Wild Agent Wife

C182 His appearance

C182 His appearance

0"Ai, this job of the drug enforcement police is so tiring. My friend only worked for two years, and I can't bear to see her so tired. " The female colleague sighed endlessly at the side. However, Jane Fan only smiled faintly. In fact, there was no difference in job matters. Power and mood played a decisive role.    


Being able to manage the relationship between her work and her life, she could naturally live a leisurely life. If he couldn't handle it well, he would feel tired.    


Some people like to indulge their youth. When they have to do it, they will be busy. By tiring themselves to death, they will naturally look a few years older.    


And some people have a plan, so their lives are leisurely and comfortable, divided into different stages, so they don't get tired.    


This female colleague's friend probably belonged to the former type. Smiling faintly, Jian Fan asked, "Is she from the front lines?" The people on the front lines will naturally get a bit tired. "    


"No." The female colleague shook her head. Seeing that Jian Fan was standing at the door and had no intention of letting her in, she handed the dishes to Jian Fan, "She is a clerk. "However, there are a lot of things in the police station, and sometimes the clerks have to go to the front lines. She has also participated in a few anti-drug operations, which might be helpful to us."    


"We'll see." Jane Fan received it with a smile, thanked the female colleague, and spoke a few more words with her before returning to his room.    


After a cursory meal, she went downstairs to gather. Everyone was sitting in the conference room, led by Captain Qian. They were seated in the main seat, with two unfamiliar people sitting beside them.    


"These two are the old policemen who helped us, Captain Li and Captain Wang." Captain Qian introduced the two's position and career experience, then explained the general situation to Jian Fan and the others. He also asked Captain Li and Captain Wang to help him analyze it, and finally agreed on a plan.    


That was, the most dangerous but also the most effective way to become an informant.    


"We have sent people to hide in the enemy's territory. As long as he manages to get a hold of the clues, we can eliminate this drug trafficking group." Squadron Leader Li was obviously very satisfied with his informant, and the way he spoke was indescribably arrogant. Everyone applauded in unison, but there were two people who maintained a calm attitude. One was Captain Wang, who was with Captain Li, while the other was Jian Fan.    


Jian Fan's eyes narrowed as he looked at Captain Li's expression. The way he spoke was as if victory was already in his grasp. However, they had only been here for a day and had yet to come into contact with the case. Even as old policemen, Captain Li and Captain Wang had only been in contact with the case for a short period of time.    


In such a short period of time, he had already infiltrated into the enemy's lair, and had even become a key figure that could send out messages? No matter how you looked at it, it sounded a little awkward.    


"Captain Li." I have a question to ask. " Jian Fan raised his hand. Captain Li was talking happily when he saw someone interrupt him. He couldn't help but frown, but he could only suppress his anger and put on a kind face, "Tell me." This little comrade. "    


"Captain Li." I don't think the informant proposal you just proposed is appropriate. " Jane Fan said what he thought directly. Looking at Captain Li's indignant eyes, she pointed out her doubts one by one and finally pointed to the most important part, "In the shallow water city, Chief Yan told us that this drug trafficking case was not simple. Not only did the police have to be cautious, they even had to protect the informants. If the informants wanted to obtain clues, they would have to stay hidden for a long time. Captain Li, the informant that you mentioned might not be the real informant. "    


"What do you mean?" When Captain Li heard that, his old face immediately turned red. He was an old police officer who had been under drug control for more than ten years. Although it was not as stormy as in the shallows, it could still be counted in the name of Border Town. Now that he was being accused by a little girl of having poor judgement in choosing people, wasn't this just slapping him in the face?    


"Old Li." "Don't get excited." Seeing Captain Li's expression, Captain Wang knew that Jian Fan's words had touched his reverse scale and immediately stood up. "This young lady doesn't know much about our situation, so she would speak in such a manner." However, there was some truth in her words. Old Li, think about it carefully. Was our recent operation on drugs too smooth? "    


"What's too smooth? Old Wang, don't tell me that you believe this little girl's words and think that I have no eyes? I've been with your colleagues for so many years that no one knows what I'm capable of. Don't you understand? " Captain Li was fuming. This was the first time he was chosen by the Leader to work with the provincial police, so he was rather happy. Who would have thought that someone would pick on him after only two sentences? Was he thinking that he had misjudged and had gone too far?    


He wanted to see what the reality was. A little girl like her, speaking random things. He really didn't believe that he would be able to follow her lead.    


"Old Li …" Captain Wang was about to say more, but Captain Li interrupted him. He looked straight at Jian Fan, and the corner of his mouth hooked up into a faint smile, "Didn't Captain Qian just ask me who I want as my partner? I think this little girl is quite clever, she's the only one! "    


Captain Li was obviously going against Jian Fan. Captain Qian looked at Jian Fan with a troubled expression. He saw Jian Fan's calm smile, as if he didn't mind at all. Or perhaps, in her heart, she was already anticipating this outcome.    


"Captain." "I'll do as you say." Jian Fan's expression was indifferent as he followed by Captain Li's side. Only then could she get closer to the scene and discover the clues hidden on the body of that person. Even if the clues had led them in the opposite direction, she would have been able to find clues in their favor.    


