Evil CEO's Favorites

C201 Chapter 201

C201 Chapter 201

0"Song Jun, help me cancel my trip tonight." Jun Zichen said lightly.    


The aide replied, "But tonight, we were supposed to be talking to the commissar."    


"Cancel it first. Change the date." Jun Zichen said.    


"Alright." Seeing that his superior insisted, the aide didn't say anything else. Just as he was about to go out and call about the rescheduling, he suddenly heard Jun Zichen's voice from behind him.    


"Do you know what you need to do to make someone love you more?"    


"What?" The aide was stunned. He turned around to look at his superior, unable to believe what he had just heard. General Jun... Did he want someone's love?    


"Nothing, just go out." Jun Zichen was slightly surprised, then he picked up another document on the table and started flipping through it.    


The moment the aide walked out of the room, the news that was spread online a few days ago suddenly flashed through his mind. He had also seen that video before and recognized the woman standing with Jun Zichen, eating a chocolate bar. It was the woman that Jun Zichen had hugged in the People's Square before.    


So, the general is really in love? And the object of that love should be that woman!    


Then the hidden meaning behind those words just now was that General Jun felt that woman did not love him enough? The aide laughed, laughing at himself for thinking too much. How could this be possible? That woman would probably fly into the air out of joy if she was able to obtain the talent of the Emperor. How could she not love her enough?    


The aide-de-camp was busy making a call to inform him about the change of itinerary. In the room, Jun Zichen's gaze was on the document, but all he could think about was Lu Xiaorong's face.    


"As expected, am I possessed?" He mumbled to himself. What responded to him was only the quiet, flowing air.    


— —    


Jun Zichen came to pick Lu Xiaorong up at around 5: 40. Lu Xiaorong rushed out of the company building almost as soon as she got off work and ran to the parking lot.    


Jun Zichen's car was easy to recognize. Plus, Lu Xiaorong already knew his license plate by heart, so when she saw the car, she ran to it, opened the car door and climbed in.    


His movements were swift and fluid, as if he had completed the task in one go.    


"Did you wait long?" she asked smoothly.    


"Fortunately, it didn't take long." "Where do you want to go for dinner later?" "I don't know," she said.    


"How about it being simpler? Otherwise, we won't be able to make it to the beginning of the concert." Lu Xiaorong said. Although the concert starts at 7 o'clock, it usually begins earlier.    


"Alright." He start the car and pull out of the parking lot    


It was almost half past six when the car pulled up in front of the gym where the concert was held. Lu Xiaorong pondered for a moment, then bought two bottles of mineral water and two big meat buns from a nearby store.    


Fortunately, Jun Zichen didn't mind. He took the meat bun from Lu Xiaorong and ate it with the water.    


Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but sigh when she saw how the other party was eating the meat buns. Indeed, since they were young, they had lived in different environments. Some people were even able to eat meat buns as gracefully as French food.    


Perhaps it was because she had been blankly staring at him for such a long time that he raised his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing." She came back to her senses and quickly said, "I just thought you looked pretty good when you ate." Lu Xiaorong had also seen Jun Ziyan eat in detail before, and she couldn't deny that when the two Jun Family brothers ate, their actions were rather noble. However, Jun Zichen's movements were more casual, while Jun Ziyan gave people a mechanical feeling of precision, as if he was a model of a standard posture.    


"Looks good?" He raised his eyebrows.    


"Yes." She nodded. "Have families like yours learned all sorts of etiquette from a young age?" she asked curiously.    


"Right, when we are young, there will be some professional teachers who will teach us." he replied.    


"Then would your family have many rules?" She suddenly started to worry. After all, she had been a civilian since she was young. At most, she would be able to learn all sorts of things, eat western cuisine, or at most cut steak and the like. If she was allowed to eat French cuisine, she would definitely make a lot of jokes.    


"Rules vary from person to person." He could naturally tell what she was worried about, "Don't worry, as long as I decide, no one else in Jun Family will complain about it."    


"Really?" She was still a little worried.    


He nodded, and his finger gently wiped away the bits of flesh around the corner of her lips. "Because …" "You are someone I found with great difficulty." He was also someone who could save his life.    


Not only did it cause the pain in his body to subside, it also allowed him to understand what the emptiness in his body was all along.    


