Wild Agent Wife

C147 A friend or wife is not to be cheated!

C147 A friend or wife is not to be cheated!

0A good night's sleep. When Jane Fan woke up the next day, Ling Chen's phone call had already arrived. The general meaning was to tell Jane Fan that there was nothing important in the company and that she could go out for a walk without having to come to work.    


"All right. "If you don't want to, then don't!" Jane Fan pouted, got up and washed up before dialing Yan Shaotian's number.    


Yan Shaotian was still at work, so after a few words with him, Jane Fan asked him directly if Aunt Pan was at home. She wanted to go over to take a look.    


"My mom. She's at home. You can contact her directly. She has been in a bad state recently and has been missing you a lot. "    


Yan Shaotian said a few words and immediately hung up when he saw his superior looking in his direction. He put on a serious expression.    


The boss walked past, patted his shoulder, gave him a few instructions, and returned to the office.    


Jian Fan hung up the phone and called Pan Wenfang.    


Pan Wenfang seemed to be in a bad mood recently, and when she answered the phone, she looked weak.    


Hearing that it was Jane Fan, her tone became more lively.    


"Xiaofan, are you coming over? "That's great. I want to go out and buy clothes. You can advise me."    


"Sure. I'll go right now. " Pan Wenfang had a good figure and looked beautiful in all kinds of clothes.    


Jane Fan's shopping with her was an enjoyable experience, so after agreeing on a location, he immediately called her over.    


Pan Wenfang was already waiting at the door. Seeing Jian Fan get off the car, she first ordered a cup of lemon tea for him and then began to tell him about her recent troubles.    


Today, Pan Wenfang was wearing a long white dress with a beige coat, looking very elegant and noble. It did not feel like a mother and daughter sitting together with Jian Fan. On the contrary, it felt like they were sisters.    


"Auntie Pan, you don't have to worry about this. They just misunderstood each other and would take care of it. Didn't you want to buy clothes? I'll go shopping with you! " Jane Fan pulled Pan Wenfang along. Knowing that shopping was the best way to relieve the girls, she naturally wouldn't let Pan Wenfang be immersed in her pain.    


Pan Wenfang's figure and temperament were very good. After strolling with her for the whole morning, they finally chose a milky white dress with a pearl collar. Pan Wenfang had also chosen a Bohemian dress for Jian Fan. When he wore it, Pan Wenfang had told him that Jane was a beautiful fairy from a foreign world, and people would not want to forget it.    


Of course, Jane Fan didn't like this style, but since Pan Wenfang insisted on buying it for her, she had no other choice.    


The two women returned home after a good deal of work. Both Yan Qirui and Yan Shaotian were still at work when they returned home at noon. After the two had a hearty lunch, Pan Wenfang told Jian Fan that she bought clothes for a party. She also wanted to bring Jane Fan to take a look.    


"Aunt Pan, I'm really busy. I don't have time to go." This was the type of party that Jane Fan hated the most. A group of well-dressed people were talking to themselves. Such a life wasn't suitable for her to live in a straightforward manner.    


"Xiaofan, do you want me to go alone?" Pan Wenfang curled her lips, looking unhappy.    


Jian Fan sighed and could only agree. After all, in her heart, Pan Wenfang was no different from her mother.    


Seeing that Jane Fan had agreed, Pan Wenfang immediately took her to get her hair done and her beauty done. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the two of them changed into their clothes and came to the so-called royal ball.    


The theme of the royal ball was "The Beauty of Clothes". In reality, it was a blind date in a different sense.    


Dressed in beautiful clothes, each of the young ladies was shuttling to and fro in the middle of the dance floor. They were swaying their bodies like butterflies, attracting the attention of the talented youngsters. As for the parents, they were mainly responsible for getting the contact information, so as to warm up the atmosphere. When the woman or their son saw the target, they would immediately deliver any useful information.    


As soon as he entered, he attracted the attention of a large number of noblewomen. Her clothes were simple, yet they didn't seem old-fashioned. There was also a kind of spiritual beauty, but it didn't make people feel frivolous. With fair skin, a tall figure, and a dignified demeanor, each family was the first choice to choose a wife.    


"Look, my family's Xiaofan has quite a market!" Pan Wenfang was joking with Jian Fan. Ever since they came in, the way she accepted the business card was about to go soft on her. If she really had a daughter like Jian Fan to marry, she really didn't know which family she should choose.    


"Auntie Pan!" Jian Fan glanced at her with a helpless expression.    


That kind of cute and bashful expression made Pan Wenfang burst out in laughter. She patted her hands and brought Jane Fan to the rest area.    


There were very few people in the resting area, and only a few middle-aged women were tired from playing. They sat on the sofas and chatted. Seeing Pan Wenfang coming over, they all went up to greet her warmly, and at the same time, looked at Jian Fan, who was behind her. Then he sat down and drank a glass of champagne.    


A beauty like jade, tasting it would make one drunk.    


Song Chengyou was forced by his father to bring the party over. As soon as he entered, his gaze locked onto the Bohemian woman who was gracefully drinking champagne in the lounge. Her clothes were simple and she didn't have any makeup on, but just seeing her made people's minds tremble. They wanted to hug her and take good care of her.    


"Dad, I met an old friend. "Let's go over and talk!"    


"Go!" Father Song waved his hand. He was already very satisfied that Song Chengye was here.    


As for whether he could become the Song Family's wife, he didn't dare to hope for that.    


Song Chengyou shuttled back and forth on the dance floor. His agile body and elegant steps quickly brought him popularity.    


The old friend beside him counted his thumbs in admiration, but Father Song just smiled without saying a word. Only he knew about his son, the more flowery he was, the less likely he was to find a woman to settle down with him.    


