Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C78 Favorite Marriage 11

C78 Favorite Marriage 11

0However, this feeling only lasted for a few seconds before she thought of Mo Xiaojun. She gave her body to Ye Zimo because she had no other choice. Could it be that she wanted to give him her heart as well? He had to do something touching for her. Was he just lucky enough to think that he had fallen in love with her?    


In fact, he was still the one who raped her. He could still treat his fiancée coldly, and he was also the one who slept with Faang Linuo last night.    


None of this had changed. His kindness to her, perhaps, was what he did to all women when he was in love with them.    


Thinking like this, she forcefully suppressed the excitement in her heart.    


"Thank you." Xia Yihan said sincerely to Lin Ling.    


"If there's anything else you need, Miss Xia can tell me now. If there isn't, I'll go and report to Mr Ye." Lin Ling's routine was cold and unfeeling, and her words made it clear that no matter what needs you said, I wasn't willing to do it for you.    


Jiu Jiu had been following behind Xia Yihan and looking at these clothes. She exclaimed in her heart, OMG, do you need to be so extravagant?    


The things inside were like a small halter top that would cost at least a thousand yuan, not to mention furs and such.    


What was the total value of the clothes inside? She wasn't good at calculating anyway, so she couldn't calculate it. The main thing was the colorful clothes. It was too eye-piercing. She felt that no woman could refuse beautiful clothes. With great difficulty, she moved her eyes away from the clothes and looked at Xia Yihan. Jiu Jiu said enviously, "Yihan, are you going to be jealous and envy me for hating you to death? "Secretary Lin even said …"    


"I'm sorry, I'm not Secretary Lin. I'm Assistant Lin." Lin Ling cut her off coldly, as if she cared a lot about the words secretary and assistant.    


Jiu Jiu stuck out her tongue and continued to talk to Xia Yihan, "Crown Prince is so good to you, he wants to bring you to heaven. I think that you really need to repay the debt of gratitude he owed you with ten thousand times. "    


She had said all this in front of Lin Ling. Xia Yihan's face instantly turned red from embarrassment. She quickly turned her head to Lin Ling and said, "Thank you, Assistant Lin. I don't need anything else. I'll have to trouble you."    


It was only then that Lin Ling noticed the kiss mark on Xia Yihan's neck, and she became even more upset.    


She had worked diligently beside Ye Zimo for so many years. Although he had treated her well, he was still far from being able to compare with Xia Yihan.    


She didn't understand. Was her beautiful face really that productive? The vase will always be the winner?    


Glancing coldly at Xia Yihan's face, Lin Ling walked out of Xia Yihan's blue bedroom and knocked on Ye Zimo's bedroom door.    


"Why is this person so cold, as if everyone owes her something?" Wasn't it just a secretary? As if it were very impressive, Yihan, let's not be angry with her. "You see, as long as Crown Prince treats you well, nothing else is important, right?"    


While Jiu Jiu was talking, Xia Yihan was in a trance. She looked at the two large cabinets that were about to fill the room and felt a little worried. She really didn't need them, and she owed Ye Zimo so much.    


She was well aware of her own identity. Forget about all these expensive clothes, even if it was a small item, she would still feel guilty about it.    


"Yihan, where are you going?" When Jiu Jiu saw Xia Yihan go out, she called out to her to follow. She was going to find Ye Zimo.    


Lin Ling had already finished paying the bill and was leaving Ye Zimo's room. They met in the corridor, and without a word of greeting, she left.    


Xia Yihan knocked on Ye Zimo's door and heard a voice coming from inside, "Enter." After that, he opened the door and entered to find Ye Zimo sitting in front of her computer, doing her work.    


Lin Ling had arrived at his place first. She gave him some paper materials that the company needed his advice on, then went to find Xia Yihan.    


There was a pile of documents in front of him. At this moment, he held the top one and looked at it seriously.    


