CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0"I'm sorry, Miss Li. My girlfriend is waiting for me on the bench in front. Excuse me."    


"I'm sorry, Ye Feng, I was presumptuous. I'll take my leave first."    


The voices of a man and a woman broke Mu Qianqian's reverie. Mu Qianqian was just about to see what had happened when a woman in a long champagne evening dress came walking over with a disappointed face.    


Mu Qianqian also nodded politely at the person who came over. Before she knew what was going on, she saw Ye Feng walking towards her from the garden path not far behind the girl.    


Ye Feng saw Lili sitting on the bench, and he froze, then shook his head in amusement. Was it heaven's will that he should be seen by his Qianqian with just a casual lie?    


Mu Qianqian looked at Ye Feng's warm face, looked at his figure that had just left in a hurry, and thought back to the conversation she had unintentionally overheard. Immediately, she understood what was going on and looked at Ye Feng with a funny expression. She didn't expect that her Brother Feng was also a master of lies. She actually got lucky and helped her Brother Feng block the peach blossoms. Mu Qianqian's smile grew bigger and bigger, her bright eyes shining under the moonlight.    


"Why are we here? You didn't go with your friends to visit the handsome guy? "    


Ye Feng sat beside Mu Qianqian and smiled at the increasingly pretty face in front of him. She was no longer a child in need of protection. She appeared in front of Ye Feng again like a little soldier protecting more than a dozen children, slowly matching the delicate figure in front of her.    


"You will laugh at me!"    


As before, Mu Qianqian took Ye Feng's arm and leaned on his shoulder with a sweet smile, "Other than Ting Ye, I don't know anyone else in the room, and I don't want to get involved with too many complicated circles either. What's more, I have Brother Feng, the film emperor, so I don't need to see other men. "    


Ye Feng was amused by Mu Qianqian's last words of flattery as he put her hair back behind her ears lovingly.    


"Qianqian, how have you been these two years? Telephone or video, you always say all is well, you know how worried I am when you're here yourself. "    


"I'm fine! I miss Brother Feng very much, but since you want to pursue your dreams, I will support you. "    


Mu Qianqian thought for a moment before she added, "Even if I have to support you, I will."    


Mu Qianqian lowered her head as she thought of the profundity of the situation. She was fine, it was just that she was usually too worried and worried about the profundity of the situation.    


Leaning on her warm shoulder, Mu Qianqian's tense nerves relaxed a lot.    


"My uncle just doesn't want to donate his bone marrow. He's always in the hospital. I'm very worried about him. I don't know how his strange blood disease is progressing."    


She really felt that she was very useless. Although she was studying medicine with Mu Shen, she couldn't explain the deep blood disease no matter what. Only Mu Shen knew how to treat this strange disease.    


Speaking of Mu Shen, Ye Feng hesitated. His Qianqian had been living for Mu Shen for the past few years. Medical research was Mu Shen's dream, but Qianqian stubbornly completed it for him. Qianqian, who had almost made herself into the other Mu Shen, made him feel sorry for her.    


Ye Feng wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he didn't say anything and sighed. If she felt happy about what Qianqian had done, there might not be anything bad about it.    


The cool night wind blew past the two people snuggling together. It was the night of seven years ago.    


Mu Qianqian, who was eleven years old, sat on a bench beside the school cafeteria, looking at the small lunchbox in her hands, which was sobbing like a kitten.    


This was something that she had specifically instructed her to bring with her to the school. The specially recruited students of the high school had started living in the school today, so they could only return home once a month. She said that the public dining plates were unhygienic, so she had specially brought a small lunchbox with her, but in the end, she didn't even need a lunchbox anymore. She was not tall enough to reach the dining room window.    


Mu Qianqian, who had been starved for an entire day, ignored everyone and cried on the bench while holding her lunchbox. The passing youths of the seventeen or eighteen years old were all looking at this little guy with amusement. They were jealous of his intelligence, but they also laughed at his naivety. She was so timid and could not take care of herself in her life. She really didn't know why the school had specially recruited her here! Is it so important?    


No one was willing to help her, and no one was willing to talk to her. Because she was too young, she didn't have any friends of her own age in school.    


Watching the students enter the cafeteria to eat, Mu Qianqian was crying and rubbing her belly. She was really hungry. The teachers had all gotten off work, and only the dormitory manager and his auntie were there. However, she was playing cards and did not have the time to care about her. If she did not eat midnight snack, she would not be able to take it.    


Mu Qianqian lowered her head in frustration, not daring to shift her gaze to the entrance of the canteen. She could only secretly sniff the fragrance of the dishes. Mu Qianqian only felt that the fragrance was getting closer and closer to her on purpose, getting stronger and stronger, until a lunchbox full of food appeared before her eyes.    


Mu Qianqian looked up and saw that the lunchbox had been passed over by a delicate and pretty boy. A warm and amiable scent pervaded the boy's body, like the scent of hibiscus flowers on campus.    


"Mu Qianqian? I'm Ye Feng, your brother is Mu Shen, right? "    


From then on, Ye Feng was always a little confused. From then on, Ye Feng became Mu Qianqian's parent. From then on, Ye Feng not only ate with his children, but also washed their clothes and organized their notes …    


Mu Qianqian snapped out of her reminiscence. Thinking of her childhood reliance on Ye Feng, a smile slowly crawled up her face. She turned her head to look at Ye Feng, who was also immersed in her memories.    


Ye Feng shifted his gaze. The girl from before had finally grown up. After waiting for so many years, he finally saw for himself that she had reached adulthood at the age of eighteen.    


Qianqian, do you know how much Brother Feng looks forward to your growth?    


"Are we still going to Europe?"    


"With the development of our Dragon Country in the short term, I can accompany you." For your nineteenth birthday.    


After receiving the answer she was most concerned about, Mu Qianqian's smile widened. She liked the feeling of being dependent on Brother Feng. It was the feeling of family, and also the feeling of home.    


"When you have time in a few days, I will accompany you to see Mu Shen."    


"Alright, I'll definitely be extremely happy to see you again!"    


The two of them did not talk too much about their separation during the past two years. Today was not a good time. Ye Feng raised his hand to check the time and pulled Mu Qianqian up.    


"I heard there's a charity auction tonight, so I gave my pen to you. See what you like later. I'll give it back to you, so we won't suffer any losses."    


Ye Feng pinched Mu Qianqian's nose and said calmly as if it was something he was used to.    


"That's great! Then you should prepare more money, one third of it should go to the Medical Association to fund your research! "    


How could Mu Qianqian not know Ye Feng's feelings for her? It was only right that she help spend Brother Feng's money!    


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