Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2470 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2397

C2470 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2397

0Of course, Ye Shuimo didn't know that she had been targeted. When she ran back into the Ye Family, Ding Yiyi was already picking a gem in the workshop as if nothing had happened.    


"Are you alright?" Ye Shuimo saw that her face was pale and worried.    


"Nothing." Ding Yiyi smiled gently. "Are there no classes today?"    


Seeing her godmother's forced smile and the dark circles under her eyes, Ye Shuimo resisted her grief and found an excuse to rush out of the studio and into the living room to shed tears.    


"Madam said that her appetite was not good and did not eat." The servant was worried too.    


Ye Shuimo placed the food on a tray and coaxed them inside. Finally, someone ate half a bowl of rice and drank a bowl of soup. The Ye Family servants all said that she had helped a lot.    


Ye Shuimo had been accompanying her godmother the whole time because there were still classes at night, so she couldn't always skip class. Therefore, she had to rush to school after 7 o'clock. However, she couldn't help but cry on the way.    


It was dark on the road. When she was close to school, she reached for a tissue to wipe her tears. She vaguely heard a sharp cat cry. She paused and listened again. The sound died away.    


At that moment, someone in class called and asked why she hadn't arrived yet. She quickly sped up and drove into the school.    


The young man crawled out from the green belt at the side with a yellow field cat in his arms. If he hadn't seen the cat get carried away earlier, the Bentley would have probably rolled over the cat.    


He didn't stop to drive even if he saw something. This guy was really mean. Seeing that the car had disappeared outside the school gate, the young man walked towards the school with the cat in his arms.    


There weren't many people who could drive a Bentley. Was it a teacher or a student? Regardless of whether they were teachers or students, they were probably scum.    


The next day, Ye Shuimo took advantage of the absence of lessons to go to Ye Family. She would liven up the atmosphere, because with her there, Ding Yiyi would be able to eat half a bowl of rice.    


"Are there any classes in the afternoon?" Ding Yiyi picked up the rice grains in her bowl and accompanied Ye Shuimo for a meal.    


"Today's class is already over. You have time in the afternoon and at night. Let me accompany you on your walk. The weather is also good in the sun."    


"Sure, but Miao will be lonely." Ding Yiyi joked and suddenly frowned. "Sorry, I'm full. You take your time to eat."    


She got up and walked quickly to the room. As soon as she put her hand on the handle of the stairs, she crouched down in a ball, her shoulders twitching in what was obviously an excruciating pain.    


Everyone rushed to the hospital. When Ye Shuimo called Uncle Dong Qing, she felt his voice trembling.    


Before the people from Ye Family arrived, there was only Ye Shuimo left to guard the ward. After the doctor saw her, he motioned for her to follow him out.    


"The patient will feel pain in the breast, usually from hyperplasia of the breast, and since she has been diagnosed with breast cancer, why not accept treatment?"    


Hearing the doctor's slightly reprimanding words, Ye Shuimo felt embarrassed and could only apologize repeatedly.    


"In short, it's a chance to find something benign. Wait until the cancer spreads, then it will be very difficult to save them. So, the family members of the patients must do a good job of comforting the patients so that they can receive treatment as soon as possible."    


Ye Shuimo nodded repeatedly. When she pushed open the door and entered, Ding Yiyi was already awake, looking at her with a smile on her face.    


"Did you hear that?"    


She nodded. "I've made you worry."    


Ye Shuimo threw herself into her arms, "I beg of you, please accept my treatment. We really cannot lose you."    


"Silly child." Ding Yiyi gently caressed her soft hair. "Just take it as me being selfish for once."    


"Dad isn't dead, he's been watching you all this time!" Ye Shuimo blurted out that she could no longer hide it. The doctor was right, once the cancer spread, then it would be too late.    


The door suddenly burst open and Dong Qing rushed in. With a terrified expression, she grabbed onto her hand and said word by word, "What did you say?"    


"It hurts." Tears welled up in Ye Shuimo's eyes as she cried out for pain. Ding Yiyi quickly got up from the sickbed. "What are you doing? Didn't you hear your child cry out for pain?"    


As soon as she got up, she felt a wave of dizziness and fell back on the bed. Dongqing quickly let go of her and went to help her up.    


"What are you so excited for? This child is probably just speaking nonsense."    


Dong Qing silently pulled up her blanket. He had indeed lost his mind from the shock earlier. Now that he thought about it, wasn't that what Ye Shuimo said when she wanted Ding Yiyi to treat her?    


Ye Shuimo realized that even if she told the truth now, no one would believe her. The rest of the Ye Family quickly rushed over, and everyone knew that there was no way to delay any longer.    


"Forced treatment." As Ding Yiyi's son, he had the most say in the matter.    


Everyone was silent. They all thought this was the best way. They couldn't just let Ding Yiyi's decision be. It was a race against time. Once the cancer spread, there was no hope for them anymore.    


"Which one of you is the relative of the patient in VIP ward 148? The patient is very uncooperative. " The nurse came running in.    