Xia Yihan felt that it wasn't appropriate to talk about her personal matters at this moment. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard him say, "If you have something to say, just say it."    


He didn't look up as he said this, as if he knew she was coming.    


She walked a few steps to stand two or three meters away from him and said in a not too loud voice, "Thank you for getting Assistant Lin to buy me so many clothes. Thank you very much! But most of it is unnecessary, thank you! All those clothes and tags are still there. Can you arrange for people to return unharmed? "    


"No need?" The reason? " He put down his papers and looked at her without expression.    


What he did, he never liked to hear people say no, the word was a kind of contempt and challenge to him.    


"I don't want to go out here. I just need to change my uniform, so there are too many clothes for me."    


He swept her a cold glance, thinking that most women would be very happy to receive a gift, especially such a thoughtful one.    


He didn't know what he was looking forward to. Perhaps he thought that she would feel touched by what he had done, or just jump into his arms and say tenderly, "Zimo, you're so nice."    


When he wanted to pamper her, it was only out of instinct. He wanted to pamper her and make her happy when he saw that she was sleeping like a child.    


But from the looks of it, this woman was very distant from him.    


If Mo Xiaojun bought things for her, would she say no, that would be too much already? If it was Hai Zhixuan, what would she say? Accept it?    


Her refusal made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart, as if he were trying to please her and she didn't need it, didn't care.    


This was simply like a man in love, holding a bunch of fresh flowers for someone he admires and then ruthlessly throwing them on the ground and crushing them.    


When had he, Ye Zimo, ever done such a despicable thing?    


His expression darkened as he suddenly stood up and walked step by step towards her …    


"Look up at me!" he commanded icily.    


Xia Yihan raised her head and looked back at him. His expression was cold and solemn, but it was also very dignified.    


She remembered the first time she saw him. This man had a natural disposition that looked down on the world, and always gave people a feeling that he didn't get angry.    


At this moment, his face was cold as he stared at her. She suddenly felt a little flustered.    


It occurred to her that maybe she was wrong. She should have known that everything this man did was not to be questioned.    


He was an exceptionally proud person, just like an emperor.    


The things he wanted to give her, material or spiritual, maybe he just wanted her to accept them, thank you.    


She did not want to make him unhappy, so she said softly, "I am very happy to see those clothes. I am just afraid that you will spend all the money you have and think that I am not worthy of such good clothes. "Also, I don't want Miss Soong to have any more prejudice towards me, so I said there's no need to. Can you not be angry?"    


Ye Zimo continued to stare at her, not saying a word.    


He was examining her delicate little face, trying to figure out why he was spoiling her.    


Not long ago, she was crying her heart out for another man. Seeing the enemy of that man made her want to kill him. It was also for that man that she didn't eat lunch.    


He even sent someone to deliver food to her, telling her to finish eating it.    


Thinking about it like this, he was really despicable. He had been a woman for a long time, and he would take care of her. He was Lin Xiaolan from back then, and Xia Yihan was the other one.    


He and Lin Xiaoran were young and frivolous, with their first love at the age of twenty or so. They did not recognize each other well, and it could even be said that they had feelings for each other.    


Now, he should not repeat the same mistake and allow the other party to trample over his intentions.    


She saw loneliness in his eyes. Although it was fleeting, but because she had seen that kind of expression in Mo Xiaojun's eyes, she was very sensitive to it.    


"I didn't do this well, I shouldn't have refused your good intentions. Please don't be angry, okay?" she said again.    


Xia Yihan was a stubborn person and wouldn't easily apologize to others. But this man, he was not an ordinary person, he was someone she couldn't help but admire. She always told herself that she had been obedient to him for Mo Xiaojun's sake. Actually, she couldn't tell if she apologized for Mo Xiaojun or if she didn't want to see him angry.    


Seeing him frown slightly, she suddenly remembered the smile on his face that morning after Jiu Jiu finished her sentence.    


