Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1034 Wealthy Marriage 962

C1034 Wealthy Marriage 962

0"Ding ling ling ling ling." The phone suddenly rang. She quickly took out her phone and didn't dare to look at Ye Nianmo's unreadable gaze.    


"Yiyi, I didn't disturb you, did I?" Ye Chuyun's voice sounded pretty good on the phone.    


"Chuyun!" Ding Yiyi was so happy that she jumped out of Ye Nianmo's arms and ran to the side with an excited expression.    


Ye Nianmo clenched his teeth, wishing that he could snatch her phone and smash it into pieces. On the other side, Ding Yiyi didn't feel Ye Nianmo's gloomy aura at all, instead, she happily chatted with Ye Chuyun.    


Ye Chuyun said lightly, "I saw your commercial on TV. It was great."    


Ding Yiyi thanked him, a little embarrassed. "Are you okay? Are you ready to go back? "    


Ye Nianmo, who had returned to his work at the side, raised his head calmly. Only after seeing the regretful expression on Ding Yiyi's face did he feel slightly relieved. He lowered his head again and the words on the document seemed to jump around like they were alive.    


Time slowly passed. He impatiently looked at the clock on the wall and thought to himself, "Is there still time? What's there to talk about?"    


Ding Yiyi didn't feel Ye Nianmo's black mood at all as she excitedly told Ye Chuyun about the interesting things about her work.    


Ye Chuyun suddenly asked, "Is Ye Nianmo by your side?"    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. "How did you know?"    


"Because when he is by your side, you become very lively."    


Is that right? She subconsciously looked up at the people buried in the pile of documents. Ye Chuyun smiled and said, "Alright, I won't disturb you guys anymore. We'll talk next time."    


"Wait!" Ding Yiyi suddenly felt a burst of panic. The next time they would talk for no reason, it would strike at her heart. She felt like she was going to say something, but she didn't know what to say.    


A soft sound of breathing came from the other end of the phone. After a while, Ye Chuyun said softly, "Let's hang up."    


"My hair has grown to my shoulders." Ding Yiyi quickly hung up the phone.    


In a nursing home in Los Angeles, Ye Chuyun was sitting on a wheelchair. His originally strong and lean body hurt a lot because of the sunlight shining on him. He held his phone and touched the sunlight to his heart's content as he muttered, "Thank you, Yi Yi."    


After hanging up the phone, Ding Yiyi still felt lost. She didn't know why, but it made her feel sad to talk to Ye Chuyun. It was like the quicksand in her hands was disappearing bit by bit.    


"What are you thinking about?" Ye Nianmo moved closer to her. He couldn't stand her thinking about others in front of him.    


Ding Yiyi looked at him and asked, "Ye Nianmo, what are we doing here?" She had clearly said that she was going to leave, she had clearly said that she wouldn't meet him, but they were like magnets, and once they had the chance to meet, they would be attracted to each other.    


Ye Nianmo rubbed her long hair in silence. He carried too many things with him, family and friendship. As for love, he chose to put it in the deepest corner of his heart.    


Ding Yiyi was a little excited. Ye Chuyun's call gave her the urge to let everything out, but in fact, she did as well.    


She stood up and shouted, "Why did you give me to Hai Zhuoxuan? Is love so worthless in your heart?"    


Ye Nianmo wanted to comfort her, so she excitedly stepped aside and continued to growl, "If you don't love me, then I can disappear and no longer pester you. But you do!" Why do you always let go of me so easily when I love you! "    


She looked at her for a long time with a little wheezing breath. Ye Nianmo picked up his coat and walked out, "Come on, I'll send you home late at night."    


"Ye Nianmo, you coward!" She ran for the door, and just as she opened it, a hand passed behind her ear and struck the door, slamming it shut.    


Ye Nianmo wrapped his arm around her, the red blood in his eyes made him look a little sinister, "Am I a coward? I don't want you to live like my mother in the pain of being framed. I don't want us to be together and suspect each other for any reason.    


I want to have you all the time, and I'm even afraid that if I can't control myself one day, I'll break your wings and leave you by my side. All of this is because I love you! "    


The clock on the wall chimed slowly, breaking the tranquility of the room. He let go of her, his face gradually returning to its previous calm state.    


Opening the door, Qiu Bai and Ye Bo stood outside awkwardly. Ding Yiyi held Qiu Bai's hand and walked a few steps out before suddenly turning around, "You never gave me a chance to prove that I can do it."    


The night was dark, and the nanny car turned a corner and disappeared into the night. Ye Nianmo stood in front of the window and watched the rear lights of the Ye Group Nanny's car gradually turn from bright to dim.    


Ding Yiyi went to take another commercial with a pair of panda eyes. Inside the stadium, the makeup artist helped her fix her makeup as she chattered to another assistant, "The international shopping mall in Ye Group is about to close down. Do you know?"    


Ding Yiyi's body trembled. The makeup artist who was drawing the eyeliner also shook her hand. A long line appeared in the corner of her eye.    


She smiled apologetically at the makeup artist, burying the shock in her heart. The assistant beside him continued, "I heard that the board of directors is going to let Young Master Ye step down together. If the international shopping mall is really closed this time, the losses would be tens of millions!"    


