Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1470 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1398

C1470 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1398

0She didn't approach the bed, but stood silently two arms's length away from the bed, watching. The obsession in her heart made her approach.    


She couldn't see Edward's face clearly, but she could use her memory to find his lips.    


The two of them got closer and closer. The other person's breathing was very gentle, like a reed that was gently swaying across a lake.    


Her soft lips stopped a few inches away from his, and she could almost see them. A little more and they would be together again.    


Her hair fell in front of her chest, curving in the air as she moved. Not long later, the door closed softly.    


In the darkness, Edward opened his eyes. He was lying on his back, with a deep sigh in his dark blue eyes.    


The next day, Edward cleaned up the darkroom. He took off the photo on the clip bit by bit and put it into a big box.    


Ding Yiyi stood by the door with her arms crossed. "Do you want to take the plane tomorrow?"    


"Yeah, that's right. The assistant is already there. All the teams are present." Edward said as he packed up with his back facing her.    


The two of them spoke in a very calm tone, unlike their lovers who were about to part.    


After Edward was done cleaning the room, three boxes had been placed at the entrance of the room. It was clear that the room was much emptier now.    


"You can live in this house for as long as you want." Edward said.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "Don't worry about me. Have you brought everything you need?" "Especially medicine, you must bring more of these. If it's not enough, I'll go buy more."    


When she mentioned the medicine, her expression finally became a little gloomy. "I heard that the medicine over there is quite hard to find."    


"Don't worry about me." Edward gave her a hug and quickly pulled away. He then said: "Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?"    


"Let's go home. I'll cook some Chinese food for you." Ding Yiyi voiced her decision.    


Edward didn't have any objections, so the two of them went out to buy vegetables after discussing.    


In the supermarket, the two of them were picking out dishes like married couples who had lived for a long time. No one brought up tomorrow's matter, as if tomorrow's parting was just a dream. When you woke up, you could decide to forget about it.    


There were a lot of people walking out of the supermarket. Edward naturally put his hand on Ding Yiyi's shoulder to help her block the crowd.    


A white woman around them glanced at them, then gave Ding Yiyi a thumbs-up.    


Ding Yiyi didn't explain, she only smiled and nodded at her before the two of them walked out of the supermarket.    


When he got home, Ding Yiyi was busy working in the kitchen while Edward was in the living room looking at the only photo hanging at home.    


In the photo, Ding Yiyi smiled sweetly.    


Ding Yiyi was slicing the Purple Cabbage when she heard Edward call her. She turned around and faced the camera.    


"Aiya, what are you doing? I'm in such a sorry state right now and I haven't combed my hair." She said somewhat embarrassedly.    


Edward lowered his head to look at the figure in the camera and said, "This will be my last wish for a long time."    


"Then take me with you," Ding Yiyi's words came to Ding Yiyi's lips and disappeared from her mind. Both she and he knew that it was impossible.    


At night, Edward held the phone in his room. The woman's voice on the phone was sweet, "Hello, Mr Ye has already left, but he didn't check out."    


The sound of glass rattling came from the door. He hung up the phone and looked at the door. Ding Yiyi looked at him with two goblets and a bottle of red wine. "Have a drink?"    


The two of them went to the balcony. The dew had made the balcony a little wet. The two of them sat on the floor and drank some red wine in the dark of the night.    


"If you meet someone you like in the future, you have to tell me." Ding Yiyi drained her glass of red wine and continued, "You are always not good at expressing your feelings. I'm worried that the girl might think you don't like her and run away."    


Edward didn't say anything. He just replied, "Ok."    


Ding Yiyi could not keep her mouth shut and continued, "Also, don't stick your head out. People only have this one chance in their life. If you see something, run. Don't stick your head out."    


Staring at the red wine, she whispered, "At least come back alive."    


Edward had been staring at her the whole time. In his dark blue eyes, she was the only one there. He raised his hands and then put them down, saying, "Ok."    


Ding Yiyi had no idea what she was asking about. She wasn't drunk, but she was looking forward to getting drunk again. When she woke up tomorrow, he would be gone.    


"It's late at night, let's go to sleep." Edward was the first to stand up and wrap his suit jacket around her thin shoulders.    


Ding Yiyi's face reddened. Her face that was tainted by alcohol was like a peach blossom in February. She stood up as well. "Turn around."    


Although he didn't know what she was going to do, Edward still turned around as she said.    


She looked at his thin shoulders and golden sideburns, and her gratitude was palpable. Although she didn't love him, he was a very important part of her life.    


