Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1162 Wealthy Marriage 1090

C1162 Wealthy Marriage 1090

0Baker glanced at Ding Yiyi. The latter's face was a bit pale. He said meaningfully, "I know. But in front of the truth, every citizen has no relationship with one another."    


Ye Chuyun stood up with his coat in his hand. Ding Yiyi followed him out of the coffee shop. The fist under Ye Nianmo's desk was getting tighter and tighter. He shouldn't be chasing him out, all he had to do was go back to his office and continue working on the mountain of documents.    


"Nianmo, let's go." Just as Ao Xue opened her mouth to speak, she saw Ye Nianmo pulling away his chair and striding out with large strides.    


Ding Yiyi was about to get on the car when her wrist was pulled back by someone. She staggered a few steps back. The smell coming from her was too familiar, so she didn't need to look to know who it was.    


"Ye Nianmo." If he treasured her a lot, he would bless her and let her go. However, after he gave up, he kept harming her, waving at her, and then he disappeared.    


"If you take her today, then we won't be brothers anymore." he said coldly.    


Ye Nianmo frowned. The joints of Ding Yiyi's hands were gray. He slowly let go of her hand. Ding Yiyi's expression darkened. She pulled her hand out and turned around, walking towards Ye Chuyun.    


Before she could take more than a few steps, her hand was grabbed tightly again. Her strength was so strong that it left a red mark on her wrist. Ye Nianmo wordlessly pulled her to turn around and leave.    


Ye Chuyun looked at the car leaving at top speed and punched the door.    


In the coffee shop, Yan Mingyao said, "See that? No matter how much trouble they cause, they can't let go of each other. You're just a clown."    


Ao Xue's face looked terrible. She stood up and walked out, her arms were pulled by someone, and a figure appeared. The lip was facing the lip, and its breath was blending, "Pa!" The sound of a slap rang out.    


Yan Mingyao slightly tilted his head, reached out with the back of his hand to wipe the trace of sparkling liquid on his lips. He smiled and said, "The taste is not bad."    


Ao Xue exploded. She desperately beat him with the bag in her hands. Everyone around her raised their eyebrows. Yan Mingyao stopped joking around and silently looked at her as she let go of her temper.    


"You bastard. You harmed my child. Do you know how much pain I have to endure every day? Why can't you let me go?" Ao Xue leaned on the edge of the table as she panted heavily. Her hair was disheveled and disheveled.    


Yan Mingyao walked up to her and reached out his hand to help her push away the scattered hair on her cheek. Just as he touched her cheek, Ao Xue grabbed his hand and bit down.    


She used all her strength, but she ignored the faint taste of blood in her mouth. The coffee shop's waiter wanted to stop her, but he was intimidated by the man's gaze.    


"Crazy guy, one bit someone and the other was willing to be bitten." He grunted and walked away.    


Yan Mingyao stretched out his other hand to gently brush away the broken hair on her cheek, and the force of biting onto his palm became stronger, as if he was trying to tear off his own flesh. He frowned, but his actions were more gentle, how could he fall in love with this kind of woman, smart and scheming, stubborn to the point that it made people hate him.    


Ye Nianmo was focused on driving, while Ding Yiyi was focused on looking out the window at the scenery. No one spoke, and the atmosphere inside the car was as cold as the weather outside the window.    


Ding Yiyi's hands were itchy from being bitten by a mosquito recently. She reached out to scratch it, but the more she scratched, the more itchy it got.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her, opened the glove box and gave her a bottle of hand cream.    


Ding Yiyi took the letter silently. She looked down and saw that it was meant for babies. It had never been opened.    


She was bleeding in her heart. He had never sought her out in the past few days and she knew that he was angry, but was he going to ignore her just because Baby Cheng was a dog? When he was sad for his unborn baby, did he ever think that she was sad too?    


The car suddenly stopped. Ye Nianmo opened the window and the cold wind and the surrounding noises poured in.    


"Give me some time." He frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking tired.    


Ding Yiyi stared out the window. The snow had already melted, leaving a long mark on the ground. "No need. Since you have forgiven me for my pain, then don't forgive me."    


"That is a life, shouldn't I be sad? Don't tell me that if I turn around, I can freely and unrestrainedly be with you. I'm not that cold-blooded!" Ye Nianmo growled.    


She looked at his anger, sad. "No, you will always care about me, about the fact that I've hurt your child, even if we're going to be together in the future."    


Silence, endless silence. She had blatantly pulled their wounds apart once more, injuring both him and herself.    


She suddenly felt very tired. It was a feeling of helplessness towards life.    


When they arrived at the crew, Qiu Bai came over and said, "That's Ye Nianmo. Have you made up?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head and Director Dai came over, "That was your boyfriend?"    


His pronunciation in Chinese was a bit strange. His tongue stuck out and trembled a little. Ding Yiyiqiang braced herself and teased in English, "I understand when you speak English. I don't understand when you speak Chinese!"    


