Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1403 Wealthy Marriage 1331

C1403 Wealthy Marriage 1331

0She lowered her head and looked at him. Her hair was falling on him, and her head was drooping lower and lower, but she was getting closer and closer to his lip.    


Just when the lip and the lip were about to touch each other, she couldn't help but tremble. She treated him as a god and placed herself in the dust.    


"We'll be together forever. We'll be fine soon." She murmured softly, her eyes filled with determination.    


The next day, at Ye Group, an unexpected guest arrived in the meeting room.    


Ao Xue walked in and casually picked a seat. "You don't mind if I sit here, right?"    


"It's the shareholders' general meeting today, why are all the others here?" One of the board members looked at Ye Bo angrily, "President Assistant Ye, what's going on?"    


Ao Xue looked at Li and Wang who had once accepted her money and said with a smile, "Wang, you tell me, I have made such a great contribution to the company. Do you think I have the qualifications to stay here?"    


"Miss Au Xue and Director Ye have a deep relationship, and she helped the company avert another crisis. I don't think Director Ye will mind that she's working for the company." He knew that once he accepted the money, he would be eaten alive by this woman. Right now, it was not even worth mentioning.    


Ye Bo closed the document, "Miss Au Xue, logically speaking, the Young Master must authorize the shareholders' meeting. I think you should come back after discussing with the Young Master."    


Ao Xue wasn't annoyed, rather she was just waiting for him to say something. She stood up and said, "Alright, I'll go find Nianmo."    


She went straight to the hospital. As soon as she entered the hospital, she saw Ding Yiyi and walked towards her.    


"Tell me, how is he? Can he be saved? I won't tell anyone about you, and I'll take the blame for this. I just want to know if he's still alive or not. " Ding Yiyi asked hastily.    


Ao Xue looked at her freshly made armor. "Don't worry, it won't die. That thing really does have a side effect of making people drowsy, and it will even make them obedient."    


She suddenly laughed. "I really like this medicine very much."    


"Don't do anything weird." Ding Yiyi stared at her. "Treat him well, or else I won't let you go."    


Ao Xue laughed heartily. "Now that you can't even meet him face to face, what qualifications do you have to say that you won't let me off?" She took a step toward her. "I remember the look on your face when you threw me out of his room. Is this a good feeling? "    


She walked into Ye Nianmo's room with a smile on her face and heels as if she was the victor. When she stood at the door, she even glanced in Ding Yiyi's direction provocatively.    


Inside the room, Ye Nianmo was rewriting the documents. He was not surprised to see her, "You're here?"    


Ao Xue covered the document with her hand and said coquettishly, "Stop reading it. Are you still sick?"    


"We can't leave the company's matters behind." Ye Nianmo said lightly and did not insist on rewriting the document.    


Ao Xue approached him. "Do you love me?"    


"You are very important to me now." Ye Nianmo looked at her unblinkingly.    


Ao Xue felt a sweetness in her heart, "I want you to prove it to me." Her words paused, "Nianmo, everyone in the company is not afraid of me, I just want to share your burden."    


"What do you want?" Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows.    


Ao Xue walked behind him and bent down as she whispered into his ear, "Let me help you. I am Ye Group's left arm and right shoulder."    


Ye Nianmo's eyes became blurry for a moment, as if he lost all ability to think. He just wanted to trust this woman in front of him. He nodded, "I promise you."    


The next day, everyone in Ye Group knew that Ao Xue was temporarily acting as the general manager, and that everyone was discussing it.    


In the washroom, he said, "I've heard a lot about that Ao Xue. She's not as pure as we've seen her."    


"Let's not talk about that anymore. It's better to mind our own business and do what we need to do. The upper management's lives are not something we can control."    


After the two of them went to the washroom, they hurriedly headed outside. They did not dare to discuss anything with each other.    


In the Ye Group Hall, some of the late arriving employees were giggling as they prepared to enter the elevator, but they suddenly heard a voice that wasn't very loud, "Wait a moment."    


They turned their heads and saw the person they dared not provoke walking towards them.    


A few HR Department staff members followed behind Ao Xue. She looked at her watch and asked, "Do you know what time it is?" Ye Group do not require employees who have no rules and regulations. "    


"Miss … No, manager, it's like this. We are from the Technology department, and sometimes we work late, so Director Ye had previously tacitly agreed that we could do flexible time activities within half an hour after work." One of the employees said carefully.    


Ao Xue said with a cold face, "The Ye Group spent so much money to invite you all. Those are your jobs, there's no need for us Ye Group to pay for the jobs you delayed for."    


"Manager, we won't do it again." Another staff said hastily.    


Ao Xue waved her hand and had the HR manager record down a few names and their work numbers, "There won't be a next time. I told you that our Ye Group does not need employees like you."    


Very quickly, the news of Ao Xue expelling five employees in one morning spread throughout the company.    


In Ye Bo's office, the HR manager and the administrative manager placed the proposal on the table with troubled expressions.    


