Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C469 Favorite Marriage 401

C469 Favorite Marriage 401

0Xia Yihan frowned. She felt that the police were misleading her, so she emphasized, "I can't confirm that this is my clothes, so I won't wear it. I was wearing the same color and style as it was, but my clothes were in our house, on the hanger in my bedroom on the second floor. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to investigate. "    


The policeman looked at another young policeman and said, "Go to her mother's house and see if there are any identical clothes hanging there."    


The policeman promised to go out.    


"Anything else?" Can I go home after you ask? "    


Xia Yihan remembered that she heard Lee Heetai say when she came down from upstairs that she was being summoned and couldn't be forcibly detained. She wasn't sure about the exact time, but she did know one thing. She should have been released after questioning the case, no official warrant for her arrest, no warrant for her detention, she should still be free.    


She wanted to see Ye Zimo very much, and she wanted to have some time to talk to her mother so she wouldn't worry about her and tell her that she hadn't done anything.    


In truth, she didn't want to tell him. She knew that her mother would definitely believe her.    


"Not yet." the policeman said.    


"You can take a short break and leave only after our colleagues have been to your house to find out more."    


Xia Yihan didn't say anything. She just sat there silently.    


It was all a matter of course for the police, and she knew it. If she were to move around right now, she would be making false evidence.    


Instead of asking her questions, the police were busy sorting through various materials. There was also a police officer who was secretly observing her.    


A short while later, she heard a tall, thin policeman deliver a document and said, "The identification of the handwriting is out. The handwriting on the diary is the victim's own handwriting."    


Without a doubt, this was another heavy blow to her. However, Xia Yihan had calmed down a lot by now.    


"Miss Xia, did you hear that? The results of the identification have been released, which proves that those diaries were written by the deceased. " the policeman said.    


"That doesn't prove that I killed her, and what she wrote wasn't the truth."    


After Xia Yihan finished her sentence, she felt that the truth was, did the police really care? They must think she's a criminal now, especially with the express suggestion that they'll find out more about her crimes than about her innocence.    


Furthermore, even if the police really were not biased, when Mo Xiaojun talked to her that day, it was mostly in the same situation as what Sister Soong described.    


She believed that if the police wanted a witness, they would still be able to find one. At least Mo Xiaojun did come to find her the day that he could find Sister Soong, and the two of them were talking alone.    


She also remembered that Sister Soong did ask her that day, who was this man, she just thought she was gossiping and said it was her brother. Sister Soong also said she thought the man liked her.    


What Sister Soong said that day, as well as writing this kind of strange diary made Xia Yihan think of one possibility.    


She must have been threatened recently. Someone had forced her to do this. This chain of events was no accident. The purpose of the large bag of vegetables was not to thank her, but to ask her to send the money to her home and prove her presence.    


She could only say that the person who planned all of this was truly thoughtful and meticulous.    


Xia Yihan's heart became heavy again. She was worried that in order to save her, Ye Zimo and Ye Haorann would have to give up some principles and their original plans.    


Other than Zhong Yuquan, she really couldn't think of anyone else who would harm her that much. Soong Wanting did have this intention, but it was a pity that her family was in ruins. If she wanted to achieve such perfection, she didn't have that much power.    


Father, the thought of these two words made her heart ache.    


She didn't ask him to be nice to her, didn't ask him to love and care for her like other people's fathers, but she couldn't kill him just for her own selfish desires, could she?    


If only a few people knew about this, then it would be alright. But if so many people knew, then even if she managed to clear away the grievances, she would still be condemned as a female murderer for the rest of her life. Who would really care about the truth? People only speculated based on their own thoughts.    


"You don't think it's true. Why would they write it that way?" the policeman asked again.    


"This is what you need to investigate. She might have been threatened and used."    


Xia Yihan replied, then closed her eyes and leaned against the back of the chair.    


Not long after, someone came to report: "The results of the fingerprint identification are out. The fingerprints of the two samples are very similar. We can confirm that it's from the same person."    


Xia Yihan was not surprised by this result. The kitchen knife was indeed hers.    


Right now, she was only thinking that no matter how skilled that person was, there was still a hole in his blood clothes.    


After waiting for about an hour, the young policeman who had been sent to search her mother's house returned, empty-handed and empty-handed.    


"Xia Yihan, you lied. You don't even have this piece of clothes in your house. "You threw this piece of clothing in a trash can near the deceased's house. Someone saw you throw it away. Someone led the way and we found it."    


This was the only flaw that Xia Yihan could think of, and it was completely useless now.    


It seemed that the other party was truly too powerful, being able to deal with everything. At this moment, she really suspected that if Ye Zimo and the others didn't lower their heads, Zhong Yuquan would be mercilessly punished with her death.    


Xia Yihan smiled mockingly and said, "I really don't know how effective the police are these days. It's only been about an hour since I left her house to go to my house to ask questions. After you questioned the witnesses and found the evidence, you were still able to get all the results out so quickly. "Are you sure that this case is really fair?"    


