Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C950 Wealthy Marriage 878

C950 Wealthy Marriage 878

0In the sterile room, Ye Nianmo lied on his stomach. He could still squeeze out a smile to comfort Ao Xue, who was crying beside him: "I'm fine, don't worry."    


"I've already contacted the hospital in Los Angeles. I'll leave later." Ye Zimo said in a low voice.    


"Dad, I'm not that serious, I just burned two pieces of skin. I don't want to give up on the plan that we're talking about." Ye Nianmo frowned and said what he was thinking. He thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade Ye Zimo, but she agreed after thinking for a while.    


Ao Xue looked at the two hideous wounds on his back that were scalded by the railings and blamed herself. If it wasn't for her and Zhang Tang, he wouldn't have suffered such a sin.    


Seeing Ao Xue in a daze, Xia Yihan thought that she was too worried about Ye Nianmo. She patted Ao Xue on the shoulder and said, "Go outside and take a breather. We're here."    


She nodded slightly and obediently opened the door, meeting Ding Yiyi who had been standing outside the whole time. "Ao Xue." Ding Yiyi also saw that her heart was heavy, and she felt even more guilty.    


Ao Xue wandered aimlessly in the hospital until her path was blocked by a group of people. In front of her, a woman with a big belly was crying bitterly as she held the man wrapped in white cloth on a stretcher. A boy, who looked like a college student, was also crying on the side.    


"What a sin! My wife is about to give birth and I heard that she is about to be promoted. I didn't expect her to die in this fire."    


"Hai, how will this family live in the future? The child still needs to go to school!"    


Ao Xue was stunned as she listened to the whispers of the people sitting beside her. Suddenly, a loud howl exploded in front of her, "No, you can't take him away! He's not dead yet! How can he be dead!"    


She blankly watched as the woman carried a stretcher and fainted several times, not allowing the medical staff to leave. The paramedics forced the woman's hand away and carried the stretcher past Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue subconsciously lowered her head. The man lying on the stretcher had his facial features covered by a white cloth. Due to the tight cover, his facial features were squeezed out and a person's figure could be vaguely seen.    


"Ah!" She screamed and turned her head and crouched on the ground, shivering. With a pat on her shoulder, she jumped up and frantically threw her bag in front of her. "It's not me who is harming you. Don't look for me.    


"What's wrong with you!" Yan Mingyao frowned as he held her hand. He had never seen her in such a state of panic.    


Ao Xue hid her hair from her shoulders as if to hide it, then pushed it back in front of her as if to cover her guilt.    


"No, I'm fine. I'll be leaving first." She lightly pursed her lips before quickly walking out. At night, a man with no facial features was standing on the wall in a white bag.    


The white bag was tied up with only a thin rope. Soon, the rope could no longer hold up and slowly loosened. The white bag slowly fell down a few centimeters. His black hair was faintly discernible, and the faint smell of burnt human flesh could be smelled.    


"Ah!" Ao Xue woke up with a start and turned on the lights in a daze. It was pitch black outside the window, as if someone was peeking through the window.    


"She shrank back into her blanket and shivered. Then, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed." "Hello." The female voice on the phone seemed to have been awakened from her slumber.    


"Mom, did I get into trouble? Save me." Ao Xue said with a trembling voice.    


In the bar, Ao Xue drank a few large glasses of uniced whisky consecutively. Her hands were shaking so much that she could barely hold the glass. Si Si listened calmly until she asked, "Who else knows about this?"    


Si Si looked at her as she shook her head blankly. She had already made up her mind. Now, no one knew that he had adopted her. If she was imprisoned, then they would have to investigate the records, and everything would be ruined. Furthermore, she was his own weapon against Ye Family, so no matter what, he had to protect her, and no matter what, she could be considered his daughter.    


"I'll make some arrangements. Go and hide abroad as soon as possible. Based on your current state, you'll expose yourself without the need for the police to come knocking." Si Si said.    


"No, I won't, I can't leave Nianmo! "Pah!" Si Si lowered her hand and said in a stern voice, "You can keep everything together, and not be afraid of getting burned. In this period of time, you have to think of a way to make Ye Nianmo more reliant on you."    


Seeing that she was still unwilling, Si Si sighed and said softly, "Did you know? Xia Yihan left Ye Zimo for two years, but after meeting her, their relationship deepened. He won't forget about your departure.    


The news of the Dongjiang City Exhibition's explosion had been on the headlines of every newspaper for the past few days, not only because the famous jewelry designer Xia Yihan was there, but also because of Ye Family's swift and decisive public relations policy.    


Any medical fees that were injured at the scene would be covered by Ye Family, and each person would even receive a mental loss of 10 thousand yuan. The media kept praising Ye Group's actions, because strictly speaking, the responsibility for the accident was entirely on the organizer's side. Not only did the organizer have to pay the full price, he also had to compensate Xia Yihan for the losses she had suffered during the exhibition.    


Ye Nianmo turned off the TV and glanced at the shadow that flashed outside the ward. With a smile, he called for the nurse, "Can you tell the girls who have been walking around that I want to eat fried food in the Z cafeteria?"    