In the ward, the back of Ding Yiyi's hand had been forcefully pulled out from the needle. There were a few drops of blood on the floor and the bed sheets. The back of her hand was swollen until it was purple.    


It was rare for her to lose her temper so quickly, and her voice approached to a sharp roar. With a stern expression, she said, "Summon your Principal here! I'd like to see who dares to force me to do something! Even if I am just an ordinary patient, you all cannot ignore my wishes! "    


The nurse didn't dare to say anything and just stood in a row. When she saw Ye Miao, Ding Yiyi flew into a rage, "Miao, come over here."    




Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Ye Shuimo exclaimed in a low voice, covering her mouth and taking a few steps back. Ever since she was young, this was the first time that her godmother had beaten someone up in front of so many people.    


Ding Yiyi had just recovered and didn't use much strength. Ye Miao stood still and let the slap land on his face. He lowered his head without saying a word.    


"Are your wings hard?!" You think I have to listen to everything you say, don't you? " Without saying a word, Ding Yiyi's tears started to flow, but in the end, they stopped flowing.    


"Why do you want to deprive me of my choice? I just want to see him. Since the heavens gave me the chance to see him earlier, why did you stop me? "    


Ye Miao's throat moved as she cried, "I will prove to you that this is all a prank from God."    


He turned around and walked out. Ye Shuimo followed him in a hurry and grabbed his arm, but she could not stop him.    


"What do you want to do?"    


Ye Miao walked out in big strides. He wanted to capture him back. Now, only by letting him stand in front of his mother would she have the thought of dying.    


"Calm down, even if you really do find your godfather and bring him here, what do you want your mother to think? The person who has missed you for four years is clearly by your side, but they would rather see her in pain than to show up.    


Ye Miao stopped walking. His face was ashen as he ruthlessly hammered the wall. Anyone who passed by would not be able to avoid him.    



When they returned to the ward, there was still no progress. Ding Yiyi was already angry, so no one dared to ask her to leave, but they didn't want her to leave the hospital either.    


Due to her stubbornness, Ye Miao had hired a professional nurse to look after him 24 hours a day. Plus, Dong Qing didn't leave his side every day.    


In the evening, Ding Yiyi refused to eat. "If you agree with my decision, then I won't eat or drink."    


"Yiyi!" Dong Qing's face changed, he was in extreme pain. "Must we make it this far?"    


Ding Yiyi took the initiative to hold his hand. She was gentle, but firm. She had already decided that she would give this man all the gentleness in the final moments of his life to repay his kindness.    


After a day of ruckus in the hospital, everyone was tired. Ye Shuimo had wanted to take care of Ye Shuimo in the hospital, but was persuaded by Ye Chuqing to go home. One of them had studies and one had a career.    


After returning home, they slept in each other's arms for the entire night. The next day, Ye Shuimo drove to school alone.    


Last time, it was Zhang Xiaohui's class that had gone up, so she didn't have the guts to go up for the second time.    


She parked the car in front of the school building and immediately received a lot of stares from the crowd. After all, driving this car to school was indeed rather ostentatious. She thought that she should just buy a random car to go to school in a few days.    


Elective courses were courses that people of different majors would choose the same course, which was equivalent to forming a new class. Ye Shuimo's original class was not selected for this course, so she was left out on her own.    


It was still too early for class time, and the classroom was bustling with noise and excitement. Most of them chose the same class and they sat together and chatted, forming an obvious faction.    


She scanned her surroundings and sat down in the second row from the back. When she sat down, she realized that the girl in front of her was very tall, and her line of sight was actually blocked.    


I heard that Teacher Zhang has always been a good student since he was young, and he was one of the top students in the Important Class since he was a kid. His fame was so great that even the teachers knew him, and then, he was ranked first in the school in Tsinghua University, and then directly studied in Tsinghua University as a graduate student.    


"Wow, looks like you're still an awesome person. Although you've already heard quite a few rumors, at first glance, I still think you're quite outstanding." Ye Shuimo casually listened while scanning her surroundings, before suddenly catching sight of School Sister, who was seated at the very front, reading a book.    


What a coincidence, she had actually run into one. If she hadn't paid attention last time and had known that they would bump into each other during class, she probably wouldn't have taken this class.    


On the other side, the conversation was still going on, "Does Teacher Zhang have a girlfriend?"    


"He doesn't have a girlfriend yet."    


The one who spoke was the girl who blocked Ye Shuimo's path. She had four ear holes on her ears and earrings that jingled. Her hair was dyed peach pink and tied up. Her clothes were very neutral. It was indeed eye-catching among the university students.    


She just doesn't look like a nice girl, Ye Shuimo thought to herself as the bell rang. The students' frolicking sounds gradually died down as the youngsters entered the classroom.    


Seeing the young man with the handout between his fingers, Ye Shuimopaper sighed that this world was too small. The person standing on the podium was clearly the young man she met when she went to the villa to wreak havoc.    


Zhang Xiaohui obviously didn't notice her, he just scanned the entire venue, then picked up the register, "In order to save time, from now on, we will all randomly call for names, so it's bad luck for you."    


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