Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2557 Wealthy Marriage 2484

C2557 Wealthy Marriage 2484

0After messing around in the bathroom and worrying about the cold, Ye Miao found a towel and wrapped the person tightly in it before carrying him to the bedroom.    


There was a beautiful box on the bed. Ye Shuimo opened it and found that it was a Bachelor's uniform.    


"Would you like to dress me in a maester's uniform?" he whispered into her hot ears.    




Ten minutes later, Ye Shuimo suddenly realized, why did things suddenly turn out like this? As the silk monastic robe brushed against his body, tiny bumps appeared on his skin.    


As if noticing her lover's absent-mindedness, Ye Miao grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, slapping his hands on her butt.    


A crisp sound rang out in the air. Ye Shuimo was stunned for a moment before she subconsciously shrunk, causing the two of them to groan in pain.    


When she couldn't stand it any longer, she turned her head and found the glass next to the two people who were connected, and the maester's uniform hanging from her body.    


When he was about to reach the top, Ye Miao covered his face and kissed her gently, "Ye Shuimo, congratulations on graduation."    


At the end of June, Qin Xiaoya entered her previous job as an editor at a women's magazine. And what made her most happy was that her good friend Ye Shuimo, who had quit her position as a counselor at Z University, had joined the company.    


Since she was an intern at work on the first day, she arrived half an hour earlier than usual and waited for her friend at the small breakfast bar next to the company.    


About ten minutes later, a Bentley passed by, attracting the attention of passersby.    


Ye Shuimo, dressed in simple clothes, was dragged back to the car and kissed for a while. A lot of her lipstick had been eaten.    


Ye Miao's heart skipped a beat. Although he had the dream of staying in the same company as his lover countless times, since Ye Shuimo had already decided, he obviously wouldn't force her to join Ye Group's company.    


Although he was able to think like that, he was still very unhappy. He looked at the company's signboard and said, "Rui Ya Women's Magazine?" When he went back to investigate, he might be able to work together with them. That way, he would have more chances to contact his wife.    


Ye Shuimo didn't know that he had once again entered the workplace, and she didn't really want to get in touch with the company if she could.    


Although she had investigated for a long time, and confirmed that this company was only a branch under Wang Family, its operations in the past few years had not been very warm, nor had it received much attention from the people of Wang Family.    


The two of them arrived 15 minutes earlier, and apart from the two of them, there were also a few similarly immature looking girls. Everyone sat together on the sofa and waited. As the time came for work to begin, many men and women in fashionable clothes walked around, but no one paid any attention to them. They could only sit and do nothing.    


It was better to wait in the lounge than to wait foolishly in this place. The girl went out for a stroll and asked a few people about it, or else she would be told she didn't know, or she would be ignored.    


Embarrassed, she came back and said she hadn't met anyone and wouldn't go out again. Ye Shuimo looked at the 10 minutes that had passed since the start of work. In addition, they had already been staring at each other for close to half an hour. Thus, she decided to just go out and ask.    


As soon as he went out, he met a girl with glasses and holding a folder. The girl was a bit unhappy after being stopped, but after seeing Ye Shuimo's costume, her unhappy expression changed.    


They were in the fashion industry and were very sensitive to fashion brands. The woman in front of them was famous from head to toe, even her earrings.    


"What's the matter?" She softened her tone, thinking it was a client from her partner.    


Ye Shuimo said she was here to take the job and asked if she needed to wait in the lounge. The girl was suddenly enlightened. There was also a girl who asked about it just now, so she didn't care about it.    


Pointing at the lounge to Ye Shuimo gently, the girl evaluated the person in front of her. She estimated the price to be more than 30,000 yuan so she had a plan to make friends with this kind of person in the future.    


"Welcome to this company. I am Administrative Assistant, and will have a lot of opportunities to interact with you in the future. My name is Lee Jingjing, you can call me Jing Jing."    


Ye Shuimo said her name and felt pretty good about this passionate girl. After chatting with her for a while, she went back to bring everyone back to the lounge.    


It took almost forty minutes before someone opened the door. The woman who came in looked like she was not to be trifled with. She stared at the woman in jeans and a normal shirt before she even spoke.    


"Were you really hired?"    


The girl was somewhat baffled and didn't know how to reply, so she could only nod in agreement.    


"This is a fashion company. What we want to push to the large number of users is a fashionable concept. I can't see any intent behind your dressing up."    


The girl's face turned red from choking and she didn't say anything else. She awkwardly smiled.    


Ye Shuimo and Qin Xiaoya looked at each other; they both felt that this woman was truly like a mother.    


Finally, she said, "Rhea is a fashion magazine, and its direction is a woman between 20 and 30 years of age. There are many sections under its banner, and each section has its own independent and perfect staffing, and you will be assigned to each section. I am the director of the women's fashion series in the core section, and you can call me Sister Liu.    


Everyone present had their own thoughts. If they wanted to climb up, they were all thinking about what Sister Liu said just now. She was the person in charge of the core group and had more opportunities to follow the core group.    


