Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1067 Wealthy Marriage 995

C1067 Wealthy Marriage 995

0Ao Xue subconsciously refused, "No!" Seeing Xu Haorann's strange eyes, she hurriedly continued, "It's not like I'm fighting with a child, do you want to let my parents come knocking on my door? If you have the free time, why don't you marry Ye Nianmo earlier, otherwise what happens when he grows up!"    


Xu Haorann was slightly shocked. How could he not know about this? However, when he thought that doing this would be unfair to his youngest daughter, the guilt in his heart became even stronger.    


Ao Xue knew what she was thinking. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach and whispered, "Dad, listen, there is a little life here. He will call you grandpa when he is born, but he may not have a father."    


Xu Haorann felt the warmth of his palm. His heart was filled with the painful decision of suffering. Rather than the pain of the three of them, it was better to let his eldest daughter live.    


Seeing that she was tempted, Ao Xue softly said, "Thank you, father."    


Xu Haorann took her hand. "Let's go. Today, you made some soup for me. Your body needs some rest."    


At Ye Family, Ye Chuqing became a lot more cheerful. She kept talking about the interesting things that happened in France with Xia Yihan. When they talked about how Hai Zhuoxuan and them got lost for an hour in the car, everyone present couldn't help laughing.    


"Master, Madam, Young Master, Miss, Mr Xu and Miss Au Xue are here." Ye Zimo nodded and looked at him, "You're already old, you can just let others do this in the future."    


The butler looked at him gratefully and shook his head, "Master, I have been in this house for many years. I will let them in as long as they can't help me."    


Xia Yihan looked at the slightly hunchbacked figure of the butler as he walked out of the door. She sighed. "We should give him a good present."    


Ye Nianmo, who was on the side, replied, "Mom, don't worry. I've got someone to buy a house for the butler in New Zealand. He can retire anytime he wants."    


Xia Yihan nodded and mumbled, "Have you found Chuyun's doctor?"    


Ye Zimo calmly embraced her slender waist. The warmth of her palms and skin slightly lost her. He kissed her forehead and said gently, "Let them handle those matters."    


His words made people want to believe him. Xia Yihan nodded slightly, and then took the opportunity to sink into his embrace. Ye Chuqing and Ye Nianmo looked at each other and smiled.    


Xu Haorann had just entered the room and saw this scene. His footsteps paused as a complicated look appeared in his eyes. Even after so many years, he still couldn't forget Xia Yihan. Seeing the love between her and Ye Zimo, his heart would still throb.    


Ao Xue ran affectionately to Ye Chuqing, who hurriedly stood up and said, "How can a child like you run?"    


Ye Chuqing looked at Ao Xue, who was wearing a wide set of clothes, and recalled the scene of a quarrel between Ao Xue and Aunt Jiu Jiu's son before he left the country.    


Embarrassed, she pulled her arm away from Ao Xue's arm. Ao Xue was stunned for a moment when a servant brought her the soup. She then turned around and returned to Xia Yihan's side.    


"Since everyone is here, I shall announce something." Ye Zimo stood up and swept her gaze across the entire venue before continuing, "Next month, Nianmo and Ao Xue will get married."    


"What!" Ye Chuqing was the first to speak. She looked at her brother in astonishment, wanting to know the answer from him.    


"You don't have to decide my marriage." Ye Nianmo said coldly while clenching his teeth.    


Ye Zimo slapped on the armrest of the sofa, "I gave you some time to think about it earlier, our Ye Family definitely does not allow those who have abandoned their families to exist."    


"Abandoned? I think our family has one. " Ye Nianmo's lips pursed into a straight line.    


Xu Hao sighed, "Nianmo, I know you don't like Ao Xue, but she already has a child in her womb. In the future, the child's family must be complete."    


Xia Yihan could only sigh this time, "Nianmo, just listen to us this time."    


Ye Nianmo looked at his mom and Uncle Xu, they were the two most important people in his growing up. He swore to treat them well, but he didn't expect himself to be the one to make them sad.    


Ao Xue walked slowly to her side. "I know you don't like me. After we get married, you can go and find her. I won't interfere. Right now, I just want to give my child a family."    


Ye Nianmo's gaze never stopped on her. Ye Zimo slapped the table and stood up with an unquestionable tone, "The wedding will be held in one month, if you are not willing, then scram the Ye Group."    


Ye Chuqing had seen all of this, and her gaze was fixated on Ao Xue. She felt that there was something she had to tell her brother.    


At night, the noise from Ye Family had already subsided. When Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan finished talking on the phone, Hai Zhuoxuan was also very surprised. He did not say anything, but was thinking if this was another trick by Ao Xue.    


"I'm going to look for big brother." Ye Chuqing said as she laid on the bed and shook her head. After a long time, Hai Zhuoxuan's voice came out of the phone with a smile that was not a smile, "What's wrong?"    


