The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C252 The Aura She Wanted

C252 The Aura She Wanted

0"It's Young Master." Mother Wu ran over happily and quickly took off the necklace.    


"You are back." Li Xi sniffed and hugged him. Although it was only a few days, she still missed him the most.    


"It's good that Young Master is back. Otherwise, I am really worried that I will not be able to handle him tomorrow." Mother Wu was straightforward.    


"What's wrong?" Pei Jun Ting frowned. When he saw the chain on the door, he felt that something was not right.    


"Go wash your hands first. I will tell you after dinner." Li Xi held Pei Jun Ting's hand and went to the bathroom.    


"What happened?" Pei Jun Ting found it hard to calm down when he met a woman.    


"Do you remember the killer who took my pearl necklace last time?" Li Xi did not keep him in suspense. She washed her hands with Pei Jun Ting and told him about Zhou Zhuo Yun. And the man in black whom she met just now, naturally did not call him weird.    


Dinner basically became Li Xi's statement. Pei Jun Ting listened quietly. He would occasionally pick some food for Li Xi, but he didn't say anything.    


"Basically, this is the situation, so I'm afraid I have to go to the hotel to see this commander tomorrow. I'm not sure if this so-called commander is my grandfather." Putting down her chopsticks, Li Xi finished eating.    


"Xi'er." Pei Jun Ting held the woman's hand in his own. "I am very glad that you can tell me so much. I hope that you will think of me first no matter what happens in the future. Whether or not you need to hire someone like Zhou Zhuo Yun to work for you, I hope you can ask for my opinion first. "    


Pei Jun Ting's hand gently touched Li Xi's cheek. "Your husband can be relied on. I can help you realize everything you want."    


"You also know Zhou Zhuo Yun's ability. There has never been a problem before. I didn't expect that something would happen this time. I'm really nervous. If there really is a problem, how am I going to explain it to his family? " Li Xi also held the man's hand. She admitted that she still had some lingering fear.    


"Wife, this is not about the size of your ability. This is about whether you make your husband feel that he is needed. I hope that you can rely on me at any time." Pei Jun Ting very seriously explained his point of view.    


"You are not jealous, right?" Li Xi bit her lips and tilted her head.    


"You just found out." Pei Jun Ting gently scratched the woman's nose and pulled her up from the chair. "Such things are not allowed to happen again in the future. I have to take responsibility for everything that happened to you!"    


"Oh." Li Xi pursed her lips every day and then snuggled into the man's arms. He was still the most reliable.    


"Don't worry. I will accompany you to the hotel tomorrow. Nothing will happen." Pei Jun Ting also held the woman tightly in his arms.    


"Is everything going well over there?" Li Xi still cared about the funeral.    


"What's there to worry about if everything goes well when the person is dead? The chairman compensated the Jing family a sum of money. Not only did he pay back the funds from the previous stock purchase, but he also took out a portion of the money as a token of appreciation. The Jing family did not raise any objections. Second Brother had already followed the Jing family's parents back to their hometown with Jing Fei's ashes." Pei Junting held Lixi and went back to the bedroom.    


"I still can't figure out why she left just like that." Li Xi couldn't help but sigh.    


"The chairman suspected that Manager Feng did it. He also said that many things back then were done by Feng Yu. This was what Feng Yu said the other day when he wanted to kill him in the ICU. Therefore, the death of Manager Feng could be considered the retribution of the heavens." Pei Jun Ting's tone was indifferent as if all of this had nothing to do with him. Although those photos were all made by the butler.    


"Then who is taking care of Dad now?" Li Xi was not sure if Li Meng and the rest had returned to the villa.    


"Your sister went back to her mother's house. She always felt that the Fengshui in the Half Mountain Villa was not good. The chairman did not have any big problems now. There was someone called Lin Ma who was quite diligent. She is now in charge of taking care of the chairman." Pei Jun Ting took off his suit with a tired look on his face.    


"Go take a shower first. If you are tired, go to sleep early." Li Xi took the clothes from the man's hand.    


"I am not tired. I still have to accompany my wife on a stroll on the balcony." Pei Jun Ting had already pulled Li Xi to the balcony as he spoke. The sealed space did not feel cold at all. The glass roof made the entire space feel transparent. Looking at the Haihou Lake and the royal garden on the opposite side was also pleasing to the eye.    


"Are you really not tired?" Li Xi lightly grabbed the man's hand, not wanting him to force himself.    


"I have sorted out some information about the chairman these few days. It can be considered a combination of work and rest if I walk slowly with you now." Pei Jun Ting took the remote control from the short cabinet and turned on the stereo. The soft and comfortable music flowed smoothly. Li Xi's lips slightly curved up. That was the song she used for fetus tutoring. It was equivalent to a hypnotic tune.    


Li Xi was sleepy not long after she left that day. The man waited for her to fall asleep before he took a shower and went to the study. At the beginning of the new year, there were a lot of things that needed to be dealt with, be it HR or Alcohol. Men had to be clear about their accusations. Pei Jun Ting had always been strict. Documents that needed to be reviewed would never be sloppy.    


When Li Xi stretched her limbs and slept soundly, Pei Jun Ting practically fought all night in the study. He only carefully laid in bed at dawn and warmed up for a long time before he dared to pull the woman into his arms. After hugging her, he finally closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.    


Because Li Xi was addicted to sleeping, it was almost noon when Li Xi slept until she woke up naturally. After looking around but not seeing a shadow of a man, Li Xi knew that the man should have gone to work.    


Seeing the note on the pillow, Li Xi lazily sat up - I am going to the company to deal with some matters. At noon, I will come back to pick you up. After getting up, I need to eat something first and Mother Wu had already prepared it for you.    


After lightly kissing on the man's handwriting, Li Xi then put away the note and got off the bed. She did not seem to have any nervousness or worry in her heart anymore. Our mighty Pei Zi Yun is still the best!    


Breakfast was very simple. It was all done according to the nutrition needed. It was also the recipe that Yun gave. Li Xi's face had become much redder during this period of time. Pei Jun Ting only hoped that women could grow some flesh so that people would feel more at ease when they looked at them.    


He scooped out a black wool dress from the fitting room. It was adorned with a shiny wool sweater decorated with diamonds. He looked dignified and did not have any oppressive feeling. He picked up a pair of light gray boots from the shoe cabinet. The short heels looked more stable...    


This was the first time Li Xi had seen a so-called commander. Li Xi still hoped that she could have a certain aura.    


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