Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2529 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2456

C2529 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2456

0The native was grateful to Ye Shuimo for saving the dolphins last time. He was even more anxious than she was when he saw that Ye Shuimo had not been able to shoot the Mao Yi dolphins in time because of that incident.    


When they went out to sea, they bumped into the people in the pickup truck. The other party seemed to be arranging something for them. They immediately stopped when they saw them.    


Ye Shuimo, however, could tell that they were setting up a fishing net to hold back the Maui dolphins.    


Liu Qiang pressed down on her shoulders. These poachers usually put their lives on the line. Anyone that obstructs them from making a fortune can become a mad dog. It's best to be careful when biting anyone.    


The boat gradually sailed away from their line of sight. Several hours passed, but Ye Shuimo still did not see any dolphins. The local guide suggested that they take a look again during the day when the sun had not risen.    


When they went back, those people were nowhere to be seen. Ye Shuimo turned on her flashlight and looked down. She couldn't see it clearly, but she guessed the fishing net was already set up.    


The three of them looked at each other and let out a meaningful smile at the same time. Half an hour later, they were all happy to return. The fishing net that was already set up had already been sliced into pieces by Liu Qiang's Swiss Army knife.    


The next day, when Ye Shuimo arrived, she found her grandfather angry, and his expression was even more serious and scary. Only her grandma greeted him as if nothing had happened.    


"Shuimo, can we have some milk?"    


"Thank you, Grandma." Ye Shuimo responded and shouted again, "Good morning, Grandpa."    


"Right." Ye Zimo finally started, but her gaze was focused on her lover. Seeing that the other person knew but didn't say anything, she turned around and sulked.    


The table was in a bad mood. Ye Shuimo was drinking her milk and sending messages to her grandma, saying, "What is going on?"    


Xia Yihan placed the whole loaf of bread onto Ye Zimo's plate and said, "Then I'll let Shuimo accompany me for a checkup."    


"What does a child know!" Ye Zimo said unhappily, "Do you really hate me for accompanying you?"    


"It's not that I hate it, but I won't let you accompany me either." Xia Yihan smiled.    


Ye Zimo pushed her chair away and walked into the study. There was no sound in the room.    


After breakfast, Ye Shuimo accompanied her grandma to the hospital for a medical examination. As the car sped along the road, she asked, "Grandmother, why didn't you let grandpa accompany you?"    


Xia Yihan said, "He's been accompanying me for the past few years, but I'm not afraid of his personality. But other people are, ah, afraid of him, and every year when the young nurse takes my blood, he'll stand by the side and stare with wide eyes, causing the young nurse's hands to go soft. Also, every time he appears, there will always be people running over from behind to make fun of him, not letting him calm down."    


Her voice trailed off, and she sighed again. "Besides, I've been feeling a little upset lately, and if he knows he has to worry, he wants to see the results first."    


"Grandmother." Ye Shuimo immediately grabbed her and said worriedly, "You'll be fine."    


Xia Yihan patted her hand and smiled kindly with sorrow in her eyes. She was not afraid of death. At their age, problems would always occur to her body. She was afraid of torturing her lover before she left.    


She knew that Ye Zimo was the same. The year before, when he was not feeling well, she had secretly gone to check on him. When both of them encountered this kind of thing, they were equally persistent, equally clumsy and bad at lying.    


Ye Shuimo had accompanied her throughout the examination. While she was waiting for the results, Xia Yihan had taken out a sweater.    


Ye Shuimo suddenly remembered the strange sweater and vest her grandfather had worn when they had met. At the time, she had thought it was strange, the sweater and vest looked a little small, and the place on his shoulders seemed strange. She had felt that it was her grandpa who wore such clothes and looked very fond of them, taking them off and folding them when he returned home.    


"Shuimo, do you want to learn knitting?"    


"Can you? You know, I've never been very good at it. "    


"Of course." Xia Yihan taught her by hand, "There are very few things that I can do for him at my age. This can be counted as one. Making something for a lover personally would be very happy."    


Ye Shuimo looked carefully and recalled the time she knitted the sweater for Ye Miao and couldn't help but laugh.    


The report came out, Xia Yihan was fine, she was still healthy, but her blood pressure was a bit high, and the heart problem she had been worried about was also fine.    


When they returned home, Ye Zimo was reading in the living room. When she saw them, she closed the book with a snap. After closing the book, she felt that Ye Wen was too greedy, so she pretended to be calm and was watching TV.    


He was still wearing Xia Yihan's sweater and vest, but his tie didn't match the sweater and vest, which was a rare occurrence.    


Xia Yihan walked over and sat down. "Still angry?"    


The latter was silent and still sulking, but when he saw the medical report, his eyes lit up.    


"What's with your blood pressure?" Ye Zimo frowned. She had been paying attention to the problem of Xia Yihan's blood pressure the whole time, but she didn't expect it to be so effective.    


