Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1009 Wealthy Marriage 937

C1009 Wealthy Marriage 937

0Ding Yiyi didn't get anything as she sighed and put on a T-shirt before going out to eat. The people on the street were in a hurry, all wearing hats, their heads bowed in sweaters as they passed.    


As she walked, she kept an eye on the rental information on the road. At a public bicycle stand, she actually saw a source.    


She took out her cell phone and wrote down her phone number. Someone called out to her from behind, "Yiyi?"    


She turned around and saw Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Chuqing greeting her in the car. Get in the car first, you're not allowed to stop here! " Hai Zhuoxuan waved at her.    


As the car sped along, Ding Yiyi asked curiously, "Where are you going?"    


"Let's go eat. Brother Zhuoxuan has been busy recently with the international shopping mall so he finally has time to eat together!" Ye Chuqing's words were full of joy, making it easy for people to feel her happiness.    


"Yiyi, come along as well." When Ding Yiyi saw Ye Chuqing's eyes darken, she hurriedly said, "No, I still have things to do. It's just that I haven't seen you in a long time, I want to talk to you guys for a while."    


"Oh yeah, were you looking at the rental information just now?" Hai Zhuoxuan remembered that when he greeted her, she seemed to be copying the rented phone number on the bulletin board.    


Ding Yiyi didn't deny it. Hai Zhuoxuan joked: "I just happen to have a house. Would you like to take a look? The rent is considered cheaper for you."    


Ye Chuqing smiled as she answered, "Really, Brother Zhuoxuan, then can I stay there?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan laughed out loud, and said while striking the direction light: "Child, don't blindly participate in this. You can change out of the ten guest rooms in Ye Family every day."    


Seeing the depressed look on Ye Chuqing's face, Ding Yiyi quickly pointed at the intersection in front and said, "Thank you, Zhuoxuan, but I just happen to have a house I like. Just let me down at the intersection in front."    


The car stopped. Ding Yiyi got out of the car and waved to the two of them. Hai Zhuoxuan even said to her after starting the car: "Consider my suggestion carefully."    


The car started moving again, but the atmosphere in the car was still a bit heavy. Ye Chuqing held her newly bought Chanel Pouch with her finger, while Hai Zhuoxuan, who was at the side, seemed to not notice her disappointment. He said, "Yi Yi doesn't seem to be in a good mood, but I don't know if she has something on her mind."    


"Is that so?" Ye Chuqing answered reluctantly. He continued, "I happen to know a friend from Real Estate. How about we not go to eat today? I'll go back and ask her. I'm very worried about her."    


"But!" Ye Chuqing wanted to retort. God knows how long she had been waiting for this day. She had been preparing for it since three days ago!    


Hai Zhuoxuan turned his head as if he was asking for her opinion. Ye Chuqing forced a smile, "Mhm, it's alright. Sister Yiyi's business is more important."    


Ye Family    


Ye Nianmo came out of the study room and saw Ye Chuqing walking in listlessly, "Didn't you go to eat with Zhuoxuan today? Why are you back so quickly? "    


"Sister Yiyi is looking for a house. Brother Zhuoxuan went to help." Ye Chuqing sat dejectedly on the sofa. She felt a little sad and asked in a low voice, "Brother, in Brother Zhuoxuan's heart, even Sister Yiyi is more important than me?"    


No one answered for a long time. She turned her head in confusion, but there was no trace of her brother on the stairs!    


After she quit her job, Ding Yiyi thought she would sleep very late, but she woke up on time at seven in the morning. She turned around and looked out the window at the rusty balcony where a bird was resting.    


When the Baby Cheng heard the noise, he jumped up and started playing with her on her bed. Ye Ding Yiyi touched it.    


Not wanting to let herself be immersed in such a useless sadness, she swiftly got up and patted Baby Cheng's head, "I'll take you out for a stroll today!"    


There weren't many people in this run-down hotel, which was why the owner wanted Ding Yiyi to bring the dog into the room.    


"Good morning, Boss." Ding Yiyi brought Baby Cheng to the counter and asked, "Boss, I want to pay the bill now and continue the rent for another week. Can it be cheaper?"    


The owner raised his head from the pile of newspapers and used his middle finger to push his glasses up. "There's no need. A customer has already settled your account. He said he's waiting for you at the coffee shop on the corner."    


Ding Yiyi brought Baby Cheng and hurried to the coffee shop, but her heart was beating like a drum. Was it Ye Nianmo? What was he going to say when they met? Ask him why did he spread the news? Or ask him if he was doing well?    


She calculated all kinds of answers in her mind. She pushed open the door of the coffee shop on the corner, and was slightly startled when she saw the person sitting by the window, "Zhuoxuan?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan smiled and indicated to her. As he happened to pass by, the waiter couldn't help but turn around and take a few more glances. Zhuoxuan, did you help pay for the room? I'll give you the money. " Ding Yiyi began to take her purse.    


Hai Zhuoxuan said slowly: "Actually, today I just wanted to ask for your help, so let's just consider that the deposit."    


"Help?" Ding Yiyi asked curiously. Hai Zhuoxuan nodded, "My friend will be away on a business trip for a while. She wants someone to help look after the house and take care of the plants. I think you should be suitable."    