Director Dai laughed out loud, then mysteriously leaned over, "Do you know where there is a lobster seller? If you don't want the ones in the restaurant, you'll have to buy them! "    


Ding Yiyi said, "Yes, you can buy as many as you want at the East Gate Market."    


Qiu Bai teased at the side, "I don't think anyone can understand his Mandarin. If he goes, he will be killed."    


Director Dai nodded seriously. He casually combed his ponytail back and forth. Ding Yiyi sighed. "Forget it, we'll take you there."    


Everyone could feel the director's intense pleasure throughout the entire afternoon. Even the cursing sounded better. The moment the filming ended, Director Dai's eyes automatically swept over Ding Yiyi and Qiu Bai.    


Qiu Bai said, a little troubled, "I just received my mom's phone call and said she wanted me to go back home for dinner."    


Ding Yiyi quickly let her go and accompanied Director Dai to the market. Looking at how he was carrying big and small bags, Ding Yiyi sighed with emotion.    


As soon as they came out of the market, the two of them found something interesting. Some people were surrounding Director Dai's sports car and taking photos. The two of them smiled at each other and were about to go up, when suddenly, a locomotive came from the entrance of the alleyway at an extremely fast speed.    


Director Dai's eyes were sharp as he hugged Ding Yiyi and dodged to the side. The car passed by the two of them, turned a corner and ran into another alley. Director Dai frowned. No matter how he looked, that person's actions seemed to be purposely directed towards Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi didn't think much of it, but it was a pity that all the seafood spilled out of the bag.    


A week later, something happened to the Ye Group. In the layers of security, Baker picked up the card next to the corpse with his brows furrowed, the numbers on the card were exactly the same as what he had found before. The crowd parted and Ye Nianmo walked over with big strides, seeing this scene, he also frowned deeply.    


Baker raised his eyebrows, "It looks like we need to talk."    


In the office, Baker put the cards on the table, "These two people are more or less related to Ye Group. Think about it carefully, do you have any impression of this number?"    


Ye Nianmo stared at the numbers, and after a long while, he shook his head, "I don't remember anything. That staff member was an old employee of Ye Group, and had followed Ye Group for many years."    


There was disappointment in Baker's eyes. He stood up and put away the evidence, "I hope it was just an accident."    


After Baker left, Ye Nianmo closed his eyes and leaned back. As soon as he felt someone walking in, he immediately opened his eyes. The tiredness in his expression had already disappeared.    


"We've already notified their families. Furthermore, we've immediately sent the PR Department to all the major news media websites to handle the matter." Ye Bo stood to the side and paused for a moment. Then, he continued, "Master and Madam are back today."    


At the airport, Xia Yihan gave Ye Nianmo a big hug, "I'm really happy to be flying with everyone. It's so boring to be alone!"    


Ye Zimo's face turned bad. That foreigner on the plane dared to talk to her. Did he think he was dead? This won't do. I must protect him well in the future!    



While he was talking to Ye Nianmo with a cold face, his fingers were grabbed by the soft palm. As if unaware, Ye Zimo's gaze softened as she walked forward.    


Just after getting in the car, Xia Yihan asked casually, "Ao Xue should have already left for the United States. What's her due date?" This time, after finishing the exhibition, I will go to Los Angeles to accompany her. "    


Ye Zimo and Ye Nianmo exchanged a glance and simultaneously changed the topic, "Organizing an exhibition?"    


"Yeah, didn't we do it five years ago? Recently, I received another invitation, saying that I would do it a second time. " Xia Yihan put on her seatbelt and continued, "Don't change the topic. Did something happen to Ao Xue?"    


Ye Nianmo saw that he could no longer hide it, so he said, "It's a miscarriage."    


The sound of his phone dropping to the ground came from the back of the car. Xia Yihan didn't bother to pick it up and immediately asked, "How did it happen?"    


Ye Zimo stood at the side, not saying a word. He couldn't say anything, otherwise, Xia Yihan would definitely blame him for keeping her in the dark. Receiving his father's gaze, Ye Nianmo could only continue, "I accidentally fell down the elevator on the airport towards Los Angeles and had an abortion."    


The atmosphere inside the carriage became extremely heavy because of this matter. By the time he reached Ye Family, the butler and a servant were already waiting at the entrance.    


"Mom." Xia Yihan walked in front of Fu Fengyi and called out sweetly. Ye Zimo followed, "I got a copy of a book at an auction abroad. Mom, you should like it."    


"Good, good, good!" Fu Fengyi replied with a few "good words".    


Xia Yihan's gaze fell on Ao Xue, who was standing quietly beside her. She felt sorry for her and held her hand, saying, "Child, it's nothing. Just bear her in mind in the future."    


Ao Xue nodded and glanced at Ye Nianmo, only to realize that her eyes were full of warning. Ao Xue nodded and glanced at Ye Nianmo, only to realize that her eyes were full of warning.    


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