Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2432 Married to a Rich Family 2359

C2432 Married to a Rich Family 2359

0No one could believe that a talkative person would be so venomous when they were angry. They were initially worried that she would be bullied, but now, they felt some sympathy for the awakened Demon School Sister.    


Ye Shuimo walked forward and pressed her hand against his cheek. "Am I being too nice to you?" That's why you have the extra nerve to do all these little things? "    


"Shuimo." The class monitor still called out, but he was quickly pulled to the side. The others told him not to interfere, but he could only move his lips without saying anything.    


School Sister looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief. She had always thought that the person in front of her was easy to talk to. Even if she found out in the future, she could at most scold her for a while.    


Ye Shuimo released her hand. "I'm really happy to recognize a petty person like you right now. As for that matter, I only have one thing to say to you. You've already created a rumor. I'll give you a day to remove the video."    


"I won't!" School Sister embarrassedly took a few steps back. "It's not like I'm making this up. It was originally you who stole the goods. If you don't believe me, you can ask him!"    


She pointed at the class monitor and angrily said, "Your girlfriend is being bullied, yet you're still standing there blowing the wind."    


"You broke up."    


"Ah!" She looked at Ye Shuimo furiously. "You want me to break up just like that?    


"She's right, I want to break up with you." The monitor said coldly.    


"Hehe, you're so obedient. Don't think that I don't know you're actually fond of Senior Sister. You're using me as a scapegoat, right?"    


"Shut up." Ye Shuimo said impatiently, "With your mouth and personality, it won't be easy for you to be a fake good person for so long. Forget it, I'll make that video myself. In the future, don't appear in my field of vision either."    


"What are you saying, you stinking woman? Don't be so haughty!" Just as School Sister was about to charge forward, the person in front easily dodged and accurately landed on the ground with a backflip. Everyone was stunned once again when they saw this scene.    


Ye Shuimo laughed coldly and walked away. The crowd no longer stayed behind and scattered one by one, no longer bothering with School Sister.    


The next day, the video online disappeared for no reason. School Sister could only feel cold sweat trickling down her back. She logged on to her computer to try to send the video online again, but just as she finished, her computer was stuck and the screen went black. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her computer back to normal.    


The mouse suddenly moved and words appeared on the black screen. "School Sister, didn't I tell you to be obedient?" At the end of the sentence there was even a smiley face.    


"AHH!" School Sister jumped out of her chair and rushed out of the dormitory.    


'What the heck is this person? ' His roommate picked up the notebook on the floor and opened it.    


"Hahahaha." Ye Shuimo was laughing beside Ye Miao. She knew School Sister wouldn't let the matter rest, so she let Ye Miao find the source of the video. As long as she wanted to upload the video, she would know that the prank was just a small punishment.    


Ye Miao let her mess around in his arms. She didn't care about this matter, so he didn't want to get involved. However, there was one more important thing.    


He held the man in his arms and sat with his legs apart, holding him so that no one could run away. "Now let's talk about what that video is about."    


Ye Shuimo smirked. "Hahahaha, nothing happened. It was actually just a misunderstanding."    


While she was smiling brilliantly, Ye Miao smiled even more. He raised his hand and hit her butt with a crisp sound.    


Ye Shuimo was stunned and her face immediately flushed red. She struggled to jump down and run away, but was caught again.    


"Continue to run?" Ye Miao looked at his watch, "There's still 15 minutes before the meeting. If you don't tell me the truth within that 15 minutes, I'll take you to the meeting." He leaned over and lowered his voice. "Carry you."    


Although it was impossible to do so in the end, Ye Shuimo, who was being punished, didn't have the heart to tell if what he said was true or not. While her mind was wandering, she was slapped heavily on her butt again.    


Ye Miao didn't let go of his hand. After patting it, he gently rubbed it at the place where he slapped it. His voice was a little cold as he said, "Are you still not willing to say?"    


Ye Shuimo quickly dodged the palm strike that was about to hit her. "Tell me, I'll tell you immediately, don't hit me."    


Half an hour later, Ye Shuimo, who was already tired from sitting cross-legged, said in embarrassment, "No more."    


"Move back right now."    


"Didn't you say that it would take half a month? There's still a week to go. "    


"No, there's no need to satisfy her bad taste."    


Ye Shuimo disagreed and tried to persuade him. Seeing that it didn't make sense, she simply grabbed his tie and pulled in her direction, taking the initiative to kiss him.    


The moment he left, the back of his head was pressed down. Ye Miao deepened his kiss and then fiercely released it, "You are not allowed to lead her by the nose."    


Ye Shuimo was carried home with a bunch of promises before she was released. There was no one in the house, and there was no one in the surroundings. She sighed; during this week, her aunt wasn't actually home for very long, and although she didn't want to change her uncle, she was really worried. Maybe she left after a week, but he wouldn't even be able to have a proper meal.    


