The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C266 The Secrets of the Heavens must Not be Revealed

C266 The Secrets of the Heavens must Not be Revealed



Li Meng finally broke down all her emotions. These few days, she had never let herself cry out loud. She did not want to turn herself into a pitiful person. She did not want to make herself look like a mess. From the moment the child was born until now, she hadn't even looked at it. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to take it. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to take it. She wasn't even sure if this child really had a future.    


"I know you don't like me. Actually, I don't really have a good impression of you either. But I still hope that you can get better soon. That child needs a mother. Only a mother's call and gentle touch can give him a stronger fighting spirit. We can't let the little darling down. Come on!" Li Xi quietly put the tissue aside. Perhaps this was the only thing she could do.    


"Li Xi, what are you doing?" Deng Rong who rushed in from the door roared angrily. Seeing her daughter cry like this, her heart was about to break.    


Wuwuwu -    


Li Meng felt even more aggrieved when she saw her mother crying. She sobbed so much that she could not even speak.    


"Jadeite, show me what kind of monster this woman is. If you have to accept her, just accept her for me. Otherwise, she will harm our family!" Deng Rong was so angry that her voice was trembling. Only then did Li Xi see the long-haired Daoist behind Deng Rong. Dressed in a coarse Daoist robe and a simple cloth bag, that pair of eagle-like eyes made people shiver.    


Li Xi could not help but put her hands on her lower abdomen, afraid that her child would be hurt. At that moment, a picture of a Daoist exorcising demons and catching ghosts flew out of her mind. She remembered that Hong Kong movies were very popular in the past. She did not know if she would be judged as a demon or demon, although she felt that she was quite normal. But what if she didn't know that there was a problem with her?    


That's not right!    


It was said that humans and ghosts were different. If she really had a problem, why would she have a baby with her husband? She couldn't just feel guilty. No one could use her entire life to talk nonsense.    


"Madam Li, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm just here to see her." Li Xi had already stood up from the chair as she spoke, "A person's emotions can only be vented out and it will not cause internal injuries. Crying is not a bad thing. Only after venting all the grief will one have a clear mind to think."    


"Don't say nice things here. Do you have such a good heart for us?" Deng Rong's eyes were still filled with disgust. If it was not for the fact that she was already hugged by her daughter... She really wanted to teach this arrogant girl a lesson. She actually gave her a lesson.    


Li Xi was speechless. She shook her head and went around the hospital bed. Since she did not like it, it was better to stay away from it.    


"Meeting is fate. I have a treasure here that I want to give to you. I hope that Young Mistress can accept it." Jadeite stood in front of Li Xi and took out a small wooden sword that was carved meticulously. It was only the size of a palm. However, it carried a delicate fragrance.    


"You will not receive rewards without merit. Besides, I don't believe in the words of monks and monks. We will never meet again!" Li Xi maintained a distance and avoided the Taoists. She did not want others to feel guilty.    


"How is it? Is there a problem with her?" Just as Li Xi walked out, Deng Rong impatiently opened her mouth.    


Jadeite shook his head and did not say anything, but there was a deep crease between his brows. The child that this woman was carrying was not simple.    


"Mom, I want to go and see the child." Li Meng looked up with teary eyes. She was no longer interested in the matter of priests.    


"Don't go. Mom is afraid that you will feel uncomfortable if you see it." Deng Rong covered her mouth and the tears at the corners of her eyes had already fallen.    


"That is my child. I want to be with him. I want to let him know that his mother loves him. His mother never thought of giving him up." Li Meng whimpered as she buried herself in her mother's arms. A child always needed this kind of embrace. She was already so old, but she was still like this, let alone the little life that had just left her mother's womb.    


"Okay, Mom will accompany you." Deng Rong patted her daughter's heart in pain, really hoping that all the disasters would be far away from her.    




In the kitchen, Lin Mi Mi had already cut the fruit on the chopping board into pieces. She did not expect Li Xi to suddenly appear and say those things. If Li Meng really changed her temperament from then on, then her efforts would be in vain.    


This stupid woman, didn't she know that these people were all eager to die earlier? They were still overflowing with love here. Were they really afraid that others would not have the chance to enjoy that man after living for a long time? Then don't blame her for fulfilling the wish of others to touch her man. She, Lin Mi Mi, had already become a devil the moment she stepped out of the valley. She did not mind stepping on blood to become a river!    


After walking out of the ward, Li Xi felt a lot more at ease. She didn't expect that this mother and daughter would be so long-winded. She didn't know where to get such a Taoist.    


"Young madam, please wait." Li Xi had only walked a few steps when she heard the sound behind her. Li Xi bit her lips and stopped. She did not know what kind of trick the Taoist was going to pull.    


"This is my business card. I hope that Young Madam can accept it." Jadeite handed over a business card with the Eight Trigrams Universe pattern with both hands.    


"Sorry, I am not interested in these things." Li Xi did not have the intention of accepting the business card. She always felt that this Taoist's things made people feel uneasy.    


"Young Madam should already be pregnant, right?" Daoist Jadeite had a calm expression.    


"How do you know?" Li Xi really could not stay calm anymore.    


"Young Madam's child is very expensive. It is definitely the life of a mother under the heavens." Jadeite felt that the Daoist was getting better and better. He looked like he was going to conquer the world.    


"Please, this is a socialist society now. The country belongs to everyone. Where does the mother of the world come from?" Li Xi rolled her eyes at the priest. He was also a liar.    


"The secrets of heaven cannot be leaked. Please take care of yourself, young madam. This child can guarantee you two years of peace and prosperity." The Taoist priest stuffed the business card into Li Xi's hands and bowed before turning around. His long hair fluttered and he felt like he had immortal bones.    


Jia Shi Zun?    


Li Xi really suspected that the Daoist had come up with this name by himself. Her mind immediately flashed with respect, but unfortunately, the image of the two of them was a bit different.    


"Even the Daoist nowadays uses mobile phones. What an outlandish way of doing things." Li Xi sighed with emotion and threw the business card into the rubbish bin. She did not want to be a mother to the world. Guarding a good home and living a happy life. It was good that she was healthy and safe until she died of old age.    


It was better to keep these things away from her. If that person really had the skills of His Honor, would he not be able to see through her problem?    


But how did he see that he was pregnant?    


Li Xi lowered her head and looked at her lower abdomen. It was clearly flat. Could it be that he was testing her?    


Li Xi came to a realization. Deng Rong's mother and daughter pair were really fierce. It seemed that she was still too heavy!    


[Da Bao sees it every day.] Today, I will try to update it a little more and ask everyone to support me in PK. Mmmmm! Mmh! Mmh! Mmh! Mmh!    


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