Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1754 Wealthy Marriage 1681

C1754 Wealthy Marriage 1681

0He took her to see the bedroom, study, kitchen and bathroom, "Although it can't compare to Ye Family, it's still a small advantage, a warm and comfortable life."    


"To see the balcony? I plan to raise a lot of meat there. If you like, you can raise anything. " He was about to head for the balcony when there was no movement behind him. He turned around.    


Ao Xue, who was always unenthusiastic, said, "That's good enough. Let's go."    


"Don't you like it?" Yan Mingyao smiled, "You like to live in Ye Family? But you are only a guest at Ye Family, Xiao Xue. "    


Her body trembled slightly. Her eyes widened as she stared at him. Then, she turned around and walked out of the room.    


With his wrist being held, Yan Mingyao's tone softened, "Alright, I apologize. Let's not talk about these things anymore. Come and look at the balcony."    


He took her hand and led her to the balcony, which was very large, perhaps for the plants, and made a staircase on one side.    


Yan Mingyao was very excited and kept talking. After a while, he asked, "What do you think?"    


"Alright." Ao Xue answered without hesitation.    


The atmosphere became awkward for a moment, but Yan Mingyao quickly adjusted himself. He walked back into the living room and didn't hold her hand this time.    


"Do you want to go to IKEA to buy the furniture or to order overseas for a good selection?"    


"You can go to IKEA and pick any one of them."    


"Alright, then let's go to IKEA together for the weekend."    


Ao Xue wanted to refuse, but the other party knew what she wanted to say. She emphasized, "Remember to leave the time free for the weekend."    


When he returned to the Ye Family, Ding Yiyi was still waiting for Ao Xue. Seeing her return, she got up and asked, "Have a chat?"    


The typhoon that had set up the helicopter had been huge, but it was quiet and undisturbed. The two of them held one end of it each, allowing the wind to blow against their hair.    


"Are you serious this time?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


Ao Xue nodded. "I've waited for too long. It's time to end it."    


There was a hint of sincerity in her words that Ding Yiyi could not understand. However, the other party's next words left her in great shock.    


"I still love Nianmo."    


"What?" "Then you …"    


Ao Xue looked up at the sky. Today, there were a lot of clouds, layer by layer, which slowly floated towards the distance, "He and I have already had children, no matter how you break up Shuimo, Nianmo, and I, we are one family, there's no way to deny that."    


Ding Yiyi was silent. That's right, no matter how nice she was to Ye Shuimo, Ye Shuimo was still her and his child. There was no doubt about it.    


"But I still love her as if she were my child." Ding Yiyi said.    


The person beside her turned to look at her with a smile that was not a smile. "That's good."    


The conversation ended in a weird way. When Ding Yiyi returned to her room, she found that Ye Nianmo had called her.    


It was already 15 minutes ago. She quickly called back. After the phone rang a few times, Ye Bo picked it up.    


"Young master just entered the conference room for a meeting."    


"Is that so? Alright, I understand."    


Just as she was about to hang up, the other side of the phone suddenly said, "Please wait a moment."    


Soon, Ye Nianmo's voice sounded, "Did you just go out?"    


"No, I didn't." Ding Yiyi did not intend to tell them about her conversation with Ao Xue, and there was nothing she could say.    


Without much hesitation, he continued, "Is there anything else you need at five in the afternoon?"    


"Five?" Ding Yiyi looked at her arm. It was already 15: 30 PM. "No, it's nothing."    


"Alright, let's make time clear." Someone on the other end of the line seemed to be speaking, so the call quickly ended.    


Ding Yiyi held her cell phone and looked at her watch again. Only five minutes had passed.    


"Mom!" Ye Shuimo barged into the room. Wearing a princess dress for her birthday, she sauntered over to Ye Shuimo's side with a smug look on her face.    


Ding Yiyi was shocked. "Shuimo, what's wrong with your face?!"    


Surprised, she pulled it over and wiped Ye Shuimo's rosy cheeks with her hand. It was only then that she realized it was a blush. He couldn't help but laugh, "Oh you, what are you doing?"    


"She's putting on makeup. Shuimo's going to be a bride too." Ye Shuimo was very serious, blinking her eyes, which were all over the place.    


"You want to be a bride?" Ding Yiyi smiled. "But you have to have a groom. Who's Shuimo's groom?"    


Ye Shuimo pondered for a moment. "Brother!"    


Ye Miao? Ding Yiyi was rather shocked. She did not expect Ye Shuimo and Ye Miao to have such good relations.    


"I can't marry big brother." she corrected with a smile.    


Ye Shuimo had a thunderous expression on her face. "Why?"    


"Because you are big brother's little sister. Little sister and big brother can't get married. They can only love each other." Ding Yiyi explained patiently.    


Ye Shuimo nodded, "Then let's just love each other!"    


Ding Yiyi laughed heartily and took her to the bathroom to wash her face and makeup. The two of them took a bath together and used Ye Shuimo's favorite milk shower gel.    


17: 00 PM. A black Bentley stopped at the Ye Family. Ding Yiyi sat down, "Don't go in."    


"No, we won't make it in time." Ye Nianmo said.    


Even though she said that it was too late, the car was still moving at a moderate speed. As the cars passed one by one, she also saw a Chery QQ!    


