CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Once, when Nan Wenjing wanted to cover Wen Zhixia with a blanket at night and stealthily walk into her room, he found that she was sobbing softly. Nan Wenjing didn't know what Wen Zhixia had experienced.    


Nan Wenjing was afraid of mentioning Wen Zhixia's sad thoughts, so he didn't ask her about it. But now, Nan Wenjing felt that he couldn't just avoid her.    


"Wenjing, thank you for taking care of me these few days, I really appreciate your care. I know what you mean, but I'm sorry, I can't accept it. My body is almost recovered, so it's time for me to leave."    


It's not that Wen Zhixia didn't know what Nan Wenjing was thinking, it's just that she just lost her child that was easy to get. Nan Wenjing was so pure and kind, she can't continue to take advantage of Nan Wenjing's kindness.    


"What did you say?" You want to go? Where are you going? "    


Hearing Wen Zhixia say that she wanted to leave, Nan Wenjing became a little anxious. He didn't have any intention of forcing Wen Zhixia. He just hoped that she would be brave enough to face it.    


Perhaps it was because the easy injuries were too heavy, Wen Zhixia didn't want to face it at all. She instinctively wanted to escape, as long as she didn't think about the easy injuries, Wen Zhixia could deceive herself and tell herself that the easy injuries didn't hurt her.    


She wanted to let go of Easy, but she seemed to have failed. In the day, when she was facing Nan Wenjing, Wen Zhixia didn't dare to think easily about knowing what would happen after she left.    


But every night Wen Zhixia had nightmares. She often dreamed about the child she had lost, and she often dreamed of being cruel. The feeling almost drove Wen Zhixia crazy.    


"Of course I have a place to go."    


Seeing that Wen Zhixia seemed to have made up her mind, Nan Wenjing excitedly held Wen Zhixia's shoulder with both of his hands and said seriously to her.    


"Zhixia, listen to me, I won't let you go. I'll accompany you wherever you want to go, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go. If you want to cry, I'll support you with my shoulder, but I won't let you disappear from my world."    


"I don't know what Easily did to hurt you, but believe me, from now on, I will protect you. I will not let you face anything alone."    


After saying that, Nan Wenjing wanted to hug Wen Zhixia tightly, but he was stopped by Wen Zhixia's hand.    


Wen Zhixia looked at Nan Wenjing's serious expression. She didn't doubt the sincerity of his words, but she really couldn't bear this feeling of affection. Just when she was about to reject him, Nan Wenyu walked in.    


"Zhixia, sometimes, just drop the past and you can start a new life."    


Nan Wenyu looked at Wen Zhixia's pained expression and hesitated. However, he had to admit that if he used Wen Zhixia well, she would become a very valuable chess piece in Nan Wenyu's hands.    


However, Nan Wenyu didn't know if this piece was effective yet, so he decided to test it out.    


"Wenjing, Father wants you to go home tonight."    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, Nan Wenjing looked at Wen Zhixia hesitantly. He was afraid that Wen Zhixia would leave as soon as he left.    


"Don't worry, I'm here."    


Seeing Nan Wenjing's hesitant look, Nan Wenyu was the first to speak and assured him.    


Since Nan Wenyu had said so, Nan Wenjing could only bid farewell to Wen Zhixia and left.    


Wen Zhixia's eyes fell on Nan Wenyu. She always felt that Nan Wenyu had something to say to her. Although Nan Wenyu rarely appeared, his appearance always gave Wen Zhixia pressure.    


She felt it was weird, because Nan Wenyu clearly looked gentle and refined, but Wen Zhixia always felt that he wasn't that simple.    


"Thank you for taking care of me these past few days. I think I shouldn't disturb you any longer."    


After saying that, Wen Zhixia turned around to leave but was stopped by Nan Wenyu. He looked at Wen Zhixia with a smile.    


"Zhixia, I have a way to make you forget the past. As for whether you want to start over, that is your choice. Wenjing and I will respect your decision."    


Seeing Nan Wenyu so confident, Wen Zhixia was puzzled. She could not think of any way that Nan Wenyu could make her forget about the harm he could cause her.    


However, ever since Wen Zhixia came here, she had never mentioned anything about how easy it was. Was Nan Wenyu that confident that he could cure Wen Zhixia's pain?    


"What do you mean?"    


Nan Wenyu knew Wen Zhixia would be interested. Then he took her hand and walked towards the garage, bringing her to the modeling room.    


When Wen Zhixia sat in front of the makeup mirror and watched the makeup artist dress her up more and more every year, she frowned at Nan Wenyu. However, Nan Wenyu just looked at her with a smile and didn't say a word.    


When Wen Zhixia was ready, Nan Wenyu held her hand and took her back to the car.    


"Where are you taking me?"    


"You'll know when we get there."    


Wen Zhixia didn't ask any further after hearing Nan Wenyu's words. Right now, it was the same wherever she went, so she could only lean gently against the window and silently watch the scenery fly by.    


She didn't know that Hua Feiruo had been tortured miserably in the past few days after she disappeared.    


Since the day Wen Zhixia disappeared from the hospital, Hua Feiruo had been constantly searching for her. He had almost flipped through the entire Dongfeng City, but he still didn't find any news of Wen Zhixia.    


He didn't believe that Wen Zhixia had disappeared just like that. However, the current situation was that he couldn't do anything but secretly search for her. He had no face to face with such an easy task even before he found Wen Zhixia.    


Bai Li looked at Hua Feiruo, who was a little depressed on the sofa. He was also helpless. He and Easy's target were too big, so he didn't dare to act rashly. He could only let Hua Feiruo suffer alone.    


Finally, it was easy but he couldn't wait any longer. It had been a few days since he last heard from Wen Zhixia. He didn't know whether it was because Wen Zhixia had hidden herself or because Wen Zhixia had taken him away.    


It was easy to feel that the possibility of her being taken away was not high. If she really was kidnapped, she would definitely threaten him immediately, but he still hadn't received any news about her.    


"Bai Li, inform the media, the news of my engagement with Zhan Yanjia will be tomorrow night."    


Hearing Easy's words, Hua Feiruo was shocked. He didn't understand why Wen Zhixia was in such a hurry to get engaged to Zhan Yanjia before she could find her.    


"Brother, have you decided yet?"    


Actually, it was easy to understand that there must be someone behind Zhan Yanjia. Therefore, he wanted to use Zhan Yanjia as a guide so long as it was easy to tell everyone that Zhan Yanjia was the most important person to him.    


Wen Zhixia would be much safer.    


"That's the only way to ensure Wen Zhixia's safety."    


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