The police's face stiffened. They had indeed received a special order. This case should be investigated as soon as possible.    


And the investigation did go smoothly. All the evidence indicated that Xia Yihan was a murderer. She had a motive, a time, and her fingerprints were on the murder weapon as direct evidence.    


As for why they were asked to investigate the case quickly and apply for the next judicial procedure, they had no idea.    


It had something to do with the woman's background, they thought, and they might want to get her clean as soon as possible. It could also be because of the change in office and the tense security. This kind of murder had to be solved as soon as possible.    


"If there is anything you think is inappropriate in the course of our case, you can bring an administrative lawsuit against us within the prescribed time, Miss Xia."    


"Now that I have finished, can I go home? Or have you already treated me as a criminal and prepared to imprison me? " Xia Yihan asked, her heart already prepared for the worst.    


It was very likely that she wouldn't be able to see her loved ones for a long period of time, nor her beloved Ye Zimo.    


"Wait a moment, I'll give you an answer right away, Miss Xia."    


After the police officer had finished talking, he walked out of the interrogation room with another leading official. After a brief discussion, they came back in and said to Xia Yihan, "All kinds of evidence indicate that Miss Xia is suspected of having committed a major crime. We have decided to detain you."    


She had been detained in a jail before, and she was particularly frightened when she thought of those dark days.    


At that time, she had no one to rely on. She fought against the power of a high official alone.    


Now that she had someone to rely on, she couldn't help but pray that Ye Zimo would come see her earlier and rescue her.    


However, she was afraid that Ye Zimo would know about it and that he would do something that would go against his principles for her sake.    


Xia Yihan was brought out by two policemen. When she walked to the corridor, she met her two colleagues, Little Lu and Ling Zi, who were mentioned by Sister Soong in her diary.    


Xia Yihan didn't need to think deeply to guess that their testimony would definitely be detrimental to her. As for whether these two people really knew that she was wrongly accused or if they also believed that she was the culprit, she didn't know.    


"Xia Yihan!" Reiko stopped her, looked at her fiercely with flaming eyes, and pounced on her with such excitement that she wanted to strangle her.    


She was so excited that it didn't seem fake. Xia Yihan thought that it was very likely that Sister Soong had been ordered by someone to tell Reiko that she knew Xia Yihan's secret or something, so Reiko really believed that she was the one who killed her.    


The policeman who was with the two witnesses grabbed Reiko's hand and stopped her from approaching Xia Yihan.    


"You shameless woman! Do you think that just because you killed Sister Soong, no one would know that you did something dirty? I'm sorry Sister Soong told me that you wanted to kill her. She told me all your secrets. You want to stay in the Wealthy Class for your ex-boyfriend's miscarriage. How can you be so shameless! Vicious! Such a good person like Sister Soong, how dare you act against her! You... You have to pay with your life! I have to pay with my life! " Ling Zi hooted like a madman, and tears streamed down her face as she said those words.    


Xia Yihan also felt uncomfortable. This Ling Zi was Sister Soong's best friend in the company. The two of them could be considered as best friends.    


Now that Reiko's good friend had said that she would die just like that, at such a young age, she couldn't blame Reiko for her accusations at all. She felt sorry for Sister Soong as well.    


She wanted to immediately find out who the mastermind was, but she knew that even if she was released, this case would be suspended on the grounds that she couldn't find the culprit. Even if he had to use a murderer as an explanation, that murderer was not the final mastermind.    


"It wasn't me. Someone else did it." Xia Yihan said.    


"Of course you didn't! Is there anyone else who would deliberately kill someone and then say that he killed them himself? " Little Lu was also very angry.    


Xia Yihan knew it was pointless to say more, so she only said softly, "There will be a day when the truth comes out."    


She was brought from the police station to the entrance, where the media immediately began to flood in.    


Xia Yihan looked coldly at those who had been ordered to do so, and a strong hatred for her biological father welled up in her heart.    


Father, are you my biological father or not? You asked someone to interview me about this. You wanted everyone to know that I was a real killer. Do you want to use the power of supervision to force Ye Zimo to use extraordinary means to save me?    


Why don't you consider my feelings at all? My reputation?    


She knew that tears were useless, but she could not suppress the feeling of bitterness. Even so, tears still quietly flowed down her face.    


Reiko and Little Lu were only witnesses. After asking, they were free to go. They stopped and shouted at Xia Yihan, "You murderer! Give Sister Soong back to us! Murderer! You shameless woman! "    


Xia Yihan was grabbed by a policeman, so she could only watch them silently without being able to explain.    


"Have you identified her as the murderer?" Some reporters asked the police, who just said coldly: "Jean, the case is in the process of being investigated for evidence, we can only investigate the evidence, not convict."    


"I heard she's Mr Ye's woman and Director-General Ye's daughter-in-law. Would such an identity affect her investigation results?" the reporter asked.    