"Should I go faster?" Ding Yiyi kindly suggested. She didn't think that Bentley's performance had been fully displayed. How depressing would it be if someone from the beloved family knew that the Bentley had been overtaken by Chery?    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her, "Don't." The voice paused, "You should just sit there. It's still safer this way."    


Ding Yiyi's heart was filled with sweetness. "Where are we going?"    


"Recently, the female colleagues in the office have been chattering about how delicious it is to open a new Thai restaurant." Ye Nianmo turned the steering wheel, "Since you like it, I wonder if you will like it too."    


So he had brought her here to eat Thai food. She couldn't help but laugh, "So that's how it is. If I knew earlier, I would have called everyone here."    


The car stopped in front of a restaurant that looked very Thai. The parking attendant pointed to a spot in the distance.    


When Ding Yiyi opened the door, she suddenly heard the righteous words of the people beside her, "Occasionally, you have to live in a world of two people with someone you love."    


Perhaps the car driver happened to hear it when he was guiding them up, and he even looked at Ding Yiyi strangely.    


Her heart skipped a beat, and she felt her legs go soft when she got out of the car. Just as he got out of the car, the other side only said, "Wait a moment." The car flew out like a bowstring from an arrow.    


Bentley … indeed, could be fast.    


The Thai food was quite delicious, but it clearly didn't suit their appetite. After hastily eating, the two paid the bill and left.    


"Do you want to take a ride?" Ding Yiyi happily accepted Ye Nianmo's suggestion.    


He drove aimlessly on the road, driving to his old home.    


Although it had been cleaned regularly, the room still smelled of dust caused by the absence of human habitation.    


Ding Yiyi went to open the curtain and looked out the window at the hazy night. Suddenly, she thought of Ye Miao.    


At that time, four people had left together, but when they returned, there were only three.    


Ye Nianmo suddenly said behind him, "Tell me, does our family's sofa color not match our room, and the comfort level is not high either."    


"Not worthy? Back then, it was a custom-made set. After hearing what he said, Ding Yiyi didn't have the time to be sentimental.    


Ye Nianmo insisted, "Not worthy."    




"I'm going to Ikea this Saturday. I have to change the sofa." He nodded gravely. "It's important."    


"Nope, I don't want it. Spending money randomly." This Italian sofa has only been bought for a short time, what a pity to buy it anew! What a waste of money!    


Ye Nianmo stretched out his hand and pulled her over. With a flip of his body, he pressed her beneath him. Then, he looked down at her and frowned, "A woman who doesn't know how to react."    


Ding Yiyi's eyes widened as she watched his head droop. Then, a moist kiss lightly touched her ear.    


His trembling body pleased him. He smiled, his eyes curved. "It's because I want to spend more time with you, idiot!"    


Ikea Saturday    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo looked at the sea of people at Yi Jia Village. They looked at each other in silence. It was a big mistake to choose the weekend when there were the most people around!    


Even so, they couldn't go back after they got here. The two of them strolled around.    


"Wow, this lamp is pretty creative."    


"Buy it."    


"What do you think about this oil painting hanging in Shuimo's room? I think it's pretty good. "    




He walked to the children's sample room. The room's color was not pink, but beige. The furniture inside was all warm, making it look very pleasing to the eyes.    


"Shuimo is older. After she matures, will the color of the room change? How do you like the color of the entire tone of this room? "    


Ye Nianmo nodded silently, "Buy it."    


Hearing this, the clerk at the side trembled. The hand holding the pen quivered, and she quickly walked over with a smile. "Mister and Madam has good eyes. This is the best set we have here."    


"Thank you. Let's take another look." Ding Yiyi pulled Ye Nianmo away and said, "You, praise doesn't have to be bought."    


"Do you like it?" Ye Nianmo was puzzled. Why not buy it if you like it?    


Ding Yiyi sighed. "Sometimes I don't like it because I want to buy it, but rather I want to bicker with the people I care about. Talk about this one, it's good. That's bad."    


Feeling the surprise in the eyes of the people around her, she stopped, "What's wrong? Did I say something? "    


"Nope." Ye Nianmo reached out his hand and gently rubbed the top of her head, "It's just that I feel good to suddenly hear you say romantic words."    


She was surprised for a moment, then her ears immediately turned red, "What?! We've already been married for so long!" He handed the milk tea cup to him, "I need to go to the washroom."    


Ye Nianmo was sitting in a nearby resting area, waiting for her, when he heard a surprised voice say, "Nianmo."    


Ao Xue was very surprised to see Ye Nianmo. However, when she looked at the cup of milk tea on the table, she naturally knew that Ding Yiyi was there as well.    


"Buy furniture?"    




Ao Xue was a little nervous and looked forward to it. "Can I sit here? Mingyao is over there picking some lights. I'm a little tired so I came here to rest."    


"Congratulations." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    


Her expression froze for a moment before she whispered, "What I want the most is not congratulations."    


"The only thing I can do is congratulate you." he said.    



Ao Xue held onto her chiffon skirt with a sad look on her face. "Even if we have Shuimo, we won't be able to be together."    


Ye Nianmo didn't say anything. It was pointless to talk about it now, so she might as well not talk about it. However, she didn't understand.    


"I have consumed my youth and all my passion just to wait for you."    


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