Evil CEO's Favorites

C20 Chapter 20

C20 Chapter 20

0Far away... Maybe she shouldn't have stayed in B City after graduation at all. Maybe it would have been better to go home. Xia Huanhuan thought in a somewhat contradictory manner. However, on the second day, she still went to the company that she had previously interviewed for the second round of examinations.    


The second round of examinations was simpler than she had imagined. It was nothing more than some recognition of the positions they were applying for and their salary and so on.    


When Xia Huanhuan told the interview manager about her ideal treatment, the other side still had a serious expression and said, "Okay, Miss Xia. If the company accepts you, we'll let you know by phone."    


In other words, he wanted her to go back and wait for news. When Xia Huanhuan walked out of the interview room and was about to leave, she found a few female employees looking at her while muttering.    


"It seems to be her. She looks very similar."    


"That's unlikely. If it's really her, how could she come to our small company for an interview!"    


"You'll know when you ask."    


Xia Huanhuan was a little confused when she heard their conversation. However, as she passed by those people, she suddenly saw an open computer on her desk and was stunned.    


She stopped in her tracks and stared at a picture on the computer screen of a man and a woman sleeping in each other's arms in the car.    


In the photo, the man's head was resting on the woman's shoulder, his right hand and the woman's left. The entire picture was taken through the window. The refraction of light from the window made the two of them look peaceful and warm.    


This was a picture of her and Jun Ziyan!    


Xia Huanhuan never thought that the photos of her and Jun Ziyan would be posted online. When she walked out of the building, she took out her cell phone from her bag and started searching online.    


In just a few moments, she had found the photo that she had seen on the computer screen.    


In the beginning, the photo only belonged to someone who posted a reply to a post revealing the sleeping faces of a couple, but he was lucky enough to survive. The man in the photo was the third young master of Jun Family, and the current master of Jun's Group, Liu Siwei.    


As a result, an ordinary photo suddenly became popular. Many people were trying to guess the identity of the woman in the photo. With the current status of the internet, it would only take a few days for Xia Huanhuan's information to be found.    


There was even a post with the title of "The Third Young Master of the Jun Family and the mysterious woman's secret affair" written on it.    


Xia Huanhuan felt that her lips were dry and her mind a mess. Only when a palm touched her cheek and a cold voice rang out lightly on the top of her head did she turn around.    


"What's wrong?" Jun Ziyan stood in front of Xia Huanhuan, casting a shadow over most of her body.    


Xia Huanhuan slowly raised her head and looked at the person in front of her. His handsome face and exquisite facial features were exactly the same as the person in the photo, except that one of them had his eyes open while the other one had his eyes closed.    


"You … Why are we here? " she said, her throat dry.    


"Waiting for you."    


"You knew I was going to interview today?"    


"Got it." It was as if those two words could explain everything.    


"What were you looking at just now? Why is your face so ugly?" he asked, glancing at the phone in her hand.    


She wanted to put away her phone, but it was too late. He had already taken the phone from her hand and was looking at the photo on the phone.    


"Is that why you're so pale?" After a moment, Jun Ziyan raised his eyes and asked Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan bit her lips and said, "I wonder who took the photos and posted them online." If she were to be seen by her classmates and teachers who knew her well, all sorts of rumors and rumors would probably spread through the whole campus.    


Although Jun Ziyan had come to her school a few times before, due to him rarely appearing in the various media outlets, no one in the school recognized that he was the third young master of Jun Family. But now …    


"Do you mind?"    


"Of course I do."    


"Why should I mind?" His voice was cold and indifferent.    


She was startled, but then she saw him suddenly lean over, his face close to hers. Instinctively, she stepped back, but his right hand held her waist.    


"You … "What?" she asked nervously.    


His face was so close to hers that she could easily see herself in his eyes.    


"It's just a picture. So what if it was posted online? Isn't it perfectly normal for us to be seeing each other, to have pictures like that? " When he said this, his tone was cold and his expression was cold.    


She held her breath as she heard his voice — —    


"Or do you want no one to see it?"    