"You haven't said good night to me yet." Ye Chuqing's tone carried a trace of coquettishness. She only hung up after hearing the other party's smiling good night.    


She went to her brother's room, knocked on the door, and when no one answered, she opened the door. The room was empty.    


The cold winter wind tore at the thick layer of clouds, condensing and dispersing them. A car was parked on the street. The two sides of the street were covered with fallen leaves, and the snow was piled up to the side.    


"This place is especially beautiful in the autumn. It's like walking in a fairy tale." Ding Yiyi leaned against the window and said with a smile.    


Ye Chuyun unfastened his seat belt and helped her at the same time. Then he got out of the car and opened the door for her, "What is this? It's still quite a distance away from home."    


Ding Yiyi blinked curiously. Ye Chuyun looked at her and asked, "Do you want to come down for a walk?"    


Ding Yiyi nodded. After getting off the car, she looked at the car doubtfully, "Is the car okay?"    


Ye Chuyun pulled her hand and took a few steps forward. They abandoned the car and walked instead. The camphor trees on both sides of the street rustled in the wind. Ding Yiyi shrunk her neck.    


A Caucasian man walked over and asked for directions. Ye Chuyun conversed with him in fluent English. Before he left, the Caucasian man said in broken Chinese, "Your girlfriend is very pretty."    


Ye Chuyun answered with a smile on his face. When the white man left, Ding Yiyi glared at him. "Why didn't you explain it earlier?"    


"Explain what?" Ye Chuyun looked at her with a smile on his face.    


Ding Yiyi knew he was doing it on purpose. Gritting her teeth, she deliberately grabbed a snowball. Ye Chuyun was surprised, but in the next second, Ding Yiyi strode in front of him. He just stood there and let Ding Yiyi pull his scarf and put the snowball into his collar.    


The snow was close to his skin, and was soon scorched by the temperature of his skin. Then it melted, and the melted snow stuck to his chest.    


Ding Yiyi saw him stunned on the spot and walked into him in a strange manner. In the next second, she was caught off guard and was hit on the head by a snowball.    


Ye Chuyun quickly grabbed a lump of snow and lifted his head slightly. His face was full of cunning as he chased Ding Yiyi all the way to the street.    


Suddenly, he grabbed her hand. She smiled and wanted to escape, but was pulled back again. He threw away the snow ball in his hand and tightly held her back.    


"What's the matter with you?" Ding Yiyi held her head up to bear the weight of his body. The cold wind blew drearily, but she didn't feel cold while hugging her body.    


"Ding Yiyi, can't you like me?" Ye Chuyun said in a low voice, as if he felt that it wasn't enough. He repeated, "Like me, okay?"    


Ding Yiyi had her hands by her sides. A car was speeding over from a short distance away. The car hit the two of them. She wanted to move, but felt the pressure on her arm increase.    


The car roared by and rolled up their coats. Ye Chuyun was the first to let go of him. His face was slightly flushed and he was breathing rapidly. However, Ding Yiyi's mind was filled with sorrow and she didn't notice his abnormality.    



The rest of the journey was quite silent. Ding Yiyi tried to talk to him to restore the happy atmosphere, but Ye Chuyun only replied indifferently, occasionally turning his head to give her a forced smile.    


At the entrance of the residential complex, Ye Chuyun suddenly said, "I'll just send you here, okay?"    


Ding Yiyi was stunned for a moment before she hurriedly nodded her head. He carefully adjusted her hair that had been blown by the wind and shouted, "Go."    


Ye Chuyun frowned as he watched Ding Yiyi gradually disappear from his line of sight. He held his chest with one hand and leaned his back against a big, bare tree. Trembling, he took out a jar of medicine from his pocket, looked at it, poured some and sent it into his mouth.    


The bitter taste of the medicine spread through his taste buds. He sighed, "Is it really too forced?"    


Ding Yiyi walked home. The road was slippery, so she walked very carefully. "Tap, tap, tap." Behind her, that strange sound rang out again.    


She gradually quickened her pace, and the footsteps behind her also gradually quickened. Her foot suddenly stepped on something soft, and it sank with her step.    


She looked down and saw a dirty doll in the middle of the road. The baby's eyes were full of needles.    


She was so scared that her breath caught in her throat. She lowered her head and ran towards her house. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps got faster and faster behind her. An arm pulled her.    


"Ah!" "No!" She closed her eyes and waved the bag in her hand desperately.    


"Yiyi, what happened to you?" Ye Chuyun was worried about her, so he insisted on coming to find her and saw this scene.    


Ding Yiyi was still very agitated. She subconsciously looked around, feeling that there was a pair of eyes watching her in the dark night.    


Ye Chuyun embraced her gently and let her head lean on his shoulder. He patted her back rhythmically and said slowly: "It's okay, I'm here. Don't be scared."    


A car drove over from a distance. The orange lights hit them and the car suddenly stopped in front of them. A huge force pulled Ding Yiyi over. She staggered and fell into another cold embrace.    


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