Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C912 Married to a Rich Family 841

C912 Married to a Rich Family 841

0Ever since he was young, Ye Chuyun had been depressed. Even when he was with Ye Nianmo, he had always been indifferent, as it had been for more than ten years. Ye Nianmo never thought that Ye Chuyun would be able to get along with Ding Yiyi.    


"Hey, Chuyun, I'm in a taxi." Andrew's voice trailed off, then disappeared into his throat. Ye Chuyun's car was long gone.    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo looked at each other. Ye Nianmo wiped his face and said, "Let's go!"    


Ding Yiyi had always thought that the journey would take at most half an hour. Only when they were walking did she realize that the reason they were so close was because of Ye Chuyun's driving skills!    


An hour later, "Ding …" "I can't take it anymore. Let me go back here and perish by myself!" Yi Yi squatted on the ground and waved her hand, unwilling to take another step forward.    


Ye Nianmo knew Ding Yiyi was tired, but he was still in the suburbs. There won't be a taxi until they continue walking. Ye Nianmo held out his hand with a stern expression.    


Ding Yiyi grabbed Ye Nianmo's hand and shook it, but she refused to get up. No way! I feel that my feet have taken root, rooted in this land. "    


Ye Nianmo let go of her. Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat. Ye Nianmo wouldn't really leave her here, would he? That was the meaning of his face just now!    


Ye Nianmo walked forward a few steps and squatted down with his back facing Ding Yiyiban. He urged, "Quick! If we go any further we'll be able to eat breakfast. "    


Ding Yiyi only hesitated for a few seconds before she scurried onto Ye Nianmo's back. Ye Nianmo staggered a few steps back before regaining his balance. "Ding Yiyi, what exactly did you eat every day!"    


"People are made of iron, but people are made of steel. They don't eat food every day, they get so hungry that they get flustered." Ding Yiyi urged Ye Nianmo shamelessly.    


Ye Nianmo carried Ding Yiyi as they walked slowly along the dam. Ding Yiyi had her head lowered and her warm breath was on Ye Nianmo's neck. Ye Nianmo suddenly said, "Ding Yiyi, you couldn't have fallen asleep, right?"    


No one replied. Ding Yiyi only felt that Ye Nianmo's broad back was too comfortable …    


Ding Yiyi closed her eyes shakily. Suddenly, she felt her whole body falling down. Ding Yiyi suddenly woke up from her stupor and grabbed Ye Nianmo's neck tightly.    


"Cough cough, Ding Yiyi, let go of me now! I'm going to be strangled to death!" Ye Nianmo's face turned green.    


Ding Yiyi immediately let go of her hands and muttered, "Who asked you to suddenly scare me! "My reflexes are usually more intense."    


"You still dare to say that? I'm carrying you and you're actually sleeping? The next time, I'll just throw you into the water." Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi argued as they walked.    


Ye Nianmo's cellphone rang, "Help me take out my phone. It's in my pocket." Ye Nianmo instructed.    


Ding Yiyi responded with a grunt. She turned her body sideways and touched Ye Nianmo's cowboy pocket. After touching it for a long time, Ding Yiyi mumbled, "Strange, no."    


With a dark expression, Ye Nianmo endured Ding Yiyi touching his left pocket before going to his right pocket. This woman was the real hooligan, right? He touched easily and saw that Ding Yiyi's hand was already moving towards his middle area.    


"Ah!" I found it! " Ding Yiyi took out her cell phone from Ye Nianmo's pocket and pressed the answer button.    


"Nianmo, are you asleep?" Xia Yihan's voice sounded.    


"Mom, you're still awake? Why are you so free to call me today?" Ye Nianmo slowly walked with Ding Yiyi on his back as he talked to his mother.    


"I missed you a little. Oh yeah, I saw on the news that there was news about some university students being kidnapped in the Dongjiang City. Nianmo, you have to be careful. Also, Chu Qing, you have to be careful." Xia Yihan was really worried about these two treasures.    


Xia Yihan's palm quietly floated behind Xia Yihan as she turned to look at Ye Zimo angrily. Ye Zimo gave Xia Yihan a peck before continuing with her tofu business. Recently, Xia Yihan had said that she wanted to cultivate her personality, so the first thing she did was to be on guard.    


"Ah!" The shrill female voice that came from the other side of the phone stunned both Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo. Xia Yihan quickly asked, "Nianmo, what's wrong? Who's with you? Ao Xue?     


"Mom, it's nothing. I fell." Ye Nianmo crawled out of the hole. Who was so wicked as to dig a small hole on the road? Ye Nianmo was too busy speaking and did not realize that he missed.    


Ding Yiyi crawled up from the other side, indicating that she was fine. On the other end of the phone, Xia Yihan couldn't hold it in anymore and asked, "Nianmo, are you staying with Ao Xue?"    


Ye Nianmo was at a loss for words. It was almost 12 o'clock. Saying that it was wrong to be together with Ao Xue, it was even worse not to mention being together with Ao Xue!    


"Nianmo, I think we should discuss your personal lifestyle. That's it, I'll be going back in a few days." Xia Yihan quickly said and hung up the phone. She said worriedly to Ye Zimo, "What if Nianmo fails his studies?"    


After a short moment of surprise, Ye Zimo continued to move her hands up and down, only saying lightly, "The rules of the family!"    