"Yiyi, where are you going?" The makeup artist shouted at Ding Yiyi, who had suddenly run away.    


Ding Yiyi ran straight to the Ye Group and hurriedly said to the front desk clerk, "Hello, I'm looking for President Ye."    


"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?" The front desk girl looked at her with a smile.    


She shook her head and turned under the apologetic gaze of the receptionist, but she didn't leave. Instead, she ran towards the elevator.    


The security guard wanted to go and intercept her, but the front desk girl smiled and stopped him, "No need to stop him, she's a friend of the General Manager."    


Ding Yiyi ran out of the elevator just in time to see Ye Zimo enter. She rushed over but was stopped.    


Zhang Fengyi frowned, is Ye Group's security system that bad now? Even a girl could casually run in here? Although he had retired, he couldn't let go of his Ye Group. He would occasionally come here to see if he could help.    


Ding Yiyi said anxiously, "Hello, I'm looking for President Ye."    


Zhang Fengyi refused to let him pass. "A lot of people are looking for President Ye."    


Ding Yiyi took a peek at the gap and wanted to sneak past it. Zhang Fengyi had been around for more than ten years, especially since he helped Ye Zimo block his peach blossoms. These little tricks couldn't fool him.    


He stood in front of Ding Yiyi and said sincerely, "You're still young, don't stick to our CEO anymore. He has a family, and his wife is gentle and beautiful. You should go back and study."    


Ding Yiyi did not know what he was talking about. She only knew that she had to see Ye Zimo. Seeing that she was not enlightened, Zhang Fengyi did not look good either.    


At this moment, the secretary walked over and said, "The CEO wants to invite this young miss in."    


Zhang Fengyi shook his head and let her go. He looked at Ding Yiyi running towards the door and muttered, "Director Ye, you can't let Madam down!"    


Ding Yiyi pushed open the door, and Ye Zimo sat beside her making tea. He gestured for her to sit down, then placed a cup of tea in front of her.    


Seeing that he was not in a hurry, Ding Yiyi quickly said, "Hello, Director Ye, I have something to say to you."    


Ye Zimo didn't answer. Instead, her eyes fell on the teacup that had been filled with tea. Ding Yiyi's heart sank as she held the two sides of the teacup between her thumb and forefinger.    



He picked up the tea, running it over the tip of his nose before taking a light sip. Then, he drank the tea twice more.    


Ye Zimo felt a tinge of admiration when she saw the look on her face. A person who was able to study the Way of Tea with a calm heart wouldn't have a bad temperament.    


Ding Yiyi finished her tea and hurriedly said, "Director Ye, I really have urgent business with you."    


Ye Zimo, who was washing the tea set, asked calmly, "Is it because of Nianmo?"    


Her heart trembled again. The man in front of her was too scary, as if everything was in his hands.    


Putting her complicated thoughts aside, she said, "The international shopping mall is very important to him. This time, only you are able to help him. After all, you are his father."    


Ye Zimo stopped fiddling with the tea set and looked at him meaningfully. "Then what is your identity?"    


"I love him."    


Ding Yiyi thought that it would be difficult to say these words, but the moment she said them, she felt as if the words were flowing out of her mouth.    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched, her eyes suddenly became sharp, and said in a deep voice: "My Ye Family will not tolerate anyone. If he is unable to settle the matter of the international shopping mall, then he can only resign."    


As soon as his voice fell, Ding Yiyi immediately followed up, "Is there no other way?!"    


Ye Zimo looked at her and slowly said, "Yes, if you are willing to leave Ye Nianmo, I promise you that I will save her. Ao Xue is the daughter-in-law that his mother has set her eyes on."    


Seeing her pale face and sorrowful expression, he continued to speak: "If he had left the Ye Group, he would have nothing left behind, no house, no car, and struggle once again. Would you be willing to watch him fall from being a heaven's pride expert to becoming a normal person?"    


Ye Zimo stood up and looked at her condescendingly. This girl was still too young; she didn't know what love was.    


He turned to ask his secretary to come in and ask her out. Suddenly, a firm voice came from behind him.    


"Even if I let go of him and let him continue to be the superior Crown Prince, I still don't want to!"    


"Oh?" Ye Zimo turned around and dragged out her words, looking at her with an inquisitive gaze.    


Ding Yiyi walked to the door and bowed to him, then straightened up and said, "If he was really expelled from Ye Group in the end, then I will start a business with him, and I am willing to suffer with him, no matter when!"    


She opened the door with her head held high and her chest held high, and saw Ye Nianmo, who had a complicated expression on his face. Her face was burning. She did not know how much he had heard.    


Ye Nianmo grabbed her arm and walked outside. He did not stop his footsteps even when he walked out of Ye Group.    


Ding Yiyi's hand was tightly gripped by his. "Where are we going?" she asked doubtfully.    


Ye Nianmo's dry voice came from the front, "I don't know."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she pulled him back, "It's still business time. As the general manager, aren't you afraid of your salary being deducted?"    


Ye Nianmo turned around and raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you say you want to start a business with me?"    


He had heard it! Ding Yiyi's face flushed red as she stammered, "I still have work to do. I'll be leaving first."    


She started to walk, but before she could take a few steps, she was caught in a warm embrace. She leaned against his heaving chest, at a loss.    


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