Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C836 Married to a Rich Family 765

C836 Married to a Rich Family 765

0Ye Nianmo's gaze never landed on Ao Xue. Ao Xue retracted her hand and said arrogantly, "Actually, I didn't want to give it to you as a gift. I want you to help me pass it to Wu Tie."    


Ye Nianmo looked at Ao Xue strangely, "He's playing with Chu Qing in the pavilion not far away."    


Ye Nianmo looked at the sun and closed the book as he walked past Ao Xue. Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo's leaving figure with an absolute determination. Xia Yihan stood to the side, stunned. She looked at Ao Xue silently.    


Nianmo had his own way of doing things. She didn't want to interfere too much, but Ao Xue really made her heart ache. Not far away, Ao Xue took out her cell phone and said something.    


"Since when did Ao Xue have a phone?" Wasn't she an orphan? Why would there be a phone? " Puzzled, Xia Yihan walked to Ao Xue's side and called out softly, "Ao Xue?"    


Ao Xue was frightened out of her wits and quickly retreated. She looked at Xia Yihan with a smile and asked with a gentle voice, "Ao Xue? Who are you talking to on the phone? Your family? "    


"Pata." After hanging up the phone, Ao Xue turned around and was about to run away, but she bumped into someone. Hai Zhixuan steadied Ao Xue with an expression of unconcealable fatigue on his face.    


"Brother Hai! "Are you alright?" Xia Yihan ran over to Hai Zhixuan and asked anxiously.    


Hai Zhixuan's chin was already starting to get a bit dirty. His eyes were a bit bloodshot, but he was still in good spirits. He asked Xia Yihan: "I'm fine. Where's Zhuoxuan?"    


"Zhuoxuan should be with Chu Qing." Xia Yihan said as she chased after Hai Zhixuan.    


Hai Zhixuan walked in the door and said to the butler in a serious tone, "Go and pack some things for Yihan and the child. Then you don't need to buy any clothes. You can bring some things the kids like, Yihan."    


The butler frowned and looked at Hai Zhixuan. Hai Zhixuan slightly nodded to the butler. The butler's expression changed slightly, then he quickly walked upstairs with the help of a servant.    


Xia Yihan stopped Hai Zhixuan and said anxiously, "What happened? If you didn't say anything, I wouldn't have left."    


Hai Zhixuan looked at Xia Yihan and sighed. "Ye Zimo has disappeared."    


Xia Yihan looked at Hai Zhixuan in shock. The video in the room was still there, but that person was gone. Hai Zhixuan paused for a moment and continued:    


"This time, there are definitely people behind us who are working against our Ye Group, all of them are pointing towards Ye Zimo. Yesterday, I was investigated, but it was probably just a warning, so I was quickly released. Someone just leaked the news, Ye Zimo has disappeared, and later on, there will definitely be someone coming to capture you guys, you guys must hurry up and leave before that time."    


The butler ran over and said, "Come on, there's a bunch of police officers at the front door. There are several police cars."    


"It's too late, hurry up and leave with Chu Qing, Nianmo and Zhuoxuan!" Hai Zhixuan said to the butler and dragged Xia Yihan to the back door.    


Xia Yihan got rid of Hai Zhixuan's hand and said anxiously, "I want to go to my room to get something important. Take Nianmo, Chu Qing and Zhuoxuan and wait for me at the back door. Children are most important!"    


Hai Zhixuan knew he couldn't refuse Xia Yihan, so he quickly nodded his head and went to find the child with the butler. Xia Yihan rushed to the room and grabbed a bag with photos of the family stuffed inside.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo in the video with tears in her eyes. She reached for the disc in her hands and rushed towards the door. The stairs were all clattered with footsteps, and a man in a windbreaker came rushing out of the stairwell.    


"Don't move!"    


Xia Yihan hid back in her room. A sharp car horn sounded from under the house. The man rushed into the room and looked at Xia Yihan with a sharp gaze. He said, "Miss Xia, please cooperate with our investigation and come with us now."    


Xia Yihan, who was forced to the window, suddenly said playfully, "Do you know what Ye Zimo doesn't know about me?"    


The man frowned at Xia Yihan. He didn't know why Xia Yihan would say that. Xia Yihan shrugged her shoulders, put the bag back, and stepped back, saying, "Actually, I climbed trees really good since I was young!"    


Leaping towards the window, Xia Yihan crashed into a tree trunk, hugging the rough trunk. As Xia Yihan dove downwards, a branch scratched Xia Yihan, and a whistle sounded from the tree again.    


"Damn it!" The man dashed downstairs with an ugly expression.    


Xia Yihan fell heavily onto the ground. She got up and got into the jeep with a grimace. Hai Zhixuan started the car and rushed out. There were already a bunch of policemen at the door.    


"What if you help us to be seen by them?" Xia Yihan asked worriedly.    


"It's okay. I wanted to do this for a long time." Hai Zhixuan smiled. Ye Nianmo, who was sitting quietly behind the car, suddenly said, "Ao Xue is not here."    


Hai Zhixuan broke out of the encirclement and said without looking back, "It's impossible to pick her up again. She should be fine, she has nothing to do with this."    


In the big house, Ao Xue sat on the windowsill and watched as the jeep disappeared into the traffic. She picked up the phone again and said in a light tone, "They've already run away."    