"This beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance?" As the champagne slowly ran out, Jane Fan took the quilt in his hand and gently shook it. Her gaze lightly swept across the dance floor. To her, the purple drunkenness and golden infatuation inside was but a play, whereas she was an audience, so she didn't need to participate.    


Song Chengyou elegantly took the cup from Jane Fan's hand and handed it to the waiter, giving him a gentleman's invitation.    


"I can't dance." Jane Fan refused.    


"I can teach you." The girl's temperament fascinated him. Even if he couldn't see her face, he would dance with her.    


"I'm not used to being taught!" Jian Fan smiled. When he raised his head and saw the sudden change in that person's expression, the smile on his face gradually became wider.    


"Long time no see."    


"Long time no see." He thought that he had finally found the one he liked. Unexpectedly, that person was still the same person he couldn't touch in the past.    


Friends and wives were not to be bullied! Why did the ancient Chinese think of such an irritating idea?    


"Xiaofan, we are already friends. There's no need to be so courteous, right? " Song Chengyou smiled awkwardly. Even though he already knew that she was Jian Fan and that Ling Chen was extraordinary, he still couldn't help but want to ask her to dance.    


"I really don't want to." Jian Fan shook his head and looked askance at Song Chengyou, "The beauties over there are already looking out of the window. Lawyer Song should not let down the beauty's kindness!"    


Song Chengyou looked at the dance floor. There were indeed many beauties looking over, but those beauties were all the same, not a single one of them moved his heart.    


"Jane Fan, can you dance one dance? Just one dance, is that not okay?" Song Chengyou was very gentle, and his invitation was like a spring breeze. Pan Wenfang was chatting with her friends when she saw him. She immediately nodded and walked over to Jian Fan and smiled, "Xiaofan has been sitting here for a long time. I'm sorry to trouble you, sir, to take her out for a walk. "    


"You're so young, and yet you've already developed such a quiet personality. That's not very good." Pan Wenfang pulled Jane Fan into Song Chengyou's hands.    


Song Chengyou took it gently and pulled Jane Fan onto the dance floor.    


Song Chengye knew a lot of dances, and almost as soon as the music stopped, he started a waltz with Jane Fan.    



The music was smooth and beautiful, his dancing was gentle and moving, and when he brought Jane Fan along, she was like a beautiful butterfly dancing on the dance floor. The originally dazzling people instantly became the focus of the entire scene.    


Men's adoring, longing eyes, accompanied by a woman's jealous, hateful gaze, were directed at her.    


A wave of heat caused by the dance caused Jane Fan to lose her mood. Almost as soon as the song stopped, she gracefully bid Song Chengye farewell and left the dance floor.    


Some people went up to ask for a dance, but were all rejected by Jian Fan.    


On the other hand, Song Chengyou was still dancing on the dance floor with the other beauties. This helped to relieve the pressure in Jian Fan's eyes.    


After sitting in the resting area for a while, Jian Fan stood up and was about to leave with Pan Wenfang when he realized that someone had already pulled Pan Wenfang onto the dance floor and she was jumping around happily.    


Seeing that she had calmed down from her restlessness for the past few days, Jane Fan smiled and slowly walked towards the bathroom.    


Song Chengyou followed closely behind her, refusing a beautiful woman's invitation as he slowly followed.    


The reception's bathroom was on the second floor and it was very quiet. Jane Fan went upstairs and directly went to the bathroom.    


As for Song Chengyou, he leaned against the railing and watched the scene below.    


A familiar figure appeared at the door. He narrowed his eyes and saw his good friend, who looked like a moon surrounded by stars, appear in the crowd. Next to him was a dazzling Su Rui and a fresh and charming new companion.    


Ling Chen also saw Song Chengyou and greeted him. He carried Su Rui onto the dance floor.    


Su Rui had always been an expert at dancing, but this time, for some reason, she danced with Ling Chen and claimed that she was tired.    


"President, can you give me some face and dance with me?" Ling Chen sent her to the resting area, and Ling Ling, who had been waiting for a long time, took the initiative to go up and ask.    


Ling Chen glanced at Su Rui with a smile. Seeing that she had no objections, he smiled slightly and walked down the dance floor with Ling by his waist.    


Ling's waist was very soft. It was obvious that she had practiced it before. Every posture she performed was very beautiful. Even Song Chengyou, who had high expectations for his female partner, had to admit that Ling Chen's new partner was a rare beauty, and would definitely have a climax at the party.    


"Why is he here?" When Jane Fan walked out of the bathroom, he saw Song Chengyou at first glance, and then Ling Chen dancing with the others on the dance floor.    


"Lawyer Song." He slowly walked to Song Chengyou's side and looked down the stairs.    


She had seen Ling Chen's steps before, and Su Rui's was pretty good. However, the new partner's steps and limbs were clearly a level higher than Su Rui's. When she danced with Ling Chen, everyone felt that it was an art, not an activity.    


"Xiaofan." Chen was just there for socialization. " Song Chengyou was embarrassed to be caught peeping at another woman.    


"Yes." Jian Fan nodded his head. After looking at the seamless cooperation between the two, he smiled slightly. "Is there any scenery outside?" It's too hot here. "    


"The pond behind us is not bad. I'll take you over and take a look. " Song Chengyou volunteered.    


"No need." However, she was rejected by Jane Fan. She went downstairs, opened the side door, and walked out alone.    


At the edge of the dance floor, a busy figure quickly followed her out.    


Suri sat in the lounge, watching someone disappear through the side door, a smirk on her face. Jane Fan, if you want to fight with me, you're still a bit young. At least, you don't have the guts and patience I have.    


Ling, this time, I gave you a chance. It's up to you, whether you can catch it or not! Su Rui looked at the dance floor and saw Ling Chen and Ling Chen dancing. A smile of unknown meaning appeared on her lips.    


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