The gratitude and gratitude in his heart gathered at the tip of his tongue, just as a breeze blew past, sending her words to his side, "Edward! Happy breakups. "    


The next day, Edward had to leave. However, Ding Yiyi didn't have the time to feel sad because the whole terminal was filled with the furious roar of an old man, "I won't allow you to go there. I only have a grandson like you, I won't allow that!"    


Of course, Edward's decision couldn't be overturned. Ding Yiyi could only run to both sides, consoling the old man and coaxing Edward at the same time.    


Edward left in the midst of a panic and roar. The plane took off slowly on the runway as the roaring sound filled his ears.    


"I knew that one day he would leave." He turned his head to look at Ding Yiyi, "Actually, half a year ago, he wanted to go, but he didn't. I know that it's because of you that I have to thank you for helping me keep my grandson for half a year."    


Ding Yiyi was a little dazed. Maybe it was because she had been busy all morning. Only when the dust landed on the ground did she confirm that Edward had left.    


She cried, without any warning, her heart was not sad or despairing, but purely wanted to use her tears to commemorate this meeting.    


When he returned to the apartment, even though the furnishings in the room hadn't changed, he still felt a sense of loneliness.    


The darkroom, which had been closed all this time, was open. The equipment inside had not changed, but the pictures on the walls had been taken away.    


Ding Yiyi sat in the dark room for a while until her whole body was stiff before she returned to the living room. In the living room, Edward's usual mugs were still on the table, with today's newspaper under them.    


On the wall, her picture was still there. In it, she was smiling shyly at the camera while the man outside the camera had already left.    



She sat in the rattan chair in the corridor from morning until sunset, warm from the sun and drying her memories.    


When the lazy sunset had reached the midpoint of the mountain, she suddenly thought of that notebook.    


The grass in front of her had just been mopped and trimmed. The sharp grass touched her ankles. She roughly looked around and indeed, she didn't find any traces of the key.    


She went upstairs, slowed down her pace after passing by Edward's room, closed the open door and walked into her room.    


In the room, the setting sun shone on the white bedsheets. The lock on the drawer was quietly sitting there, containing memories of a thousand years of deep sleep.    


She picked up the black hairpin from the table and stuck it into the lock. She fiddled with it for a while, then pulled on the lock with all her strength, not moving it at all.    


Since the hairpins were useless, she ran to the storage room and brought up the toolbox. She used the hammer to knock on the lock, causing a "bang bang" sound to ring out in the room.    


Half an hour later, she was slumped in her chair, the lock in front of her still intact.    


Suddenly, she heard the alarm clock sound. It was a soft sound at first, but when she held her breath and listened carefully, she could hear it even more clearly. There was more than one alarm clock ringing.    


She got up and walked out of the room, and pushed open Edward's room. All the furniture in the room was covered with a white dust cloth, and the sound came from behind a piano.    


Lifting up the piano cloth, she found an alarm clock. At the bottom of the white keyboard, there was a piece of paper with a pen on it. The handwriting was very good, "Time for dinner, watch out for food."    


"Edward." She covered her mouth and choked on her words. He knew that she would be lonely, and that she would not be used to it.    


The sound in the room continued. At this moment, she no longer felt sad like Edward had disappeared. She couldn't open the lock, so she wholeheartedly looked for the second alarm clock.    


The second alarm clock had been found in the refrigerator in the kitchen, where there were many bowls of preserved food. She took one out at random, and in the bowl was a salad, with sliced strawberries and purple cabbage.    


She took out the second one, which contained mashed potatoes with a note on it. "This may not be good. After all, my cooking skills are really bad."    


The alarm clock was still ringing. She closed the refrigerator door, feeling satisfied. She was like an adventurous child looking forward to finding something else later.    


The third alarm clock had been found in the bookcase. There was nothing there, no note, and the book had been read. She thought it was odd, then replayed it, knowing that she had found a pile of discs at the bottom of the bookshelf.    


She randomly picked out a disc. It was the first time she and Edward rented a disc to watch at home. Half a year later, she picked up this disc again.    


The alarm clock had died down, and the only sound was the last. She searched for a long time, and finally found it in the potted plants on the windowsill.    


The setting sun only had a little bit of its tail left. The weak sunlight forced its way in through the window, leaving a triangular orange glow on her fingers.    


She dug out the alarm clock. There was a bronze key on the hook.    


Tears rolled down her face. Trembling, she took out her phone and dialed Edward's number. "Hello, the phone you called has been turned off."    


"He's gone," she whispered as she carried the key to the second floor.    


The room was a mess. She pushed everything off the table and inserted the key into the lock.    


The notebook was lying quietly at the bottom of a pile of junk. She picked it up and turned on a small lamp. Her slender fingers touched the cover for a while before opening it.    


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