Evil CEO's Favorites

C23 Chapter 23

C23 Chapter 23

0She was accepting him, she was willing to associate with him!    


This fact made him ecstatic, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling. "Huanhuan, I'm so happy! I'm so happy!" He kept talking.    


She buried her face in his embrace and suddenly felt relieved. Her tensed nerves relaxed at this moment. She didn't know if she would regret this decision in the future, but right now, she wanted to see him happy.    


Jun Ziyan drove Xia Huanhuan back to the school.    


Xia Huanhuan unfastened her seat belt and was about to get off, but was stopped by Jun Ziyan.    


He leaned over, his face close to hers. Stunned, she tried to lean back out of habit, but his hands held her shoulders.    


Her thin lips slowly moved closer to her. "Huanhuan, accept me." he whispered.    


She stared blankly for a moment, but in the end, she did not move. She watched as his lips grew closer and closer, until they pressed down on her lips.    


He was kissing her, gently, gently, like the spring breeze blowing against her face. He just pressed his lips to hers without making any other movements.    


It was as if they were trying to feel each other's temperature.    


Xia Huanhuan stood unmoving, her hands gripping the hem of her skirt. It was the first time she had really accepted his kiss in peace. Even if she said so herself, she would date him. However, it was obvious that she hadn't really gotten used to kissing yet.    


After an unknown amount of time, he finally ended this kiss.    


"You didn't push me away." He smiled and rubbed his fingers lightly over her lips.    


She blushed. "I'm going back to school. Be careful." After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car.    


Due to the photos being spread online, Xia Huanhuan was afraid that if Jun Ziyan appeared in front of the school gate and was recognized by the sharp-eyed students, it would be even more troublesome, so she made Jun Ziyan park his car a little further away from the school.    


After watching Jun Ziyan drive away, Xia Huanhuan walked step by step towards the school.    


Suddenly, two beams of light hit her face. Xia Huanhuan instinctively raised her hand to block the light, but could only vaguely make out the headlights of a car parked not far ahead.    


Strangely enough, the car had neither started nor turned off its lights, and the light continued to fall on her.    


The light was harsh and painful.    


Xia Huanhuan shifted her body to the side to avoid the intense light. However, her eyes had become blurry when they were hit by it. Thus, she could only stand there with her head lowered, slowly staring at her vision as it recovered.    


Suddenly she felt as if the headlights had been turned off, and then the sound of a car door opening and the sound of shoes on the ground.    


When his eyes were closed, his hearing was even more sensitive.    


The footsteps stopped in front of her, and even with her eyes closed, she could feel someone standing in front of her.    


That person didn't say anything. He just stood in front of her.    


Who is it? Who was standing in front of her?    


She raised her head and slowly opened her eyes.    


With a handsome face and starry eyes and sword-like eyebrows, standing under the moonlight, his entire body was exuding an elegant aura. Such a person was undoubtedly like a prince in a fairy tale, causing one's heart to palpitate with eagerness.    


At this moment, there were some traces of haze in that elegance.    


It was Ye Nanqing!    


Xia Huanhuan looked at the person in front of her in surprise. It was as if she didn't expect Ye Nanqing to call her all of a sudden, and now, he was standing right in front of her.    


He stood silently before her, his eyes fixed on her.    


She felt uncomfortable from his gaze, so she cleared her throat and asked, "What's the matter?"    


"It seems like not much time has passed since I last saw you." Ye Nanqing said.    


"What are you trying to say?" she asked, frowning.    


"Remember what I said? It's best if you don't get involved with Jun Ziyan. " he said.    


Xia Huanhuan suddenly had the urge to laugh. "Whether he and I are related or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." After saying that, he went straight past Ye Nanqing.    


"So, the reason you're not coming back to me is also because of Jun Ziyan?" His voice rang out coldly from behind her.    


She suddenly thought of the day. Jun Ziyan had asked her if he didn't want to say the word "okay" because of Ye Nanqing, but now Ye Nanqing was asking her a similar question.    


Taking a deep breath, she turned around. "Yes."    


This simple reply pierced his eardrums. His expression darkened as his fingers closed together, and his fingernails sunk into his palms.    


"So, you're willing to let him kiss you?"    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment before she reacted. "You saw it?" From where Ye Nanqing's car was parked, it was indeed possible to see the situation with Jun Ziyan in the car just now.    


"Whether I am willing or not has nothing to do with you, Mr. Ye." Xia Huanhuan said.    


It had nothing to do with him! These two words, coming out of her mouth, were like needles stabbing at every nerve in his body.    


