn't protected her well before, so he felt guilty inside. Sometimes he felt panicked, sometimes he felt sad.    


Ding Yiyi was astonished by her deep understanding of him. Her heart was beating very fast, as if her heart was in turmoil.    



Finally, Ye Nianmo let her go. His eyes were deep, but he suddenly heard her say, "Let's calm down for a while."    


An intense emotion burst out of his deep eyes. It was just like the time when Ding Yiyi had refused to return home. It was so sorrowful, but not surprised.    


His sorrowful mood did not turn into actual action. He only took a step back and slightly tilted his head to look her in the eye. After a long while, he said, "Are you sure?"    


Ding Yiyi's mind was a mess. She was excited and eager to find out something, so she nodded. "Yes, let's split up for a few days. I have something very important to think about."    


Ye Nianmo didn't say anything. After an unknown amount of time, he finally squeezed out a word from between his teeth, "Alright!"    


He walked quickly and cleanly, showing no emotion except for the car that was speeding out.    


Ding Yiyi watched his car disappear into the road with infatuation. Then, she suddenly covered her face and softly smashed it against a pillar on the side corridor.    


Her head hit the pillar and made a slight sound. Her face was covered by her hands and turned red. She kept thinking in her heart:    


"Oh my god, she knows him so well. She will be able to get to the meeting immediately after what he says." Is this love? This should be love. When I don't see him, I want to know what he's doing. When I see him, I'll be ecstatic. I obviously want to get closer to him, but once he comes over on his own accord, I'll be at a loss.    


She tried to calm herself down, went home, closed the door and windows, and walked around Noguchi's living room, sitting on the sofa and watering the potted plants she had spilled on the window, but her thoughts were never on what she was doing.    


"I think I'll tell him I like him." She picked up her cell phone and hesitated the next second, "Is this really okay? Should I calm down for a day? "    


She tossed the phone away like a hot potato and forced herself to sit on the sofa and take a swig from the cold barley tea on the table.    


"That's right. If my heart is still as certain as it is two days later, then I will go and tell her." As long as you are certain that you love him, then tell him. " She whispered, feeling extremely happy.    


In order to give herself absolute calmness and space to think about this, she didn't say good night to Ye Nianmo as usual. She just held her phone in her hand, put it down, and picked it up after a while.    


And on the other side, Ye Family …    


The young housekeeper walked quickly through the living room with a worried expression. Ye Chuqing happened to see him with a bowl of hangover in his hand.    


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