Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C751 Wealthy Marriage 680

C751 Wealthy Marriage 680

0"Don't come over, I won't give you the money!" Tong Zhenzhen angrily grabbed the money in her hands and waved her arms.    


"Big brother, why do I feel like there's something wrong with this little girl's IQ?" A hoodlum with dyed yellow hair said.    


"Who cares! Let's rob them first. " A group of hoodlums surrounded Tong Zhenzhen. The outer ring of hoodlums let out a blood-curdling scream, but before they could even see Tong Zhenzhen, the hoodlums had already been sent flying to the corner.    


Ye Zimo unbuttoned her shirt and stared coldly at the hoodlums in front of her.    


"You'd better not meddle." The leader of the hooligans didn't seem to care about face. He gathered up his courage and struck Ye Zimo, who easily dealt with the opposite party. Her eyes slanted as she asked, "Who else?"    


"You hoodlum, look at me, look at you, then swarmed outside like a swarm of bees." Zimo! They bullied me. " Tong Zhenzhen's eyes were full of grievance as she grabbed Ye Zimo by the sleeve and rushed into Ye Zimo's arms.    


Kitty wanted to rush up, but Xia Yihan stopped her and whispered, "She's in shock now, so it's normal for her to have this kind of reaction."    


"Manager Xia, Director Ye is about to be snatched away by that woman if you continue acting like this. Don't you know that a lot of girls are really good at acting coquettishly right now? Guys can't control themselves!" Kitty is on Xia Yihan's side.    


Xia Yihan dragged Kitty back to the meeting and said lightly, "He's really not that kind of girl. Don't say that about him in the future."    


Tong Zhenzhen almost held Ye Zimo's hand as they walked back into the restaurant. Xia Yihan asked with concern, "Really? Are you alright?"    


Tong Zhenzhen put the money on the table and said, "Sister Xia, I won't buy any more ice cream. I'll return the money to you."    


Ye Zimo frowned. "You're letting her go out alone?"    


Hearing Ye Zimo's words, Xia Yihan felt a bit unhappy. Ye Zimo's blaming tone made her uncomfortable. Kitty, who was beside her, couldn't help but roll her eyes and say, "Obviously, she wanted to eat ice cream. Manager Xia told her to buy it, but she couldn't even protect herself when she's this big."    


"Enough/Kitty." Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan spoke at the same time. Ye Zimo took a deep breath and looked at Xia Yihan, saying, "I'll take her to the hospital for a checkup first. You need to be careful when you go back."    


Xia Yihan nodded. Ye Zimo turned around without any hesitation. Tong Zhenzhen pulled on the sleeves of Ye Zimo's hands and followed closely.    


Kitty watched the two of them disappear and said unfairly, "Xia CEO, don't you feel that Director Ye treats this woman very well? and even sent her to the hospital to see a doctor! "    


Xia Yihan lowered her head and stirred the milk in her cup. She said indifferently, "Tong Zhenzhen hurt the back of her head in order to save me. My memories are a little messy right now. Don't say that about her in the future."    


"It's not like we're putting on an act. Where did all these memories come from?" Kitty muttered.    


Xia Yihan went home and lay flat on the sofa. Ye Nianmo went to Australia to join Camp Shari. The entire house was empty except for his own breathing and the ticking of the clock.    


After shaking off the clogging in her head, Xia Yihan picked up the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning. Xu Haorann's house had an attic, Xia Yihan curiously carried a small stool into the attic, which was filled with Xu Haorann's awards.    


Xia Yihan, who had not opened the cabinet for a long time, was blown off her feet by the force of the impact. She coughed and fell to the ground.    


She tried to move her legs, but they were swollen. Xia Yihan tried to move her legs, but the pain was too painful to bear.    


With great difficulty, Xia Yihan moved to the sofa and took out her phone while enduring the pain. Her fingers subconsciously pressed the first number on the button.    


Ye Zimo had forced it into the phone, but now the phone was ringing. Xia Yihan dialed again and heard the other side turn off their phone.    


Resisting the pain, Xia Yihan grabbed the bag in her hands and locked the door by herself. Unable to move her feet, Xia Yihan tremblingly picked up the phone: "Big Brother Xu, are you home?"    


A woman's voice came through the phone. Xia Yihan knew Xiaolee was there, so she thought for a while before smiling and saying, "Nothing, I suddenly wanted to roast some biscuits for you to take. But now that there's something going on at school, I might as well send it over tonight."    


After hanging up, Xia Yihan slowly walked out of the residential complex by herself. At the entrance, an old man pushed the boss by the entrance and the two whispered softly. Xia Yihan watched in envy.    


"Yihan?" Ruiki * a sound rang out. Xia Yihan turned her head and looked at the girl beside Ruiki, who was hugging her for the first time.    


"Yihan, what's wrong with you? Why are you so pale?" Ruiki put her arm around the girl's shoulder and said.    


Cold sweat broke out on Xia Yihan's forehead, but she still smiled and said, "It's nothing. I just came out for a walk."    


Xia Yihan looked at her suspiciously. She leaned against the wall and asked, "Why aren't you leaving? It's rude to make a girl wait."    


He nodded and said to Yihan, "If you have something to say, please call me."    