She opened her mouth, but another face suddenly appeared in her mind. It was that of a seemingly elegant and gentle man, but actually that of a cold and arrogant man …    


Ye Nanqing... Would he see it too? He shouldn't be interested in seeing the photos that were spread through these kinds of gossip forums, but … What if he did see it? How would they react?    


"Do not fall for Jun Ziyan!"    


These were the words Ye Nanqing said to her, as if it was a warning.    


Xia Huanhuan was lost in thought while Jun Ziyan stared at the person in front of her. Although her eyes were on him, her focus was not on him.    


What was she thinking?    


Thinking of her? Or was he thinking about someone else?    


When he thought of another possibility, it was as if something had blocked his chest, making it difficult for him to even breathe.    


With a slight pull of his arm, he pulled her into his arms.    


"Huanhuan, I don't care who you used to like or love before, but now, the person you're dating is me. You can think of someone you can love and only think of me!"    


She was stunned, only to feel a dull ache in her back. He held her so tightly that she couldn't even struggle.    


"Let go of me first." she said.    


"Say 'good'." He continued to hold her. "I want to hear you say yes." He wanted her to answer, to promise, to promise to think only of him, to love only of him.    


She hesitated, a simple "good" word, but there was no easy way to say it.    



His body slowly straightened. After a long time, he finally loosened his embrace bit by bit. "You don't want to?" His gaze was fixed on her, and she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.    


All the pores on his body seemed to have been opened at that instant, and waves of chilliness assaulted his body. "I …" She had only said one word when the phone's ringtone suddenly rang.    


Xia Huanhuan shuddered. That was her cell phone's ringtone, but at this moment, it was still in Jun Ziyan's hand.    


"Let me answer the phone." she said, trying to get her cell phone from his hand.    


However, he was still holding the phone and didn't have any intention of returning it to her. As for his line of sight, he was looking at the caller ID.    


It was a cell phone number with no name. However, that familiar number caused Xia Huanhuan to be stunned on the spot.    


It was — Ye Nanqing's number!    


Even though she had already deleted Ye Nanqing's number from her phone's contact list, she still remembered this number. After all, she had once memorized this number.    


People's memories are always so strange. When you want to forget, you may not forget, but when you want to remember, you may not remember.    


"Give me your phone." Xia Huanhuan said, reaching out her hand towards Jun Ziyan's left hand that was holding the phone.    


However, Jun Ziyan raised his arm and dodged Xia Huanhuan's hand.    


"Whose number is it?" he asked.    


"No …" "I know." She avoided his gaze somewhat guiltily.    


"Is that so?" He half-lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes covering the expression in his eyes. "Then once I get through, I'll naturally know who it is."    


"What?!" She was stunned, and before she could react, his fingers pressed the answer button.    


Jun Ziyan put the phone close to his ear and listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, "Xia Huanhuan …"    


It was a man's voice, and this voice... He had heard of it!    


Mo Lian's eyes became darker. Jun Ziyan stared at Xia Huanhuan, and slowly spat out three words, "Ye — — Nan — Qing!"    


After hanging up, Wu Tie pursed his lips and stared coldly at the phone in his hand. Never would he have thought that when he dialed the number, the person who answered would be Jun Ziyan.    


Or rather, he simply refused to think of this possibility!    


He held the phone in his hand, getting closer and closer until the veins on the back of his hand continuously popped out.    


In front of him was a computer. The webpage was open and on it was a piece of gossip news. The image of a man and a woman snuggling together to sleep was shown on the news.    


"So …" Are you still going to get involved with Jun Ziyan? "Xia Huanhuan!" Wu Tie narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared fixedly at the photo.    


That was her sleeping visage. He had seen it many times three years ago, but now, he saw it on the internet. Furthermore, it was her snuggling close to another man.    


Was that man so trusting to her? Relax to be able to sleep so peacefully?    


What was that unbearable feeling in his body … The feeling of the densely packed needles stabbing into him nonstop, was it jealousy?!    


He was jealous of Jun Ziyan, jealous that this man could be so close to her!    


The cellphone slammed onto the computer, and in the quiet office, a clear sound of collision could be heard. Ye Nanqing straightened his body and raised his hand to cover his eyes. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, but his cold gaze was looking through the gaps of his fingers at the bright sun outside the window.    


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