Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1408 Wealthy Marriage 1336

C1408 Wealthy Marriage 1336

0When Ding Yiyi woke up, she was in the car. However, her eyes were covered by a black cloth. Her chest, which had been inhaling too much exhaust gas, was aching. She couldn't help but cough.    


The car stopped, and a moment later the door opened and a breeze came in and something round approached her mouth.    


The cold water moistened her dry lips. She followed his movements and drank a few mouthfuls before saying, "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"    


No one said anything. When the footsteps were about to leave, Ding Yiyi said, "Xiao Qian."    


After a long while, Xiao Qian opened his mouth, "Why did you know it was me?"    


"Your perfume smells special." Ding Yiyi turned her head in his direction. "You shouldn't have saved me."    


Xiao Qian walked up and took off her eyepatch. The strong sunlight shone in and Ding Yiyi discovered that the two of them had already reached the high speed. Moreover, it seemed to be the high speed of their Dongjiang City.    


"Ding Yiyi no longer exists in this world." Xiao Wen looked at her seriously and said, "You are no longer Ding Yiyi."    


Ding Yiyi was puzzled. "What are you talking about?"    


Xiao Wu walked to the driver's seat, took a newspaper from the seat and handed it to Ding Yiyi.    


She took it and was already grinning from ear to ear when she saw the title. "Two floors of the mansion have turned to ashes in one night. The people in the house have been badly burned and become vegetable people."    


"This is me?" Ding Yiyi immediately denied her words. "This isn't me. What's going on?"    


Xiao Wen did not hide the truth from her. "I caught this woman in the pond and made her look like you. Now that I've taken you away, you will no longer exist in this world."    


"Who is that woman?" Ding Yiyi felt her teeth chattering with every word she said.    


Xiao Wen smiled, "It's a woman that I don't like."    


The conversation ended with a signal, and he put the blindfold back on, his voice soft. "I'll take you somewhere out of the world."    


The car started again and gradually headed off into the unknown. No one could predict what would happen in the future.    


Ye Family    


Ye Bo turned the pistol in his hand towards Ye Nianmo, "Young Master, I don't care what you punish me with."    


"She …" Ye Nianmo's tone was harsh. He could not read the word "die" no matter how hard he tried. The mere thought of it made his heart ache so much that he could not breathe.    


He discovered that the current him was actually too timid to listen to her news. All he wanted was to be forever immersed in his dreams.    


Ye Bo spoke up, "The Madam is not dead. She has suffered severe burns. She is currently in intensive care."    


"He didn't die?" Ye Nianmo whispered. He sat down with the bracelet on the back of the chair and whispered again, "He's not dead?"    


It was the first time Ye Bo saw him lose his composure like this. He was hesitating whether he should tell him about Ding Yiyi's current situation, and his own hesitation was already seen through.    


"What are you trying to say?" Ye Nianmo stared at him. His expression had eased up a lot. As long as she didn't die, there was still hope. As long as she didn't die, everything was fine!    


He hadn't had the time to apologize to her. He hadn't told her that she loved her very much, that he hadn't finished his life with her, that he hadn't done so many things. How could she die?    


Ye Bo pursed his lips, "Madam has suffered severe burns and will probably never wake up again in this lifetime."    


With that, the chair was knocked over and a figure ran out of the door in a sorry state, disappearing soon after.    


In intensive care, a woman was lying on a bed. She was wrapped in layers of gauze, exposing areas of her body where she had been severely burned. There was a large amount of burnt ointment on them, and layers of gauze had covered her whole body.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the woman whose face was wrapped in layers of gauze and was completely unable to recognize her appearance. However, he was glad that at least she didn't die and still had a chance in this life.    


"Idiot, aren't you afraid of pain the most? Why are you still doing such a stupid thing?" He reached out his hand to draw the outline of the person lying on the ground. He did not seem tired at all.    


Half an hour later, he was standing in front of the bed in a germfree suit. The woman's face was no longer what it used to be, and because of the severe burns on her body, she had shaved her hair.    


Ye Nianmo whispered, "Sorry, I've made you sad these past few days."    


No one answered him, only the machine had a regular time line, but this little movement made him feel as if it was Ding Yiyi communicating with him.    


"At that time, you wanted to divorce me. I was very scared, so I pretended to be angry and chased you to Shanghai. It was because I didn't want you to be hurt again."    


"I've done so much. I just want to tell you that if you look at it with your heart, you'll know how much I love you. But you little idiot, you just won't hide behind me and want to protect me."    


He talked for a long time, almost as if he would say anything he thought of, but the woman lying on the sickbed didn't move at all.    


"I only cried yesterday. From now on, I will protect you." He walked to the door and looked deeply at the person who would probably never wake up again before turning around and leaving.    