She longed to see him smile. She did not want to see him angry.    


At first, this woman was so polite to him, but it changed so quickly. She came to comfort him, but she was afraid that he would be angry and not do anything about Mo Xiaojun for her.    


After all, all of her emotional changes were due to that man!    


"Do you know why I asked Lin Ling to buy clothes for you?" he asked, his voice normal, not angry.    


Xia Yihan shook her head lightly. She didn't dare to easily guess his intentions, and even if she did, she wouldn't be able to say it out loud.    


His pride was strong, and her words had offended him, so he might have been angrier.    


"What do you think?" he asked softly.    


"I can't guess."    


"You have to guess. It's impossible for you to not guess. Just tell me what you think in your heart."    


Well, Xia Yihan looked into his eyes quietly and said in a low voice, "Because you tore my clothes, so I didn't have any clothes to wear, so you got someone to buy me some clothes." You are a generous person, so you bought a lot. Really, I'm glad to see those clothes. How can a woman not like clothes? I just wasn't used to dressing up too well, so I refused. But if you want me to wear it, I'll wear it. "What do you think?"    


There was caution in her eyes, caution, and also a hint of flattery.    


It was really not bad. He had already gotten used to the lady's identity in just one or two days and was so obedient to her.    


But he just didn't want to see her like this. He hated disguises. If he liked her, he liked her. If he didn't like her, he didn't like her. He had said that he liked her, but now, it had changed. To him, it was an extremely hypocritical display.    


Moreover, he felt that she was not telling the truth. She must have already discovered that he doted on her, and women would often feel proud and proud of such a favor.    


She could be like that, too, perhaps feeling inwardly triumphant that she had conquered him.    


He suddenly reached out and grabbed her chin. He lowered his head a bit and brought his eyes closer to hers.    


"You think that I've fallen for you by giving you clothes?"    


"No." Realizing that he was trying to protect himself, Xia Yihan shook her head.    


"I don't think so, Mr Ye. I know you treat me well, but because I'm your woman, you have the grace to take care of me. But I know my own identity and won't make wild guesses. And someone as outstanding as you, even if you want to love her, will love a lady from a noble family, a woman who is close to perfection. How could you possibly like someone as useless as me? "    


Ye Zimo let go of her chin and said coldly, "It seems that you are still conscious. From now on, you have to keep this kind of clarity and awareness."    


A trace of coldness flashed through Xia Yihan's heart. Actually, she never needed him to remind her of this, as she knew it clearly in her heart. Only occasionally when he was too good to her did she have the illusion that he really cared about her.    


"Yes, Mr Ye. I will. I know who I am and what I am supposed to do. " she whispered, with a bitter smile at the corners of her mouth.    


"Is that so? Then tell me, who are you, who are you to me, and what should I do? " Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and purposely asked her in a difficult situation.    


She bit her lip lightly, but only for a moment, then let it go, and looked at him frankly.    


"I am a woman that you exchanged your conditions with, I am your …" Lady Qing, I am still your maid. "Here, whatever you want me to do, I will do. Whether it is as a laborer or in bed, it is my duty."    


"A lady?" Ye Zimo smiled mockingly.    


"Aren't you praising yourself too much? In my heart, you are just my plaything. " His words were light and emotionless.    


Xia Yihan felt an indescribable pain in her heart as she was stung by these two words.    


She tried to convince herself that she had to be calm. Perhaps he was just making things difficult for her because of his pride.    


He noticed a flash of humiliation in her eyes, and it made his anger subside a little.    


However, in order to eliminate this woman's arrogance, he did not plan on letting her go that easily.    


"Go and bring all the pajamas Lin Ling bought for you to this room." he ordered.    


Xia Yihan didn't know what he was going to do, but she had already said that it was her duty to follow his instructions.    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Jiu Jiu had been anxiously waiting at the entrance all this time.    


