Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2000 Wealthy Marriage 1927

C2000 Wealthy Marriage 1927

0"Wang Ziwen?" The son of the principal who pursued the young mistress?    


There was a waiter who opened the door and prepared to come in. He put his clothes away quietly and stood behind the door, waiting for the waiter to come in to put the guests' belongings in the back before leaving.    


Outside the health club, Siwen Bing leaned against the car door and smoked with Bluetooth by his ear.    


"So we can confirm that the ones who were practicing the calligraphy previously were the vanguard, and the ones with Dongjiang City are the last?"    


"According to that person's information, it's like this."    


"Why do the two groups have to go to different places?"    


"Perhaps it's to divert our attention. After all, if we want to monopolize all the medicinal herbs, the risk of multiple locations is small."    


"Alright, Dong Qing has already taken the medicinal ingredients and is leaving. I will be back soon as well."    




"Did you go see Ziyu?"    


Siwen Bing's voice paused, "Young Master, I don't remember that you have the habit of asking around for gossip."    


Ye Nianmo said, "If necessary, I can become a gossiper." Since you no longer need to work at Ye Family, you don't need to call me that anymore. She's waiting for you, but I know that you won't return to Ye Family. "    


Siwen Bing threw the cigarette butt onto the ground and stubbed it out, "Let's keep in contact." After hanging up, he took another cigarette from the pack.    


When it was almost 11, the three Koreans and Wang Ziwen walked out of the hall. The mood of the four people was pretty good. Two of the Koreans seemed to be Mr. Jinghao, the man in the middle, and they were very respectful to him.    


The three of them got into a Mercedes-Benz and drove to the east. Wang Ziwen got into his own sports car and drove in the opposite direction.    


He didn't notice that there was a car following him at a leisurely pace. When he got home, he first played with Blondie for a while before going inside to change his shoes.    


"Son, why are you so late? Are you hungry? Can I ask Aunt Lan to cook something for you?" Wang Ma looked at her son in heartache.    


Wang Ziwen deliberately raised his voice, "How can I not be tired!?" Your son has gone to work as a lackey for others. Even if he had to bring tea and water, he would have to go. "    


Wang Ma also complained about her husband, "Tell him to do whatever he wants, and let him go to any relative company. It's fine, but you let him do these things, his son is only a freshman this year."    


"Hmph, which one of those relatives wasn't fooled by him? Going to the other company is just for fun after work, what's the use!" Father Wang stood up and put the newspaper to the side. "You come with me."    


Wang Ma pushed her son and said in a low voice, "Your dad has a bad temper. If you follow him and talk to him, he won't let you do all of this."    


In the study room, Wang Ziwen said depressingly, "Dad, don't make me throw away my hot face."    


Father Wang coldly harrumphed and said, "Father is doing this for your own good. Doing this properly will be beneficial to your future."    


"What future." Wang Ziwen refused to accept it, "What future can you have if you serve me tea and water?"    


Seeing that he really didn't want to, Father Wang finally let out a sigh of relief. "Whether it's a country or a city, there will always be a set group of people. There was a place like this where the people inside were all elites. They could influence the direction of a country's policies to the point where they could control the development of a city.    


These people could be bankers, wealthy businessmen, important officials of government agencies, or university presidents. "No matter what, it is for someone with influence. Dad's goal is for you to enter the limelight in the future and become a peerless person. Therefore, I need you to be a bit wronged for now. You are already one step ahead of many."    


Wang Ziwen pondered for a moment. "Dad, what you're saying sounds like an evil lesson."    


Father Wang was so angry that he couldn't even utter a word, "Scram!"    


Back in his room, Wang Ziwen was lying on his bed with his hands behind his head. What his dad said just now was really weird.    


He picked up the phone, "What are you doing? I can't find you for tea these few days, nor do I have time to play."    


The other party seemed to have said something. He said depressingly, "Don't mention it. I was going to a hotel with her, but then I met a crazy waitress and she fainted. She was in the bathroom when I woke up!"    


"Forget it, the Champions League is going to start soon. Help me buy 30,000 French dollars. I'll give you the money when we meet again. You can have the cash transfer as you wish."    


After hanging up the phone, he hit the mattress in annoyance. A gust of cold wind blew in, "Strange, didn't I shut the window when I went out?"    


After he got up and closed the window, he lay back down on the bed. He tossed and turned for a while, then sat up and picked up his cell phone to play on the loudspeaker.    


"Ziyu, it's me. Don't hang up yet. I just want to hear your voice. Are you alright that day?"    


"I'm fine."    


"That night, were you alone?"    




Wang Ziwen heaved a sigh of relief, "There will be a show in New York City one month later. Should we go watch it together?"    


"Sorry, it's late now."    


Wang Ziwen looked at his watch, "Did you sleep that early? "Then I'll call you tomorrow."    


After hanging up, he took his clothes and walked towards the bathroom. Soon, the sound of water could be heard.    


Siwen Bing walked in from the balcony. He looked at the bathroom door thoughtfully, picked up the phone on the bed, and opened it.    


There were many text messages to Hai Ziyu in the mailbox, most of which were confessions and private conversations. Hai Ziyu didn't reply at all. Other than that, there were also other text messages from other friends, most of which were just for fun and fun.    