"Whether or not it is unrelated, we will know after a try!" he said coldly, hurrying toward her.    


What do you mean?    


Before Xia Huanhuan could react, Ye Nanqing had already walked in front of her again. One of his hands was around her waist, while the other hand was around her lower jaw. He lowered his head and fiercely kissed her lips.    


Unlike Jun Ziyan's kiss just now, Ye Nanqing's kiss was now violent and violent, as if he wanted to prove something and punish it at the same time.    


Xia Huanhuan struggled, wanting to push Ye Nanqing away, but the more she struggled, the more violent his actions became.    


Her jaw was clenched between his fingers, and she cried out in pain. And his tongue, at the same time, pried open her teeth and squeezed into her mouth.    


So uncomfortable … Such a kiss was tyrannical and forceful, as if it wanted to take away everything from her! Her mouth was full of his breath, and his tongue brushed every inch of her mouth, making it impossible for her to avoid it.    



Her mouth was half open, and saliva was trickling down the corners.    


Don't... Don't do that!    


She abruptly closed her eyes and bit down on her teeth …    


Instantly, his mouth was filled with the taste of blood. That was — his blood!    


He stopped, but his tongue did not leave her mouth. He still continued to kiss her, and their lips were still tightly pressed together.    


His breath splashed on her face, and after a brief pause there was an even stronger kiss, forcing her to swallow each other's saliva and — his blood.    


It was simply … Crazy!    


When Ye Nanqing finally ended this kiss, Xia Huanhuan felt that her tongue and lips had almost lost their feeling.    


"Why didn't you bite it a second time?" Under the moonlight, Ye Nanqing's lips curled up into a beautiful curve as he asked in a low voice. It was as if he didn't care that his tongue had been bitten off by Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan glared at Ye Nanqing and pursed her lips, not saying a word. It turned out biting off a person's tongue wasn't as easy as it was in the TV series. When the teeth came in contact with the other person's tongue, and the smell of blood spread through her mouth, her entire body trembled.    


He didn't seem to want an answer, either. He bent down and brought his face close to hers again, then used the tip of his bloody tongue to lightly lick the silver strands that were leaking from the corners of her lips.    


"Xia Huanhuan, you still have feelings for me." he said.    


Her body couldn't help but tremble again. Did you feel it? No, no!    


She jerked her head away, away from his tongue.    


His expression changed, and he lowered his head for the third time …    




Her slap landed directly on his face. The crisp applause, in the darkness, was so obvious.    


All the passersby cast sidelong glances in their direction.    


Ye Nanqing tilted his head like a statue and didn't move at all. Since he was young, the number of times he had received a slap was not many. Ever since he was 12 years old, he had never been slapped again.    


But now … This woman that he wanted so desperately, she actually gave him a slap on the face.    


Time seemed to have stopped.    


His eyes were half closed, as if he was thinking about something. She was panting, and felt a burning sensation on her palm.    


After a long while, he placed his hand on his left cheek, where she had previously punched him.    


"So it was this painful to be hit by you." But he couldn't tell if it was his face or his heart that was in pain.    


"Mr. Ye, if you do this to me recklessly next time, I will beat you up and even warn you about sexual harassment. I think the CEO of Sihai Group wouldn't want it to appear on the news page as a result of this, right?"    


She spoke in a single breath.    


His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. "Are you threatening me?"    


"You think so." she replied.    


He suddenly sneered and stared at her. "Xia Huanhuan, what right do you have to threaten me?! It was you who first bumped into me, and it was you who first grabbed my hand! If you hadn't provoked me, I wouldn't be in pain right now! "    


At that time, in the crowded crowd, when she was pushed into his arms, when she took his hand and said, "Let's squeeze out together." At that moment, he had a kind of trance.    


Then, as if out of nowhere, he pushed his way through the crowd with her, leaving the event in the background, and followed her to the vending machine, where she fished in her pocket for coins and bought two bottles of Coke.    


"My name is Xia Huanhuan, what about you?" She laughed heartily and tossed one of the bottles to him.    


It had been many years since he'd had such a cheap drink, but at this moment, he opened his mouth and drank with her.    


"Ye Nanqing." He told her his name, but she acted as if she had only heard an extremely ordinary name and didn't know what his identity was.    


Her smile made him feel as if he had returned to the past, as if he was looking at someone.    


He wanted to possess this kind of smile. After all these years, other than Sihai Group, he had once again developed the emotion of "wanting".    


"Xia Huanhuan, you provoked me first!" Ye Nanqing growled.    


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