Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1904 Wealthy Marriage 1831

C1904 Wealthy Marriage 1831

0The three men had already been arrested. There were cases in which they had done such a thing because the same-sex parade had provoked them. The television news emphasized that it was only a small group of individuals, not organized.    


Ye Nianmo turned off the TV and hugged Ding Yiyi gloomily. The two of them had encountered many strange things over the years. Fortunately, he had a strong heart, otherwise, he would have been scared to death several times over.    


Ding Yiyi patted his arm and said, "It's alright. I managed to get away with it this time."    


"People can't be this lucky all the time." He was already considering taking a few bodyguards with him.    


Ding Yiyi joked, "Then lock me by your side. It's the safest."    


Seeing his solemn expression, he even said, "This suggestion is not bad."    


She could not help but smile wryly. "I was just joking." He suddenly thought of something. "Oh right, my dad from that day?"    


"Don't tell her you found me."    


These days, in order to find Ding Yiyi, Ye Nianmo didn't have the time to worry about Xu Haorann. Recalling what Xu Haorann said, he probably didn't want Ding Yiyi to know.    


"I lost him that day."    


"I lost him." Ding Yiyi whispered, "I wonder if it's him."    


Seeing that she was disappointed, Ye Nianmo could not bear to see her, "We will find it eventually."    


The computer on the tea table beside him indicated that there was an email. Ye Nianmo opened it casually, while Ding Yiyi looked at it. It was a bill worth tens of thousands of dollars.    


Ye Nianmo closed the message and another message popped out. It was sent by Ye Bo. The CEO of Shengshi Group has already returned.    


Now, they were still not sure if the Shengshi Group CEO was Xu Haorann. The two of them looked at each other and felt that since they saw Xu Haorann in the United States, they should continue investigating.    


Ye Nianmo felt that Xu Haorann's appearance might have had something to do with the same-sex parade, and he was even using a handgun without any change in expression. This was something he had never thought of before.    


Later that night, after Ding Yiyi had fallen asleep, he went to the alley where he met Xu Haorann. There was nothing at the entrance of the alley. Occasionally, a few black guys would glance at him maliciously and swear loudly.    


There was a pool of brown blood on the ground, and a few flies were buzzing around him. He bent down and looked at a ring in the corner.    


He clearly remembered that the man who escaped into the alley that day was wearing dirty canvas shoes. The edges of his shoes were already covered in wool, so this ring shouldn't be his.    


In short, it was a good thing to be able to see Uncle Xu once and confirm that he was safe and sound.    


After staying at the Los Angeles for a while, Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi returned with hidden matters in their hearts. Ding Yiyi always felt that the person she saw that day was really Xu Haorann, but she was also unsure.    


Ye Nianmo knew what she was thinking, but he couldn't not listen to Uncle Xu's words. Seeing her depressed, he also didn't feel good.    




Ding Yiyi had slept too late due to the jet lag. As soon as the car came to a stop, she anxiously ran out of the car.    


"Wait." Ye Nianmo brought her back home in one go, while the people outside at work watched a beautiful woman being pulled back into the sports car.    


Ye Nianmo pulled the guy back into the car and started to unbutton his shirt.    


Ding Yiyi struggled desperately, "What are you doing!?" We're going to be late for work! "    


"That's why I'm speeding up." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    


She wanted to cry, but she had to hold his hand. "I'm really angry."    


Ye Nianmo stopped what he was doing, and pointed at her soft breasts, "The buttons were wrongly buttoned."    




Taking advantage of the moment when she was stunned, Ye Nianmo continued with the work on his hands. Warm air occasionally scattered on her snow-white skin. Coupled with the environment she was in, Ding Yiyi blushed.    


Weird, if I tied it incorrectly, I should know before I go out. Why did I only say it now?    


When she finally figured it out, Ye Nianmo had already left, "It's locked up."    


Ding Yiyi pushed open the car door and ran inside the building anxiously.    


She approached the elevator. Because she was late, there was no one in the elevator. She pressed the button for the 17th floor.    


With one hand, he blocked the elevator door that was about to close. Ye Nianmo walked in helplessly, "At least let me ride it."    


The elevator slowly rose to the 17th floor. Ding Yiyi was about to step out the door.    


"Wait a moment."    


She turned her head, her chin caught, her lips softened, and when she regained her senses, the elevator doors were already slowly closing.    


Ye Zichen walked towards the company with a light heart, and just as he got close to the door, he ran into a bunch of people who ran out.    


"Sorry." It was a young girl. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head and looked at him curiously. "You are?"    


"I work for this company." The girl seemed to have something on as she quickly ran away.    


Since when did she recruit a member of the company's staff?    


As she walked into the office, she saw two unfamiliar faces. Sofia suddenly stood up and shouted, "Director Ding!"    


"What's going on?" Ding Yiyi looked at the additional staff in the office.    


Ao Xue walked over and said, "I was the one who recruited them. I saw that there weren't enough people, and since you weren't here, I recruited a few who could be of use."    


Ding Yiyi felt that it was a bit inappropriate, but she found it hard to explain it to him. "Come to the office for a while."    


