CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Wen Zhixia's remaining consciousness made her feel that her thigh was being caressed. She struggled to open her eyes and saw her uncle's wretched face.    


Wen Zhixia tried her best to struggle, but the alcohol gradually numbed her nerves and her struggle became smaller and smaller.    


When she stopped, the uncle covered her with his hands once again, caressing Wen Zhixia's thighs, constantly moving up and down.    


"No, I don't want to!"    


At this moment, Wen Zhixia realized how naive and innocent she was. She really thought that when her uncle asked her to come sit, it was just to chat.    


Tears of regret rolled down his face, flowing from the corners of his eyes.    


"Little beauty, don't worry. I will treat you well from now on, so you don't have to sell alcohol here anymore!"    


The old man consoled his subordinate with tears in his eyes.    


Unexpectedly, after hearing the uncle's words, Wen Zhixia's tears started to flow even faster, like a tap in a mountain village.    


The touch of his skin could no longer satisfy the old man. He put on the suit jacket that was placed to the side and helped Wen Zhixia, whose brain was already dominated by alcohol, up.    


He picked up the money she put under her hat, smiled, and put it back into his pocket. Looking around, he found that no one had noticed the scene of him taking the money.    


Then, with one arm around Lili's shoulders and the other on Lido's arm, he walked out of the bar as if he were a drunk man.    




The unobstructed uncle suddenly heard a woman's voice from behind him. Although he did not know who had said it, he could tell from the voice that it sounded very cautious.    


It was as if if if if uncle didn't stop now, the woman's voice would cut him into pieces or give him other punishments!    


The uncle laughed. He didn't expect that after messing around for so long, there was actually someone who dared to block his way. He stopped walking.    


Wen Zhixia's legs were no longer able to control her body, so she leaned against Uncle unsteadily. Uncle suddenly stopped and made her fall to the other side once again.    


The old man hurriedly hugged her shoulders, stopping her from falling further into the previous situation.    


The uncle turned around and looked at the owner of the voice with a face full of annoyance.    


"Who are you? Why do you care about laozi's good news? "    


Dirty Uncle said impatiently, as if he had met a cockroach, showing his current disdain.    


"Who I am is none of your business. You only need to know that the woman in your arms is mine!"    


The red wine cup in Sister Li's hand swayed, emitting a faint fragrance.    


Although Sister Li didn't often come out to manage the customers' affairs, the customers were still unfamiliar with her face. Even a regular customer like Dirty Uncle didn't know this woman with smoky makeup.    


"Ah!" If that's the case, then name a price! After you take the money, you can leave happily!     


Dirty Uncle thought that the woman blocking his path wanted money, so he took out his wallet from his pocket.    


He took out most of the cash and stuffed it into Sister Li's other hand, which was holding the glass of red wine. A perverted smile appeared on his face.    


Because when the money was stuffed, he noticed Sister Li's proud chest circumference and her full peach buttocks, making Dirty Uncle almost drool.    


Sister Li looked at the red hair grandpa in her hand and snorted disdainfully, returning the money to her uncle.    


"With just this amount of money, you still have the nerve to take it out!?" Do you think you can buy the night at the same price as the wine? "    


Sister Li roughly estimated the cash he just gave her. It was at most 4,500 yuan, or even RMB. If it was US dollars, she might be able to consider it.    


With just this little amount of silver, he wanted to buy Wen Zhixia, who was in her possession. One must know that the initial price had a direct impact on the later stages of the market!    


"Also, you're delusional enough to think of taking her away with such little money. Do you really think we're bumpkins and haven't seen money before?"    


The more Sister Li spoke, the more sarcastic she became, causing Dirty Uncle, who was standing at the side, to feel embarrassed.    


Sister Li's harsh words and the scene of Dirty Uncle carrying the unconscious Wen Zhixia attracted the attention of the surrounding people.    


"Who are you? What right do you have to say that I don't have money?"    


Because of Sister Li's words, Dirty Uncle felt very embarrassed. He let go of one of Wen Zhixia's hand and pointed at Sister Li's nose, arguing loudly.    


The corner of Sister Li's mouth raised slightly as she mocked the man's IQ. He actually asked such a question in front of so many people!    


"The amount of money in your wallet, your clothes from top to bottom, and even the content of your words, all prove that you have no money and that you have a lot of face!"    


Sister Li thought she was the best person in the world for taking a sip of wine like this. She felt disgust from the bottom of her heart and took Wen Zhixia from his hands.    


"You! You woman, I'm afraid no man is too lonely? "Only then did I come out and attract the attention of a man …"    


A string of vulgar words came out of Dirty Uncle's mouth, making the surrounding people look at him with disdain. The men felt even more ashamed to have such a similar feeling.    


Because Wen Zhixia had been snatched away by the woman in front of him, he was not used to the empty space in his bosom. He grabbed onto Wen Zhixia's arm and pulled her closer to him.    


Sister Li wanted to pull him back into her arms, but she immediately sensed his sinister gaze. It was as if she was going to eat him alive in the next second.    


"Go back to your kennel, you poor man! You wish to sleep in a white swan, in your next life! "    


Sister Li got a little angry from the man in front of her. Her sarcastic words kept shooting out like bullets, making Dirty Uncle have no power to fight back.    


Dirty Uncle wanted to leave, but was stopped by Sister Li.    


"What now?"    


Dirty Uncle looked at Sister Li with great disgust. Now that the cooked duck had flown away, she actually didn't want him to leave. What on earth did she want to do?    


"I assume you bought our Xiao Xia's bar? The money for the liquor would not disappear just like that! Even if you don't have any money, you can't possibly withhold the money that people earn from hard work, right? "    


Sister Li stretched out her hand. Under the light of the lantern, the red armor was dazzling, showing off her arrogant and despotic attitude!    



Hearing Sister Li's words, Dirty Uncle, who wanted to say something, swallowed his words. He took out the 1500 yuan from his pocket and threw it on the ground.    


He wanted to insult Sister Li, and at the same time, vent the hatred in his heart.    


Unexpectedly, Sister Li retracted her hand that was about to take the money, and hugged her chest.    


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