Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C231 Service

C231 Service

0Wu Yu seemed to be intimidated by her elder sister's dignity, and didn't dare to make a sound throughout the entire process of washing her hair.    


With Wu Yu's help, Wu Xin could finally free up both her hands and carefully knead the old lady's slightly tangled hair. After she was done, she used a ladle to rinse the hair clean before putting on some soap and washing it again.    


The old lady's hair had been washed clean by her. There was no electricity in the house, so Wu Xin took a towel and wiped it again and again.    


Fortunately, the weather wasn't too cold, and the sun was just right. Wu Xin made the old lady sit in the yard and wipe her hair while she waited for the sun and the wind to dry it.    


Wu Yu carefully stood by the side. After washing her mother's hair, she had nothing to do. At this moment, she didn't even know where she put her hands. She looked both embarrassed and eager.    


Liang Ying could immediately tell from second aunt's fearful attitude that her mother had a history behind the scenes when she was staying at home. From the past until now, she had been the backbone of this family.    


Zhang Qian also noticed the change and he couldn't help but glance at Liang Ying.    


Sensing his gaze, Liang Ying also looked back at him. Zhang Qian's look meant: Your mom has always been like this?    


Liang Ying received the message and nodded slightly, implying, Yes, that's it.    


Zhang Qian gave her a sympathetic look, while Liang Ying smiled bitterly.    


In any case, at home, neither she nor her brother would be nice to her, and their demands were strict.    


This was also the reason why Liang Ying had been playing outside since high school. Was this the reason for her rebellion? The harder her mother kept an eye on things, the more open she was outside. If she didn't, she felt like she was going crazy.    


Of course, Wu Xin was probably not clear about Liang Ying's movements in private. Wasn't there a saying? Parents love their children because they do not understand what they do.    


After the old lady had been cleaned up, she seemed to be able to feel comfortable and a warm smile appeared on her face. When she saw Wu Yu, she asked,    


"Hey, who are you? What are you doing here? Sit down! "    


Wu Yu had already gotten used to the old lady's way of behaving like this. She chuckled and said, "I'm your second daughter, Wu Yu."    


"Nonsense, how could my daughter be as old as you? "You lied to me."    


The old lady's memories were stuck in the past. Now, her memories had already been affected by the illness. Wu Xin felt her heart clench when she heard this.    


Having seen a lot of people in the city, it was not as if she had never seen patients with Alzheimer's. Her daughter said on the phone that she still couldn't believe it, but at this moment, her mother's various actions had convinced her that her mother really did have Alzheimer's.    


So she asked Wu Yu, "Did you take Mom to see a patient? Have you confirmed it? "    


Wu Yu nodded and said, "I went to see her at the hospital. After my father died last year, she started to act more and more abnormal, her speech slurred. We took her to the hospital in the city, and the doctor said that she was in the early stages of senile dementia.    


It's just that she didn't expect it to happen so quickly, and by now, the people around us she sometimes remembers, sometimes not, but usually most of the time she doesn't remember. "    


Wu Xin nodded. She didn't ask why the two sisters had let her mother live alone in this house. She had left home for more than 20 years without any care for her family or the right to treat them harshly. She said:    


"Can you find a nanny to stay with Mom and make her a meal or something? I'll pay for the nanny."    


Wu Yu didn't show any signs of uneasiness when she heard this because it was the same even in small towns. If the old man was sick, he could take care of himself and his family could help him from time to time. If they couldn't, then they could discuss what to do. After all, who didn't bring their own family and who didn't want to earn a living?    


"Mom hasn't reached the point where she needs someone to take care of her. We'll also come over from time to time to look after her." Wu Yu said.    


Wu Xin was speechless. She thought to herself, "It's already like this, how is it possible that he still needs someone to take care of him?" She could not help but harden her voice and say:    


"Then to what extent should I need someone to take care of me?"    


"Sigh, I'll go back and find out if there's any suitable nanny." Upon hearing Wu Xin's bad tone, Wu Yu became a little cowardly.    


They had been frightened out of their wits by Wu Xin since they were young. They had always lived under the authority of their elder sister. Even after such a long time, the moment they saw that Wu Xin's aura hadn't diminished at all, the fear in their hearts resurfaced.    


"Well, since mom is already like this, we should get a nanny to look after the house. Even if she doesn't want to change the furniture in the house, she has to clean it up a bit." What era are you in now? " Wu Xin said bluntly.    


Wu Yu smiled in embarrassment and said, "Aren't the neighbors in the area the same? "How can a small place like ours compare to a big city that is clean and tidy?"    


Wu Xin sighed and said, "Go and boil the pot of water again. I'll give Ma a bath."    


At this moment, Wu Yu looked a little ashamed. The old lady was always clear-headed and took care of herself. Unless she could not bear to watch any longer, she would take action. Otherwise, she would not be cleansed.    


Wu Yu chatted with her sister about the current situation. She didn't dare to ask why her sister hadn't contacted her family in the past 20 years. At this time, she didn't ask about the atmosphere of the topic and silently went to boil the water.    


Zhang Qian didn't dare to breathe too loudly in front of his aunt. His mother had sisters and was able to speak a few words, but he felt that the aura this woman exuded, which could be considered as sitting quietly, was very depressing.    


Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel some sympathy for his cousin. If her mother had always been like this, how did her cousin survive?    


It was no wonder that although Liang Ying appeared to be a bit outgoing, her face would occasionally flash with a gloomy expression when she was alone.    


Zhang Qian didn't want to offend his aunt, but she looked at him and said:    


"Zhang Qian, do you work now?"    


Because she was talking to a member of the younger generation, Wu Xin had a slight smile on her face, but her expression was not as serious.    


Zhang Qian felt a little more relaxed and said, "Yes, my dad opened a small electrical shop. After I finished high school, I couldn't get into university, so I came out to help him."    


"It's pretty good, it's good as long as you can support yourself." Wu Xin nodded.    


Zhang Qian said cleverly, "Aunt, how about we have dinner together tonight? I'll go inform Third Aunt's family. How about that?"    


Since it was already 4: 30, he had to get ready for dinner, Zhang Qian thought.    


"Alright." Wu Xin didn't say anything else.    


Seeing that she agreed, Zhang Qian said, "Then I'll go inform Third Aunt's family and wait for you at the dining area. I'll send the information to my cousin when the time comes.    


Cousin, is your calling Chinese Han Xian? If so, I'll just send you the address. "    


Liang Ying nodded. Thus, Zhang Qian agreed to leave.    


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