In the office, Ding Yiyi rubbed her throbbing temples. "What are the positions of those three people?"    


"They're all from the planning department. They usually follow me because I need someone to help me with the rest after I've finished designing the script." Ao Xue was a little confused. "Isn't this just a small matter?"    



"Why didn't you discuss it with me first? After all, it's the whole company's business."    


"My sister runs a company. In theory, isn't this a family business? The family doesn't need to be separated that clearly? " Ao Xue frowned. "How about this? I'll dismiss her again."    


Ding Yiyi stopped him. "Since you've already recruited them, don't fire them. Use them first."    


Outside the door, Sofia was gnashing her teeth to the point that they were about to shatter. Just as she was about to push the door open and enter, her shoulder was grabbed. It was Lin Meicheng.    


"It's not the right time to go in now."    


"None of your business."    


Sofia went to the tea room angrily, ignoring the sound of footsteps behind her.    


"If it's for her own good, it's best not to run over and talk to her about it right now." Lin Meicheng poured the coffee powder into a cup and lowered her voice. "Didn't you notice that most of the company listens to her? Including the three new employees who came in. "    


Sofia sucked in a breath of cold air. "How is that possible? The company is a lady's company!"    


Lin Meicheng smiled as she looked at the woman in front of her, who only wanted to protect her master but had no brains, "Just Ao Xue saying that she and Director Ding are sisters is already enough to make those people follow her. People's thoughts are about family and family money, she might be overtaking this company and want to grow up on her own."    


When she finished speaking, Sofia looked at her with a complicated gaze, full of caution. "Why are you telling me all this?"    


Lin Meicheng placed the cup at the mouth of the water and poured a cup of hot water, "Don't worry, I don't have any ideas. What I should be worried about is your company and Director Ding's."    


"What's there to worry about!" Lin Meicheng had already walked out of the tea room.    


Sofia took Lin Meicheng's words very seriously, but she was also very cautious. Didn't China have a few words to say? She didn't want to go up and speak nonsense like that.    


As July was approaching, the weather was still hot and stuffy. The people in the jewelry design and sales workshop were quite enthusiastic. The online shopping mall had always been a good place to do business and was one of the top businesses in the comprehensive class. Ding Yiyi decided to organize a group excursion.    


In order to have a good time, everyone put in all their effort to get the work done as soon as possible.    


"Sofia, Director Ding gave this to you. He told you to take it to the factory for production." Qian Wei passed the sealed folder to her, "Director Ding said that it's the next issue's new product and must be delivered to the factory today."    


Sofia nodded and immediately left.    


Just as he walked out of the door, he bumped into a man who was walking out of the elevator.    


The man held his briefcase in front of his eyes and looked at "Yi Yi's Jewelry Design and Marketing Studio" before walking in.    


After listening to his introduction, the front desk led her to Ding Yiyi's office.    


When Ao Xue saw this, she asked, "What's the matter?"    


"This is the material supplier. I came to discuss the cooperation with Director Ding."    


Ao Xue glanced at the man. "She's busy. Let me do it."    


Seeing that the man at the front desk was hesitating, he introduced him: "This is Director Ding's sister."    


When the man heard this, he nodded. "Then I'll have to trouble you."    


As the group entered the meeting room, Ao Xue introduced, "These are my three assistants. Since the cooperation will involve all aspects, everyone please come and listen."    


The man nodded, "Of course, I didn't expect Director Ao and Director Ding to open such a company at such a young age."    


Ao Xue smiled. "Then let's hurry up and start."    


Outside the door, Lin Meicheng gracefully turned around and walked into Ding Yiyi's office.    


"Meicheng?" Ding Yiyi put down her work and stood up to tell her to take a seat.    


"No need, Director Ding. I passed by the conference room just now. Ao Xue is in the middle of a discussion with the materials and asked you to go over."    


Ding Yiyi said, "So it's like that. Alright, I'll go over now."    


Seeing her hurrying towards the meeting room, Lin Meicheng sighed. It seemed that Sofia didn't tell her about this.    


In the meeting room, Ao Xue was a little surprised by Ding Yiyi's arrival. The other three people in the meeting room stood up, "Director Ding."    


"Hello, Director Ding." When the man looked up the yellow page, he found some information about Ding Yiyi. When he saw her, he immediately stood up and said, "Director Ding."    


Ao Xue's gaze swept across the remaining people in the office before finally landing on Sofia's desk.    


After three days, all the work was ready, and the whole company happily went out to pay for the work.    


After returning to the Tongshi City, they would have to start preparing for new jobs. In the morning, Ding Yiyi put the draft of the accessories on the white board, Lin Meicheng and the rest were responsible for designing the effects of the accessories on the net.    


When the finished product was delivered to the factory, Ding Yiyi opened it and said, "That's not right."    


"What's wrong?" Ao Xue asked.    


"This is not our company's product." Ding Yiyi showed the ring in the box to everyone. "We've never designed such a design."    


Ao Xue took a closer look and said confidently, "It's definitely not our company's product."    


Ding Yiyi asked the front desk to contact the factory, thinking that the other party might have already made some products.    


Ten minutes later, the front desk returned, "The factory has confirmed that our company submitted the script."    


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