"This... Not so good? "Xiaofan, why don't you follow Captain Wang?" Captain Qian was feeling a bit awkward. Jane was an elite in the department, and was also one of Chief Yan's favorite generals. If there was any irreconcilable conflict between her and Captain Li, it would be a matter of two places. At that time, he wouldn't be able to solve it at all.    


"No need. Captain Qian, don't worry. I will listen to Captain Li. " As he followed Captain Li, he could find some clues that he couldn't normally find. Even if she was at odds with this man, she wouldn't take the initiative to make things difficult for him for the sake of the case. Of course, if he made things difficult for her, she would also retaliate depending on the situation.    


In one meeting, after a general understanding of the situation, it was settled that Jane Fan would be in the same group as Captain Li.    


After the meeting was over, the teams returned to their respective positions in accordance with the instructions. Jane Fan followed Captain Li to Captain Li's office. Captain Li showed her the relevant information and then brought her out of the police station. The street directly outside the police station was open to all kinds of shops, the most common being the jade shop.    


People in Yunnan had a habit of gambling. As long as they found one, rich people would go there to pick up two or three pieces.    


Although Captain Li didn't have any money, he liked to play occasionally, so he often spent a few hundred yuan to buy a particularly small piece of useless rock to play with. Normally, he wouldn't hit the target, but today, some kind of dog shit luck struck. The two pieces of useless rock he picked out had actually dropped something.    


Although it was not a precious piece of topaz or jade, it was enough to make Captain Li happy for a few days.    


After putting the two items into his pocket, Captain Li's excitement at seeing Jian Fan improve a lot. He looked at him with a gentler expression, "Don't you want to see for yourself?" I'll take you there now. "    


"Hmm?" Under the puzzled gaze of Jian Fan, Captain Li called a car over and sat in front with Jian Fan behind him.    


Captain Li persuaded Jian Fan to put his hand on his waist a few times, but Jian Fan stubbornly pulled at the thing behind him. She let out a long sigh of relief when their car pulled up in front of a fancy nightclub.    


"Inside?" Jian Fan got out of the car and took out his wallet to pay the bill. He watched as the car, which made her feel nauseous, sped away and then looked to Captain Li with a frown. Squadron Leader Li's expression was indifferent, but there was a hint of yearning in his eyes. Jian Fan slightly frowned, he had already taken the lead to enter the nightclub.    


Three or four in the afternoon was not the opening time of the nightclub. When Jian Fan and the others entered, the supervisor at the entrance was not in a good mental state. His gaze was unfocused as he looked around. From time to time, he would let out a yawn, as if he had just been pulled out of bed.    


"Is Old La here yet? Brother will treat him to a drink. " Captain Li walked in front of the supervisor and took out a membership card.    


"Him?" The head waiter scoffed, feeling that something had been left in his nose. He immediately called for the waiter and instructed him a few times. Only then did he pick up the tissue beside him and wipe his nose, "Old La has been tired recently and hasn't come out with Tyrant for a long time. If you want to know where Tyrant is, I can tell you. But Old La, you might have to go to that unmarked grave to find him. "    


"He's dead?" Jian Fan looked towards Squad Leader Li with suspicion, only to see Squad Leader Li sneering and grabbing that person's collar. "Are you kidding me? Old La is a regular customer of yours, as long as you open the door he will definitely come.    


"Who wants to joke with you?" The supervisor scoffed coldly, pulled Captain Li's hand, and adjusted his collar, "Old La is usually quite awe-inspiring here. However, after taking on that stinky cop, his prestige completely vanished. He had been on tenterhooks the whole day and was discovered by the tyrant, who naturally couldn't stand to watch him act like that. Give him two kicks and let him go home and raise a baby. "    


"Who is the Overlord?" Seeing that the foreman was a tyrant, Jian Fan couldn't help but frown. Captain Li shook his head and did not speak to her. He carefully looked at the head waiter's expression and saw that he was not afraid at all, he coldly snorted, "Where is Old La's home? I know, get someone to bring me there! "    


"About that, none of us dare to go." When the foreman heard this, his face immediately became pale, but when Jian Fan carefully looked at him, he regained his composure, "This is what Overlord ordered me to do." We always obey. If you really want to find Old La and go out to look for that little beggar opposite you, he might be able to tell you where his house is! "    


"Good boy!" Captain Li snorted and turned around. Seeing that he showed signs of leaving, Jian Fan also turned around.    


Who knew that with just that one turn, her arm was suddenly grabbed by a sudden external force, followed by a heavy blow to her knee.    


"Who?" Jian Fan subconsciously counterattacked. After a few rounds, he finally got rid of that person's imprisonment. He then stood in front of that person to carefully examine him.    


This was a useful hand. The muscles on his body were knotted, he had eight abdominal muscles, and he had perfect Merfolk silk. His entire body was filled with strength, and every movement he made carried a ruthless killing intent. If she wasn't so skilled, she would have already fallen to the ground, on the verge of death.    


"Yeah. Who are you? Why would Captain Li bring you here? " The man sneered and took a step back, revealing the face of the person behind him. Jian Fan's face immediately turned pale. This person's appearance and appearance was exactly the same as the one who killed her father.    


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