Evil CEO's Favorites

C138 Chapter 138

C138 Chapter 138

0Huanhuan … Huanhuan …    


This name repeatedly appeared in his mind, causing his heart to tremble and he didn't know what to do!    


His arms were tightly wrapped around his body, and on his indifferent face, there was a kind of pain that made him at a loss of what to do. What should I do to make Huanhuan love me more? "You can't leave me even more?"    


Lili sighed and opened her arms, holding Jun Ziyan gently as if he were a child. She had no children of her own. Amongst the three children in Jun Family, she had a feeling of empathy for Zichen, but towards Ziyan, she felt a deep regret.    


It was obviously a child who hadn't inherited the Jun Family and Blood Curse s, but he had an autism that no one else had. She still remembered when he was young, before meeting Xia Huanhuan. Every time she saw him, he would never take the initiative to speak, nor would he take the initiative to say anything. His empty eyes contained no light or spirit, just like the eyes of a dead man.    


It was as if the him back then was a lifeless doll, only knowing how to breathe and have a heartbeat.    


At that time, her heart was in intense shock and she felt an incomparable pain. She was just thinking about what she should do to make this child truly 'live' again.    


When Ziyan was 6 years old, she finally saw this child "come back to life". At that time, she knew about Xia Huanhuan's existence, and when she saw how small he was, constantly rubbing his face against Xia Huanhuan's photo while hugging the birthday present Xia Huanhuan gave him, she knew how much this child cared about Xia Huanhuan.    


It was only ten years ago that she discovered that this kind of care far exceeded her imagination.    


"Ziyan, what are you afraid of?" Jun Haixin asked gently.    


Fear... Actually, he had always been afraid … Jun Ziyan's body trembled slightly. This hug posture was similar to how his aunt hugged him 10 years ago. She kept shouting to him to support her and make him want to endure for Huanhuan. "Aunt, if Huanhuan finds out in the future that I was once …" Would she find me dirty? Would she not want me? "    


Or would she choose a cleaner man?    


Jun Haixin's heart shuddered, as if a heavy stone was pressed down on her chest. "That won't happen, if Huanhuan really loves you, she wouldn't turn her back on you, not to mention that you did it for her at that time! If you're afraid, let your aunt tell her everything? "    


Rather than hiding it like that, Jun Haixin understood that Xia Huanhuan was the only one who could truly solve Ziyan's problem. However, when she said this, his slightly trembling body suddenly started to tremble more and more violently.    


"Ziyan!" Jun Haixin shouted.    


Jun Ziyan's fingers grabbed onto Jun Haixin's wrist. His fingers were trembling violently, yet he held her wrist so tightly that his fingers were about to sink into her flesh.    


Jun Haixin held back her pain as she looked at Jun Ziyan raising his head. Fear was written all over his handsome face.    


"Aunt, don't tell Huanhuan. Don't say a single word to her. Please, please, please don't tell Huanhuan …" She had seen such an expression ten years ago, but now, she had seen it again.    


He, who had never begged anyone before, had begged again and again for Xia Huanhuan's sake!    


"Alright, Auntie agrees. But Ziyan, if you keep hiding it like this, will you really be happy?" "If I don't get rid of this knot in my heart, perhaps something bad will happen to me in the future," Jun Haixin thought worriedly.    


"It's possible!" He mumbled, his lips white, as if he were talking to her, as if he were talking to himself, "It must be all right... Huanhuan and I will always be together … "    


That was something that he'd dreamed of ever since he'd first met Huanhuan. Now, with great difficulty, it was about to become a reality. He would definitely not let this dream end!    


— —    


The night was dark and heavy. The light in the living room was still on. The bright yellow light made it seem like a layer of faint yellow gauze had been scattered over the floor, bringing with it a kind of hazy beauty.    


Huang Huahua was dozing off on the sofa in the living room when the door suddenly opened very quietly. Huang Huahua suddenly woke up from her years as a bodyguard. She was on full alert.    


However, when he saw the person who had entered the room, he immediately relaxed.    


"Third Young Master." Huang Huahua stood up and said respectfully.    


"What about her? Is she asleep?" Jun Ziyan walked into the living room slowly and asked.    


At this moment, it was already 2 in the morning.    


"Yes, Miss Xia is already asleep." Huang Huahua replied.    


Jun Ziyan stared fixedly at the bedroom door. He stood there like a wooden sculpture, not moving at all. Huang Huahua didn't say anything and just stood to the side. Time silently flowed by. Just when Huang Huahua thought that the man in front of her would stand up for an entire night, his footsteps finally moved.    