"We will definitely act impartially and give an explanation to the masses." said the policeman formally.    


With that, the police pulled Xia Yihan away from the reporters and prepared to take her to the police car they were escorting.    


Xia Yihan saw that a few people were also walking towards them. It was Lee Heetai and her mother. When she saw her two family members, her tears were even more unstoppable.    


She did not know what was in front of her, nor did she know if she would become a victim of the political struggle, or if she would have to bear the crime of murder for the rest of her life, never to be washed away.    


"You are not allowed to randomly hit it! And don't report it in the words of a murderer! "You have not been convicted yet. You have no right to write nonsense!" Lee Heetai's cold voice cut through the crowd, and the reporters naturally shifted their attention to him.    


He had come to pick up Xia Yihan, and it seemed like he wouldn't be able to do so.    


Perhaps the mastermind had already made the evidence, so she was a major suspect in a violent crime. Due to security concerns, the police would also temporarily detain her.    


During her detention, she might apply for arrest like a court prosecutor, and for a while, she really wouldn't see any of them.    


He had already informed Ye Zimo, and she had almost gone mad. She could no longer be bothered with the matter of her injuries, and he was driving back himself.    


When Xia Yihan saw Lin Dahui from afar, she knew that Ye Zimo already knew about this matter.    


Ye Zimo, don't worry. I will take care of myself. You are injured, so don't do anything reckless.    


Unfortunately, these were all things that she could only think about in her heart. She already had no way to convey these words to him.    


There was nothing she could do to comfort her mother. She saw her mother running towards her, and her heart was pulled.    


"Mom!" She called out as loudly as she could, but the reporters were all eagerly asking Lee Heetai questions. Their voices were loud and excited and her voice was completely covered.    


"Darling Yihan, don't worry. Mom knows you were wronged and will find a way to return your innocence." She watched as the police carried Lili to the van. Her tears ran down her face, and she could no longer control them.    


Lee Heetai's face darkened. He did not say a word in response to the reporters' questions.    


The reporters saw that they couldn't dig anything out of him, so they turned their attention to Reiko and the path.    


The two of them had long heard of some rumors that someone tried to make things difficult for Xia Yihan. Crown Prince threatened to kill someone. They were extremely angry with her now, so they did not hesitate to tell her everything they knew.    


"Why did you say that Xia Yihan was the murderer? Is there any evidence? " the reporter asked.    


"When Sister Soong was alive, she told us that she was afraid that Xia Yihan would kill her and silence us one day. "She said that even if she did die in her hands, she can't die in vain. She wanted to tell us her secret so that we can catch Xia Yihan after her death."    


"So the deceased has told you all the secrets she knows?" the reporter asked.    


"We told him. Now, not only do we have to know this secret, we have to let the whole world know about this secret!" Reiko said excitedly.    


"Xia Yihan and a man called Mo Xiaojun have been cohabiting illegally for a long time before they started dating Mr Ye and even gave up due to his pregnancy. "Sister Soong said that when she heard about this secret, Xia Yihan told Mo Xiaojun that she definitely wouldn't allow anyone to tell Ye Zimo about it. If anyone wants to do so, she'll kill that person!"    


Lee Heetai had always been calm. At this time, when he saw that these people wanted to dirty Xia Yihan, he was anxious and angry at the same time. He could no longer stay calm.    


He raised his hand to grab the reporter's camera equipment, but was stopped by Zhao Wenying.    


"Heetai, don't be like this, let's go back!" Zhao Wenying had already restrained her tears. Her emotions had also calmed down.    


She could not fall. Her daughter needed her. Of course, she knew that the more difficult it was for Xia Yihan's family and friends to get to the media, the worse the situation would be.    


Lee Heetai calmed down after she reminded him.    



"My daughter was wrongly accused and we will find evidence, so we hope that our media friends will not write too much. Their words can only be said to be their own. Please don't tell them the truth until the case is settled. In addition, I reserve the right to hold the media accountable at all times. " With Lee Heetai's support, she dragged her weak body away.    


There was no way for her to continue listening. Otherwise, she would also want to rush up to those people and beat them up. She might even want to savagely stop them from randomly spouting nonsense.    


Damn Zhong Yuquan!    


It must be him!    


Shameless man, he had to sacrifice even his daughter's reputation.    


If there had been a knife, Zhao Wenying would not have hesitated to stab him in the heart, if only she could clear her daughter.    


It seemed that it was time for her to talk to Zhong Yuquan. She had to know his final goal.    


Did he want the vote in Lee Mingjun's hands, or was there another bigger scheme against Ye Family?    


When she came out, she insisted on not letting Lee Mingjun come with her. She was afraid that her husband, who loved her dearly, would do something earth-shattering for her.    


After getting on the car, Zhao Wenying called Zhong Yuquan and calmly said that she wanted to see him.    


"I was just about to see you too, Wenying." Zhong Yuquan was actually smiling.    




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