She had guessed Xia Yihan's intention, probably to tell Mr Ye that she didn't want the clothes. Mr Ye would be angry with her for saying that. Who had Mr Ye doted on before? If he doted on her and treated her well, Mr Ye would probably be sad that she didn't appreciate his kindness.    


Hearing that there was no argument inside, her tense nerves relaxed a little.    


When the door finally opened and Xia Yihan came out, Sofia rushed up to her and whispered, "Yihan, you're not going to tell Mr Ye you don't want those clothes, are you? It must be! I know you don't want that, but Mr Ye meant it for you. You're hurting him too much! "    


In fact, Xia Yihan was a little regretful at this moment. She really didn't want it, she could just leave it there and not move at all. At that time, she had forgotten how rich Ye Zimo was and felt that it was too extravagant and wasteful.    


If she had thought about it at the time and thought that he would be angry, she shouldn't have said it.    


Seeing the worry in Jiu Jiu's eyes, Xia Yihan felt that she was the only one who was truly friends with Liu Xiaojiao in this mansion, so she thought for her sake.    


"It's fine, Jiu Jiu. He's not angry." She patted her hand in consolation.    


"He told me to take those pajamas to his room."    



"What for?" Jiu Jiu asked.    


"I don't know either."    


"Sure, I'll take it with you."    


After Xia Yihan left, Ye Zimo dialed Lin Ling's cell phone and ordered, "Buy me the exact same set of everything you bought today."    


Lin Ling was momentarily stunned on the other end of the phone, but immediately replied respectfully, "Yes, Mr Ye. Is the size the same? "    


"Size... All the bigger ones. "    


"Got it, Mr Ye, when do you want it?"    


"Send it over right after you buy it."    


"Yes, Mr Ye." Lin Ling pressed the hang up button and felt a little depressed in her heart. It seemed that she would not have time to eat dinner tonight.    


Fortunately, Ye Zimo was always generous to her, and she paid N times her overtime. If it was something else, she would definitely be willing to work overtime. However, when she thought about buying clothes for his woman, she felt extremely stifled.    




Jiu Jiu followed Xia Yihan back to the blue room and opened the wardrobe. Inside, there were a lot of pajamas made from all kinds of materials.    


The two of them carried some each, knocked on Ye Zimo's door and walked in.    


Ye Zimo leaned against the sofa at the end of the bed and sat there expressionlessly.    


"Put those pajamas on the bed. Jiu Jiu, go and do the work arranged by the butler. You are not needed here."    


"Yes, Mr Ye." Jiu Jiu walked to the door and felt that something was wrong. Mr Ye was obviously angry, but Xia Yihan was still lying to him.    


Although she was a little afraid of Ye Zimo, she was still a loyal person. She couldn't just be afraid and not help her friends.    


She summoned the courage to turn around and walk back to Ye Zimo.    


"Is there something else?" Ye Zimo's attitude towards her was obviously not as good as it was in the morning.    


"Yes, Mr Ye." I wanted to tell you not to be angry with Xia Yihan, okay? She said she didn't want the clothes, not really. "She has this kind of relaxed personality. Actually, she really likes you. I can see that.    


Ye Zimo's expression was still grim as she waved her hand.    


"Get out! You don't have to plead for her. "    


Jiu Jiu looked at Xia Yihan helplessly. Xia Yihan only smiled and said to her, "Let's go, Jiu Jiu. It's alright. Don't worry about me. Mr Ye is a good person. He treats me very well."    


Jiu Jiu didn't dare to say anything else. She simply signaled Xia Yihan with her eyes to be gentle and not to anger him again.    


After the door was closed again, Xia Yihan walked to Ye Zimo's side and stood there quietly, waiting for his orders.    


"Show me the nightgowns, one by one." He said faintly.    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


Xia Yihan knew that he was still angry at her for her words and actions, so it was necessary for her to sleep with him, let alone wear such clothes, if he had the slightest hint.    


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