"Each week I write a summary, and every morning there is an early morning meeting. Women are not allowed to dye their hair or put any personal items on the table. These are very demanding requirements." The HR manager sighed, "Right now, the staff are all panicking. They keep asking what's going on."    


The manager of the administrative department also gave an excuse and said, "Manager Ao has asked all the cars under the company to report to her when they are being deployed. Why would they report to her for such a small matter? And there are a lot of sudden situations that have to wait until she agrees to do them, then it would be too late. "    


Ye Bo nodded, "I got it, let's do as she says for now."    


The two managers stared at each other, sighing as they went to their own offices.    


At the meeting, Ao Xue announced, "When I was acting manager, I hoped that the whole company would be better and that everyone would cooperate with me, so I now announce that all departments will have an examination in a week."    


"I know that everyone's usually very tired from work, but only pressure has the motivation. Therefore, I think it's not appropriate for those who fail this time around to stay in Ye Group."    


Everyone below the stage sighed. Everyone was dissatisfied, but no one dared to take the lead. After the meeting ended, they all went to Ye Bo at the same time.    


"President Assistant Ye, tell Director Ye all this right away. If you're serious about this, no one is in the mood to do anything." said the employee who had been sent to represent the group.    


Ye Bo didn't seem to have any opinions, he only said: "Since Director Ye has orders, we will do everything by Manager Ao's orders."    


Everyone saw that even Ye Bo did not care about the details and no one dared to retort. They quickly went to find information to memorize.    


At night, Ao Xue came to Ye Nianmo's ward. Before she could open her mouth, she heard him say, "I have a shareholder's reaction to it. The company's people are very unstable now."    


"Nianmo," Ao Xue said coquettishly as she sat in front of him. "You know, no one listens to me. I can only use this method. This is a transition period and it will be better in the future."    



Ye Nianmo did not say anything and just closed his eyes, "I need to rest. Go out."    


"Nianmo." Ao Xue looked at his pale face and bit the corner of her lips. "Hold on a little longer. Tell me, can Doctor Mo find a way to treat her?"    


"What if there's no cure?" He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her. "Would you like to die with me?"    


Ao Xue shivered all over. She never thought that Ye Nianmo would die, much less accompany him to die.    


"Alright, you can leave now." Ye Nianmo frowned again.    


Ao Xue walked to the door. "Do you want to see Yi Yi?" After all, she is your wife. "    


"You handle everything." Ye Nianmo's voice even started to become fuzzy, as if he had already fallen into a deep slumber.    


Outside the door, Ding Yiyi saw Ao Xue hiding behind a pillar as soon as she came out. After she heard the footsteps, she slowly moved away.    


In order to prevent Ding Yiyi from visiting Ye Nianmo, there were two people standing guard at the door. Ding Yiyi could not pass this checkpoint.    


"Cough, cough."    


A cough sounded from behind her as she hastily looked back.    


Ye Bo walked past her without looking at her. He stopped after opening the ward door, "The young master said that he wanted to hang an oil painting in his room. Go and bring one back from the gallery."    


"Yes." One of the bodyguards left, while the other one stayed where he was.    


Ye Bo continued, "The young master also said that he wants to eat Xu Ji's dessert. Go and buy it for him."    




The bodyguard muttered to himself, 'It'll take me an hour to get to Xu Ji's hospital. This young master's favorite food is way too far.'    


After everyone left, Ye Bo lowered his head and muttered, "I seemed to have forgotten to take the documents."    


He calmly looked at the corner of the wall before turning around and leaving.    


Ding Yiyi walked carefully out of the corner. Her hand was on the doorknob, but she hesitated. After a long while, she let go of her hand and turned to leave.    


The sound of glass falling to the floor suddenly came from the room. She pushed open the door and entered without thinking, "Nianmo!"    


In the room, Ye Nianmo was sleeping, but there was glass shards and a puddle of water on the floor.    


"Did the wind blow the glass over?" Ding Yiyi muttered as she closed the window. She then brought a broom from the bathroom.    


Half an hour had passed since she finished her work. She knew that she had to leave in another half an hour, but her heart was filled with yearning.    


She sat down beside him and whispered, "Why are you saying those things to me? Didn't you know that those words would hurt me? "    


As she spoke, she started to sob, tears as big as beans fell on the back of Ye Nianmo's hand. She cried so hard that she didn't see the person whose hand was facing downwards turn his palm silently to catch her tears.    


She cried herself to death and fell into a deep sleep between his arms. Those who should have been asleep opened their eyes.    


Ye Nianmo reached out his hand to look at the tear stains on his palm. The softness in his eyes was like the ocean.    


The door opened and a bodyguard came in carrying something. He was shocked when he saw Ding Yiyi.    


Ye Nianmo stared at him coldly and suddenly said, "I need a thinking bodyguard, not a zombie that only listens to orders."    


The bodyguard turned pale with fright. The way Ye Nianmo looked at Ding Yiyi was not the same as it was outside.    


"Young Master, I know." The bodyguard turned around and left.    


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