Xia Yihan frowned in disapproval. Ye Zimo took the opportunity to block Xia Yihan's lip to absorb its sweetness. The question that Xia Yihan should have been worrying about all night disappeared with Ye Zimo's kiss.    


Ding Yiyi got scared when she saw Ye Nianmo's mom's call. The two of them finally found a taxi at the fork in the road.    


The car drove all the way to Ding Yiyi's alley, and for a moment, the sound of dogs barking filled the air. Ding Dacheng ran out of the house with a stick. When he saw Ding Yiyi, he heaved a sigh of relief and swung the stick towards Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo barely avoided the attack. Ding Yiyi rushed forward to hug her father and said, "Dad, calm down!"    


"I can't calm down. Do you know how late it is? I'll beat this little bastard to death." Ding Dacheng trembled in anger. Such a cute girl like him had been led astray just like that.    


"Uncle, I think you've misunderstood something." Although Ye Nianmo was angry, he couldn't get angry.    


Ding Yiyi quickly added, "Dad! We really did not encounter anything, it was just by chance! " Ye Nianmo couldn't help but roll his eyes. It's easier for this idiot to misunderstand than for others to say that!    


Ding Dacheng became even angrier when he heard that. He pointed the stick at Ye Nianmo and asked, "Have you guys cooked any rice!?"    


Ding Yiyi blushed and pulled Ding Dacheng inside the house. Ding Dacheng patted the back of Ding Yiyi's hand and looked at Ye Nianmo, saying, "Forget it, it's none of my business for young people to have a relationship. I only have one request, girls must love themselves."    


Ding Yiyi wanted to hide her head in the ground. With her back facing Ye Nianmo, she comforted her dad, who was thinking more and more, while waving his hand at Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo left after understanding the situation.    


"Yiyi, Daddy looks like that boy seems to have a good family background, but we're not scared. You can go and love him without worry." He never felt that being poor would make him inferior to others. As for his own daughter, she could not fall in love with a rich person. Ding Yiyi sighed. It seemed that this matter was getting worse with each passing day.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi dragged her tired body to class. Ao Xue didn't come to class, but Ding Yiyi helped her answer. As soon as the first class ended, a classmate shouted, "Ding Yiyi, someone is looking for you."    


Ye Nianmo's appearance at the door caused whispers. Some girls even ran over to Ye Nianmo and asked him for his phone number.    


"I'm looking for Ding Yiyi." Ye Nianmo smiled politely. He didn't like the feeling of being watched when Ding Yiyi signaled for him to go with her.    


"What's the matter?" In the corridor, Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo for a year with a serious expression.    


"Do you know where Ao Xue went?" Ye Nianmo frowned. Yesterday, after he said goodbye to Ding Yiyi, he called Ao Xue, but she turned off her phone. If Ao Xue was just angry that he abandoned her, then he would definitely blame himself if anything happened to her at home.    


Ding Yiyi was also very surprised. Could it be that Ao Xue didn't come today because she encountered some danger? She hurriedly told him about Ao Xue not coming to class today.    


"Should we call the police?" The more Ding Yiyi thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss. Since Ao Xue likes Ye Nianmo so much, she would definitely disappear without a call.    


"The police won't accept it until 24 hours later. Right!" Ye Nianmo thought of his uncle called Baker who came to his house as a guest when he was young. As if the uncle was a police officer, Ye Nianmo nodded to Ding Yiyi and ran outside.    


Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo's back and was not at ease with him nor Ao Xue, so she just ran away behind Ye Nianmo. In the second class, the old professor who once admired Ding Yiyi noticed that the classmate who liked to take notes the most was also skipping class, and he was so angry that his face turned red.    



In the police station, Baker was already the bureau chief. While drinking coffee, he glanced at the two kids sitting in front of him and smacked his lips, "Why do you think that your friends had an accident?"    


"Instinct." "It's nothing," Ye Nianmo said plainly. Then Baker spat a mouthful of coffee onto the computer screen. Ha ha-ha ha, Ye Zimo, that bastard's son has grown up to be so cute! "    


"It's true. She doesn't refuse to answer the phone, and she has never skipped a class before!" Ding Yiyi added hurriedly. Baker curiously looked at Ding Yiyi and said, "That classmate is Nianmo's girlfriend, so you are …?"    


Baker's eyes darted back and forth between Nianmo and Lili, searching doubtfully, and Ye Nianmo couldn't stand to get up. "Let's go!"    


Baker had enough of them and avenged himself of Ye Zimo's small and big grudges. He said in satisfaction, "I can get the staff to pay attention to the major transportation posts. Don't mess around. There is indeed a group of bikes recently. We have been keeping an eye on each other for a long time."    


Baker's disclosure of so much was outside the scope of his responsibility, and this was all on Xia Yihan's account. Ye Nianmo obviously wasn't an idiot, so he turned to Baker and nodded, sincerely saying, "Thank you."    


Baker was surprised when he saw Ye Zimo's face. He held his forehead and said, "I'm used to being coerced by Ye Zimo. I feel like your words are filled with murderous intent. Let's go, I'll help."    


Even Ding Yiyi didn't notice him leaving the police station. Ding Yiyi was also very worried and caught up to Ye Nianmo quickly: "Don't worry, Ao Xue might have lost her phone or went to a friend's house. Wait a little longer."    


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