Xia Yihan watched him walk away with his arm around the girl's shoulders. She then made a slight step down the stairs. She felt an excruciating pain. Xia Yihan sat down with a frown, and a tall shadow appeared in front of her.    


"Ye Zimo?" Xia Yihan looked up and saw Ruki frowning at her.    


"Why didn't you tell me if you were hurt?" He raised his eyebrows and said unhappily. His tone was not as cynical as usual.    


Xia Yihan lowered her head to look at her swollen steamed bun like feet. "Isn't this the same as watching you pick up girls!"    


"Those women are just pre-lunch, Yihan. Guess they're the main course." Ruiki returned to her smiling face and helped Lili up without saying anything, letting Lili lean on her shoulder.    


Xia Yihan was lying on the bed, looking out the window.    


Ruiki's phone rang and a sweet voice questioned him. Xia Yihan smiled and said, "I'm fine. You should hurry back and coax your little girlfriend."    


He looked at Xia Yihan and asked with a frown, "Aren't you and that Ye Zimo man and woman friends? "Why don't you let him take care of you?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head, her smile unchanging. "He's a very busy man. I can handle him alone!"    


Seeing Xia Yihan urging him, he didn't know what to say. He looked towards the nurse who was looking at him with a blushing face and said, "She's my sister. Please take good care of her."    


The young nurse blushed, and even started to tuck Xia Yihan in. He gave Xia Yihan a wink and a kiss before leaving the room.    


At the bend in the road, Ruiki took out his phone, "Excuse me, is this Ye Group Group's customer service department? I want to file a complaint, a complaint against your CEO! "    


Ye Zimo pushed open the door of the hospital without changing her footsteps. Xia Yihan was looking out of the window with boredom when she heard the door open and said, "Beautiful nurse, I really can't give you my brother's number. Give up."    


"When did you get an extra brother?" Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows as she thought of Ruiki. Thinking of how Zhang Fengyi had inexplicably told her that she was being complained about, Ye Zimo wanted to strangle Ruiki to death.    


"Ye Zimo? "Why are you here?" Xia Yihan turned around and looked at Ye Zimo happily.    


Ye Zimo pulled back her quilt. Looking at Xia Yihan's ankle that had already been connected, she said depressingly, "Why didn't you call me?"    


Xia Yihan stared at Ye Zimo and said, "I called you, but I didn't pick up my phone the first time. The second time it was off."    


Ye Zimo's fingers rubbed her temples as she frowned and said, "Tong Zhenzhen took advantage of my meeting time to play with my phone."    


Xia Yihan lowered her head and replied, "Oh."    



Ye Zimo ruffled Xia Yihan's hair and whispered, "What are you thinking?!" Xia Yihan raised her head and smiled brightly. "I didn't think of anything. I just didn't want to stay in the hospital. The smell of the medicine is bad."    


Ye Zimo did the procedures for Xia Yihan without hesitation. She rushed all the way to the residential complex and supported Xia Yihan into the residential complex. The two of them stared blankly at the sign that read "In the middle of repair".    


"Looks like I'll have to wait a long time." Xia Yihan sighed as she leaned against the wall.    


Ye Zimo undid the buttons on her suit sleeve, and the high-ranking officer loosened his grip. He then turned to Xia Yihan and said, "Come up."    


Xia Yihan waved her hand and said, "There's no need for that. I think the elevator will call soon."    


Ye Zimo looked ahead and said lightly, "Three seconds."    


Ye Zimo's voice was calm as she continued. After three seconds, a soft body leaned on her back.    


With a smile, Ye Zimo carried Xia Yihan on her back and walked upstairs steadily. Xia Yihan laid on Ye Zimo's body. She felt her opponent's well-proportioned breathing and bursting muscles, and felt an inexplicable warmth.    


Ye Zimo walked down the stairs with a straight face and carried Xia Yihan into a house nearby. Xia Yihan looked around curiously. She found the plate that she brought on the first day neatly placed in the cupboard.    


Ye Zimo expressionlessly placed Xia Yihan on the big bed that she had barely used a few times. Seeing Ye Zimo leave, Xia Yihan tried to move her body.    


"What do you want to do?" Ye Zimo crossed her arms as she stood by the door, looking unperturbed at Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan twisted her body and said, a little embarrassed, "Go to the bathroom."    


Ye Zimo stepped forward to help Xia Yihan up. Xia Yihan quickly waved her hands. "Can I do it myself?"    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and said indifferently, "Oh? "You do it."    


Xia Yihan bit her lips as she slowly stood up. As she took a step forward, a heart-wrenching pain came over her. She held Xia Yihan up with both hands in time.    


Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan by the waist and walked to the washroom with big steps. She put the other down and said lightly, "Alright, then call me."    


Xia Yihan nodded silently, lamenting the fact that her feet had recovered quickly. Xia Yihan came out of the living room and sat on the sofa. A sweet smell wafted from the kitchen.    


Ye Zimo stirred the porridge familiarly and brought the porridge to Xia Yihan. "Thank you!" Xia Yihan said sincerely.    


Ye Zimo placed the porridge on the table with a heavy weight. Xia Yihan looked at the man who had suddenly turned solemn. After a long while, she said, "Alright, I won't say 'thank you' anymore."    


Hearing that Xia Yihan had given in, Ye Zimo picked up the bowl of porridge in her hands again. At this moment, her phone rang.    


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