CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0But she couldn't understand why.    


"Don't you need to go to the company recently?"    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's question, it was easy to gently pinch Wen Zhixia's chin, then gently kiss her on the lips before speaking in a dissatisfied tone.    


"What's wrong? You don't like me accompanying you? "    


Sensing the overbearing tone in her tone, Wen Zhixia intentionally forced a smile on her face and said in an awkward tone.    


"Hmph, who wants you to accompany them?"    


Easily seeing Wen Zhixia's mischievous look, he couldn't help but fall into silence. Actually, he didn't know whether he was right or wrong to keep this a secret from Wen Zhixia. After all, paper couldn't contain fire.    


Bai Li had also said that the more Wen Zhixia tried to escape, the more the memory that she had forgotten would hurt her. However, it was easier this way to avoid touching Wen Zhixia's sensitive nerves.    


"Then I'm leaving?"    


Wen Zhixia frowned and was a little hesitant when she heard the easy words. However, she still turned her face away and did not say any words of urging him to stay. She had originally thought that the easy matter was just to amuse her.    


However, Wen Zhixia finally reacted when Easy's figure disappeared at the door. Easy really did leave, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She always felt that there was something wrong with Easy.    


She always felt that Easy had something to hide from her, but she didn't dare to be suspicious of Easy. She could only let her imagination run wild, and she only needed to think about these things carefully.    


Wen Zhixia had no choice but to avoid the pain from her head as if it was about to split open.    


Wen Zhixia stood in front of the French windows on the first floor. The Easily Easier Car had long disappeared from her sight. She suddenly thought of what she had heard earlier. Could Easily have really gone to see the baby in his mouth?    


Is this true? No wonder Easy never said anything about having a baby again...    


Suddenly, the figure of a courier appeared in front of Wen Family's door. Wen Zhixia directly opened the door and walked out, then walked in front of the courier.    


"May I ask if you know Miss Xia? This is your delivery. "    


The courier checked the address carefully and spoke to Wen Zhixia.    


Wen Zhixia nodded and took the folder from the courier in doubt. She didn't know who sent it to her, but the address was blank. She turned around and walked into the mansion.    


However, the address and name were not wrong. Just as Wen Zhixia was about to open it, Bai Li walked downstairs. Bai Li had been in the mansion these few days just in case something happened to Wen Zhixia.    


"Zhixia, what is it?"    


Hearing Bai Li's voice, Wen Zhixia looked up at Bai Li and said with a confused expression.    


"I don't know. I'm the recipient, but the sender's column is blank."    


Bai Li walked to Wen Zhixia's side and took the folder from her hands. He pinched it, and felt that it was something made of paper, but he didn't know what it was, except that Wen Zhixia had just returned to Wen Family not long ago.    


Not many people knew that Wen Zhixia lived here. Did Nan Wenjing send it to her? It was as if there was no one else apart from him.    


Wen Zhixia saw that Bai Li didn't say anything, so she just opened the folder with a newspaper inside.    


However, when Wen Zhixia saw the picture in the newspaper, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. The whole newspaper board had a picture of the scene where Zhan Yanjia was easily engaged to someone.    


She looked at Zhan Yanjia's hands that were easily held tightly, as if something was about to pop out from her head. Wen Zhixia's head was in intense pain, so she raised her hands and tightly hugged her head.    


"Zhixia, what happened to you?"    


Bai Li was also shocked when he saw the newspaper on the floor. During this period of time, he and Yi Yi were carefully sealing off the news, trying their best to prevent Wen Zhixia from getting any news from the outside.    


Because she had made him relax his vigilance so easily, she had directly announced the engagement site to the public. Although Lili and Lili were both wearing masks, Wen Zhixia could still recognize them with a single glance.    


"My head hurts."    


Wen Zhixia couldn't believe it. Easy was already engaged to Zhan Yanjia. When did this happen? She didn't know at all. Could it be that it was Zhan Yanjia who called this morning?    


Why did it become like this? Was it easy to fall in love with her? Why did he marry Zhan Yanjia?    


"Relax! Zhixia, listen to me, you need to relax now... Don't think about things you don't understand... "Take a deep breath, it's okay, Zhixia."    


Wen Zhixia gradually calmed down after hearing Bai Li's words. Her head no longer hurt as much. Only some vague images appeared in her mind. She saw Yi Yeyu sitting beside her …    


"Big Brother Bai, is all of this true?"    


Wen Zhixia squatted on the ground and raised her head to look at Bai Li. She wished so much that Bai Li would tell her that it was all fake, but Bai Li's silence already gave Wen Zhixia an answer in her heart.    


She didn't know how Easy was feeling about her these days. No wonder she felt like she was absent-minded all the time. No wonder she felt like it was so easy to hide something from her.    


So that's what happened … No wonder she wasn't in Rong Manor the moment she woke up. It was because she should already have a new mistress there …    


"Zhixia, you should believe in Easy. You should believe in the relationship between the two of you."    


Bai Li knew that now was not the time to tell Wen Zhixia everything, so he could only guide her slowly. He hoped that she could strengthen the relationship between her and Yi Yi. Perhaps that was the only way for Wen Zhixia to become stronger.    


"Can I still trust him?"    


Hearing Bai Li's words, Wen Zhixia was a little unsure. Since the news of his marriage was true, then the baby he spoke of must be his and Zhan Yanjia's child. How could Wen Zhixia continue to persist …    


"Brother Bai, tell me, has Zhan Yanjia already had an easy child?"    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's words, Bai Li was shocked. According to Wen Zhixia's memory, she shouldn't have remembered the news about Zhan Yanjia's pregnancy. Could it be that Wen Zhixia remembered something?    


"Zhixia, how did you know?" What else do you remember? "    


Seeing Bai Li so nervous, Wen Zhixia knew that all her guesses were true. Her tears fell silently. Just when did this happen? How easy was it for him to betray her …    


She couldn't understand what had made her and Easy so easy to betray their feelings.    


Or could it be that Yi Yeyu was already tired of her? She was just waiting for her to take the initiative to leave. She didn't know that Wen Zhixia only felt heartache …    


Wen Zhixia stood up and walked slowly towards the bedroom upstairs. She wanted to be alone for a while, but Wen Zhixia seemed to have suddenly become deaf. She didn't know what to do.    



She didn't even know if she should stay by Easy's side anymore. Things seemed to have gone far beyond what she could accept.    


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