This emptiness, no matter how much money, power, and honor he used to fill it, was not only filled. Only she could satisfy him.    


Lu Xiaorong blushed. She quickly finished the steamed bun in her hands and took a big gulp of water. "The concert is about to start. Let's hurry up and go in. Otherwise, it'll be troublesome to find a seat after we enter the venue."    


"Then let's go." He had no objections and held her hand as they walked towards the entrance.    


Lu Xiaorong was slightly stunned. To be honest, she had done KISS with Jun Zichen and went to bed with him as if they had done everything that needed to be done between a man and a woman and their relationship was already incomparably close. But now, she noticed that the number of times they held hands was actually not much. The longest time he held her hand was when she went to his seaside villa at the full moon. He even held her hand when they ate.    


Other than that, the two of them didn't seem to be holding hands when they were outside.    


But now, she found, she liked the feeling of holding hands. His hands were wide, as if they could wrap around her hands completely.    


"There will be more people in a moment. Remember to hold my hand. Don't let go." Jun Zichen said to Lu Xiaorong.    


This was the feeling of being protected, she thought, just like the last time when he had pushed his way through the crowd at the mall, pulling her into his arms and using his body to help her block the person who might run into her.    


Lu Xiaorong made a practical action by holding Jun Zichen's hand even more tightly and then smiled at him, "En, I will definitely not let go."    


He seemed to be infected with her smile, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his lips.    


There were many people who came to watch the concert, even though there were many security guards maintaining order. There were even some police officers commanding the nearby roads to prevent traffic from becoming too heavy during this period of time.    


However the closer it got to 7, the more people there were. Lu Xiaorong held Jun Zichen's hand and pressed the seat number on the ticket to find it. Although it was a gift ticket, these two seating numbers were still excellent. They were placed in the middle of the third row and could be seen clearly on the stage. Yellow Ox had already made a lot of money to buy the tickets. Lu Xiaorong had looked up them on the internet, and they had already been sold for more than 6,000 yuan. Surprisingly, there were actually quite a number of people fighting to buy the tickets.    


"This is the first time I've seen a concert. I've come across such a great position." she said somewhat excitedly. If it was from this position, he should be able to see that person even more clearly after a while …    


"Then when you used to watch concerts, what would you buy?" Jun Zichen asked.    


"Well, the outermost." She half turned, pointing to the outermost corner, "Usually that kind of place, because the tickets are cheaper. However, even though the tickets are cheap, there are actually more people stealing the tickets. "    


"It's almost impossible to see the stage from such a position. Is there still any point in watching the concert like this?" He was obviously confused.    


"Many people watch the concert to actually feel the atmosphere." At least for her, it's like this. However, she had another reason compared to the others, "If you really want to see clearly, more people will choose to buy a CD or look for related videos online. After all, this kind of expense is much cheaper than the cost of a concert ticket!" You know what? When I wasn't working, I usually had to spend half a month on a concert ticket. "    


"In the future, you won't have to work so hard. When the time comes, I'll help you with whatever concert you want to see, what you want to buy, and what you want to achieve."    



His voice was so low and yet so powerful, and this sentence was as if he was telling her that he would protect her for the rest of his life.    


Her heart skipped a beat, and for some reason, she felt sour inside. Trying to sniff, she smiled at him. "Okay, I'll tell you when the time comes. In fact, I think, I was very lucky, although in junior high school, the accident let my parents leave me, and afterwards... But my uncle took me in, and my aunt treated me like the same person as her cousin. I want to go to college, go to graduate school, and my uncle paid for me without a second word. He never said he wanted me to pay them back a cent in the future.    


Lu Xiaorong had never said these words to anyone before, but now, she was naturally saying them to Jun Zichen.    


"I told myself that in the future, I would have to properly filial them and let them live a good life. I would let them feel gratified that they did not raise a daughter like me for no reason." As she continued to speak, her soft voice was in stark contrast to the surrounding noise.    


He quietly listened to her narration. When he first met her and found out that he was her Predestine, her openness and directness made him slightly surprised when he obtained her information. Her optimism and determination made him almost unable to feel that she had actually experienced the pain of losing her parents.    


There had to be a contribution from her uncle and aunt as well. They had taken care to accept her, raised her, and made her so beautiful.    


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