As expected, the three people at the front indicated they wanted to go to the center of fashion women's section. Sister Liu did not say anything and just looked at Ye Shuimo.    


When Ye Shuimo said her name, Sister Liu asked, "Ye Shuimo? is he from the Ye Group Group? "    


Just now, she felt that it was a bit similar, but she wasn't sure. But judging from the way the girl was dressed, she was the one who admired it the most. It might be helpful to keep these resources by her side.    


Ye Shuimo had never wanted to borrow the strength of Ye Family's reputation. Otherwise, there would be no difference between it and having the same Ye Group, so she could call herself just having the same name.    


After Sister Liu heard this, she just nodded. Her face, which had just warmed up a little, immediately became long again. She didn't stop her gaze on Ye Shuimo anymore.    


Ye Shuimo and Qin Xiaoya both said they would be assigned to the company, and when the door opened, the girl called Lee Jingjing came in and smiled at Ye Shuimo.    


She was the Administrative Assistant of Fashion magazine board and usually followed Sister Liu very closely. She could be considered Sister Liu's trusted aide. However, after knowing that these people were going to be divided into different groups, she had a little Jiu Jiu in her heart.    


In fact, the person she cared about the most was this Ye Shuimo woman. Sister Liu would also have thought of the possibility of developing Ye Shuimo into her confidante. Then wouldn't she have to fight for her love with Ye Shuimo?    


If it was someone easy to bully, she could just listen to her. If it was someone that would cause trouble, then she might as well transfer to another department. The two could still be good friends since there were no conflicts of interest between them.    


When Sister Liu answered the phone, she quietly followed her out and casually told a lie, saying that Ye Shuimo was rather willful and difficult to get along with. When she first arrived at the company this morning, she had already been quite domineering, asking who was in charge very arrogantly.    


She had followed Sister Liu for so long that she knew the last thing she would tolerate was a challenge to her authority.    


Sister Liu knew that she had to listen to his words to be suspicious, but she didn't want Ye Shuimo anymore. Looking at the other party's appearance, she knew that he was either tricked by a rich man or his dad was rich.    


After the allocation was completed, Qin Xiaoya knew that she had been assigned to Sister Liu. She was reluctant and even very resistant to it. She liked this company, but didn't like this kind of boss. She felt the pressure would be great.    


She secretly pulled on Ye Shuimo's sleeve, her eyes full of pleading for help.    


"If there are no other opinions, then we will do as we have done."    


"Wait a moment." Ye Shuimo said, "Sister Liu, can I trade with Qin Xiaoya?"    



Qin Xiaoya cast a grateful look at Lee Jingjing, who changed her attitude. In her heart, she equated Ye Shuimo with an ambitious woman, and she immediately wanted to follow Sister Liu. In her heart, she rated her as the number one invisible enemy.    


Sister Liu frowned. She really didn't like people who loved to show off. In China, seniors had the authority of elders, and juniors had the self-awareness of juniors.    


Sister Liu swept a glance at her and did not answer. Instead, she said, "You guys can find your own division later. If you need anything, just ask Crystal. Welcome to Rui Ya."    


Ye Shuimo could not wait for a reply, nor was she sure that she could switch positions with Qin Xiaoya.    


Lee Jingjing ran over to her side and said, "Don't worry, Sister Liu is usually rather strict. I'll help you ask her." With that, he followed Sister Liu out.    


"Sister Liu." She caught up to him and whispered, "The newcomer is so powerful."    


Sister Liu sneered. "No matter how powerful he is, if he wants to step over my head, I'll have to see if he has the ability to do so."    


"That's right, Sister Liu, you are the leader of the core group. However, Sister Liu, this kind of person is easy to deal with by the side. Judging by the way she's dressed, it's better to keep her clothes by her side than to wear them."    


Sister Liu also felt the same way, glancing at her with a smile. "You're the only one with a lot of ideas."    


Lee Jingjing felt wronged, "What? Aren't I thinking for you?"    


Ye Shuimo and Qin Xiaoya had a good impression of Lee Jingjing. Qin Xiaoya was envious of her good friend for being able to find such a good friend right after entering the company.    


"Shuimo." Lee Jingjing walked over and said, "Sister Liu didn't agree, but after much discussion, I finally got her to agree."    


"Thank you." Qin Xiaoya was very grateful.    


Ye Shuimo slightly frowned. Honestly speaking, she was not a newcomer. Although she was well protected in Ye Group, she was not ignorant of the affairs of the world. Especially after being the CEO for a year, even a pig's brain had opened.    


Originally, Lee Jingjing had only gone to ask for help, but now she owed this girl a favor. She sized up the girl who was smiling so much under the black glasses, thinking that she might have overthought things.    


Qin Xiaoya went to a subsidiary board that paid more attention to graphic design and could be considered an expert in the arts. Ye Shuimo worked as a fashion editor, managing the public platform and being in charge of fashion consulting.    


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