CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Originally, she thought Rong Heting would be busy in the study, but now, the study was empty. The usually clean and orderly table was now filled with messy documents, while the two laptops she and Rong Heting left on the desk were gone.    


Not only that, the moment she opened the door, Mu Qianqian even smelled a strong scent of smoke.    


Mu Qianqian didn't walk in again, but paused curiously at the door, lost in her own thoughts.    


She remembered that although Rong Heting smoked, he was not a person who was addicted to cigarettes. He only lit one occasionally when he was free, and after knowing that she hated the smell of smoke, he rarely smoked in front of her.    


Mu Qianqian also remembered that Rong Heting always went to the balcony to smoke. On the balcony wall outside the study, there was a beautiful crystal ashtray. It was a visual pleasure to see him standing there comfortably in the past.    


What was going on now? Rong Heting was annoyed? Annoyed that the study had been turned into a scene of a fire?    


Mu Qianqian didn't have time to think about it anymore. She just wanted to quickly find Rong Heting and ask him about the matter of his bone marrow.    


She was about to go back to her room to make a phone call, but when she turned around, she saw Ting Lan, who was coming to clean up herself.    


"Sister Lan."    


Mu Qianqian yelled and lowered her head. Although her head was still burning from last night, she didn't lose her memory. She still remembered Ting Lan's warning to her.    


Ting Lan had said that she wouldn't help her, she was only loyal to her master, Rong Heting.    


Mu Qianqian's eyes flashed with self-mockery as she recalled Ting Lan's cold and indifferent attitude towards her.    


She should have understood all of this a long time ago. That day in the dark room, all of them wanted Rong Heting to kill her for fear that her approach would become Rong Heting's weakness.    


Her life was so lowly and worthless in front of these people, so how could Ting Lan help her again?    


Not wanting to say anything more to Ting Lan, Mu Qianqian called out to her softly before she walked past Ting Lan and towards the room she was in.    




Just as Mu Qianqian and Ting Lan were about to pass by each other, Ting Lan stopped them in their tracks.    


"Don't come out barefoot like this. If you get sick again, not only will you suffer, but the young master will also be distracted. You also saw how many cigarettes he smoked because of you last night."    


Mu Qianqian pursed her lips and paused for a moment. She didn't answer Ting Lan and immediately ran back to her room.    


Mu Qianqian didn't know if Rong Heting smoked because of her, but she was completely aware of Ting Lan's dissatisfaction with her.    


Right now, she only wanted to save her brother's bone marrow and didn't want to anger the people around Rong Heting. Since all of them didn't like her, then she might as well not provoke them in the future.    


Mu Qianqian had to admit that getting a little hope from her despair had completely changed her mood. At least now she had the courage to continue living, and she finally had a goal in her life.    


Returning to her room and quickly putting on her shoes, Mu Qianqian was very satisfied with her good behavior. She really couldn't be sick, as she had more important things to do, so how could she waste time on a bed.    


After changing into cotton slippers, Mu Qianqian went to the bathroom to look for the clothes Rong Heting took off yesterday. Rong Heting used to throw her clothes on the carpet casually, but now there was nothing on the carpet.    


She didn't carry her bag yesterday with her phone in her pocket. It definitely didn't rain heavily, so long as Rong Heting didn't throw her into the washing machine. Mu Qianqian was sure that Rong Heting wouldn't be so bored to wash her clothes.    


Mu Qianqian looked around but didn't find anything. There wasn't a single dirty shirt in the whole bathroom. Could it be that Ting Lan had taken the clothes away last night?    


Although Ting Lan used to come here every day to take away and arrange for the clothes to be washed by professionals, underwear was something that she had always personally taken care of. Even the underwear that Rong Heting had changed into had become her mission ever since she had moved into Rong Manor.    


Fortunately, Rong Heting didn't come back often, so she was forced to wash her face a few times.    


But now, who would tell her where all the clothes she'd changed out of last night had gone? Lost by Rong Heting? What about the phone?    


Although she remembered Mu Shen Ting Ye's phone number and memorized Rong Heting's number, there were still a lot of other information and many precious photos in her phone!    


Mu Qianqian was in a hurry to confirm Rong Heting's location, so she didn't have time to think any further. She hastily ran out of the bedroom. There was a phone in the living room, so she could call Rong Heting on the landline first.    


Mu Qianqian ran downstairs with her hair hanging loose. When she got to the living room, she realized that the servant girl called Xiaomei, who she used to play with before, was standing by the phone obediently and didn't want to look at her.    


Mu Qianqian's heart skipped a beat, but she moved faster than her brain. She reached for the phone, but Xiaomei was one step ahead of her. She blocked Mu Qianqian's hand with her body.    


"Miss Qianqian, you can't call me!"    


Mu Qianqian was stunned at first, but when she recovered, she could not believe her ears.    


"Why can't I call? I can't find my phone, so I can't even make a call? "    


"I'm sorry Miss Qianqian, Manager Ting Lan specially ordered during the meeting this morning that Young Master does not allow anyone from the Rong Manor to provide you with communication equipment, and that the network and phone lines from the Rong Manor have all been pulled out.    


"What?" Was it ordered by Rong Heting? "No, why didn't you let me touch the phone when the phone was unplugged?"    


Mu Qianqian thought it was inconceivable. She even thought she was hallucinating. Could it be that Rong Heting was going to imprison her?    


"Miss Qianqian, I'm here …" Lil Mei was in a dilemma, but she had to reply, "I'm waiting for the maintenance staff to come over and take down the phone."    


Mu Qianqian, "…"    


Manager Ting Lan said that Young Master ordered us to take away all the computers and phones in the villa. Miss Qianqian is a person with high IQ, even if she doesn't have the Internet, it's hard to avoid contacting the outside world if she has some spare parts.    


Mu Qianqian was truly dumbfounded. To be exact, she was speechless.    


She had already obediently returned, why did she have to cut off her contact with the outside world? Furthermore, even without those communication devices, how could Rong Heting be sure that she couldn't run out from the Rong Manor?    


Xiaomei seemed to know what Mu Qianqian was thinking and quickly added.    


"Miss Qianqian, Manager Ting Lan specifically instructed me to not anger young master anymore and to stay here peacefully. Otherwise, you might not be able to get what you want."    


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