"We'll catch him sooner or later." Si Si said harshly. She got up and put on her clothes, her wrist was grabbed by someone and fell into the bed. There was a buzzing sound, and the man sleeping beside her covered her body again with a smile and kneaded her, "I've helped you so much! "How are you going to repay me?"    


Si Sijiao smiled as she hung up the phone and returned to the man's arms, letting her desire and hatred take control of her body once more.    


In a luxurious hotel, Xia Yihan stood curled up on the sofa watching the video, "Drink the milk on your table." Ye Zimo's voice was very clear in the empty room.    


"Ye Zimo, where did you go?" Tears streamed down Xia Yihan's face. Her heart was in turmoil. She hadn't seen Ye Zimo for two days.    


The phone rang. Xia Yihan answered in panic, "Ye Zimo?"    


"Yihan, it's me." Hai Zhixuan said on the phone.    


Xia Yihan went to open the door for Hai Zhixuan. Hai Zhixuan came in with some porridge and placed it in front of Xia Yihan. He said, "Eat something. You haven't had enough for dinner."    


Xia Yihan shook her head and went back to the sofa. She poured the porridge out for Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan saw some beef jerky in the porridge and asked excitedly, "You know where Ye Zimo is, right?"    


Hai Zhixuan pursed his lips and looked at Xia Yihan silently. Xia Yihan hurriedly said, "Only he knows that I will definitely put beef jerky in when I eat porridge."    


Hai Zhixuan sighed and said, "Zhang Fengyi said so, but he won't tell me Ye Zimo's current situation. I'll send you to England tomorrow, there should be friends there."    


"I'm not going." Xia Yihan bit her head and said, "I'm going to Africa."    


"To Africa! "No way." Hai Zhixuan denied it.    


Xia Yihan looked at Hai Zhixuan with determination. Seeing that he didn't want to give in at all, she gently pulled Hai Zhixuan's arm and said, "I want to find out about this. Just like I said before, I don't want to hide behind him."    


"You will encounter many dangers." Hai Zhixuan tried to dissuade Xia Yihan from her decision.    


Xia Yihan turned around and looked at Ye Zimo on the screen. She smiled and said, "Help me take care of Chu Qing and Nianmo. Thank you."    


The phone rang. Hai Zhixuan picked it up and frowned as he hung up. He said to Xia Yihan, "I have to go back now. I promise I'll be back soon. Can we talk about this when I get back?"    


Xia Yihan smiled and nodded. Hai Zhixuan looked at Xia Yihan with concern and left hesitantly. Xia Yihan walked into the nursery and Ye Nianmo gently placed his hand on Ye Chuqing's back. Xia Yihan kissed Ye Chuqing and Nianmo and left to press the number.    


"Yu Lan? Can I trouble you with something? "    


With the power of the Blue Faction, the two children shouldn't have any problems. Xia Yihan packed up the items one by one and took out Ye Zimo's disc before walking out of the room.    



Several men in black were walking back and forth in the hotel lobby. Xia Yihan knew they were sent by Hai Zhixuan.    


Xia Yihan took off her earring and threw it to the side. One of the bodyguards vigilantly led the other one towards the source of the sound. Two more people immediately came out of the other room to replace the previous one.    


Xia Yihan ran into the bathroom of the hotel with the cat. She definitely wouldn't be able to get out like this. If she did, it would be morning soon!    


Xia Yihan's line of sight fell upon the cleaning woman. Ten minutes later, she was wearing the blue cleaning staff uniform. She pushed the garbage truck towards the hotel lobby.    


As soon as they arrived at the lobby, the door was opened and Hai Zhixuan walked in. He was covered in dust. Xia Yihan walked past Hai Zhixuan with her head lowered.    


"Hey, wait a moment." Someone called out to Xia Yihan from behind. Xia Yihan's body tensed up. The bodyguard in black picked up a photo and looked at Xia Yihan. "Auntie, you've lost your picture."    


Xia Yihan lowered her head and nodded. She quickly took the photo and put it in her pocket. Hai Zhixuan looked at Xia Yihan lightly and then left.    


Xia Yihan let out a sigh as she walked out of the hotel at a fast pace. He stopped a taxi, "Master, please go to the airport."    


Xia Yihan said in a hurry as she looked at the driver with a strange expression. He was obviously still wearing the air-conditioner this summer, but he was wearing a thick mask and even had a hat on his head.    


Xia Yihan stretched her neck to see the driver's face, but all she could see were his sharp black and white eyes.    


"The car suddenly started moving forward. Xia Yihan fell back into the back seat and slowed down." Do we know each other? "    


Xia Yihan asked carefully. The driver was so focused on driving that he didn't say a word. Xia Yihan shut her mouth in embarrassment and looked into the driver's eyes. She thought of Ye Zimo. Where was he now?    


When the car stopped at the airport, Xia Yihan handed the money to the driver. The photo was on the seat and the driver's eyes fell on the photo. The man in the photo was sleeping soundly, frowning slightly. He didn't know that he had been secretly photographed.    


Xia Yihan picked up the photo and looked at it carefully. She put it away carefully and smiled as she handed the money to the driver. The driver's hand made contact with Xia Yihan.    


The driver had already got out of the car to open the door for Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan smiled at her own nervousness, nodded to the driver, and left.    


As they entered the airport, Xia Yihan turned around and saw a white taxi parked at the waiting area. The driver was standing still.    


Putting aside all doubts and reluctance, Xia Yihan walked into the airport.    


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