CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0"Hate me?"    


Rong Jian looked at Nan Wenyu's calm appearance and slowly walked in front of Nan Wenyu. He was silent.    


The moment she saw Zhan Yanjia, all of her memories came back to her.    


Rong Jian didn't say anything. Instead, he reached out his hand to grab the dagger in Bai Li's hand and stared at Nan Wenyu's body.    




Bai Li looked at Rong Jian nervously.    


"Let me do it myself."    


Rong Jian smiled and shifted his gaze from Bai Li's face to Nan Wenyu. However, the trembling of his hands showed that he was nervous.    


The taxi stopped not far away. The driver sat inside the car and looked at everything in front of him. Just when Rong Jian was about to reach out his hand, he started the car and stepped on the accelerator.    


Nan Wenyu looked at Rong Jian's trembling hands and smiled. He struggled out of Bai Li's grasp. Listening to the sound of the motor, Nan Wenyu pushed Rong Jian away forcefully when the taxi was about to crash into him.    


With an extremely fast speed, he knocked Nan Wenyu's body up and then heavily fell onto the ground.    




Bai Li checked Rong Jian's situation nervously. Rong Jian, who was pushed aside by Nan Wenyu, fell to the ground. The dagger in his hand had already disappeared. When he looked up, he saw Nan Wenyu lying on the ground not far away.    


Fresh blood flowed out from beneath Nan Wenyu's body. The dagger in Rong Jian's hand was stuck in Nan Wenyu's abdomen. However, a faint smile appeared on Nan Wenyu's face.    


"Big brother!"    


Wen Zhixia couldn't help but cry when she saw Nan Wenyu's expression. She should be the one to give her older brother to Nan Wenyu.    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's words, Nan Wenyu felt gratified in his heart. In the end, his gaze stopped on Rong Jian.    


"I've already prepared your wedding present. You, you have to discover it yourself, give my eyes to him, let him use my eyes to continue. Love you."    


Six months later.    


Wen Zhixia, who was lying in the delivery room, had beads of sweat on her forehead. Wen Zhixia, who was lying in the delivery room, had sweat on her forehead.    


Wen Zhixia bit her easy palm. With a forceful use of force, blood flowed from it. A loud cry resounded through the whole delivery room. Wen Zhixia finally heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Zhixia, you've worked hard."    


He bent down and kissed Wen Zhixia lightly on her forehead.    


Wen Zhixia was so tired that she didn't have the strength to talk anymore, but there was a satisfied smile on her face.    


Rong Jian, who was standing at the door of the delivery room, was so excited that he started to dance when he heard the baby crying.    


"Bai Li, born."    


Looking at Rong Jian who looked like a child, Bai Li's eyes were filled with love. He stepped forward and held Rong Jian's hand. His eyes were filled with worry.    


"Be careful, you've just gotten pregnant a month ago."    


Listening to Bai Li's words, Rong Jian had a happy smile on his face. Looking at Bai Li's black pupils, he felt a little absent-minded and then gently leaned on Bai Li's shoulder.    


It wasn't until the day when she and Wu Tie had a round room and saw the scarlet on the bed sheets that she understood what Nan Wenyu meant by a wedding present. Perhaps the moment Nan Wenyu pushed her away, she had already let go of the hatred in her heart.    


This was indeed the best gift for Rong Jian.    


Nan Wenyu was a special existence to her. She didn't want to hate Nan Wenyu because Nan Wenyu saved her life and she didn't want to forgive him because Nan Wenyu once made her suffer that way.    


Perhaps forgetting was the best way for them.    


"Bai Li, do you really not mind his eyes?"    


According to Nan Wenyu's wish, Bai Li received Nan Wenyu's cornea and completely recovered its light. Previously, in Z Country, he was only a special eye developed by the royal doctors for him.    


Hearing Rong Jian's words, Bai Li shook his head indifferently.    


"I believe he loves you. It's just that I can't accept his way, but that doesn't stop me from loving you. To me, being able to see you is more important than anything."    


The reason why he accepted Nan Wenyu's cornea without any rejection was because he knew that he could only protect Rong Jian if he regained his light.    


One month later.    


Wen Zhixia was holding her daughter, Rong Jinxuan, in her arms. She easily hugged Rong Haoran with one hand and Wen Zhixia's shoulder with the other as she stood at the airport to see Ouyang Meiya off.    


"Aunt Ouyang, are you really going back to Milan?"    


Wen Zhixia looked at Ouyang Meiya with reluctance in her eyes.    


"I'm going back. You're already very happy. I'm very confident that I can give you back easily. I also believe that all of you will treat Wenyu's children well."    


Ouyang Meiya looked at him meaningfully, then turned around and left.    


After all, they had understood everything. Zhixia's worries were finally relieved, and Nan Wenyu had a place he needed to go to.    


Looking at Ouyang Meiya's leaving figure, Yi turned around and handed Rong Haoran to Leng Chen. Then, he handed Rong Jinxuan to Hua Feiruo and left with Wen Zhixia.    


"Where are you taking me? Xuanxuan cannot leave me. "    


Wen Zhixia looked at the child in Hua Feiruo's hand and followed Yi Yuan hesitantly.    


"Feiruo will take care of her. We should have some time that belongs to us."    


Easy to sit in the car, personally buckled up Wen Zhixia, a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.    


Hearing the easy words, Wen Zhixia turned her head towards the window shyly.    



Since the day Zhan Yanjia died, she had stayed by Easy's side. The past was already a thing of the past, and she didn't want to hold on to it anymore. This way, they would all be able to relax a little.    


Soon, he parked the car by the sea. He unbuckled Wen Zhixia's seat belt and held her hand. He had never felt so relaxed before.    


"Zhixia, did you know? Sometimes, I even suspect that this was a dream, as if only by holding your hand can I feel that I really have you. "    


He stopped walking and looked at Wen Zhixia seriously, as if he was worried that Wen Zhixia would disappear from his sight.    


Wen Zhixia raised her head and met his gaze with an unwavering gaze that had never been seen before.    


"Easy, I'm by your side. We already have Xuan Xuan Xuan. No one will break us up again."    


Upon hearing Wen Zhixia's words, a faint smile appeared on Yi Yeyu's face. He took a step back, knelt down on one knee, and grabbed onto Wen Zhixia's left hand.    


"Zhixia, can you marry me? I should have told you this long ago, but we've been through a lot since we met. "    


"We've questioned each other and hurt each other, but I've never thought of letting you go. I love you, and I want to bring all the beautiful things in this world to you."    


"Thank you for giving me, Xuanxuan. In the future, I will make you even happier. Trust me."    


He took out a ring from his pocket and held it in front of Wen Zhixia.    


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