There was nothing to eat in the fridge. She picked up her purse and went to the nearby supermarket to buy some food. She picked up the big and small bags of food and carried them home.    


As soon as she walked out of the supermarket, she felt that someone was following her. As she was carrying her stuff towards the high-end apartment building, she could feel that the people behind her were much faster and happier.    


This was the Rich District, there wouldn't be any bus stop signs or other items that reflected light. She wouldn't be able to find anything that could reflect light to see who was at the back door, so she decided to go to a place with fewer people and set a trap for herself.    


The sound of footsteps kept coming from behind. She sped up and took advantage of the passing traffic to quickly turn into the garage of the nearby district to hide.    


The person looked around but couldn't find anyone. Suddenly, he saw an apple roll out from the corner.    


"Who are you? I don't know you. " Ye Shuimo picked up the apple. Although the other party was a man, if it was just one, then her Taekwondo practice was not in vain.    


The person was panicking, but looking at the powerless woman in front of him, the purpose of staying on guard for a few days surfaced again.    


"You're with her, aren't you?" The man took out a knife and a rope from his bag, and insinuatingly said, "I advise you to be a good boy, otherwise my knife will not recognize you."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the apple that was thrown at his wrist hit him heavily on the forehead, and the knife in his hand fell down.    


Ye Shuimo smiled. "There are surveillance cameras here. I advise you not to act rashly. Why are you following me?"    


"Why?" The man suddenly roared and started to beat Ye Shuimo up while they were alone. In the end, Ye Shuimo actually managed to beat him up.    


"Li Liang." A woman hurried out from another corner.    


Ye Shuimo recognized the girl as the one who had grabbed the club's photos from her aunt, so she let go and kicked the knife away.    


"A-Liang, are you alright?" The woman quickly went to help the man. The latter pushed her away, spat at Ye Shuimo viciously, and dragged her away.    


The next day, Ye Miao came to pick up Ye Shuimo for school as usual. Sitting in the car, Ye Shuimo recalled what happened yesterday and her current situation. Since she lived with her aunt, her journey to school had somehow become a date.    


The bus stopped at the school gates, but instead of stopping, it drove straight into the school. The main road was wide, and students passing by couldn't help but take a second look at the luxury cars they had driven past.    



When they arrived at the teaching building, Ye Shuimo was stopped as soon as she got off the car. She didn't know the girl, but she seemed to know Ye Miao. She looked at Ye Miao, who got off the car with her before handing Ye Shuimo a notebook.    


"I've wanted to give it to you for a long time, take a good look at it. What kind of person are you, School Sister?"    


Ye Shuimo took the notebook and asked, "Who are you?" Why did you mention her to me? "    


The other party smiled. "I'm her roommate. Of course it's possible, I don't want to be her roommate at all. You should have noticed it yourself. That person doesn't have a righteous heart."    


"Who has a bad heart!" School Sister ran over and was shocked when she saw Ye Miao. She then looked at the notebook in Ye Shuimo's hand and immediately grabbed it, angrily asking her roommate: "Didn't you say you didn't see my notebook? Now you see it again? "    


The latter sneered, "We're all the same. Previously, you stole our things and used my perfume to talk on the phone in the middle of the night. I'm surprised that an uneducated person like you actually likes someone else's boyfriend."    


School Sister bellowed, "Shut up!"    


Ye Miao gently pushed Ye Shuimo away. "Let's go to class."    


Ye Shuimo nodded. She had no intention of caring about the two of them at all. Just as she took a step forward, School Sister's roommate stopped her, "Do you know? This little ladders actually likes … "    


"I'm going to tear your mouth to shreds." School Sister rushed over, but fortunately, Ye Miao pulled her to his side just in time. Meanwhile, School Sister and her roommate were engaged in a scuffle.    


There were more and more people watching from the side. The two were fighting very ferociously, pulling their hair and pulling their clothes from time to time as they cursed.    


Ye Shuimo wanted to help, but her collar was held firmly. Ye Miao instructed, "Don't dirty your hands."    


After forcefully separating the two, School Sister's roommates angrily picked up the notebooks on the floor and read aloud, "Mr Ye, love is so sudden, from paying attention to you, to liking you, to falling in love with you, this seems to be a long process, but it's also so quick. So fast I couldn't believe it myself. Actually, I also want to know what made me fall in love with you.    


Was it a little unexpected? Actually, I also felt that it was inconceivable. It was so unexpected that I would meet you and then randomly fall for you. Perhaps, my name is unfamiliar to you, but your name is already engraved in my heart. Leave a mark at the corner of your heart. Every time I sit alone in a corner, I would be in a daze. I want to marry you, to be your bride. "    


The people present whispered amongst themselves. The roommate said to the trembling School Sister, "You, a twosome, not only are you hanging around your seniors, you even like to have your own boyfriend. How disgusting."    


"I will kill you!" School Sister rushed forward again and the two of them became entangled again. However, Ye Miao and Ye Shuimo had already left.    


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