He put away his phone, then walked out of Wang Ziwen's room. The boy, like most boys, was nothing special, and it was probably the boy's father who made him do these things.    


In the master bedroom, Wang Family's sleeping parents did not realize that the door had been quietly pushed open and then shut.    


Siwen Bing came to the study room. The four walls of Mr. Wang's room were all filled with books. He walked around and found that the other side was still a random family, with humanities, biology, history, and religious books occupying two whole cabinets.    


The desk was clean, with a piece of paper pressed against it. There was nothing special in the large drawer, but the small drawer was locked.    


Siwen Bing tried the keys he got from the bedroom one by one. The small drawer was opened. There was only a brocade box inside, and inside the brocade box was a badge.    


The emblem was emblazoned with a 45-degree corner ruler and a compass that passed through it. Between the corner ruler and the compass was a letter "G".    


He put the badge away and took out his phone, "I've confirmed it. Another member has appeared."    



The voice on the phone was hoarse and unpleasant. "Yes, thank you."    


After hanging up the phone, the moment he opened the door, Wang Ziwen, who was about to go into the study to retrieve his stuff, caught his eye.    


The lights were not turned on in the room, so Wang Ziwen could only see the rough outline of the place and was knocked out before he could make a sound.    


The next day, with the Ye Family gate closed, Wang Ziwen sat in the sports car and peeked inside from time to time, feeling a little regretful. If he knew that he would have waited so long, he wouldn't have opened the sports car.    


The door opened and he saw the license plate. His eyes lit up as he walked up to her. "Ziyu."    


When the driver stopped, Hai Ziyu sighed. Mother and Father haven't come back since Seventh Day when they went on a trip, so she would visit the bakery. More importantly, she knew that if she stayed at Ye Family, she wouldn't be able to see that person. "    


Seeing that it was Wang Ziwen again, she didn't get out of the car and just greeted him with a nod.    


"Ziyu, did you not sleep well?" I didn't get a good night's sleep either. There was a thief who entered my house yesterday and even knocked me out. Fortunately, I didn't lose anything. "    




"That's right, that thief is quite tall and is even wearing a suit. What a lunatic."    


"Are you alright?" Hai Ziyu felt that a thief had entered her house, so she asked a few more questions, making Wang Ziwen shake his head happily.    


After a few sentences of ridicule, Hai Ziyu claimed that she had something on and let the driver drive away.    


"Miss, that kid is following behind us." The driver said.    


Hai Ziyu looked out the window at the scenery and said indifferently, "Do what he wants."    


When they arrived at the city center plaza, the driver went to park the car while Wang Wenshan chased after her. Seeing that the other person didn't say anything, his hands became dishonest.    


He was clearly taking the initiative at the Double Seventh Festival, so there was no reason for him to have a cold expression right now. Perhaps he was waiting for him to make a move. Thinking this way, his arm became dishonest and quietly stretched out.    


"Ah!" "It hurts!    


"What's wrong?"    


Hai Ziyu gave him a puzzled look. "What's so painful?"    


Wang Ziwen gasped from the pain, "Nothing, I might have a cramp."    


He lowered his head to look at the palm of his hand. It was still hurting faintly when he pressed it. He was just about to embrace it, but for some reason, something suddenly hit the palm of his hand.    


Forget it, just take it as a cramp. The beauty that I finally got my hands on can't just fly away like that.    


"Painful pain!"    


Hai Ziyu saw him cover his shoulders. "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Go back and rest."    


Wang Ziwen clenched his teeth as he held his shoulder and glared at the surroundings. Now, he was sure that someone was really hitting him! However, he could not find out who it was. His actions were both ruthless and accurate.    


He could only follow her obediently and didn't dare to do anything else.    


After entering the bakery, he wanted to show off a little, so he heroically pointed at all the cake and bread in the cabinet, "I'll take them all."    


The employee could not make up his mind and asked Hai Ziyu if she wanted to sell it. After all, the cake bread would be broken in two days after it was placed.    


"Sell it, this is also a business."    


Hai Ziyu knew that he was definitely using the same trick he used on the chef. The cake and bread were not edible at all, so after leaving the bakery, she went straight to welfare institution.    


Wang Ziwen originally wanted to spend a thousand yuan to buy Hai Ziyu's stuff because he was happy. He also planned to throw all those things away on the way home.    


Seeing the girl beside him laughing happily with her friends, he couldn't help but go over and secretly kiss her, then a rock flew out from nowhere and hit his face.    


"Who is it!" He roared furiously while covering his face.    


Hai Ziyu looked down at Stone and suddenly told Wang Ziwen to leave first. Since the other party was still unwilling to leave, she got angry and started to sound bad.    


Wang Ziwen felt extremely unlucky. First, he was beaten up for no reason, and now, he was chased away for no reason. He couldn't get angry at that heavenly face!    


At this moment, his phone suddenly rang. The other person seemed to have said something, so Wang Ziwen immediately left after hanging up.    


After they left, Hai Ziyu shouted, "Come out! If you don't come out today, I won't leave!"    


Seeing Siwen Bing, she felt very complicated in her heart, "Didn't you say you don't like me? Why did you follow me again?"    


"I'm not following you." Siwen Bing heard the car start up outside the door, "I'm leaving."    


"Let's go!" "Anyway, you always leave when you say so, and you never think about me. I don't care, I was the one who pestered you in the first place."    


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