Xia Yihan purposely said, "Originally, your blood pressure was fine, but because you were angry, it kept rising."    


"I'm not angry." Ye Zimo was stubborn.    


"Fine, fine, fine. You're not angry. I want to give you a vest. What color do you like?"    


Ye Zimo didn't answer immediately because he wanted to maintain his position for a while longer. Otherwise, she wouldn't let him accompany her to the medical examination. Only the heavens knew how impatient he was when waiting for the results, just like a child. Moreover, he had calculated the time by keeping track of the time. Fortunately, he had returned at the expected time, otherwise, he would have chased after him long ago.    


Now is the time to take a stand that the next time we seek sovereignty, we cannot compromise so early.    


Xia Yihan nudged him with her arm. "Say it, what color do you want?"    




"All colors are fine!"    


Ye Shuimo couldn't bear to disturb the two old people in the family who loved each other, but she had something more important to do, the knitting of a sweater.    


Ye Shuimo was wearing a straw hat and a scarf. She had been instructed by her grandma for a while last night, but it had been a mess since she started. Needles had leaked here and there, so she had to drop them and start over again. The result was that she was only half the width of a finger.     


In the end, Xia Yihan wasn't able to teach her how to knit a woolen sweater. In any case, it wasn't a necessary skill, so she suggested that she weave a scarf. It would be a lot easier as long as she wove it along the way.    


It was high tide today, and there were many people on the shore waiting to pick up the shells. The local guide also said that dolphins were easier to see at high tide.    


When they were about to go back, the three of them heard the dolphin's cry at the same time. Ye Shuimo was so excited that she almost fell head first into the water. She took out her binoculars excitedly.    


Dozens of meters away, two Mao Yi dolphins were shuttling through the waves. Ye Shuimo quickly took out her camera and took a picture. Although there was a distance and there were waves, which prevented her from taking a full picture of Mao Yi Dolphin's body, it was still a fruitful day compared to her previous idle appearance.    


When she saw the dolphins again, the weather was recorded. They were excited to see the sea elves, but they were soon overjoyed. Soon, they also saw the people sitting on the pickup truck, also on a small boat.    


Those people had clearly noticed Ye Shuimo and the other two. They had encountered them quite a few times in the past few days, not to mention that the fishing net they set up had been cut twice by someone for no reason.    


Liu Qiang blocked the people's sight on Ye Shuimo and looked back coldly. What a joke, when he was in the gunshot rainforest, these brats were still buying soy sauce from who knows where. If it wasn't for Ye Shuimo, who needed protection, he wouldn't be afraid of these people.    



The group of people were the first to shift their gaze away from the boat. They soon arrived at the other side. Apparently, they also found traces of Mao Yi dolphins. However, they couldn't move because of Ye Shuimo's group.    


Of course, Ye Shuimo and the others would not leave now. They purposely stayed until the dolphins had completely disappeared from the sea and could no longer see them.    


Two days later, Ye Shuimo finally finished knitting the scarf. She held the scarf and looked left and right, feeling awkward no matter how she looked at it.    


Just as she was about to give up and cut the scarf with a pair of scissors, Xia Yihan appeared in time to save the scarf. She didn't dare to compete over it with her grandmother, so she sent the gift back to China under the instructions of the other party.    


A few days later, at the front desk of Ye Group, the staff member looked at the delivery with the name "Ye Miao" written on it and was a little unsure. Was this Ye Miao the CEO? Or could it be that there were people called "Ye Miao" in the company?    


Looking at the address again, it was New Zealand's Oakland. Who sent something to Director Ye from abroad?    


Just in case, the front desk staff even specifically asked the HR manager about it. After searching for the company headquarters' name and information, everyone was relieved. This really was a courier from New Zealand to Director Ye!    


Five minutes later, the courier was properly placed in the secretariat.    


Ye Miao and Ye Bo had just finished their meeting and were walking back. Ye Bo had a subtle look in his eyes when he heard that Ye Miao was going to work overtime at the company tonight.    


In the past, Ye Miao would always work late. After all, Ye Shuimo would be waiting at home, and these few days were getting later every day.    


"Director Ye." The secretary stopped him, "There's a delivery for you."    


Express delivery? Ye Bo was a bit curious. Although shopping online was very convenient right now, Ye Miao didn't seem to buy anything online.    


Ye Miao took it. When he saw the address, the corner of his mouth raised.    


Ye Bo and his secretary were stunned for a moment. This smile could even be considered the epitome of spring rain.    


Ye Miao coughed to hide his smile. "Let's delay the meeting for half an hour after five minutes."    


"Alright." Ye Bo said. He understood a bit, so he relaxed and carried the documents to pass on the message.    


In the office, since Ye Miao didn't know what was inside, it was rare for him to be nervous. The relationship between the two had been rather delicate recently, so he had to work hard. Only this way could he temporarily be paralyzed.    


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