The nurse nodded and went out. As a child, the door was knocked open. Ding Yiyi came in with a bag full of food boxes. She silently put the boxes on the table.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the green pepper fried meat in the lunchbox. There were only a few green peppers, and the meat was almost full out of the box. He smiled bitterly at her and said: "When did auntie become so generous?"    


"I told her that if she didn't give me too much meat, I would squat every day in front of his son's school and stare at him like a tiger eyeing its prey." Ding Yiyi felt a little embarrassed when she thought about the aunty's trembling body.    


"Hahaha, it's really funny." Ye Nianmo laughed out loud, causing the wound to hurt so much that she gasped for breath. She hurriedly went forward to press the call bell, but Ye Nianmo grabbed her wrist.    


"No problem, but it still hurts a little." Ye Nianmo said in a comfortable position. The door was pushed open, and Ye Chu and Ding Yiyi walked in with big steps, grabbing Ding Yiyi and hugging her in his arms.    


"I'm going crazy, do you know?" He spoke hoarsely. If it wasn't for Chu Qing, he would still be searching for someone in one room.    


"I'm sorry." Ding Yiyi hugged Ye Chuyun backwards. Ye Nianmo's expression changed on the bed. Seeing her hug Ye Chuyun, he felt a bit sad but couldn't say it out.    


Ye Chuyun was also surprised by her reaction for a moment. He felt as if he ate honey in his heart. Then, he walked to the side of the bed with his soft head and said, "Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Ye Nianmo smiled and continued to ask, "Thank you for saving her."    


Ye Nianmo slightly frowned. What kind of position did he take to say those words? But that's also right, from the looks of it, she should have felt something for Ye Chuyun as well.    


"Is the wound hurting again?" Seeing him frown, Ding Yiyi hurried forward to check on Ye Nianmo's injuries. The anxiety in her eyes couldn't fool him.    


Ye Chuyun watched as her hand touched Ye Nianmo's shoulder with an unfathomable look. His eyes flashed and he said, "The vegetable is cold."    


As he said this, Ding Yiyi hastily went to prepare some vegetables. Seeing the flash of gentleness in Ye Nianmo's eyes, he had some doubts. "Nianmo seems to be too concerned about Yiyi?" he thought.    


Ding Yiyi took out all the dishes and put them on the table. Ye Nianmo raised his hand. The movement of his arm involved the wound on his back, "Pa." The chopsticks fell onto the table.    


"Is Ao Xue not here?" Ding Yiyi asked. If she was here, she would have been able to help feed him.    


Ye Nianmo shook his head and said, "My mom has had a nightmare for the past two days. I let her go accompany her." Ding Yiyi picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked up another set of green pepper fried meat, saying, "Then I'll reluctantly feed it to you."    


Ye Nianmo stared blankly for a moment. Under her urging eyes, Ye Chuyun suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I heard that your good friend Soong Mengjie is also injured."    


"Pah!" Ye Nianmo rubbed all the chopsticks into the lunchbox. He looked at the meat that was almost in his mouth gloomily and his stomach growled.    


"How is she? Which hospital?" Ding Yiyi asked hastily. Ye Chuyun said faintly, "The parents have already returned."    


"I'm going to see her." Ding Yiyi hurried out the door. Walking up to Ye Nianmo, Ye Chuyun picked up the fried meat with green peppers. The two of them stared at each other.    


"He nodded and quickly put down his chopsticks. Ye Nianmo ate in silence." I like Ding Yiyi. " Ye Chuyun suddenly said.    


Ye Nianmo did not stop his actions. He continued to eat, and only after feeling less hungry did he stop his chopsticks and say: "Bro, you have to say these words to Yiyi."    


Ye Chuyun raised his eyebrows and said no more. As soon as Ding Yiyi ran out of the hospital, Ding Dacheng called. He said that he was anxious to travel, nobody cared about Baby Cheng's home, he took his dog under the locust tree at the entrance of the hospital and asked her if she had seen him.    



Under the locust tree, Baby Cheng stuck out her tongue happily when she saw Ding Yiyi. The injury on her leg had completely healed, only her ear was still tied up from the infection.    


Ding Yiyi brought Baby Cheng to Soong Family. A man and a dog came to Soong Family, and Ding Yiyi strongly pressed the doorbell. Xiao Xiaolee opened the door, and after seeing her, she said in a bad mood, "What are you doing!"    


"Is Mengjie here? I want to see how she's doing. " Ding Yiyi asked as she pushed the door open. Xiao Xiaolee wanted to slam the door, so she shouted, "I don't know, she's not here."    


Seeing that the door was about to be closed, Ding Yiyi slipped her leg through the crack in the door. Baby Cheng bared her teeth and barked at Xiao Xiaolee.    


"Mengjie!" She ran into Soong Mengjie's room, which was empty. "I told you she wasn't there." Xiao Xiaolee stood far away from Baby Cheng and said fearfully, "His father took her to the dining table."    


"Why is she still taking her to the dining table when she's already injured?" As if sensing her emotions, Baby Cheng started barking at Xiao Xiaolee, who hurriedly told her the location of the meal.    


In the International Starlight Hotel, the luxurious box was full of wine. Soong Shuhao and a few other men had already drunk a few bottles of wine and were blushing.    


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