"Really?" Ding Yiyi was ecstatic. She didn't expect such a good thing to happen to her. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at her with a smile, "Not only is the house free, he also pays you for your hard work every month."    


As he spoke, he passed a bank card to Ding Yiyi and said, "This is her first month's payment."    


Ding Yiyi took the card and looked at him gratefully. "Thank you." While the two of them were chatting happily, Baby Cheng who was lying outside the door suddenly stood up, wagging her tail at the person who was walking towards them.    


Ye Nianmo looked through the frosted window at the two of them chatting happily. Ding Yiyi's smile was sweet, and the corner of his mouth lifted subconsciously.    


Baby Cheng who was obediently at the side suddenly ran towards the flower bush. Ye Nianmo was worried that it would get lost, so he quickly chased after it.    


From the direction of the flower bush came the sounds of playing, and a few children, kicking a cardboard box, scattered in fright at the sight of a large dog running over.    


Baby Cheng walked in circles around the cardboard box. From time to time, he would stick his head in to smell something. Ye Nianmo went forward and stuck his little head out.    


It was a newly born white -@@    


Baby Cheng opened his mouth wanting to lick it, but the cat meowed softly. It was clearly scared to death, but it stretched out its two front claws and grabbed forward.    


Ye Nianmo stretched out his hand and bit into it with a whimper. His sharp teeth seeped into his skin and brought a slight tingling sensation.    


He calmly let it bite him until it let go of his hand before he picked it up. He turned around and looked at Baby Cheng, "You like it?"    


Baby Cheng stuck out his tongue and tried to lick the cat again. The cat shrunk its body towards the sleeve of Ye Nianmo's overcoat, hiding half of its butt inside the sleeve.    


Ye Nianmo touched the ear breaking cat's chin. It raised its head in enjoyment and mumbled something from its throat. Ye Nianmo smiled and said, "It's as easy to blow hair as that idiot. It needs to be touched along the way. You're called Yi Yi, okay?"    


Nian Yi licked his palm. Ye Nianmo stood up, stuffed it into his pocket, and left with big strides.    


Outside the coffee shop, Ding Yiyi was anxiously looking for Baby Cheng. Seeing it run over with its head covered in leaves, she touched his head in joy, "Baby Cheng! "I found a house for the time being and even made an advance on my salary. Today, we will have a good meal!"    


The man and the dog ran away happily. Hai Zhuoxuan took a sip of coffee and signalled to the man who pushed the door open.    


The waiters rushed to entertain the two handsome men and wanted to talk to them. Ye Nianmo asked for a glass of milk. He put Nian Yi on the table and licked it slowly. While licking it, he looked back at Ye Nianmo, worried that he would run away.    


"I didn't know you liked pets." Hai Zhuoxuan stretched out his fingers to tease the cat, but Nian Yi swung her claws at the back of his hand. Three red bars appeared right in front of his eyes.    


Hai Zhuoxuan didn't care about it. He retracted his hand and looked at it quietly. His eyes were filled with coldness. He suddenly smiled and said, "A stupid and loyal cat."    



"What did you say?" Ye Nianmo didn't hear it clearly and asked again. Hai Zhuoxuan shook his head and said, "My apologies, but I accidentally leaked it. Yiyi knew that it was your house, so she refused to stay. I had no choice but to lend her the empty set next to mine."    


Ye Nianmo didn't seem to be too emotional. He nodded and pulled out a cheque, "How much is the house, I'll buy it."    


Hai Zhuoxuan stood up and patted his shoulder, "If you want it, then just take it. You and I are in a hurry to talk about money!"    


Nian Yi, who was drinking milk on the table, seemed to be tired. He walked unsteadily towards Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo put it back in his pocket, stood up and said, "I'll be going first."    


After walking a few steps, he turned around. "Help me take good care of her. I'm more at ease with you around."    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at his back as he disappeared behind the door. The coldness in his eyes unreservedly leaked out, "Don't worry, we are good brothers. Of course I will take good care of her for you."    


In the morning, Ding Yiyi dragged her luggage and walked into the high-class district. The security guards looked at her suspiciously, but when they saw the Baby Cheng beside her, they gave up on the idea.    


Ding Yiyi followed the address and walked to the front of a villa that was side by side. The door beside her opened and she curiously turned her head. She was surprised to see an A-list celebrity on TV wearing a sports coat walking out.    


Heavens, she had become neighbours with a celebrity! She walked quickly to a wall and looked at the signatures of the various stars on the wall. There was even An Ran. Once, there was a fan who spent 10,000 yuan just to buy An Ran's signature, but no one was willing to sell it!    


The phone suddenly rang. Hai Zhuoxuan said, "Are you in the neighborhood yet? I'll pick you up. "    


Ding Yiyi explained to him that she was in her new house. After hanging up, she started to pick up the vacuum cleaner.    


Hai Zhuoxuan saw her fiddling with the vacuum cleaner when he entered the door. He couldn't help but laugh, "No need to be in such a hurry. Auntie comes to clean everything up. You just need to keep an eye on the house for her."    


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