"Young Master" Ye Bo walked in    


Ye Nianmo didn't want the person on the bed to be disturbed. He turned around and walked out. At the corridor, his voice was cold, "Have you found the person?"    


"He ran away and is now trying to find us," he paused, "The pond was drained of its water, so I didn't find Miss Au Xue. This pond is still alive, so it's possible that she ran away from the water."    


Ye Nianmo frowned as the image of Ao Xue's eyes and expression appeared in his mind, "Continue searching along the source of the water."    


Ye Bo accepted the order and left. He turned his head and took a deep look at the burn room, then turned around and left.    


The two floors of the small building were now in ruins. The walls were blackened with soot, and the flowers and plants in the yard had been trampled to the point where they were lifeless.    


Ye Nianmo slowly pushed the door open. A piece of the wall fell to the ground with a loud sound.    


He stood in the hallway and observed the room. Everything had been burnt beyond recognition. He knew why Ding Yiyi had chosen to set it on fire.    


He couldn't breathe. He walked up the stairs with his feet full of things. The rooms on the second floor were slightly better than the ones on the first floor. The fire was already under control before it could spread.    


He walked over to the bed and gently stroked the dusty bed, his gaze resting on the two picture frames on the bedside table.    


"I'm sorry I didn't protect her," he whispered, his heart in pain.    


The person in the photo frame did not say anything. His eyes were still clear and his mouth always had a smile, maintaining his original look. Ye Nianmo knew, if he was here, he would probably be angry.    


He held the photo frame of Baby Cheng and Ye Chuyun in his arms and walked out of the room with big strides, without looking at the other furnishings in the room.    



Just as he was about to close the door, the door seemed to have been stuck by something sharp. He lowered his head, and his gaze finally showed a little movement.    


It was a ring, a ring identical to the one he had on his finger. It was also her and his wedding ring.    


How disappointed would it be to throw away the proof of love? He bent down to pick it up and kissed the delicate ring with his tightly pursed lips.    


He walked out of the run-down house and stopped in his tracks. Standing under the sunlight, he carefully recalled the short time he had spent with her.    


Even if he had to do it again, he knew that he would catch Si Si because if she did not catch them, he and Ye Family would not be able to rest at ease forever.    


"If I gave you another chance, would you have made the same choice?" Hai Zhuoxuan stood a few steps away and looked at him with a grim expression.    


Ye Nianmo pulled on the ring tightly, the photo frame on his chest had already been exposed to a trace of heat. He walked towards the car, "This kind of question has no meaning."    


Hai Zhuoxuan smiled, "Back then when you treated Ding Yiyi coldly, I already sensed that something was wrong. You loved her too much, so you can't do something to betray her. Unfortunately, women are always more emotional than rational, they only believe what they see and think that it's the truth."    


Ye Nianmo closed his eyes with his back facing Ding Yiyi. A twinge of pain flashed across his face. He will repay what he owed Ding Yiyi for the rest of his life.    


Just when he was about to get on the car, another car stopped. Ye Bo got off, "Young master, we've already searched for the water source along the way. Miss Au Xue may have drifted away along the river and died."    


He emphasized the word "dead."    


"Got it." Ye Nianmo pursed his lips and took the lead to drive away.    


Looking at the back view of the car as it drove away, Hai Zhuoxuan sighed. Two sisters had sacrificed their entire lives for a man …    


Ye Family    


Ye Zimo embraced Xia Yihan. Both of them had a serious expression on their faces, especially Xia Yihan. She looked extremely sad and she had been trying her best not to cry.    


Seeing Ye Nianmo walk in, Xia Yihan stood up excitedly, walked up to him and slapped him.    


Xia Yihan's heart ached when she saw his head get hit on the other side, but it was mostly anger, "How can you let them down like this? How do you want me to explain this to Uncle Xu?"    


She was so angry that her whole body was shaking, "Didn't I tell you when I was little that you have to have ways to do things? How can you do whatever you want to do it to this extent? They are Uncle Xu's only children!"    


Ye Zimo walked up to Xia Yihan. She took the opportunity to cry and fell into his arms. It seemed that she was extremely upset.    


Ye Zimo and Ye Nianmo looked at each other. They both knew that if it was any of them, they would do the same thing. It was exactly because they had to protect the ones they loved that they had to pay with their lives.    


"Where is she?"    


Inside the Dihao Hotel, the entire room was wrapped up, and at the end of the corridor, there was only one woman.    


When Ye Zimo pushed the door open and entered, she subconsciously screamed and wanted to hide. How could she use this kind of posture to see him? His hair was messy without a comb.    


She should have walked past him with a victorious posture and elegant dress. She had been separated from him for decades! How can you be like this when we meet again!    


She clutched her head and screamed, "Don't look, don't look at me!"    


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