Step by step, the footsteps were extremely light, but every step made one feel extremely heavy.    


His long fingers pressed on the handle of the door, then Jun Ziyan gently opened the bedroom door and walked in. When Huang Huahua saw the bedroom door close again, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


Even though the Third Young Master had barely spoken, he gave her an extremely oppressive feeling, as if the current Third Young Master was in danger. If she accidentally provoked him, she might not be able to recover from it.    


Huang Huahua sat down on the sofa again, but this time, she didn't close her eyes to take a nap.    


In the bedroom, it was pitch black. Jun Ziyan didn't turn on the lights, and his night vision, which had been trained since he was young, allowed him to see a lot even in the dark.    


Walking to the bedside, he lowered his head and calmly looked at the person lying on the bed. She was sleeping, and only when she was asleep would he dare to look at her in such a manner.    


These past few days, he didn't even dare to come here in the daytime. He clearly wanted to see her every second, but he was afraid that if he did, she would open her mouth and say something he didn't want to hear.    


Leaning over, his hand lightly caressed her face, sliding across her face and eyes and resting on her lips.    


"Huanhuan …" We'll get married, we'll get married as scheduled, won't we? " He murmured to himself in the darkness. The only response he got was her gentle breathing.    


As if in a daze, he kept watching until she suddenly moaned, and then he abruptly retracted his hand.    


But suddenly she lifted her finger and caught the bracelet on his wrist.    


Then, as if sensing something, she suddenly opened her eyes.    


"Ziyan!" Xia Huanhuan shouted, her fingers tracing the bracelet and grabbing onto the familiar hand. Her slender fingers, distinct joints, and a slightly cold touch were reminding her of whose hand she was grabbing at this moment.    


The room was silent.    


Xia Huanhuan didn't loosen her grip on Jun Ziyan's hand while her other hand groped for the light switch on the bedside lamp.    




Her hand pressed on the switch, and in the next moment, a milky white light illuminated the originally dark room.    


Under the light, Xia Huanhuan finally saw Jun Ziyan, who was standing beside her bed. He was wearing a light gray trench coat, which made his face turn paler and paler. The pitch-black bangs of his hair fell on his forehead, and the light formed a shadow on his eyelids, making his expression seem even more dark and unfathomable.    


His eyes were half-lidded and his long eyelashes were like a fan, covering his eyes.    


Xia Huanhuan originally wanted to find Jun Ziyan desperately as she had a lot of things she wanted to say to him. However, when she really saw him, she didn't know where to start. She just tightly held his hand and stared at him.    



She only came back to her senses when she felt something strange in her hand.    


His hand...    


Xia Huanhuan lowered her head and abruptly flipped Jun Ziyan's right hand over. On the palm of his right hand, there were many small wounds, which were the wounds he had left that day when he broke his chopsticks!    


That day, because of what happened afterwards, she didn't have time to deal with his wounds. The next day, she was locked up in his apartment and didn't have a chance to see him again.    


But now, he didn't treat this wound at all!    


It had been three days!    


What about those chopsticks? It was still left in his palm?!    


"Why don't you take care of the wound? Don't you know that if this goes on, the wound might get worse? " she said.    


His eyes were still downcast and he didn't say a single word. He was like a wooden statue, allowing her to grab his hand and ask nonstop.    


Xia Huanhuan talked for a long time, but didn't see any reaction from Jun Ziyan. She simply got off the bed and quickly found a jacket to put on. Then she found a rubber band to tie up her hair and pulled his wrist, walking out of the bedroom.    


However, his feet seemed to be frozen in place.    


Xia Huanhuan sighed, walked back to Jun Ziyan and said, "You have to go to the hospital to treat the wound on your hand. Otherwise, those wooden thorns will still be stuck in your flesh and will often hurt."    


His body trembled slightly. "It doesn't matter." The three words floated out lightly from his mouth as if to tell her that it wouldn't matter even if his hand was crippled.    


"It doesn't matter to you, but to me, it's very important!" "Even if you don't like the hospital, you still have to go."    


His eyelashes slowly lifted as his pitch-black eyes finally met hers. "Huanhuan, even if my hand hurts and festers, I won't let you leave this apartment."    


Her body jolted, and she heard his voice in her ear. "You just stay here," she said lightly, "and on our wedding day, when we make an oath before God, I'll go with you wherever you want to go."    


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